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We don’t behave like that at the Tea Party in Madison Wisconsin. The only rude, crude, and classless behavior at the Tea Party rally in Madison was when all of the protesting leftists at the Madison capital decided to do a counter protest during the Tea Party rally…
A rather embarassing lot of individuals…

Excellent video. The GOP ought to run it abundantly next year during the general election.


Will be sending this out to all in my e-mail.

That clip proves the very stark difference, but, the leftists tried to early on compare the two groups, some idiots believed them because they believed the lies about the tea parties in the first place.

It was baffling that people could support that mess with a straight face and make lame excuses for that bunch after all that came out. Drugs, lice, rape, assault, theft, death and lies about it all; not anything like the tea parties, imho.

OWS exposed.
Proof that OWS even photoshopped in their big crowd!



Occupy Wall Street?? 99%?? Ummm.

Maybe all OWS is is less than 1%.

Proof that “The Doorknob and Chief” interprets through an upside-down prism!


It’s about pushing propaganda. Facts are actually a hinderance to the left.