Perry’s Transcripts Leaked…Still Waiting On Obama’s


Well isn’t this something…you think Fox News hacked into someone’s computer to get these transcripts? Oh, I forgot, it’s a Conservative so getting some transcripts isn’t really that big a deal:

The Huffington Post was passed Perry’s transcripts from his years at Texas A&M University by a source in Texas. The future politician did not distinguish himself so much in the classroom. While he later became a student leader, he had to get out of academic probation to do so. He rarely earned anything above a C in his courses — earning a C in U.S. History, a D in Shakespeare, and a D in the principles of economics. Perry got a C in gym.

Perry scored poorly on the basics within his animal science major. In fall semester 1970, he received a D in veterinary anatomy, a F in a second course on organic chemistry and a C in animal breeding. He did get an A in world military systems and “Improv. of Learning” — his only two As while at A&M.

“A&M wasn’t exactly Harvard on the Brazos River,” recalled a Perry classmate in an interview with The Huffington Post. “This was not the brightest guy around. We always kind of laughed. He was always kind of a joke.”

Dave Weigel asks:

Cool. Where’re Obama’s?

It’s quite interesting that the MSM only finds it worthy to investigate a candidates background and education when it involves a conservative.

As for the transcripts themselves what we find is that a student slacker grew up to be a solid, responsible, and effective leader. Should we base him on that at all? Obama neither released his transcripts, nor were they “leaked” (shocker), smoked weed and alleged harder drugs (but I’m sure he wasn’t a slacker) and had NO experience leading.

The MSM and liberals cared little then.

But they do now when their beloved savior looks vulnerable.

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Elena Kagan won’t allow Obama’s transcripts out.
She helped hide them while she was dean of Harvard,
She prosecuted anyone who even lamely tried to get them when she was Solicitor General,
And now she’s on the US Supreme Court.

Presumably a D in veterinary anatomy indicates that someone can at least tell one end of a horse from the other.

I’ve never been much of a Rick Perry fan, but based on my corporate world experience, “grades” don’t equate to squat. People skills and character are what make or break a leader, along with the humility and self confidence to seek or listen to knowledgable advisors. Ronald Reagan was an “average” student.

If anything, I’m even more impresed that Perry has done so well “with so little”, per the “elite POV.” It would be interesting to see both Perry and Obama on Donald Trump’s Apprentice. Perry would flatten him.

I have great respect for the wisdom of the great sages, (Obama not being one of them). If I needed brain surgergy Perry wouldn’t be “my guy”, but when it comes to leadership, (and knowing how to create jobs), he has all the right stuff.

FWIW, I often encourage people (especially ones with obvious people skills) to start their own buisness, always reminding them for whatever they might lack, there’s probably “an app for that” or at the least, compensating software.

FWIW, I’ve never pegged Obama with a more than average to a bit above average IQ (110-120 max). The problem has never been his “IQ”, only the “inflation” of it by the MSM. Now there is no going back to “undo the sage.” I’ve long expected that the mother of all photshop projects has been well under way for some time now, expected to emerge at just that “perfect timing.” I personally have never photoshopped transcripts, but would find it a more than daunting challenge.

While I’m not out to bash intellectuals, we have a white house full of Harvard grads proving beyond a doubt that it’s more than “brains” when it comes to running a country, the first lesson, the ability to connect with the people .

Carter is a good example of a really gifted intellectual “disaster.” On the other hand, Bill Clinton was also gifted AND had/has great people skills. Had he had the character of Reagan there is little doubt in my mind that he would/might have been one of the greatest presidents in history.

Obama on the other hand, is nothing more than a modern day sophist, the genuis of a good one, is how easily the intellectuals are bamboozzled.

Dave Weigel asks:
Cool. Where’re Obama’s?

Please don’t hold your breath on that one. NEVER gonna happen. Still can’t find people who knew him in school.


I’ve never been much of a Rick Perry fan, but based on my corporate world experience, “grades” don’t equate to squat.

That has been my experience as well. I spent over 10 years in the US Navy in the Naval Nuclear Program. There was two different “school” programs one had to make it through, before a “practical” training program, that eventually led to one being “qualified”. It was interesting to note that those who did well in the “school” setting ofttimes were the ones who had severe difficulty in the “practical” portion of the training. Later, when I went back to the “practical” portion of the training as an instructor, I could easily tell those who would have issues with the “practical” training simply by how they did in the earlier “school” type settings. It didn’t hold true for all of them, but certainly for most.

