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Last Night’s GOP Debate

Couple good examples from the GOP debate last night. The resident nutcase, Ron Paul, makes a fool of himself once again:


Santorum did well in describing the threat of Iran, Ron Paul….just a nut. As I’ve written about in years past, I like his economic ideas but the man is just a loser when it comes to foreign policy. No air force? WTF! Neither did al-Qaeda.

No way I would ever support the man because of his foreign policy beliefs.

Here Pawlenty and Bachmann go at each other a bit. Michelle handled herself well:

She also got this curious question by Byron York:

The Bible tells wives to be submissive to their husbands. If she were president, would that apply to Michele Bachmann?

In Thursday’s Republican debate in Iowa, the Minnesota congresswoman was asked if she would be submissive to her husband.

Bachmann, the only woman in the Republican presidential field, says she interprets “submission” to mean “respect.”

She said she respects her husband, calling him a “wonderful, godly man and a great father.” And she says he respects and loves her, too.

The question by conservative columnist Byron York drew boos from the audience.

I’m not so sure it should of been booed. On its face it seems like a petty “gotcha” kind of question but the issue is out there and she got to answer it, and did very well I think.

Skye put up her grades for the candidates:

Romney: A – He is riding his Golden Child status, that will change with Perry in the race.
Pawlenty C
Bachmann: A+
Santorum: B
Gingrich: B
Cain: D
Huntsman: F
Paul: F

Can’t dispute her scores much. Bachmann started out with a campaign slogan but got better as the debate went on and most definitely schooled Pawlenty every time he went after her. Cain was pretty much ignored. Santorum did pretty well. Romney? Hate to say it but out of this bunch he seems to be the most capable and ready to take over the White House. We’ll see once Perry gets in.

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