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At last someone is willing to stand up and tell the truth about the slaves of the elite. These people are dependant on others because they have been told by the democratic party they are not smart enough or talented enough to make it on their own, therefore they should just go on welfare “but be sure to vote for me because I showed you how to get what you need and want without having to work for it”. So, after 3 or 4 generations on welfare, these people who have it ingrained in them on how to beat the system can now hear the truth that they do have talent, and they are smart enough to make an honest living by themselves. Good for Allen West for being a stand up guy and pointing out to millions of people how the democrats have used minorities (mostly blacks) for their own personal gain.

I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.

I have oftren talked to young black soldiers about this issue. They do not know they are still slaves! Thank you for sharing yet another wonderful insight into a major issue.

AMEN, FINALLY! I really like West. I sort of ruled him out as “not being able to win, too much of a longshot”, but who knows, stranger things have happend in politics. I wonder if it’s possible at this point to really rally those who have been so used. For the first time I’m in agreement with M. Walters, and also ask, why isn’t the big bus in the inner cities?

Now dare anyone take on the reality of black genocide?

The left will always point out that there are more whites on welfare than blacks (only by including Hispanics in with whites) but when it comes to talk about ending the system of generational welfare, people like Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, et al, they will jump up and down and scream how doing that would affect their people. Would it not affect the white they claim are the majority of welfare recipients? And why do they think that black Americans need the government to take care of them? Do they believe that blacks are less intelligent, less ambitious than whites?

But if you look at history, when the slaves were freed, the only thing they wanted was to be able to run their own lives, and have their children learn to read, write, vote and be able to create businesses that would give them a decent living. They asked nothing but freedom and the ability to succeed on their own merit. By the 1930’s almost all blacks, at least in the South, were Republicans, the party of Lincoln.

All that changed with FDR who used a “ward-boss” system to hand out jobs in agencies like the CCC. Blacks, who moved from the agrarian south and midwest, hit by the dust storms and drought, had to agree to register as a Democrat as a condition of being given a job, whether it was working for the CCC or building the TVA. Not only were they required to register as Democrats, they had to contribute to the Democrat Party and actually work in get-out-the-vote groups. Those who left the south and midwest remained in the Democrat enclaves of industry such as Chicago, Pittsburg and other large cities. So the nation’s black began to become more Democrat out of simple necessity.

Along came LBJ with his Great Society. The government became the provider and diminished the role of fathers in a culture that was known for its close families ties and strong religious beliefs. It was based on trying to fill the needs of those who were living on low wages, but it also sent a message of “You are owed”.

West, like Starr Parker, realizes that all these hand out programs have done nothing to improve the lives of black Americans but only served to keep them in a certain voting block by reducing personal responsibility. Parker’s book, Uncle Sam’s Plantation is a great read explaining how the welfare system hurts, not helps, black Americans.

I was listening to a talk show yesterday where the host was playing Maxine Water’s comments and saying how the welfare system has served only to destroy black families. A highly educated black man called into the show and immediately started with the “you only want to put chains on us, it is the white man’s fault that so many black families have a missing daddy, you have done nothing but try to hold us down” yada, yada, yada. #1, the man has never been in chains in his life and when asked if he was, he gave the story of how a white man sicced a dog on him, but didn’t explain why. He also admitted that he had attended a tony university as an affirmative action student but would not admit that policy also discriminates against other races in the process.

Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams have explained many times that the way out of the ghetto is through education. Black Americans are just as intelligent as any other racial group, but as long as they view themselves as victims from crimes of 150 years ago, they will continue to live as slaves on Uncle Sam’s Plantation.

@retire05: Well stated.

I am glad to see Col West do this. I found this video a while back . I love this video.

Well done Skook. West appears to be an unusually gifted human being. He has poise, calm and confidence. He addresses a most difficult perception with clarity and insight that I’ve rarely heard from any public figure. His common sense is a welcome and refreshing breath of energizing air.

His attitude and perception toward self actualization, and confidence, is worth bottling and distributing to every single classroom on this continent. This is what entrepreneurs are made of.

West radiates the kind of leadership that is sadly lacking at the Federal level.

“Good for Allen West for being a stand up guy and pointing out to millions of people how the democrats have used minorities (mostly blacks) for their own personal gain.” Great point Madalyn @#1!

Does any voting Liberal (mostly Blacks) ever think about this valid point? Or is it only the ‘Intelligent People’ like our Hero Col. Allen West?

@Coldwarrior57: Hey! Thanks for Sharing! Very Powerful video…. It is really such a shame that people like Col West, Herman Cain, and many other conservative blacks are treated badly… like they are “giving in” to something “bad”… these are the people the black community should be putting on a pedestal. Those that should not be on that pedestal are the Liberal/Progressive Obama’s, Al Sharpton’s, Maxine Waters, or the Jesse Jackson’s of the world …… “These” are the people who are using the black’s to their own advantage to gain and keep their status and “Wealth” ….

