Hollywood Is Not Necessarily A Leftist Propaganda Center

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After the propaganda effort by the MSM to elect the empty suit called Obama, everyone is extremely suspicious of efforts to promote this man of no accomplishment. Thus when the White House gave Sony (a company that just hosted another fund raiser for the eternal campaigner) the supposed top secret details of the mission to assassinate Osama, the paranoia strikes deep; but seriously, is this president that ignorant to publicize top secret data on the wide screen to the world? I don’t think so

There is paranoia over Sony’s movie on Bin Laden; I am not sure it is worthy of our attention. Scheduled to be released a month before the presidential election, Conservatives are convinced it will be an attempt to cast Obama as a commander of commandos type role who couldn’t have been closer unless he was in the chopper and Liberals are hoping against common sense, it will portray the president in a positive light and will make the American public forget the failures of the past.

There are several factors within this dynamic that we as Conservatives and Liberals are ignoring. Propaganda films in the tradition of Goebbels are painfully obvious and laughable by standards of a literate viewer. The films of Michael Moore come to mind and they certainly swayed a segment of the cerebrally challenged, but now they have become cult films for those who are intrigued by the bald faced lies.

We are now comparing directors, Goebbels and Moore, they are considered caricatures of serious film directors. Robert Redford is a serious director who lets his political convictions overwhelm his artistic talent and his legacy will reflect his compromises.

Kathryn Bigelow is scheduled to direct the Bin Laden Film. She directed The Hurt Locker, if you recall there was no political motive expressed in that movie. It portrayed the characters who defuse the bombs in Iraq and she portrayed them in a manner that left the viewer breathless during the intense drama of the action scenes; at least I was breathing hard and my hands were shaking during those scenes. She did it, she showed us the men who do an unsung job and portrayed them as heroes. She didn’t promote the BS like the typical Hollywood Liberal of the Meryl Streep, Robert Redwood tradition of hating everything about America but the money.

In other words, she relied on artistic talent rather than Leftist rubbish to portray our heroes, a rare quality for our movie people.

She has a following and a name that can be developed. Do you really think she will jeopardize her future to make a propaganda movie for a failure like Obama.

A propaganda movie can also backfire on the Liberals and Obama leaving them shattered for decades. The world is not the naive place it was when Gore and Moore promoted their lies to the world.

I may be the only Conservative who feels this way, but I say let Bigelow make her movie. She, the Liberals, and Obama know the gamble of not portraying this mission accurately and the inevitable result of a propaganda movie becoming the laughingstock of the world.

There are many former service men and active military who will be watching this movie with the most critical eyes in the world. You aren’t going to fool these patriots. Let the cameras roll or should I say let the heads roll if you mess up.

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Hey, conservatives didn’t complain about the ABC mini-series “The Path to 9/11” being televised less than a month before the 2006 elections.

Hollywood has definitely been known to have a left leaning agenda. Good read



Most of us “conservatives” could care less how hard Sony attempts to save the Water Walker.

he’s toast.

The republican problem will be to agree among themselves on a candidate that a majority of voters will also consider to be a better choice than Obama. This will be difficult, because they’re at odds among themselves, and because they don’t seem to have a clue what a majority of voters are actually thinking.

And moonbats like you do know what Americans are thinking? Bwahahahahahahaha!

You meant OSama!

Thus when the White House gave Sony (a company that just hosted another fund raiser for the eternal campaigner) the supposed top secret details of the mission to assassinate Obama, the paranoia strikes deep; but seriously, is this president that ignorant to publicize top secret data on the wide screen to the world?

Anyway, there was a time when an “October Surprise” might shift an election, but now, with the web, I think it would have to be a very late in October surprise to work.

Any earlier than three or four days prior to the election and the web will be filled with debunkings.
And if Sony waits until Nov 28th or 29th it will be too late to help Obama.

So, October surprises are things of the past.

Hollywood’s leftist culture is still mighty strong, there are very few actors, writers and directors willing to “come out” as conservatives and face the ostracism from the majority there…I won’t hold my breath to see if the Osama raid movie comes out looking fair. Movie after movie portrays the military as mindless murderers without conscience or tools of big corporations. Look at Cameron and his animated Avatar…the marines in the movie were all too happy to raid and pillage to steal unobtanium…one example of many.

