Head of Obama’s Job Council adds jobs- in China [Reader Post]

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Back in January Barack Obama named the CEO of General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt, head of his Jobs Council.

In July, the head of the Obama Jobs Council announced that GE was moving its x-ray business to China. At least 65 new jobs for engineers were expected in addition to staff.

General Electric’s health-care unit is moving the headquarters of its x-ray business from Waukesha, Wisconsin to Beijing to gain from Chinese growth, according to Bloomberg.

The company said only a few of its top managers would move to China, and that it expects no job losses at its Wisconsin office, that has 120 employees. GE Healthcare will however hire 65 new engineers and other staff at the new Chengdu facility.

In 2010 GE sent 500 people into China to boost demand for its products.

Since he became CEO, Immelt has cut 34,000 jobs in the US while hiring 36,000 people abroad.

This is how Obama deals with unemployment.

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DrJ, a liberal state of mind is much like the ostrich’s with a heavy dose of Denial for added flavor.

Here’s more on that state of mind, . . . . Democrats in search of fairy tales.

. . . . A talented writer with the occasional good insight.

Jeffery Immelt is one of Obama’s few, very few, Republicans who supposedly has his ear.
What influence has Immelt had on Obama?
Has Obama taken even one word of advise from Immelt?
Isn’t Obama going on a tour to get input from business owners?

Or has Obama merely brought Immelt on board so his private business practices would get wider media attention.
Obama hates private business.
I wouldn’t put it past him.

Nan G, obviously Obama has had no influence on Immelt, as Immelt continues to outsource GE jobs. And as Obama promotes wind farms, Immelt closes down GE’s only windmill plant in the U.S. last June. I don’t think it is a cooincidence that Immelt went on a trip with Obama (on AF1) to other nations and wound up making contracts to off shore more jobs.

You have to first believe that Obama cares about jobs. He doesn’t. He cares about Cloward and Piven.


You have to first believe that Obama cares about jobs. He doesn’t. He cares about Cloward and Piven.

I totally agree with this, retir05.
I was just reading up on the latest Obama jobs joke: high speed trains.
CA (because of Obama) is planning on building high speed trains between Borden and Corcoran, CA at an original cost of (only) $7.1 Billion.
California has to break ground on the project by next year or they lose all the Obama Money ($3.5 billion).

But the cost is going up.

Now (with not an inch of track laid) the new adjusted cost is $2.9 billion to $6.8 billion more than originally estimated.

And why would people in Borden want to get to Corcoran?
Corcoran has fewer than 25,000 folks and is 175 miles orth of Los Angeles.
Borden has no population published but is in a county with 148,000 people.
It is 165 miles south of San Francisco.

Talk about a train to no where!

The already running air conditioned bus (which is computer/friendly) is faster and only cost $12 one way.
The train will have to cost at least $100 one way and will stop so many times it will take longer.

GE is doing exactly what the rest of corporate America has been doing for a long time now: boosting corporate profits by producing goods for the American market as cheaply as possible, utilizing foreign labor that will work for $200 a month.

Some Americans have gotten filthy rich by selling out the American worker and the American economy. It wasn’t Obama’s doing.


. . . . When one is strapped tightly and deeply in ignorance of all economic and political subtleties, or complexities, of a relationship between two large countries such as the U.S. and China, all one can do is resort to ideologically rooted apologies for vacant leadership.

Instead, how about asking questions such as why such a situation has arisen, and even more aptly, why such a situation prevails.

@Nan G: #4,

“And why would people in Borden want to get to Corcoran?”

Come on NanG, don’t you want those inmates to get to lock-up in Corcoran just a little faster? It’s got to be worth a few billion for that added little bit of peace of mind.

re: #6

Blaming everything that’s wrong on Barack Obama isn’t an ideologically rooted over-simplification?

The situation has arisen because there’s profit in it. It continues because there’s still profit in it, and because nothing has been done to change that.

Four million U.S. jobs gone overseas has benefited a small minority of Americans enormously, but that certainly hasn’t benefited the nation as a whole. Cheap foreign consumer goods have a hidden cost: American consumers with lessening amounts of money to consume with.


It wasn’t Obama’s doing.

A more correct statement would be, “It isn’t ALL Obama’s fault”.

When you consider the environmental activism that leads to greater costs to businesses, the governmental regulations that add to the cost of doing business, and the excessive taxation on American businesses compared to the rest of the world, it’s a wonder that there are any manufacturing jobs in America at all.

And all of the above is pushed by liberal/progressive viewpoints, from pols of both parties, on the country.


Do you expect companies to remain in business, and hold jobs here in the U.S., if there wasn’t profit to be made? Your comments seem to support a position that businesses should be made to keep jobs here in the U.S., even if they lose money in the process. Is that correct? Or am I mistaken?

@johngalt, #10:

I think there’s something wrong with manufacturing, trade, and taxation arrangements that make a few Americans rich, but suck wealth and vitality out of the U.S. economy. Corporations generally haven’t moved overseas because they were losing money. First they did so because it was a means to larger profits. Then, as overseas outsourcing expanded, it became necessary to compete effectively with overseas products. The dysfunction becomes self-reinforcing.


