Freedom is but one of the fruits which blossoms on the boughs of the Liberty Tree. For Duty, Responsibility, Pride, Commitment, Self Reliance, Truth, Determination, Justice and Equality are also there to be harvested for the nourishment of our national body.
Some are a little bitter, others sweet and yet others tart, but none are distasteful. Individually, each could sustain us, but for a long strong endurance, we should eat from all regularly. These fruits are there for the taking, and long as we continue to feed the roots of the tree with our sweat, and blood as so many others before us, we will continue to pick and enjoy its bounty.
But we in many regards have failed to prune, to protect and to preserve this vital source of goodness. We allowed others to be its caretaker, and much of the fruit began to wither on the branches, unpicked, unused and not providing the richness of life. Some has even fallen onto the ground where it has fermented into a bitter wine which some have tasted and grown drunk with power.
We have been fortunate that the tree has not stopped producing, we can be thankful that the gifts it has continued to bear for us have not merely rotted away. I encourage all to seek the tree, pluck from the branches, taste the fruits of Liberty and share them with all you encounter.
Born in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania, married over 30 years to a wonderful woman, with 1 daughter and three grandchildren.
Steve has served an Intelligence Analyst in the U.S. Army and as a Analyst for a municipal Police Department.
He founded Conservative Army and Conservative Army Gear, USA in response to what he believes are the continued assaults on our nation and way of life.
The real problem is that the tree has not been “watered”.
Of course, no one wants to mention that as it’s the 800 lbs. gorilla in the room.
Ivan, is there logic to your metaphor or is it just another fart in a windstorm.
Thanks Steve, keep them coming.
Steve I enjoyed your write up….is it yours or did you copy it from a earlier writing? I wish people could appreciate more this sort of article, but I guess television or videos have taken over that function of their brain! There is one thing for sure! Who ever drew this picture was not a liberal, It shows Militia, Guns and Assembly, the three basic things the liberals want to take away from use!
Also in your writing you made several important observations…..”We allowed others to be its caretaker” and now they are doing all that they can to keep us poor and occupied with just trying to maintain life while we are busy with making a living, and so they can fulfill their agenda!
STEVE Klingentsmith, thank you, I realy like the writting,and the message very full of wisdom
What I post are my own words and writings. Sincerely appreciate supportts and detractors, one cannot grow in knowledge or writing without knowing what thye are doing right or wrong.
YVAN, yes the watering job belong to the government to do what it take to keep this
AMERICA on top, but they fail to water the tree, and focus on watering the tree that has roots invading all the good trees which provide the fruits we always fed and grew from it’s fruits. and your 800 pounds GORILLA was letting go his fieces on that poisonous tree to make it’s roots grow faster helped by this GOVERNMENT which help to feed the gorilla
I believe that it is the blood of our government that will water and feed the tree. Our government is quickly becoming the tyrant that Jefferson spoke of. It will be up to we the people to cull the population of these tyrants and water the tree of liberty with their blood. Only time will tell if this bloodletting will be metaphorical or not. I am not optimistic.
hi, you brought me here in the past 2011, we are from the future of this blog,
how is our tree doing, not too well we can see,
the tree is drying still missing the water of life,
THE GORILLA who now drink all the water has grown bigger
he is bigger now, he still drop his feaces on the poisonous tree
which has grown his roots around the fruit tree as to choke its good roots,
will there be some fruits from the fruit tree, no not for the next 4 years,