![Obama Money Dream Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e309/uleryrns/Photoshop/Obama/obamacash.jpg)
As has been long recognized, it is best to watch Barack Obama’s actions as opposed to listening to his words. We are finally getting some insight into something he said, i.e. are able to begin to flesh out a definition. Obama once said
“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money…”
Here is the video
As of 2010, Obama’s net worth was about $5 million.
He reported an income of $1.7 million in 2010, and 5.5 million in 2009.
Given that he has no expenses, Obama’s net worth now ought to be about $6 million.
Obviously, $5 million is not enough.
The Obama’s claimed about $250,000 in charitable deductions- but that’s it. That’s all they chose to spread around. Barack Obama will realistically have no expenses for the rest of his life. Like all former Presidents he will be able to command fortunes for appearances. Bill Clinton now has an estimated net worth of $38 million.
What is enough money, Mr. Obama? An income of $1.7 million puts Obama into the ranks of the super-rich and he still keeps the bulk of the money for himself.
For now, I know $6 million is not enough.
We must remember, though, that Obama said
“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money”,
“I do think at a certain point I’ve made enough money…”
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Dr. John: Excellent article, but come on, you know it doesn’t apply to him. He is the emperor with no clothes. It is for thee but not for me. The disgust and loathing that I feel for this guy just keeps building.
And this money was made how?
By falsely appropriating the income properly due to the person who wrote the books, Mr Ayers.
How’s that for fatuous moralizing?
Get rich on the work of others.
Then prate about the immorality of the rich.
Can you say hypocrite?
Try it. This shoe happens to fit.
We are “led” by an affirmative action nitwit, whose sole contribution to American life is reading speeches written for him by others. When he is not on Teleprompter, he has no clue.
Ignorant. Liar. Fraud. Poseur. It would take an entire thesaurus to chronicle all of his supercilious, fatuous, false, demagogic, and irreverent remarks.
But the “people” love him. Or that is the story we are told.
Oh, well. We have the best government money can buy. I would like to know whose money?
How ’bout all them “anonymous” campaign contributions, which were not traceable?
I guess the fix was in.
Doc, lest we forget, the Obamas are the most privileged couple in America; they have no expenses. We foot the bill for everything. They can’t spend money, so $1.7 million for them is actually about $3.3 for you and me. If I had an income like that, I wouldn’t be considering the guy making 200 Grand filthy rich. Let’s be serious. This income is mainly from the sale of books, one of which and possibly two were apparently written by someone else, nothing wrong with that, but it is customary for honest people to disclose that fact on the cover page. Unfortunately, our president isn’t really into disclosure, whether it’s his birth or his grades or whether he even graduated from college. Despite his campaign promise to run a transparent administration, he has kept himself an enigma and leaving us to ask why. Is he embarrassed over family secrets? Has he committed fraud? Is he a bit of a dolt? Is he lazy? Has he been involved with clubs that would indicate a closeness with America’s enemies? All these are questions that an inquisitive American wonders about when someone keeps his life a mystery and has some bizarre and nontraditional policies that at least seem counter productive to America’s well being, while always seem to be a help to the great hedge fund man in the sky, George Soros.
Oh, by the way, his wife and Bill Ayers on two separate occasions admitted that it wasn’t Obama the non-writer who wrote the best seller “Dreams Of My Father”, but the domestic terrorist and murderer himself, Bill Ayers.
It is illogical, that a man who did nothing while posing as the Harvard Law Review editor, but show up and grin and wave now and then, could write a best seller. The original contract, for which he was paid handsomely, was to write an analysis on race in America. Of course a Narcissist writes about himself or at least instructed Bill Ayers to write about him. His wife admitted that Obama couldn’t put it together and the deadline was fast approaching, so he gave all his handwritten notes to Ayers and he put together the fairytale that launched the Myth.
@Skookum: I too wish I had that kind money, Skook. Then perhaps I could afford to be a liberal. 😉
Doc, there are only two kinds of Liberals or Socialists: there are the Take Care of Me Liberals, these are the welfare and dedicated union types who believe that someone else has their best interests in mind and can take care of them because they lack the cerebral ability to manage in this harsh, mean world and the there are the I’ll Take Care of You Liberals who are omnipotent in their views of the world and believe without a doubt that they have the ability and capability to direct the world and the people who happen to reside there. Their loyalty for both groups is to the cause and to their superiors or the Elites who happen to be above them. Vey few of the Take Care of Me Liberals desire to be in a position of leadership or to take on Elite status, that is the role of the I’ll Take Care of You Liberals. They are perfectly willing to dictate what and how much toilet paper you can use and what type of underwear you will wear; after all, they have that omnipotent knowledge and wisdom or so they have convinced themselves. To expect the individual to rely on his abilities to achieve or fail is cruel and without thought to the welfare of the group. In either group we have those who are overwhelmed with insecurities and a lack of ability. Oftentimes the malignant Narcissist rises to the top and yet he is the most insecure of the lot. he hides his insecurity through bravado and the fawning of sycophants, but he is one of the most troubled.
Consequently Doc, I think you would make a poor Liberal.
Drudge has a headline up right now.
“WHERE’S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.”
Jerome R. Corsi.
That name rung a bell, but memory had faded.
Corsi is the man who ended John F. Kerry’s sure win.
The media invented the word, ”Swift-boated,” after what Corsi did to Kerry.
Obama’s personal hypocrisy is so plain to see.
