Agree. Wholeheartedly. But I will take it one step further. Sean posits that if he called a liberal Democrat female a slut, he would be fired. I say that if a conservative male calls ANY female (lib or conservative) a derogatory name that they would be fired, excoriated and it would end their career.
Larry Sheldon
13 years ago
Fired as he should be.
I don’t see how they can call themselves “men”.
Nan G
13 years ago
Liberals hate all women, even their own.
The communist party on college campuses uses their own female members to get new recruits via sex.
Democrats want females to have scarred consciences via ”legal” abortions.
Liberals want to distance their own females from the joys of motherhood and parenting and happy marriage.
When multicultural friends of the left (those who hate America) murder their femlaes in so-called ”honor murders,” or force their females into marriage as children, or scrape of girls’ clitoruses so there can be no issue of pleasing one’s wife…..all of this is A-OK with liberals because the hatred of America is the top priority.
Sarah Palin is the epitome of a real successful woman: good marriage, a large and diverse family, a successful career, well-spoken.
How the Left hates Sarah!
Agree. Wholeheartedly. But I will take it one step further. Sean posits that if he called a liberal Democrat female a slut, he would be fired. I say that if a conservative male calls ANY female (lib or conservative) a derogatory name that they would be fired, excoriated and it would end their career.
Fired as he should be.
I don’t see how they can call themselves “men”.
Liberals hate all women, even their own.
The communist party on college campuses uses their own female members to get new recruits via sex.
Democrats want females to have scarred consciences via ”legal” abortions.
Liberals want to distance their own females from the joys of motherhood and parenting and happy marriage.
When multicultural friends of the left (those who hate America) murder their femlaes in so-called ”honor murders,” or force their females into marriage as children, or scrape of girls’ clitoruses so there can be no issue of pleasing one’s wife…..all of this is A-OK with liberals because the hatred of America is the top priority.
Sarah Palin is the epitome of a real successful woman: good marriage, a large and diverse family, a successful career, well-spoken.
How the Left hates Sarah!