First they did so because it was a means to larger profits.

That comment right there shows your lack of understanding of the typical business practices the average company follows. It isn’t about larger profits, Greg, but simply the ability to maintain acceptable profits, by moving jobs overseas to (a) take advantage of lower wages, (b) take advantage of less regulations, (c) lower tax burden, (d) several lesser reasons.

You assume that the trigger to a company moving jobs overseas is greed. That is an uneducated opinion not based on fact.

@johngalt: Not to mention the policies allowing numerous Chinese engineering students to study in our colleges and universities while countless Chinese industrial espionage agents wander about collecting/stealing information.


I agree, and it isn’t just about China either. Whenever treaties or agreements are made with other countries, it seems like our politicians give away the farm, and it doesn’t matter which party the politicians belong to.

No duh! Buchanan warned us in ’92 about this, and in ’96.

Reap the whirlwind, Free Traders!

How helpful, creative and decisive is this? . . . . After finding his approval hitting new lows of 39%, dear leader goes golfing. Aaaahhh, so much stress. Being President is tough. No matter, golf it is.

Jobs? What jobs?


Four million U.S. jobs gone overseas has benefited a small minority of Americans enormously, but that certainly hasn’t benefited the nation as a whole. Cheap foreign consumer goods have a hidden cost: American consumers with lessening amounts of money to consume with.

People actually do benefit from this. The demand for low priced goods has driven demand for goods from China. And companies are merely meeting that demand.

No one HAS to shop at Walmart, but they do.

Who else is listening to Obama?
He’s live in Minn.
He repeated the claim that Warren Buffett pays the same tax rate than his secretary.
Warren Buffett’s salary is a mere $100,000/year from Berkshire Hathaway (according to the company’s most recent proxy statement).
But he has other income from them.

For his secretary to pay the 30% tax rate he claims she does, she must have a salary of $250,000.
So, she’s the highest paid receptionist in Omaha.
Her tax is $75,000/year.

What is Warren Buffett’s tax?
According to Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett’s whole income is be something like $50.3 million dollars.
30% of that is $15.1 million.

So, Buffett pays more than 200 TIMES his receptionist’s tax.
Berkshire Hathaway pays out no dividends.
Buffett likes to play that Berkshire Hathaway pays out $1 billion in dividends (for his scenario, however).

But suppose he isn’t just making crap up and actually took $300 million in dividends.
His tax would still amount to $10.8 million or about 144 times what his secretary pays.

Obama is full of crap and so is Buffett.
Buffet (and Obama, for that matter) can pay more than they do by simply utilizing four simple tax maximizing strategies:

1. Do not utilize itemized deductions.

According to the 2010 Obama personal tax filing, Barack and Michelle Obama claimed $373,289 in itemized deductions. Instead of claiming all these deductions, the Obamas could have simply selected to utilize the standard deduction ($11,400 for married couples), thereby boosting their taxable income by $361,889.

By utilizing this strategy, they could have paid an additional $126,661 in 2010 income taxes (utilizing a 35% marginal tax rate).

2. Do not place any money into deferred asset accounts including 401Ks, IRAs, Self-Employed 401Ks, SIMPLE or any other retirement type account.

In 2010, the Obamas contributed the maximum of $49,000 into a Self-Employed 401K. By utilizing this strategy, the Obamas successfully managed to avoid $17,150 in 2010 income taxes.

3. Do not recognize capital losses.

The Obamas managed to take the maximum capital tax loss deduction of $3,000 in 2010. If the Obamas had not recognized a long-term capital loss at some point in the past, they could have paid an additional $1,050 in 2010 federal taxes.

4. Do not utilize the Foreign Tax Credit.

Given that President Obama is hypercritical of U.S. multinational companies for holding assets overseas to avoid high U.S. corporate tax rates, it’s almost hypocritical of the president to utilize the Foreign Tax Credit on the individual Form 1040. But that is exactly what he did — to the tune of $22,215.

If the Obamas (not even rich like Buffett!) had utilized these four simple tax maximizing strategies, they could have paid an additional $167,076 in 2010 federal taxes.

johngalt, this youtube video is the best depiction of what it is like to debate Greg.


People actually do benefit from this. The demand for low priced goods has driven demand for goods from China. And companies are merely meeting that demand.

No one HAS to shop at Walmart, but they do.

People can easily be tempted into any number of behaviors that ultimately turn out to be very bad for them.

It is pretty obvious Obama is NOT listening to Jeffery Immelt…..

“The administration may also merge the Department of Commerce, the Office of the United States Trade Representative and some economic divisions at the State Department into a new agency, administration officials said. Possible names include the Department of Jobs or the Department of Competitiveness.”

I got a hint for Obama about creating infrastructure jobs.
It will never happen, Obama.
You cannot build a dam.
You cannot build a bridge.
You cannot build anything.
Not until you admit that American people are more important than fish.

A ”Department of Jobs” won’t fix your idiotic priorities.