But not just in his desire to enrich himself while demonizing all other so-called rich folks.
Obama just held a “President’s Meeting with Stakeholders on Fixing the Broken Immigration System.”
Guest list included:
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Al Sharpton
AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka
Govs from:
Are those men and women not ”stakeholders?”
@Nan G:
They are not ‘stakeholders’, in the sense that they do not share the same views as those who attended.
Maybe a liberal can explain to me how it is a ‘good’ thing that the people most affected by a policy decision, which will most likely stem from such a meeting, are not asked to be present at such a meeting.
@Nan G: It was really Tour of Duty
Thanks for the reminder, DrJohn.
I was talking with my doctor the other day about what I thought was early worries about my memory.
But after we talked I felt better.
It seems a lot of folks looked upon computers as memory caches.
We just stopped worrying about remembering because we thought, ”if I need to use this or that fact again, I can simply look it up.”
I told him I had done the same thing about Bible verses after someone gave me a Bible Concordance.
One thing I (and others) hadn’t taken into account about relying on computers for facts later is the POLITICAL nature of so many search engines.
I prefer to keep many, many ”bookmarks,” rather than even think I could use most search features to find old facts.
That’s the real shame of computers, imho.
If you folks want to read about the most narcissistic socialist ever, get the book called ” The Northern Magus”. Pierre Trudeau, as prime minister of Canada, sponsored horrific socialist policy that was tearing the country apart. Canada had no national debt when he started pontificating. Property rights were taken out of the constitution. The oil patch was mostly nationalized and had the dire consequences that were expected. His ” Just Society” left a 400 billion national debt ,that was accrued in 12 years. That at par Canadian dollar went as low as 60 cents. Gun control was now fashionable. The Dept. of Defence was a shambles. Castro was a close friend. Reagan was to be hated. The West was wanting to separate. Etc., etc.
There’s info on Wiki and Google. Read how a devout socialist, marxist operates.
Would someone explain to all the liberals out there that a law (or change in tax law) is not needed to enable people to directly contribute towards reducing the deficit….its on your 1040 tax form. Contribute all you want!! I think their point is more…somebody else needs to do it.
@Nan G: Nan, what we really could use is Obama’s John O’Neill. Wayne Allen Root comes close.
It’s so important to clip those sound bites at precisely the correct point, otherwise people might become confused about the meaning of a sentence. For example, in this case the complete sentence, word for word, was what appears in bold text below:
The topic was Wall Street reform. A video of the entire speech is available here, on YouTube. To find the comment in context without watching the whole 30-minute speech, drag the time slider to minute 18.
The official transcript is here.
Obama and his surrounding worshippers in the White House defiantly continue to march steadfastly against common sense.
Their Keynesian state of mind blinds them from the reality beyond their white walls, and Mr. Leader is damned if he’s going to reverse the spending. After all, he’s going to gift the poor all that tax money he’s going to take from the rich, and the rest will take care of itself. What’s the rest? . . . His re-election, nothing else matters. He believes that he can promise those who don’t pay taxes anything, and they will support him. That is a huge percentage of the population.
Europe is heading for the brick wall and “Euro Experiment” is proving to be exactly what was foreseen – a disaster – each member country manages (mismanages) it’s own cash, but is given the ability to beg the others for bailout money. Euro leadership’s Keynesian brilliance has simply delayed the inevitable. For some reason, the current W.H. doesn’t see Europe’s “leading” example of disastrous fiscal policies.
The supposedly most intelligent member of the White House crowd, Geithner, stuttered his way through the airwaves this week pretending there would be calamities coming, and an economic Armageddon, if the debt ceiling is not raised. Lies. That’s not the problem. Spending is the problem. Curtail it, and the U.S. can continue to rebuild, with added credibility.
S&P has warned of a possible downgrade of the U.S. debt (for the first time ever) – would that be enough of a 2×4 to the left temple that serious policy change should be considered? Nah. Keep kicking that can. Our grandchildren will take on the chin.
He prefaced his comment with a lie or an example of self delusion. It changes nothing in this case comrade Greg.
Too bad for you that it has been made ABUNDANTLY clear by liberals, aka folks like you, that they do begrudge the success of others.
Greg, there is no way of denying that Obama, by his own words, believes there is a limit to the amount of money a person should make. Whether he qualifies it later as the ‘American way of life’, or talks about people fulfilling a ‘responsibility’ to the economy by helping to grow the economy, he personally believes that there is a limit to what a person should make.
@Hard Right, #16:
If liberals have made things so ABUNDANTLY clear, why is it necessary to constantly misrepresent what they’re actually saying with 30-second out of context sound bites?
Sigh. Greg, even without that first part, it’s hardly misrepresenting. Like I said, leaving it out changes nothing. You’d have a point if it did. Let me give you an example of what I mean.
I want him dead!
What was actually said: No way will I say that just because we disagree, that I want him dead!
Obama can claim it’s not about having a problem with their success, but he’s shown otherwise as have liberals in general.
Obama, Michael Moore, Barbara Streisand, Jane Fonda, Ted Turner, Warren Buffett et al could very simply take the basic deductions that the rest of us take and pay taxes on the rest. That would spread the wealth around.
Just think how much money would come into the IRS, if these blowhards did that. They don’t have to use every loophole they find.
SKOOKUM, HI, on your 5, I’m pretty sure that what your are describing
IS the profiles ressembling the 2 BULLIES, it fit perfectly,