Goodwin Liu – A Eye For An Eye?

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Was the tanking of Goodwin Liu to the 9th Circuit a case of an eye for an eye?

I’m not convinced since many liberals nominees of Obama’s have moved passed to confirmation. If the Republicans wanted to get even with Democrats common sense would dictate that most of those earlier nominee’s would have been filibustered. Instead, I believe this guy was indeed a case of “extraordinary circumstance”

He is a far left activist, who told the Senate that a Samuel Alito America would look like Nazi Germany where cops will shoot unarmed kids in the back; all white juries will send black men to their death because they dared to kill a white person; and federal agents will terrorize the populace.

Oh, and how about that Constitution of ours. To Liu, it guarantees:

basic employment supports such as expanded health insurance, child care, transportation subsidies, job training, and a robust earned income tax credit.

He is a radical leftist, so the laughingstock known as the 9th Circuit of Appeals would of welcomed him with open arms, but alas he is no more:.

Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a final vote on President Obama’s choice for a federal appeals court opening, marking the first successful Republican filibuster of an Obama administration judicial nominee.

The 52-to-43 vote left the Senate 8 votes short of the 60 needed to end debate on the nomination of Goodwin Liu, a Berkeley law professor.

The left is trying to spin this as an eye for an eye, and I’m sure Republicans remember well the record of Democrats during the Bush years….including one Senator Obama, but in the end I have to agree with Charles here….it came down to the guy being a far left kook:

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“If” he is a far left kook, what does that say about Obama and even the ABA? Why did they give him a pass for the nomination?

His far leftist-ness was a huge part of it, but he also had never, ever been a judge at all!
In point of fact he had only argued one case IN COURT as a lawyer!
And that was a pro bono case…..not paid.
He was just a teacher.
No experience standing in judgement of anyone.
I think even Democrats should have been wary of putting him one step below SCOTUS.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has a well-deserved reputation for being totally nuts, but their Chief Judge Alex Kozinski is (IMHO) a good guy. This was the man who in 1995 drove a stake through the heart of junk science in the courtroom in his Daubert v. Merrill-Dow Opinion. It is my wish that our next Republican president appoint Kozinski to the Supreme Court.

The failure to confirm Gordon Liu to the 9th Circuit is the Republican response to the times the Senate failed to confirm many of George W. Bush’s appointees to Federal judgeships.
What comes around, goes around.
There are two opinions of the Constitution which have nothing in common. One opinion is that the Constitution consists of words which have specific meaning and set the parameters for the Federal Government. The opposing opinion (Mr. Liu) is that the Constitution is whatever a Judge says that it is.
To put it another way: opinion 1 [government of laws]; opinion 2 [government of men].
Mr. Liu shares his view of the Constitution with the President.
The President does not consider himself bound by Federal laws: he laughs about the need to demonstrate his eligibility to be President; he routinely uses U S aircraft in his Presidential Campaign; he flouts the requirement for senior officials to be confirmed by the Senate; he directs the EPA to disregard Congress and regulate carbon dioxide; I could go on.
Mr. Liu is only the first radical to be presented for the Federal Bench. There are hundreds more waiting.
Two radicals, Sotomayor and Kagan, have already been placed on the bench.

I’m hopeful that in fact this was actually the Republicans finally having the gonads to stand up and fight in the same manner as the Democrats for what they want! As the Dems are crying like stuck pigs about the very tactics they have been using as being “a horrible misuse of procedures” it’s nice to see them feel it when hit by their own tactic.
The big question is will be “will they now stay the course and fight back in the gutter as the Dems do?” Or as usual, will the Reps. take their one victory and fold! This can’t be a payback issue! This has to be a case by case fight against the radical nominees and agenda of this leftist administration! As we see the RINOs already folding their tents for compromise (damn, I hate that word! Stand by your principles if you have any!), one fears the latter!

The anti-constitutional agenda of this President, his party and his nominees will lead to the ruination of our country. He has many other far left nominees in the hopper. His legislative agenda is dead against our very ideals. Reps. must stand their ground!

So RINOS finally decided to stop one of Hussein’s Marxist, America hating judges! COULDN’T have anything to do with that election just around the bend, now could it!!!! After all, even Ben Nelson voted against Liu. The only Democrat to do so. Just a coincidence, no doubt!

Liu was, at least, treated with much more respect by the Republicans who understand he is a cracked nut, than the Democrats did with Judge Bork (giving us the new phrase “Borked”) or with Judge Alito who wife sat crying in the hearing room as the Democrats tried to destroy a good man.

Yes he was/is a far leftist. But it was nice to see some of the Republicans actually take a stand and fight for a change. I was surprised! The Reps most favorite word is compromise, over and over. I was so glad to see the Huck not run for prez. I don’t know how many times he downtalked the Tea Party Candidates, and supporters for not being able to understand “that we need to compromise”. Thats why we are where we are. Because of professional Republicans who have compromised us to the back of the bus.