This treaty should of died a long time ago:
Russia, Japan and Canada told the G8 they would not join a second round of carbon cuts under the Kyoto Protocol at United Nations talks this year and the US reiterated it would remain outside the treaty, European diplomats have said.
The future of the Kyoto Protocol has become central to efforts to negotiate reductions of carbon emissions under the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, whose annual meeting will take place in Durban, South Africa, from November 28 to December 9.
Developed countries signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. They agreed to legally binding commitments on curbing greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming.
Those pledges expire at the end of next year. Developing countries say a second round is essential to secure global agreements.
But the leaders of Russian, Japan and Canada confirmed they would not join a new Kyoto agreement, the diplomats said.
They argued that the Kyoto format did not require developing countries, including China, the world’s No. 1 carbon emitter, to make targeted emission cuts.
At last Thursday’s G8 dinner the US President, Barack Obama, confirmed Washington would not join an updated Kyoto Protocol, the diplomats said.
You have to love this part of the article tho….everything is Bush's fault:
The US, the second-largest carbon emitter, signed the protocol in 1997 but in 2001 the then president, George W. Bush, said he would not put it to the Senate for ratification.
Clinton told Gore to sign the stupid thing but the Senate passed the Byrd-Hagel resolution in 1997, passing 95-0, which stated the Treaty shouldn't be signed. So CLINTON never sent it on to the Senate. Bush never signed it, and neither is Obama.
So why throw that line in there other then to highlight their BDS?
Either way, the scam known as Kyoto is dead.
And Cap n' Trade in California may be dying as well.
Good news all around.

See author page
Kyoto is a great name for a dog. My next imported rottie gets the moniker instead of the long breeder’s title.
Female rotties are the special forces of the K9 Kingdom. Their motor never stops and they love advanced training. Kyoto it is.
Essentially, the Kyoto Treaty was nothing more than an attempt to limit production capability of the advanced countries, in order to allow the developing countries some free ground to make up. If this treaty had truly been about cutting carbon emissions, no nation would have been exempted.
I had been aware of the CA cap n trade problem.
But you’ll notice Obama never lets a budget issue or a Constitutional issue stop him from his agenda.
So, today I posted a link to this regulatory/judicial activist end-run around budgets and Constitution.
Fireworks shows need new environmental review
Court ruling could have sweeping impact
THINK of the ramifications!
Everything you might have done at a public park will now have to pass muster with a state’s enviornmentalist’s regulations.
In CA that is the end of 4th of July firework!
The end of BBQing in the parks.
The end of children’s ”jumpy-jump” inflatable rooms.
And so much more!
Some cities are already pulling the plug on their fireworks plans for the 4th of July simply because the study takes more than a year to complete!
Others are quitting fireworks displays because fighting the regulators in court would be too expensive.
so cloose to july, when the contracts are signed, that is a dirty trick to do to those already implicated in making some money to survive the ECONOMY THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS HURTING ANY WAY THEY CAN,
remember them in 2012
One lousy UN program down: So many more to go!
That is fantastic news!
Nan G, think we need to barrage Congress with emails, letters, phone calls and have then enact something quick to have that rancid EPA stpped now.
What we need is a candidate that will abolish the EPA (all the alphabets, really) and move to withdraw the US from that evil UN. That organization is a waste of money. Now its seeking rights for Mother Earth and trying to establish ‘environmental governance’. Get rid of Agenda 21, the Global Biodiversity Assessment and Codex Alimentarius already. I don’t know what makes governments so crazy that they’d even want to be a part of it.
I was reading ‘The Responsibility to Protect’ last night and here’s a couple of really outrageous claims:
“There is no better or more appropriate body than the United Nations Security Council to authorize military intervention for human protection purposes.” helLOOoo!! Uh, can you say China/Russia and the current, soon to be disposed Obamanation? OK, you can stick Britain and France in there, too.
and this:
“Membership of the United Nations was the final symbol of independant sovereign statehood and thus the seal of acceptance into the community of nations.” Say what? If you aren’t a member of the UN you’re not really a sovereign country? That makes me want to chuck. bleah
yeah, right… the United Nations, it’s your world.
Sorry if I made that seem like it was a national move (my #3)
The court used CA law and has stymied CA fireworks.
Here in LB the 4th of July is a major gay day at the Queen Mary complete with the city’s biggest fireworks display.
(Yes, over the years, this combo has brought children into a lot of contact with the gay community.)
So, will our city file for asap?
Will it drop fireworks?
I haven’t seen anything about it …. yet.
Will we ever get an apology from the left for calling us hate mongers for rejecting this loser treaty? No we won’t. They’ll just eventually stop talking about it and pretend they were never gullible enough to buy into all the global warming lies and nonsense. It’ll be “Al Gore WHO??” as if they never heard of the moron.