Gas Roots Activism – The ‘Hope and Change’ Sticky Note Campaign


Definitely an intriguing campaign to get involved in:

Purchase a pad of large sticky notes. Write on each one, “How’s that Hope & Change working out for you?” Every time you stop to fill your vehicle with gas, place your sticky note somewhere on the pump before you drive away. DO NOT be destructive in ANY way! Place your sticky note somewhere, so as not to impede the next customer’s ability to read the pump’s digital readout.

After… placing your sticky note, please consider taking a digital picture, then uploading it to our wall. Please tell us in which city and state the picture was taken. This is meant to be a “quiet” protest by our silent majority of Americans, to be served upon this administration!! Thank you all for your support!

So far 6800 people have signed up to take part…I know I will be buying some sticky notes this evening myself.

Hope = $1.83 a gallon, Change = $4.09….and rising

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Being married to a man who owns and runs a print shop has its perks.
We get ”sticky paper” by the printable sheet.
We can design two (or more) color notes and print up as many as we need.
I think ”hope” and ”change” should be the same sickly aqua Obama tried to turn our flag’s strong BLUE into on his logo.
I also think the ”NOBAMA 2012″ should be both that same color (bottom half) and Obama’s weak pinkish red from his own logo on the top. (Colors meet in a curved way, like Obama’s logo.)

If it is worth doing, it is worth doing right.

I’ll post it if we get it done soon.

I buy a lot of fuel and look forward to getting the message out; however, I think I will have one of the printing companies preprint the message to save time. It might be good to alternate the message using the top half of the lower illustration on white preprinted sticky pads. Might make Obama voters feel like they just got punched in the belly and want to say, “thanks for all you have done for us, President Obama.”

Maybe just put them both on the same sticky note. This is grass roots political activism that can make a difference. Let those Obama voters wonder if he intends to have eight or ten dollar gasoline to fulfill his campaign promise. He did say Skyrocket, didn’t he. I don’t consider two or three dollars skyrocketing increases, five or six dollar increases will qualify as skyrocketing. Let’s hear them chant O ba ma after reading those messages and being reminded of Obama’s insipid campaign promise.

The movement started Sunday morning here.

It was the result of pumping $75 into my tank, then hearing that only 2% of the news stories about gas prices even mention Obama. That had to change and the tail had to pinned on the right donkey.

Spanish language version here.

But that said, I love the way people have morphed this into Sticky Note Summer.

@Nan G: Please contact me ASAP

I am going to start this today, I need to go shopping ….

I need to get a stamp made with that on it and use that to stap all the post its with a clear bold message so people can read it and not try and decifer my writing.

Nice idea. Since the MSM doesn’t print any negative news about Obama, gotta make people think about things another way. If I had the money, there is a particular billboard I’d rent until 2012, placing bi-weekly messages on it, showing the hypocrisy and the truth of Obama’s words. The one mentioned above, with the graph, is a good one.

Under my plan, energy prices would necessarily Skyrocket!
-Barack Obama, 2008

Gas prices at inauguration – $1.84
Gas prices today – $4.00+
Gas prices in the future – Priceless!

What do you think?

Genius. I’m starting immediately.

I just ordered 3 pads of sticky notes with the following printed on them:
PNG Image
from Vistaprint $7.49 for 3 pads of 50 each.
To be placed just above the price readout, or the price displays where you choose the grade.
The above png image is the exact size required to upload to vistaprint if anyone else wants to order some also.

Great Idea, I’m sure the next thing to be outlawed by the libs will be sticky notes.

Awesome. Nan, maybe you could go into a “little side job” I’d buy some.

What a brilliant idea! I’ve sent out the links.

Hopey changey my ASS
We must drill for our GAS

Palin 2012!!!!