I hope the black community comes out of their 40 year slumber…. “God” helps those who help themselves (Not Obama or Government, Al or Jesse).


One has to wonder exactly why Ms. Garafalo believes this;

“[He’s] in this presidential race because he deflects the racism that is inherit in the Republican party, the conservative movement, the Tea Party certainly. [In] the last 30 years the Republican party has been moving more and more to the right, but also race-baiting more. Gay-baiting more. Religion-baiting more,” Garofalo said.

She also stated something to the effect of Mr. Cain having Stockholm syndrome. What do you think she’d say about Mr. West’s comments?

I don’t agree with him on everything, but he is a man of conviction. I wish we had more men like him.


She is mentally ill. I’ve seen some of her other rantings and her “comedy”. Clozapine stat!

@Hard Right:
Something has happened to her.
I was comparing photos of her early in her career as an actress (she was beautiful!) with now.
One major thing was her eyes.
They are way too wide open.
Like she’s shocked or frozen in fear or some other instinctual reaction where your eyes get really big.
I remember wondering if she had a substance abuse issue way back when she made the statement that, “this is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up.”

Isn’t that the words one uses about how they like their drinks?
Not a very common figure of speech.

For decades now a few, and I do mean a only a few professors, and other individuals have tried to educate and tell black people the chains they wear today were placed on them by their liberal masters, and only they have the key to free themselves now. But then those in public positions who attempted to speak the truth were shouted down as racists. And those who shouted the loudest were the likes of Maxine Waters, Sharpton, Jackson, and all the other familiar faces in our government and media. The so-called role models of the black community. Even the few blacks that stood up and tried to educate their own people were ostracized and ridiculed. Look what happened to Allen Keyes when he tried to say the same thing in his failed run for president. As a child I lived on the other side of the tracks in what they refrerred to as shanty town. Yet whenever I did go to school it was on the white side of town, in the whites only school. Our courthouse had different restrooms, and waterfountians, for blacks only. Blacks sat in the back of the bus, and po0r whites sat with them. My grandfather did an excellent job at explaining racism to me among many other issues as well. Yet here we are decades later and that evil monster called racism is practiced just as much if not more by our own government and their “special programs” and the politicians who see blacks and other minorities as potential votes to get them/keep them in office. Most of the outward signs of racism like the hateful signs are gone, yet most of the invisible behaviors that keep racism alive and doing well are thriving for both sides. Just another failed liberal policy that has created more societal problems for all of us.

@Gary G. Swenchonis: You have really said it like it is. Racism was being fazed out prior to Obama running for president, but the fuze has been lit on creating a new phase of racism. Before it was a matter of a few people (or groups) who were not educated enough or sensitive enough to understand that regardless of color on the outside, everyone’s blood is the same color inside. But, now we have a complete presidential administration who refuses to admit they are not always right, but instead throw out the “racist” word to try and one-up. That is so shameful that a black man who has the power to almost eradicate racism is instead advocating for it. I am ashamed of him.

@Madalyn: Thanks! And you were correct on how Obama had a golden opportunity handed to him on a silver plate, the opportunity to really kick the rear end of the monster we call racism. He could have been an excellent role model, but like you said he has instead set racism back by decades now. I knew where Obi stood on Gitmo, and the terrorists and disagreed with him. But I really had hopes that he could and would be willing to demonstrate that America was and is a land of equal opportunity for all, regardless of race. And not blame other people and places for his own failures. But the worst was hiding behind racism. It will be interesting to see how the history books will write about that issue.

Gary, we are writing history. We know the best way to learn what happened during events is to read first hand accounts and the opinions of those who lived through specific periods. That material was recorded in letters and personal notes. This stuff is much more powerful than personal letters and notes. With traditional writing, the actual evidence is usually lost or destroyed; our opinions and notes are being preserved forever in infinite quantities. The history rewriters will have a far more difficult time perverting the events with their revisions. Keep writing, it will make a difference and tend to keep the revisionists more truthful.

Skookum I hope your right, I really do. We all have a long battle ahead of us. But its posts like this one that you wrote that needs to be put out there time and time again. Like I stated earlier, I remember old Allen keys in a TV interview with fox talking this very subject and trying to wake more people of his own race up to how they are being used by the libdems back in 2000 I think. The libdems branded him an uncle Tom. And a stogie for the conservatives, just like they are doing with Cain right now. And the circle continues.

