First Lady Michelle Obama and Second Lady Jill Biden have engaged in a constant media campaign to convince the American people they care about us military folks. About a month ago, they were pushing an initiative to encourage Americans to volunteer on behalf on military troops and families. The problem is that I haven't seen anything but talk from these women.
Now, they're heading to California to meet with the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Directors Guild of America, Producers Guild of America, Screen Actors Guild and the Writers Guild of America West. They have formed a “Joining Forces Inter-Guild Task Force” to provide creative and production support for Mrs. Obama’s program and to inform and inspire their memberships about the service of America’s military families.
Can I make a suggestion to both the Guild and the ladies? Leave us alone! Hollywood has done the military ZERO favors with their “inspirational” stories about us and our families! Unless, of course, creating movies about how all troops come home messed up and our families are helpless victims of a government sending us to unnecessary and “illegal” wars is somehow supportive.
According to a White House press release I got today, “The Guilds are hosting the First Lady for a special Joining Forces event to discuss the stories and issues of today’s military families so that their experiences can be integrated into film, television and digital media. The entertainment industry has the opportunity to help Americans learn more about the unique challenges and needs of military families and to showcase the families’ strength, resilience and service to our nation.”
Am I missing something here? What exactly does Mrs. Obama know about military service? At least, Mrs. Biden has a son that has deployed and served in combat! What does Hollywood know about military service? How many movies about the resilience of military families with happy endings have been made in the 10 years we've been at war? I can't think of one. And I sure as hell haven't been contacted to tell my stories. I don't anyone that has!
This is nothing but a campaign trail publicity stunt to enlist the help of Hollywood to convince the American people that this administration actually cares about our troops and I'm personally disgusted by it.
“m”, brain less wonder’s wife and biden’s wife when it comes to the military, are clueless. like dumb and dumber. She requires 21 secretaries help her..the cost to tax payes in close to $500,000 in salary alone. Laura Bush did not require that amount of pandering, The wife’s of service men know that this is a political show,,nothing more. Smile America you jusst got screwed again..No the wifes of every service man that has died, wounder, or survied on this idiots ‘ watch got screwed..oh, how about the childen? “if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventally come to beleive it”. Recall where it originated from..Joseph Goebbels” different than ron emanual.
Maybe it is the timing.
Gallup just released a poll showing that Obama does worse with military people than he does with the general public!
Only slightly more than a third of those military members (37%) approve of Obama’s performance as president.
But, Obama has 48% approval among nonmilitary Americans during the same period!
The Los Angeles Times put it this way:
Also the LATimes adds:
In the article is a list of related stories.
In one it points out Obama expected to get a 13 point bounce lasting til October from killing bin Laden!
He got a 6 point bounce that lasted only 2 weeks!
From my experience, the troops that respect them fall into three categories: young, ignorant, or forced.
“Fu*k em all and feed em rice
I am so sick of these two goofballs trying to message that our military men and women and their families are a victim of some sort that they can somehow rescue? I’m with you CJ. Leave them the hell alone. There is a strong streak of pride that runs through each and everyone of these families. And it ain’t anything you two dimwits are ever going to understand. Go back to Sesame Street and play with your puppets!!!
NOW THEY WANT to help the moral of the family,
IS in it too late because the family made up their mindss by now,
NOW THEY WANT to help the moral of the family,
IS in it too late because the family made up their mindss by now,
Can anyone tell me why no one in Hollywood ever enlists in the armed forces. They are all doing stupid reality shows like Jersey Shore The Kardashions to name a few…..These 2 are just campaining for their idiot husbands….They couldn’t even celebrate Memorial Day with them he had to go and play golf…No respect for our men and women that have sacrificed for us to have our freedom…..BLESS THEM ALL
In Canada’s last election, over 80% of the military vote went to the conservative, Stephen Harper.
Oil Guy…Wow! You let ’em vote up there?! What a concept!!
From what I read on the family sites, the only thing the Joining Forces did was fire families up even more. Just in time for a new campaign and only weeks after the threat of not paying the troops. I don’t know who advises these people, it is almost like they try to find ways to insult the military. They really are better staying away, faking sincerity just puts more gas on the fire.
I’m stunned he polled that well, but of course you have to consider that the average military member is loath to speak out publicly against their Comander In Chief. (That is partially because they can be disciplined for making public political statements.) Some of the rules for Military members:
Cannot – Participate in any radio, television, or other program or group discussion as an advocate for or against of a partisan political party, candidate, or cause.
Cannot – Conduct a political opinion survey under the auspices of a partisan political group or distribute partisan political literature.
Can – Display a political sticker on the member’s private vehicle.
Can – Attend partisan and nonpartisan political meetings or rallies as a spectator when not in uniform.
Cannot – Use contemptuous words against the officeholders described in 10 U.S.C. 888 (10 U.S.C. 888 lists the following officeholders: President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which the military member is on duty).
Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) makes it a crime for commissioned officers to use contemptuous words against the above officeholders. Commissioned officers who violate this provision can be court-martialed for a direct violation of Article 88.
DOD Directive 1344.10 – POLITICAL ACTIVITIES BY MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES ON ACTIVE DUTY, extend these same requirements to all individuals on active duty. Active duty enlisted members and warrant officers who violate these provisions can be charged under Article 92 of the UCMJ, Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation.