I’m sure we’ll see plenty of, ”Remember when Obama Decided on policies so that oil/gas prices shot up? Its Bush’s fault,” posters during the re-election campaign.
They might have to be interspersed with, ”Remember when Obama Decided to Keep Gitmo Open? Its Bush’s fault,” posters.
And with, ”Remember when Obama Decided to keep fighting in Afghanistan/Iraq? It’s Bush’s fault.”
And with, “Remember when Obama Decided to fight a war in Libya? Its Bush’s fault.”
I’m sure you could add to the list.
Here’s the probable art work: http://disruptthenarrative.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/bushfault.jpg?w=400&h=507
oil guy from Alberta
13 years ago
If San Francisco was to suffer an earthquake due to the instability of the San Andreas Fault, SanFranNan would aptly rename it Bush’s Fault.
One of the greatest failures in the liberal ideology, is that blame always rests on someone else’s shoulders. No responsibility is ever taken for the results of their own actions. Witness Clinton placing the blame for his infidelity upon a “vast right-wing conspiracy”, instead of admitting to his own faults.
Ever wondered what a visual presentation of Atlas Shrugged would look like? Forget seeing the movie, we are living it. “Don’t blame me”; “I’m not to blame”; “I’m not going to take responsibility”; “Who am I to blame”; “Blame him, not me, I’m not responsible”. Liberals look for blame, at the bad things that happen, everywhere BUT their own ideological views.
Nan G
13 years ago
That’s a very astute observation, JohnGalt.
The idea that underpins liberal philosophy denies the Creator and Mankind’s Fall from perfection.
Also, therefore, is denied that anything made by men must be less perfect than the fallen men who created it.
So, we see liberal philosophy teaching that men can be ruled nearly perfectly by man-made structures.
That men’s problems with selfishness that lead to inequity can be evened out by man-made organizations.
You understand the inherent problem with their thinking.
Their thinking is teleological……so it is NEVER their fault when their obviously imperfect organizational structures don’t bring the solutions they expected.
It is our fault.
We didn’t believe in those structures enough.
A good example of their teleological thinking happened in the stage play Peter Pan when Tinkerbelle drank the poison.
All we all (in the audience) had to do was clap our hands to prove our belief that in pixies and she would be made well.
Gee, in Peter Pan, it worked, too.
Thank you, Nan, for the compliment. Truly, one need not go to the movie theater to see a visual presentation of Rand’s book. A simple observation of the world around us will suffice. Think of all the “unreal” and “outlandish” comments and actions within Atlas Shrugged, the book, and you will find numerous examples of them within the reality that is our lives today. Someday, when time permits, a post topic will be forthcoming with that as the subject.
Thanks again, Nan.
13 years ago
@Nan G: Somehow the Right needs to learn how to use this outlandish philosophy against the left/progressives. Unfortunately too many people ‘believe’ in [ it ] rather than ‘God’ or themselves. Pelosi is good at pointing the finger, like you said, whatever sticks right? She is also good at saying the American people are ‘stupid’, which she is on the right track, because there ARE a lot of stupid people in America. And, unfortunately I run into them all the time. However, Pelosi should not lump us all together with a broad stroke… it doesn’t make her look less stupid.
Obama wants people to ‘believe in him’ [ Government ] because Obama himself ( and his ilk ) does not “believe in the American people”… which does harm to the “moral of the American People” … Not a good Leadership attribute… Obama just reinforces ‘bad behavior’ in already ignorant, dependent people and those who are nothing more than ‘followers’.
A Military Leader believes in the ability of his ‘troops’, his troops believe in the ability of his Leadership…
Regan on the other hand [believed in America and the American People ]…
I’m sure we’ll see plenty of, ”Remember when Obama Decided on policies so that oil/gas prices shot up? Its Bush’s fault,” posters during the re-election campaign.
They might have to be interspersed with, ”Remember when Obama Decided to Keep Gitmo Open? Its Bush’s fault,” posters.
And with, ”Remember when Obama Decided to keep fighting in Afghanistan/Iraq? It’s Bush’s fault.”
And with, “Remember when Obama Decided to fight a war in Libya? Its Bush’s fault.”
I’m sure you could add to the list.
Here’s the probable art work:
If San Francisco was to suffer an earthquake due to the instability of the San Andreas Fault, SanFranNan would aptly rename it Bush’s Fault.
@oil guy from Alberta:
One of the greatest failures in the liberal ideology, is that blame always rests on someone else’s shoulders. No responsibility is ever taken for the results of their own actions. Witness Clinton placing the blame for his infidelity upon a “vast right-wing conspiracy”, instead of admitting to his own faults.
Ever wondered what a visual presentation of Atlas Shrugged would look like? Forget seeing the movie, we are living it. “Don’t blame me”; “I’m not to blame”; “I’m not going to take responsibility”; “Who am I to blame”; “Blame him, not me, I’m not responsible”. Liberals look for blame, at the bad things that happen, everywhere BUT their own ideological views.
That’s a very astute observation, JohnGalt.
The idea that underpins liberal philosophy denies the Creator and Mankind’s Fall from perfection.
Also, therefore, is denied that anything made by men must be less perfect than the fallen men who created it.
So, we see liberal philosophy teaching that men can be ruled nearly perfectly by man-made structures.
That men’s problems with selfishness that lead to inequity can be evened out by man-made organizations.
You understand the inherent problem with their thinking.
Their thinking is teleological……so it is NEVER their fault when their obviously imperfect organizational structures don’t bring the solutions they expected.
It is our fault.
We didn’t believe in those structures enough.
A good example of their teleological thinking happened in the stage play Peter Pan when Tinkerbelle drank the poison.
All we all (in the audience) had to do was clap our hands to prove our belief that in pixies and she would be made well.
Gee, in Peter Pan, it worked, too.
@Nan G:
Thank you, Nan, for the compliment. Truly, one need not go to the movie theater to see a visual presentation of Rand’s book. A simple observation of the world around us will suffice. Think of all the “unreal” and “outlandish” comments and actions within Atlas Shrugged, the book, and you will find numerous examples of them within the reality that is our lives today. Someday, when time permits, a post topic will be forthcoming with that as the subject.
Thanks again, Nan.
@Nan G: Somehow the Right needs to learn how to use this outlandish philosophy against the left/progressives. Unfortunately too many people ‘believe’ in [ it ] rather than ‘God’ or themselves. Pelosi is good at pointing the finger, like you said, whatever sticks right? She is also good at saying the American people are ‘stupid’, which she is on the right track, because there ARE a lot of stupid people in America. And, unfortunately I run into them all the time. However, Pelosi should not lump us all together with a broad stroke… it doesn’t make her look less stupid.
Obama wants people to ‘believe in him’ [ Government ] because Obama himself ( and his ilk ) does not “believe in the American people”… which does harm to the “moral of the American People” … Not a good Leadership attribute… Obama just reinforces ‘bad behavior’ in already ignorant, dependent people and those who are nothing more than ‘followers’.
A Military Leader believes in the ability of his ‘troops’, his troops believe in the ability of his Leadership…
Regan on the other hand [believed in America and the American People ]…