@kalashnikat, #7:

Probably the trauma of the McCarthy era Hollywood witch hunt and the blacklisting of anyone with too much integrity to name friends and coworkers left a certain anti-right predisposition.

Nan, thanks for the heads up. That Freudian Underwear has caught many of us.

Only losers need excuses, but I am traveling and writing as I stop for meals and now tires. Oregon is the best state to buy tires, no tax on tires. I am saving over three hundred on this set of tires. Eight hundred compared to five hundred, not bad if you plan your trip correctly.

Too bad McCarthy was proven to be right and you still can’t get your head around that Greg.


Foolish troll child. The opening of the KGB records after the fall of the Soviet Union proved that McCarthy was more right than he knew…there were so many paid soviet agents in the Government, (and in Hollywood) that it would have been difficult for the average reasonable person to believe…read about Venona project and the declassified soviet KGB files…how many nuclear scientists were bought out by the Soviets, government officials, actors, bureaucrats…

Read and grow wiser.

I’ve always wondered how the lefties keep associating SenatorMcCarthy with the Housecommittee on un-American activities that investigated Hollywood.

Then I wonder why they bother bring him up at all when the Verona documents not only proved he was right about communists in the State Department, but that he had underestimated the number of communists there.

Flipping channels the other day I saw some drivel on TCM, Dreyfus droning on about some guy who got “blacklisted”, something like, “while his wife was a member of the communist party that isn’t really what it appears to be. . . ” ROFLMAO. The brave leftists are communists to the bone, probably wept openly when the USSR failed and are too chicken s**t to admit it!

Hey Greggy,
Since you brought up “Path to 9/11” maybe you should read this article by the guy who made that film, it is interesting to see him compare and contrast this newest effort to his.


I’m not ”Greggy” but that was a great article.
Thanks so much for the link to it.
Looks like rules are made to be broken, by Obama.


Hey, conservatives didn’t complain about the ABC mini-series “The Path to 9/11″ being televised less than a month before the 2006 elections.

I guess you weren’t around back when….

Nice work Skook.

I’m with you, just for slightly different reasons. Regardless of the political bent of the producer, the timing of this film and the exclusivity of access are going to give the release of the Bin Laden raid video the nasty smell of self aggrandizement. (Ruh Ro – Cat’s out of the bag.)

Sausage might be a little like propaganda in that you don’t know how it was made or where it came from, but it sure tastes good. Kind of need the element of timing and popular taste to make it work.

But this movie, no matter how good the ingredients, will be permeated by that same rotten smell that says “enough about me, let’s talk about you? what do you think about me?”.

Like you, I just don’t think the voting class is going to be impressed enough to forgive the president AND give him a second chance. Everything and everything bad in the US right now has an sticker on it with an arrow pointing to that white house in DC. Almost like a Carter re-election remake, but adding cynical arrogance to the list of the guy’s many errors.

Regardless, I’m gonna go find The Hurt Locker and watch it for myself for the first time. Happy motoring!

Skook, while I well applaud your trust and confidence that common sense will prevail with this movie, the very far left leaning Hollywood politics are very powerful, and are exclusive, so IMHO, expectations aren’t high for that the middle ground will be maintained. Obama will be shown as a decisive leader of the free world. The White House went out of its way to prove that this was his shining moment, no matter what really occurred behind closed doors and who really pushed ahead with him kicking and screaming “don’t make me decide.” No surprise that a movie is being made of his supposed “shining moment.” Years from now, the truth will out, . . . if Leon Panetta and a couple around this table of events ever decide to write that truth. Some of the stories were downright sad, but consistent with inability to decide.

Disagreement with the Hollywood ideology of its power players, permanently cost jobs, careers and film funding.

We have witnessed rather extreme examples on the major network television programming where sitcoms and even shows like Law and Order take simplistic, yet serious stabs at conservative thinking, and nowhere is there any reaction.

Oh, and Skook, you’ve just pointed to a perfect example of a State which understands the benefits or reducing taxes. Everyone slides across that Oregon border if they can, to buy products without the tax burden that exists everywhere else. . . . Always feels good to get a good deal, particularly on big ticket items like tires.