Who cares what his grades were? No one is claiming he’s a genius.

The guy was Al Gore’s Texas campaign chair. . . how smart could he be? He is as much an empty suit as Obama, he just panders to a different group.

@Doc: #6
If I had the money I would offer a $100,000 reward for anyone who could produce a picture of Obama in ANY year book. I suggested this to different blogs and would still like to see it happen. If there is one somewhere, I am guessing that the year and the place wouldn’t match his life’s story line.

@Hard Right:

Hard Right you made a point I also wanted to make. Too bad the MSM doesn’t “get” that intelligence/grades (even IF Obama had those quals) don’t equate into great leadership. Gee one would think with all the monies spent on “studies”, we could wrap that one up sans a penny of grant money. Simply look at history!

If I were managing Palin, Perry, or any conservative who wasn’t a proven intellectual, I would make a big part of the marketing message about “leadership not brain surgery”, connecting with people, and the nonsense question/standard of “grades” (which btw, could only have come about via the “Ivy MSM.”) As I said in my pervious post, this is leadership, not brain surgery.

JohnGalt good points, spot on! I’ve seen and followed a lot of hires over the years, and the best CEO’s and sales people (the ones who make or break companies), are usually B type students with at most a state school degree. When companies (against my advice) insisit on hiring Ph.D and MBA’s for sales and marketing to “improve the image”, it’s usually a train wreck, even in the life sciences.

p.s. Not that Newt has much of a chance (although he did have some awsome ideas yesterday on the Michael Medved show, starting with firing all of the czars on inaguration day), he is one that is a true intellectual and for the most part, is pretty engaging. In his case, his intellect serves him well, while not being a disconnected Ivy Elite.

p.p.s. FYI, for anyone who cares and wants to know how to spot a loser in business (albeit not the case for science), beware of “GRAPHERS”, the substitute for people skills (it’s an “MBA” thing and always a dead give away).

It hardly matters. Perry was a Democrat while he was in college. He didn’t get smart enough to be a Republican until much later.

Perry wasn’t being promoted as a great intellect, but Obama was. What happened to all those claims of Obama being the most brilliant man in the world or to hold the office of president?

After a while, it is hard to sell pigeons as ducks; people catch on and the jig is up. How do you guys like roast pigeon.

Obama’s transcripts haven’t been released because no one has faked them in Adobe Illustrator yet. Guess it’s not so easy finding a Harvard transcript with straight A’s.

At least my Drunkin Deke fraternity brother “W” was a dumb Yalie.

A dumb Aggie. That’s sad.

A couple of things, back in the 1970’s Texas A & M wasn’t exactly an easy place to make good grades. Also if you wanted to be an engineer or scientist the higher the grades the better, but if you wanted to get into industrial sales like an Aggie I knew in the 198o’s, extracurricular activities in which you were involved with people were just as or more important. He worried that the B he made in organic chemistry might prejudice the sales department of the company that he wanted to work for against him. They were looking for people who liked people and who went out of there way to deal with them and who could handle rejection well. A gentleman’s C was the goal.
They hired him anyway. In the 1980’s less than 25% of the students who started for an engineering degree made it.
Also I notice there was no mention of Perry’s SAT score. I wonder if Obama even has one?

There is someone big (maybe soros) behind the success of barry. This is the problem. No one knows anything about barry, no one knows where he really went to school or when much less how a poor boy could afford to go to prestigious private schools. No one knows where he was really born or what his birth date is. (remember a couple of weeks ago he confused his own birthdate? really strange). I don’t care what his grades are and I don’t think anyone cares either, I believe the issue is if he received scholarships/grants etc, how did he get it? as an American citizen or a foreign student? Additionally how did someone supposedly born in Hawaii get a social security number from CT? One knows that you are given a SS number based on the state you were born. Again, his SS number was issued to someone who died many years ago and SS numbers are not recycled. There are far too many questions.

The one thing that has been proven is that his father was Kenyan and NEVER was a U.S. citizen. The Constitution states that both parents must be U.S. citizens in order to be considered a natural born citizen and to be able to run for the office of the President. Therefore barry is a usurper and should NOT be in office. Since it has been proven the legislators on the hill have no balls, nothing will probably be done. This will be left up to the people and I believe I can say with certainty the next election will be a big surprise .

Another thing that has been proven that as far as a leader, he sucks. It is all about him and he could care less about the people of the United States. He being a narcissist this is not unusual behavior. Another thing that is known is that if we continue along his path, our country will be bankrupt.