@Gary G. Swenchonis:

The libdems branded him an uncle Tom. And a stogie for the conservatives, just like they are doing with Cain right now. And the circle continues.

Gary, some people will remain stupid, no matter what you tell them. And liberal/progressives within the Democratic Party are counting on it.

I have been so disappointed by Obama’s use of race in politics.
It seems he has set race relations in the US back instead of forward.
A whole lot of white voters really did get their ”white guilt” heartstrings tugged into voting for him…..once.
But read these:
If this ”White House Insider” is anywhere near correct, race is going to play a huge role in Obama trying to win re-election.
While Allen West politely invites blacks off the Democrat Plantation, as H. Tubman realized, too many slaves do not recognize that they ARE slaves.
How can they leave when they don’t even know where they are?

@johngalt: unfortunately John your right. What simply amazing though is the complete inability of some people to really question their deep-seated beliefs, even when those beliefs have been shown to be inaccurate. The libdems are experts at twisting “truths” to fit their own selfish desires and beliefs. Take the term “liberal” it used to imply that an individual is open-minded to different beliefs and ideas, but today it holds a total different meaning. It now implies just the opposite, an extremely closed-minded individual who will go to any lengths to hide and distort the truth so he/she may continue to live in denial. The New Age Liberal is your perfect example of an oxymoron.

Remember when Bill Cosby was trying to wake up the black community with his talks about taking responsibility, getting an education, and being a good citizen, etc? He was publicly criticized by Sharpton, Jackson, Waters, etc. How sad is that? I am so ashamed by what is happening. Too many people with the ability to stop racism outright has instead used it for personal gain. President Obama, Eric Holder, Charlie Rangel are three people that come to mind who has the power to put a stop to racism, but instead is using it to try and one-up anyone who is doesn’t share their view. At this point, racism is running rampant with the approval of our government. I am sickened by it. I have black friends that think Obama is the greatest thing that ever happend to our country. I feel for them. They are living in a dream world, but there is nothing I could say or do that would change their way of thinking. I am so ashamed of our president.

@Skookum: You read my mind. I was going to leave another post. As far as his accomplishments, they say he has created healthcare for everyone (with no cost) ((HAHA)), and as far as everything else, including rise in gas prices, the 2 wars, he inheirited it from Bush. When I mention the “invasion” in Libya, they say they don’t know what I am talking about (selective menory). They use the Obama mantra “It’s Bush’s fault”. I gave up discussing politics with them. I have made it clear how I feel and we agreed not to get into any more heated discussions. My blood pressure couldn’t take it. So, there are some die-hard Obama fans who love him not because he is good for our country or is a leader, but because he is black and for no other reason. I find that pitiful. To me, that is racism. I saw on FB a picture of a sign in someone’s front yard that said “If you voted for Obama to prove you weren’t a racist, next time vote for someone else to prove you aren’t stupid”. I love it!

See Frances Rice. All of her columns are good, but this one lays it out in great detail.

@Former SSG: Good article.

@Madalyn: You are so right in your statement politicians/presidents use racism for political gain, which of course can lead to personal gain in wealth and ego. That is what is so sickening to me about black/white/brown politicians who prey on those who to vote for them out of ignorance, and decades old fears that people like Obi and crew use to their political advantage. Then we have the actually blacks who are outright racists and who help to confuse those who are not with their hate speech, and dire warnings that the evil white man/woman is out to keep the minorities under their boot heel. When in actually its the few racists blacks, whites, and the politicians who continue to pour millions of dollars into government programs that are designed to keep a number of minorities in poverty. I have had and still do democratic friends, family and liberal friends as well. in most cases there is not rational debating with them when it comes to political beliefs. They view me and others who believe in conservative values as the root of all evil. They have it in their heads that everything is the white persons fault. Period. That only whites engage in racism, and sexism. Their irrational thinking is supported by their main belief that problems, especially societal problems are always the fault of other people, places, and things. That is one reason why they hate black people like Keyes, Cain, Bachmann, and others so vehemently. Those individuals are walking, talking proof that their beliefs are in fact irrational.

@another vet:

She is the chair of the National Black Republicans Association – very pro-West, and and pro-Cain.

@Former SSG: Being a woman, I guess none of the “Reverends” will be able to call her an “Uncle Tom”.

@johngalt: @#10 – Johngalt – She is a far left loon, and as they go she would most assuredly throw out some Uncle Tom jabs and something despicable like Col West is just another ‘token’ for the Tea Party….or take your pick of any other vile Liberal rhetoric…but, “make sure it is without any facts whatsoever”… and see if it sticks.

She is a typical Liberal ‘projectionist’… who among the 2 party’s has brought up Racism at all ??…. and continues to do so – the Left/Liberals/Progressives….