Since I don’t really mind pounding on sanctimonious blowhards who rule the land of the Big Screen, and it’s not news that sexual abuse in Hollywood has been particularly present and rampant, with the “Fame” bate used and overused, here’s more fuel for that fire: ‘Paedophilia is Hollywood’s biggest problem,’- claim by former child star Corey Feldman

No mater how accurate she makes the movie the the lib media will spin the facts into a total distortion and the general lib population is to lazy to check for real facts and they will get another dose of the koolaid

well done, well thought ,and a good warning to AMERICANS to check their self security, when they go to
theaters to viewing that movie,
the WEB has shrunk the world distance and the haters are listening at the door,
they have vow revenge, and nobody will be safe around that movie stage or anywhere the movie will be play, too bad the good innocents might be hurt by the propaganda they need to boost their false
achievements, and they are desperate in need of it

Bees, self security, what a unique phrase for this age of networking. We must have self security or we will be led down a multitude of garden paths by snake charmers like Gore and Moore.

This is a tale of Gore and Moore
America’s cheap media whores
With diseased and strange morality
They profess a sanctimonious piety

They prey upon the slow and gullible
and fornicate upon their empty bubble
It is for power and greed, they create
To spread their primal fear and hate

Every string has a beginning and end
Those worn out media whores of sin
Have played their string of deception
We breathe easier less the corruption

If the movie is going to be in any way a reflection on what really transpired then the the fact that Joe Biden ignorantly let the world know it was the Navy Seals that pulled off the operation would have to be included. I’m deducing that Joe Biden is not going to be on the ticket to negate this embarrassing fact. Not that Omama doesn’t have enough to be embarrassed about.

@James Raider: I read that article, James.
Usually child molestors never rehabilitate.
So…..why on earth doesn’t Cory Feldman name the man who abused him?
Certainly this man, if he is still alive, is molesting other youngsters.
Pathetic how the cycle self-perpetuates.
Fame for youngsters is a deal with the devil.

@Nan G: #24,

Nan, it’s impossible to know his motivation, however, as you know victims are forever fearful and ashamed. Naming the perpetrator changes the energy around the crime totally for that victim.

My guess is that 9 out of 10 victims of rape never report it, much less point to their rapists. Those perpetrators go on to repeat the crime, and the victims still can’t bring themselves to “accuse.”

Skookum, I am not at all familiar with Kathryn Bigelow or her work but if you say she is an honorable person with high professional standards then that is good enough for me and I follow your logic. However there are implied assumptions at work here.
While she has been named as director of this film, things could change, happens all the time, especially when a person of principles is told to go against them and since Sony has a ($$$$) good working relationship with this administration, it could happen.
I’m also not convinced that this President isn’t ignorant enough to reveal top secrets, he has proven time and time again that there are no depths he will not go to to further himself and his agenda.
This film will be a depiction of something that took place in the past and I would not assume that Obama is above rewriting history, he has done that many times
The timing of the release of this film also tells me it’s real purpose is to advance Obama’s campaign ,no other reason, so it will have the usual leftist, liberal media slant and spin

Anyway, I’m rooting for your thinking to prevail and all this becomes moot.

Missed your articles skookum. I think that I have to respectively disagree with you on this one though. I think you were right on in describing the Hurt Locker, and Bigelows work as a director and which way she leans. But this is a piviotal election, and all bets are on big time. I knew beyound a doubt that Obi would beat Hilary, and win the election for the simple reason that Obama is an excellent propagandists, even better than Goebbel. I would think that Bigelow would and will use only soft propaganda in her new film to support Obi. But Obis outright and often hard core propaganda sold the majority of Americans on Obi before, hook line and sinker. It was sickening at times, yet most Americans ate it up with a shovel, and begged for more. Thats what worrys me more than anything else. How Gulliable many Americans are, and how quick they are to follow what they percieve is the next cool thing. I used to have students ask me how Germany and Japan could all follow a set of beliefs to total destruction. I told them that they were and are no different from us, that we could go down the same road in our zeal to follow a chrismatic leader that sold only lies and half truths. A leader who promises only heaven and no hell here on earth. Obi has proven that fact more than once now. Many People want to hear only good things, not bad things. Our society is hooked on positive thinking and all of its negative consequences. Those Americans who live in reality continue to dwindle in numbers everyday, while the Happy People who believe in “See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” grow in numbers. But I did enjoy your take on the topic, and I don’t beleive that Obi would use classified information either while protraying himself as our loving savior. He already knows how easy some Americans are for more lies, and half truths.