I feel helpless. My beloved country is being taken down a path of marxism where I can see our freedoms being eroded away at a fast pace. I fear a coup and that our country will never be the great country she used to be. My heart is heavy with fear for my daughters and their families and the burden this man is placing on them. What can I do? I can continue to research and spread the word. I can support those like the tea party that want us to get back to the basics of the Constitution. I can vote.


Yeah, back when Gore was PRO-life, didn’t support taxpayer funded abortions, and was considered the most “conservative” of all the Democrat candidates that year. Gore didn’t become a raving maniac until after he left the VP’s office and he formed a friendship with Maurice Strong and George Soros.

I love how people seem to want to equate Texas Democrats with the East/West Coast Dems, or even the current crop of Dems in D.C. Most Texas Dems in 1988 would make Scott Brown and John McCain look like raving liberals. Even so, as a Democrat, Perry was known as a “conservative” (now called blug dogs) and a fiscal hawk.

Disenchanted If the founders meant it to be that both parents have to be citizens in order to be eligible for President then a majority of Presidents in first 100 years( Washington,Adams,Jefferson etc,) would be usurpers.BTW this would disqulify Rubio as Pres. or Veep as his dad became citizen after his birth.

The Harvard Law review is often used by lawyers to provide them with case studies that they would not ususally have access to. Same with the Yale Law Review, the Columbia Law Review, et al. Oddly enough, the year that Obama was the editor of the HLR, it was the LEAST referenced year in the HLR history. Also, there is no opinion that was ever accredited to being written by Obama and in fact, there is only one article that I have ever found he did write, and that was an article for Sundial, while he was at Columbia, entitled Breaking The War Mentality. Is it a disjointed mish-mash of ideas, basically supporting the Green Party, a socialist party orginially formed in Europe.

Some interesting snipits from that article written in March, 1983:

“The Reagan administration’s stalling at the Genevea talks on nuclear warpons has thus already caused severe tension and could ultimately bring about a dangerous rift between the United States and Western Europe. By being intransigent, Reagan is playing directly into the Russian’s hands.”


“Since the European peace movement has long since become the American peace movement, and since American now has its own Green Party, the rise of the Greens in Germany has profound significiance here. It is at once a warning to us that the old solutions of more weapons and again more more weapons will no longer be accepted in a Europe that is already a powderkeg waiting to go off; and it is an invitation to work towards a peace that is genuine, lasting and non-nuclear.”

Obama was a Green when at Columbia. When he hit Chicago, he was endorsed by the New Party, the equivalant to the Greens in Chicago. And the Greens are socialists, not environmentalists, as the name might suggest.

But hey, Rick Perry’s grades while at university majoring in agriculture is much more interesting than Obama’s support for the socialist Green Party, right?

Patricia, I’ve met many a college grad that thoroughly astounded me with their lack of common sense. As a result I’ve coined the phrase “book smart and common sense retarded.”
This makes me recall the father of a friend of mine. Before Motorola hit rock bottom, her father worked for them. He had at most a high school degree, but he could do the job backwards and forwards extremely well. Yet time after time they had him train some kid out of college to be his boss! Eventually tiring of being passed over, he told them to go to hell and quit.
Too many businesses have gotten weak in the knees over a college degree and ignored a sterling asset right under their noses. A college degree means jack and too many people are still overly impressed by them. I cannot tell you the number of non-degreed “work veterans” I’ve known that can still work rings around college grads even after those grads have had a few years on the job. A degree is NOT an indicator of intelligence, skill, or competance. Until employers realize that, they will continue to piss away valuable employees chasing the fantasy.

@rich wheeler:

You seem to be a little lacking in the history area:

George Washington – both parents born in Virginia

John Adams – both parents born in Massachussets

Only Jefferson had a parent that was born in England. His mother was born in London, his father in Virginia.

But hey, why should we expecct to you know anything about the history of the Founders?

@Hard Right:

A college education simply proves that you have the ability to learn material prepared for you. It is no guarantee that you can find your way out of a wet paperbag.

But since the days of Woodrow Wilson, there has been this mindset that only academia is qualified to solve national problems. Well, with the S & P just downgrading our credit rating, we are seeing that is simply a fallacy.

@rich wheeler:
You are right neither Jindal or Rubio can run for president and they know it

Retire 05 Easy boy According to disenchanted both parents have to be citizens at time of candidate’s birth.Based on that, in addition to Jefferson how many early Presidents were “usurpers”. Bottom line I don’t buy the interpretation and neither do a large majority of Americans,

@Skookum: #11
With them eating as much crow as they have been lately, pigeon was probably a welcome change. They will have a lot more crow coming.

