Well isn’t this something…you think Fox News hacked into someone’s computer to get these transcripts? Oh, I forgot, it’s a Conservative so getting some transcripts isn’t really that big a deal:
The Huffington Post was passed Perry’s transcripts from his years at Texas A&M University by a source in Texas. The future politician did not distinguish himself so much in the classroom. While he later became a student leader, he had to get out of academic probation to do so. He rarely earned anything above a C in his courses — earning a C in U.S. History, a D in Shakespeare, and a D in the principles of economics. Perry got a C in gym.
Perry scored poorly on the basics within his animal science major. In fall semester 1970, he received a D in veterinary anatomy, a F in a second course on organic chemistry and a C in animal breeding. He did get an A in world military systems and “Improv. of Learning” — his only two As while at A&M.
“A&M wasn’t exactly Harvard on the Brazos River,” recalled a Perry classmate in an interview with The Huffington Post. “This was not the brightest guy around. We always kind of laughed. He was always kind of a joke.”
Dave Weigel asks:
Cool. Where’re Obama’s?
It’s quite interesting that the MSM only finds it worthy to investigate a candidates background and education when it involves a conservative.
As for the transcripts themselves what we find is that a student slacker grew up to be a solid, responsible, and effective leader. Should we base him on that at all? Obama neither released his transcripts, nor were they “leaked” (shocker), smoked weed and alleged harder drugs (but I’m sure he wasn’t a slacker) and had NO experience leading.
The MSM and liberals cared little then.
But they do now when their beloved savior looks vulnerable.

See author page
@JD Reed:
How do you know what the average T party members I Q’s run? Pretty dumb of you to think anyone believes the trash you are talking. You sound just like most condensing liberals, an ass.
It’s not the size of the Stalin, but the motion of the Marx…
@Doc: Law of averages, Doc! How this works: Romney’s IQ is certainly no lower than 120, and probably above 130. That would put him in the top 5 percent, easily of the adult population, or 10 million of 200 million. Tea Party followers numbers are estimated as high as 800,000. If their average IQ were 120, that would mean about 400,000 of them have IQs above 120, or half of their adult population. (If 120 were the midpoint for Tea Partiers, half of their population would have IQs above 120 and half below. That’s 400,000 each way.)
That would also mean that high IQs are about 10 times as common among Tea Partiers than among the rest of the population — 50 percent to 5 percent. Ain’t no way.
@JD Reed: Well, lets put it this way troll. If Romney is @ 130 I’ve still got him beat. Before you go making blanket statements it’s suggested that perhaps you break with Leftist tradition and get some facts before hitting the keyboard. BTW the AVERAGE IQ is 82 , according to Wikipedia which obviously put the TEA party well above the average Barry drone. BTW back in the old days the avg. IQ was 112 so I’m guessing that the progressive edukational system is doing its job. Of course TEA party people are smarter, they didn’t vote for Barry.
Upchuck, So anyone who disagrees with the orthodoxy of this blogsite is a troll? You don’t welcome conflicting positions?
What facts have I misstated? The average IQ? You said that Wikipedia states the average IQ is 82. Here’s the article I found when I typed in “Wikipedia” “average IQ.” Find me where it says the average IQ is now 82.
Find me where it says the average IQ is now 82.
Also, congratulations if your IQ is above 130. But that’s utterly irrelevant to the discussion we’ve I was comparing Romney’s IQ with the likely average IQ of Tea Partier, not yours. I think my logic is solid. (And BTW, I think I left open the possibility that Romney’s IQ is also above 130.)
I’m about facts, and you seem mostly about irascibly defending your ideology. Hey, I can cite facts that are helpful with either side of the political divide. For instance, Rick Perry’s grades are not as bad as they would appear when you know something more about the Aggies’ grading system back in the day.
A former Aggie co-worker told me how A&M’s grading system departed from the norm. I would probably never have brought it to mind again if Perry’s transcript had not surfaced.
Most universities that I know of required a minimum 90 for an A, a minimum 80 for a B, a minimum 70 for a C and a minimum 60 for a D. Back then, A&M’s minimums were 92 for an A, 84 for a B, 76 for a C and 70 for a D. This means that, on average, half of Perry’s Cs would have been Bs at most schools. Math logic: the most likely scattering of Perry’s letter grade Cs would have been half above 80, and therefore a B, and half below 80 and still a C. And all of his Ds would have been Cs. Plus who knows, that F might have been a D elsewhere.
This is what I enjoy doing, and I don’t get a boil on my brain when I find someone who disagrees.
@JD Reed: #54
You don’t need a very high IQ to figure out that Obama and the republicrats in congress are on a shark feeding frenzy, and they are feeding on the tax payers. There is no IQ test to be a Tea Partier, just a reality check.
I would commend John Milton’s Areopagitica to those on this site who seem to not be able to stand to read anything that conflicts with what they want to believe. Particularly this passage:
“I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat. ”
— John Milton (Areopagitica)