What the right is afraid of is that Obama might be portrayed as an American President who accomplished something that his predecessor didn’t.

What can I say? It’s the truth.

Bin Ladens demise was the result of procedures and institutions put in place by the Bush administration. The same procedures and institutions riled by Obama when it was convenient and expedient for him to do so during his campaign. For anyone to say that our present “commander in chief” was responsible is simply wrong.

the one who gave their oath to obey the COMMANDER IN CHIEF, ARE THE ONLY HEROS IN

Maybe we can put a free Obama got Osama button in every box of popcorn…

What I find annoying is that if bin Laden had escaped, Obama sure as hell would have been blamed for it. There probably would have been immediate comparisons with Jimmy Carter’s failed Iranian hostage rescue mission. Which, as we all know, was entirely his fault.

Hollywood has held movies for months and even years. Generally it’s because they see another movie as being stronger or the final movie being too weak to go where the planners originally wanted it to go. The timing of the release of the movie is as important as the content itself. Oscar worthy movies are placed near the cutoff date so that the movies are still fresh in the minds of the critics when the votes are cast. Blockbusters are placed in the summer time. Films that are seen as poor quality are placed after the awards season and before summer or during times when people are out and about and unlikly to go to the theater.

I would say Sony is wrong and they are doing it for Obama. Sony could always hold the movie over till after the elections.

Obama got Osama, cute. Would make a great Dem campaign button. What’s that saying? Never let a what go what? By the way, you forgot to warn the masses to not order the popcorn with butter……not good for you.


@Greg: So it wasn’t the SEALS that did the deed?

Apparently it was George W. Bush, by proxy.

Bigelow had been working on the movie for months before the assassination. After Osama was dumped in the big wading pool, timing of the film became crucial as far as making money. Most films take at least a year to make and this one had to have the script rewritten after the Seals put that round between Osama’s running lights. If they wait too long, the fickle public will forget who Osama was. The timing could coincide with tensions predicted to be in a boil because of the election. More than likely, people like myself, who would rather take a beating than go to a crowded movie house, will be going to watch Osama buy the water park.

It is a great promotion and will make hundreds of millions because of the timing and if we were in charge of the project, we would time it at the same time.

Without a doubt, Obama will get a bump if the movie is well done and factual. A propaganda hoax will work against him. That is essentially the big gamble. We must be on the perimeter with our eyes wide open. This could make it or break the election. Obama has advisors that have cost him many points of approval with their stupidity. Will they continue in this same stuck on stupid direction, that is what would be the best for us. Lock and load with those keyboards, there is one serious battle on the horizon.

We let him slip by that first election, that’s when I became involved in the internet and my life will never be the same. This film and that final month will be our defining moment. We have the momentum and the public’s confidence: if we let down our guard, he will pull his wool over the eyes trick once again.

@Greg: I give credit to SEAL Team 6 for taking him down and to those who supported them. Obama gets credit for giving the green light and Bush gets credit for going there in the first place and signing the EO to kill him. Giving credit to one politician over another amounts to playing politics with what happened. It’s a slap in the face to the SEALS to give credit for the OBL kill to Obama or Bush especially given the fact that they just lost 20 plus of their brothers last week. Just my two cents and with inflation going up, it’s probably not worth that much anymore.

@Skook: Great post – I always like hearing good counter arguments to the conventional wisdom.

But I am a little bit concerned about your comment #21. We all know you’ve lived as a cowboy, and now you’re a poet.

Cowboy… poet… Should we be worried that Harry Reid might be sending you checks now? =8^)

Bob, I’d work as a pimp in a whore house, before I’d take money from Reid.

After spending almost 60 years in the saddle, it is east to spot the bona fide rider. They usually don’t talk much, they hold their cards close to their chest and let the other guy play his hand before they play their hand. Most of them have never been to school, but many of them can carry on complex conversations with learned men. They are slow to judge others, but they know their bona fide brothers in a matter of seconds. They are hard men, yet they are very gentle with the most vulnerable. When you look one of them in the eye, they never back down or look away, not even if they are 90 years old and frail. These are the men I know and love.

There are a few with the lyrics running wild in their brain pans, but they don’t use it as a meal ticket. For them it is an affliction or a curse they must live with.