@just me 95: #12
That was a good one. When I read the word “straight,” it remind me of one of the signatures on what I call the “bird cage document,” had each letter so precisely perfect that if you drew a line under them, they all ended exactly along the “straight” line. This can only be done with a computer and using a font that looks like writing.

@rich wheeler: #17
The Constitution says, “No person, except a natural born citizen, OR A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS CONSTITUTION…

@retire05: #18
Fox News interviewed 400 Columbia University students and NONE of them remembered Obama. Obama was also SUPPOSED to have been in Columbia’s Political science, pre-law class. Even the students in that class don’t remember him. His picture isn’t even in the year book. Wouldn’t you remember a class member who became president of the United States.

@Hard Right: #19
My son has been in the Air Force for 17 years and has attained the highest rank he can get and not be an officer. To go higher he would need to get a colege education. He says he will be very happy to stay a sargent until he retires from the military.

@ Rich

At least my Drunkin Deke fraternity brother “W” was a dumb Yalie.

A dumb Aggie. That’s sad.

Didn’t expect that of you Rich. So you have to have an Ivy League education to be smart? A dumb Ivy Leaguer is smarter than a dumb non-Ivy Leaguer?

ANTICSROCKS My apologies to the Aggies. I love their 12th Man and they build a hell of a bonfire.

Hope you’re well. Richard

Smorg We go round and round.Is Rubio qualified? disenchanted says no.
Do you really think BHO didn’t attend Harvard or Columbia? Let me know when you’ve saved up that grand.
Thank your son for his long and valued service.

Semper Fi

@rich wheeler:

Unfortunately, you want to remain uninformed about the argument of the 14th Amendment. It had NOTHING to do with where a person’s parents were born, and everything to do with “jurisdiction.” I suggest you read the Congressional record on that debate.

The argument that just because someone was born on American soil they are automatically a citizen, no execptions, is belied in the argument itself which did, in fact, make exceptions. Those exceptions were clearly delineated based on “jurisdiction” not the fact that your mother managed to swim the Rio Grande and drop you at a U.S. border hosptial.

@rich wheeler: You said:

If the founders meant it to be that both parents have to be citizens in order to be eligible for President then a majority of Presidents in first 100 years( Washington,Adams,Jefferson etc,) would be usurpers.

You might want to read the Constitution. In the natural born citizen clause, it allowed for those persons who were citizens at the time of the adoption of the Constitution.

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

So how is it that Washington, Adams, Jefferson, etc… were “usurpers?”

@retire05: You quoted from Obama’s 1983 article:

“The Reagan administration’s stalling at the Genevea talks on nuclear warpons has thus already caused severe tension and could ultimately bring about a dangerous rift between the United States and Western Europe. By being intransigent, Reagan is playing directly into the Russian’s hands.”

LOL, boy did he get that one wrong!!

Anticsrocks I believe what we’re primarily discussing is the citizenship of the PARENTS at the time of the future candidates birth. Disenchanted says this would disqualify Obama,Rubio and Jindal. I disagree.What say you,retire05,and Smorg. I’m not personally concerned about legitimacy of early Pres. since I personally believe they were ALL good to go.

Aqua My apologies re. Aggie comment should have been to you.Good luck to the Seminoles when the Sooners come to Tallahassee in Sept. Maybe a renewal with Notre Dame in Jan?


Oh, that wasn’t the only thing he got wrong in that article that was just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo basically supporting the anti-war groups and the socialist Green Party. But his getting it wrong about Reagan is not the importance of the article, his support of a Marxist/Socialist group is. On that one item, Obama has not changed.

Yesterday, the Communist Party, USA threw its support behind Obama’s re-election. Now, I wonder why that would be?

@rich wheeler: You said:

I believe what we’re primarily discussing is the citizenship of the PARENTS at the time of the future candidates birth.

No, what the OP discusses is the hypocrisy of the MSM in how they investigate GOP and/or Conservative candidates, but give Liberals, I.E. Obama, a pass.

And for the record, you are the one who brought up Washington, Adams, Jefferson, etc… Now unless you are claiming that our first few presidents didn’t have parents…

Anticsrocks As you know I was merely responding to disenchanted’s interpretation of the Constitution re eligibility. You and I are in complete agreement re the validity of BHO and Rubio as well as Washington,Adams and Jefferson. I merely brought up founding fathers to show the absurdity of disenchanted’s assertions. Sorry you misunderstood my intent.

