Think how wonderful things will be when gas goes to $10 or $12 a gallon. We will be so fortunate, none of will die on the hiway, we can just stay home and starve. Lying hypocrites!
13 years ago
Gas prices are being manipulated by the Federal Reserve- because oil (and gas) prices are tied to the dollar as the currency of choice, the weaker the dollar is, the more expensive a barrel of oil or a gallon of gas is- the oil companies have little to say about it.
Yes, the Oil companies have posted large profits, but it is truly all relative.
If you are a bread company, and you only make a nickel profit on every loaf, that might be disheartening. If, however, everyone in the world needs your bread, now we are talking money- it is basically the same with the oil companies- a LOT of cost is incurred when you explore for oil- a lot of dry holes, and a lot of money lost. So I do not blame the oil companies for making a profit- that’s what they are SUPPOSED TO DO for their stockholders- to do less would not be right.
No, I blame Obama and the EPA for the delays in domestic drilling, especially when Obama gives an unsecured loan of 2 billion dollars to Brazil, and then tells them that the US will be their best customers- I sure hope the first 2 billion dollars worth is free—
13 years ago
Look closely at the clip and you will see that the real hypocrisy is from the creator of the video. The easist to see is the interview with Amanda Ripley near the end of the video. Note the Time Magazine cover in the background. If you research the cover, you will find that that issue is dated July 14, 2008. Ms. Ripley had an article in Time about the benefits of high gas prices in the July 2, 2008 issue of Time. Yet Don Smith, the narrator of the video would like the viewer to believe that the video clip with Ms. Ripley was made since Obama took office. The Harry Smith clip and the Priva David clip are also from July 2008.
Think how wonderful things will be when gas goes to $10 or $12 a gallon. We will be so fortunate, none of will die on the hiway, we can just stay home and starve. Lying hypocrites!
Gas prices are being manipulated by the Federal Reserve- because oil (and gas) prices are tied to the dollar as the currency of choice, the weaker the dollar is, the more expensive a barrel of oil or a gallon of gas is- the oil companies have little to say about it.
Yes, the Oil companies have posted large profits, but it is truly all relative.
If you are a bread company, and you only make a nickel profit on every loaf, that might be disheartening. If, however, everyone in the world needs your bread, now we are talking money- it is basically the same with the oil companies- a LOT of cost is incurred when you explore for oil- a lot of dry holes, and a lot of money lost. So I do not blame the oil companies for making a profit- that’s what they are SUPPOSED TO DO for their stockholders- to do less would not be right.
No, I blame Obama and the EPA for the delays in domestic drilling, especially when Obama gives an unsecured loan of 2 billion dollars to Brazil, and then tells them that the US will be their best customers- I sure hope the first 2 billion dollars worth is free—
Look closely at the clip and you will see that the real hypocrisy is from the creator of the video. The easist to see is the interview with Amanda Ripley near the end of the video. Note the Time Magazine cover in the background. If you research the cover, you will find that that issue is dated July 14, 2008. Ms. Ripley had an article in Time about the benefits of high gas prices in the July 2, 2008 issue of Time. Yet Don Smith, the narrator of the video would like the viewer to believe that the video clip with Ms. Ripley was made since Obama took office. The Harry Smith clip and the Priva David clip are also from July 2008.