I’ve studied the pictures of Reid’s cowboys, most of them rode into town on another man’s horse and only one or two could stare into the black eyes of the grizzly or the stallion that wants his freedom.

I lived with the curse of lyrics all my life, but don’t look for me to stand in front of a group of beer drinkers wearing a scarf, expensive boots, and a stetson that has never seen cow manure. I’ll throw out a poem like scraps to my dog without a care in the world, just because I can. Any subject, any length, any style; in school, I wrote epic poems in an hour or two and laughed at the instructors who thought I was tetched: now, I laugh at Reid and his beer bellied poets.

@Skook: I’ll take that as a “no”, then =8^)

I hope you didn’t think I was serious, Skook!

Have they casted the part of the teleprompter yet?

No Bob, not at all, I just needed to stress a point.

The problem with most of those poetic guys with a truck and a hat, they don’t have a way to express themselves as cowboys.

Writing poetry is hardly a cowboy’s goal
His work involves dirt, blood, and toil
The writing of Browning and Chaucer
Is more like eating dinner from a saucer

For a hungry man, not much of a dinner
He knows he was born a selfless sinner
He can read the stars of the Milky Way
And have sustenance for the next day

At the end of the trail or the end of life
He expects reality’s sharpened knife
All he hopes for is to die in the open air
All Alone in the arms of a night mare

NYGino, they will probably fake the teleprompter, most actors can memorize their lines. FOMHL (Fell Off My Horse Laughing)

When ”Gutsy Call; the Movie” comes out we in CA will have already been disenfranchised.
Jerry Brown will sign a law appointing all CA Electoral College votes, not to OUR winner in the Presidential race, but to the winner of the whole country’s popular vote!

Adding CA’s votes to the others already accepting this, a full 132, or 49 percent of the 270 needed are apportioned not by state vote but by national popular vote.


There’s caveats to that bill,AB 459, signed by Brown a few days ago, Nan G.

This agreement shall take effect when states cumulatively possessing a majority of the electoral votes have enacted this agreement in substantially the same form and the enactments by such states have taken effect in each state.

From what I understand with the status of this “popular vote” lib/prog movement in other states, CA’s bill has no teeth because the required numbers of states do not have that agreement enacted.

In the Assembly, with a body of 80, only 67 voted, with 15 nays. 28 of those members are Republican. There were eleven Obama’esque “present” votes. Where were they in this? Seems your Assembly representatives need a serious finger wagging.

In the CA Senate, 38 of the 40 members voted, and only 15 nays again. Without checking the actual party designation from the vote tallies, and considering that 15 of the CA Senate are Republicans out of the 40, my guess is the majority of those nays were them.

This movie would be the ideal issue for returning vets to get active about and bring the truth front and center. Kerry tried to run on his record as a “warier” until the real wariers stepped up to the cameras. If this guy tries to run on a “war record” even vicariously through Hollywood propagandists, I think it will backfire on him. Those who love him, love him, those who don’t, don’t, and those in the middle, I think, have largely opened their eyes about him since he was elected.

Someone should do a movie about the Seals rescue of the ship’s captain and how furious it no doubt made His “O”lliness that they didn’t wait until his FBI negotiators got there. Someone else should do a docudrama about the violent union thugs in Wisconsin, ending with the huge savings the state earned and the failure to overturn the GOP majority in the state legislature.

JustAl, hi,
you’re right, the more often we display their conduct, the less power will be with their lies
to get elected, they instead will bring disdain by the citizens, which wont vote for them,
because basicly the people want decent people to run a government,
not pretend decent people.

@Greg: Dog crap is a better choice for President than jug-ears there.
I wonder who will play Osama, I mean Obama. Will Smith? I know, Laurence Fishburne, or perhaps Michael Winslow, from all those “Police Academy” films.
What concerns me is that the “Empty Suit-in Chief” had said that there would be no pictures, lest they inflame jihadi sentiment- just what might a whole movie do? Especially when these raghead jihadis just KNOW that we are laughing and cheering the death of bin Laden?

You don’t need an actual person to play Obozo, just something off the rack from Golf USA will do.

Curious to know which actrie will play Valerie Jarrett, story remains that she interferred, blocked and almost exposed the mission plans to some foreign press until Bill Daley put her in a choke hold. The rumor has interest and should be further studied.