@rich wheeler: #34
The Constitution says that the parents must be “natural born citizens.” At the time of the writing of the Constitution that meant they both had to be born in the USA. I believe a document has to be interprited by the rules and common terms of the time of the writing, otherwise, the meaning of the document could change as sayings and definitions change.

I’m going to throw in my suggestion that the requirement be changed to both parents and all four grandparents should have to be born in the USA so that the individual’s roots are deep in the country.


Smorg, you have a “zebra” as a son, eh? That’s impressive. It’s also stupid and wasteful that they think he needs a college degree to be an officer.
Having been to college off and on, I’ve found a few truths about it.

1) 99% of what you learn involves rote memorization
2) If you do the assignments and do ok on the tests you will get a good grade
3) College isn’t that big of a challenge

@rich wheeler: I don’t believe I even mentioned Obama or Rubio. That is your own doing, don’t drag me down into your arguments, please.

@gadem: I’ve got a feeling he’s not smart enough to be a Hobbit. I’m going to rate him just a smidge above Romney and in my book that’s pretty low.

Retire, which Russian was the one with the hands. #18

“Reagan is playing directly into the Russian’s hands.”

We all make mistakes, but Obama’s mistake is really funny.

@Hard Right: #39
I had never heard the term “zebra” before. I am guessing it is because of all the stripes. I have always thought that the job should decide the degree of education needed. What good does it do an officer in the infantry to have a college education? What college course teaches how to kill most effectively? In other areas I can see it.

@Smorgasbord: You said:

What college course teaches how to kill most effectively?

I dunno, Smorgs. There were times, when dealing with my ultra leftist professors that thoughts along those lines…….um, I mean yeah, I agree with you!


Had our left wing media spent 1/10th of the time researching Obama as I did, he would have never won. His connection to far left groups and political parties, plus his association with anti-Jew people like Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said would have totally discredited him.

But the media saw what we all saw; Obama was a man with a Marxist ideology that he cloaked in “progressivism”. For a man who claims to be a Constitutional scholar, every thing he does is anti-constitutional and are actions of a man who subscribes to the redistributive philosophies of Marxism. In the minds of the leftist press, that was a plus.

@Nan G: Where’s a scintialla of evidence for what you say about Kagan guarding Obama’s transcript like a junkyard dog? Facts, please, from a reliable source, not someone’s imagination. Obama did graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law, so we can assume he pulled mostly A’s in his three years there. To be strictly comparable to Perry, and to reveal what’s unknown, what you really need is Obama’s undergraduate transcripts.
Question: Do you believe that because presidential A’s transcripts were leaked against his will, all other presidential candidates’ transcripts should be made public for the sake of fairness? That’s a little like saying that because my neighbor’s house down the street was burglarized, everyone else in the neighborhood should be hit as well.
There are plenty of right-wing media outlets. If one of them succeeds in finding someone to link Obama’s grades, he wouldn’t have the right to feel picked on. But Perry’s experience imposes no obligation on Obama to voluntarily release his grades. After all, Perry is only one of a half dozen Republican hopefuls. When and if he gets the GOP nomination, he’d have better moral standing to say, “My grades are on the table, how about yours?”

@UpChuck.Liberals: Actually, if the sources I’ve read are correct, Romney graduated from Brigham Young University as valedictorian and graduated magna cum laude from both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School.
You really ought to mature a little bit more and quit believing that those you disagree with are necessaarily stupid. Regardless of your ideological leanings, left or right, there are plenty of people around who disagree with you, and are also smarter than you.

@JD Reed:
So that explains why Romney is a liberal at heart!

@JD Reed: I didn’t say he was stupid, I just said he’s not smarter than the average TEA Party Hobbit. Romney is a Center Left RINO. I’ve know lots of very ‘smart’ people that are ‘stupid’ in their beliefs. Heck yes there are many people mucho smarter than I am, but …. as a percentage of the the population it’s not that big.

Now, for the good of the country…Barack Hussein Obama … RESIGN TODAY. My 201k can’t take too much more of you.

If you’re talking about the average Tea Party member, Romney is most certainly much smarter. The average Tea Partier has an IQ not much above 100, if at all, just by sheer logic and the law of averages. Romney has to be well above that to have graduated magna cum laude from the Harvard law and business schools, as well as at the top of his BYU class. Idealogically, it doesn’t matter for the sake of this argument. If I had to classify Romney’s, though, I would say fluid.