Napolitano: The border is not out of control [Reader Post]

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It’s jaw dropping.

“Many of our country’s safest communities are actually at the border….”


Two Americans were gunned down while waiting to cross one of those safest borders

A mixed martial arts fighter was one of two Americans gunned down in an execution-style killing near the San Ysidro border crossing Monday morning.

Mexican authorities say Sergio Salcido Luna and Kevin Joel Romero were waiting in their company truck while waiting to cross into the U.S. before dawn.

A gunman walked up to the white Mazda truck with California license plates and opened fire at least five times, killing both men as they sat in traffic.

Napolitano suggests that statistics show a lessening of crimes along the border. Maybe that’s in part because border agents have been told to stop enforcing the law.

An Arizona sheriff says U.S. Border Patrol officials have repeatedly told him they have been ordered to reduce — at times even stop — arrests of illegal immigrants caught trying to cross the U.S. border.

Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever told that a supervisor with the U.S. Border Patrol told him as recently as this month that the federal agency’s office on Arizona’s southern border was under orders to keep apprehension numbers down during specific reporting time periods.

That definitely would cut down on the reported crimes.

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Why would anyone choose to live in Tijianna?

While I agree with most of this posting, it’s come to light that the attack was because of a love-triangle and has nothing to do with the standard border violence we see all the time.

Juarez is amazing. In fact, I would suggest Janet move her office there.

All is well!!!!!!!

When loons go batshit, the shiit is ready to hit the fan.

CML in MAINE Had a great idea.
Companies move their offices all the time to keep pace with their clients / customers…Sooo why not have all the DHS offices moved to the border they say is so safe,

With the border so safe it’s not like they would have anything to worry about..Right…


She can not even lie with a straight face.. FUS..but what do you expect..Ask her if she would want to live there? She has been worthless since the first day of her political career.

We have soldiers in only God knows how many countries fighting the “Global War on Terrorism” or whatever this administration calls it. In the mean time, there are at least 60 Hezbollah terrorist cells in the US that are known. (That is only the Hezbollah variety of terrorism. There are many others!) The media finally acknowledged recently that there is a terrorist training cell in the far corner of Brazil. The students at this camp are taught Spanish and taught to emulate Spanish emigrants as well as raise funds for the terrorist activities around the world. That has been common knowledge to the military for more than 10 years. According to several congressional investigations (Republican), there has been increased traffic of illegals crossing the southern border that are not Hispanic. Yet, we continuously are reminded about how safe the borders are. How can the military fight for their country all over the world when they cannot trust their government to secure the safety of their families at home?


There is a distinct likeness between Obumo and Napoleonitsa…must be the nose stuck in the air.

Big Sis asleep at the switch.

(To paraphrase Napolitano) “Trust what we are telling you and stop paying attention to all those damned lying new reports!”

Does anyone in the Obama administration live in the real world? They all sound like typical limousine-liberals.

“We’re from the government and we’re here to help.”

More than one mass grave.
Can you imagine simply being on a bus going back to the States when armed men board while it sits in line at a border crossing.
They pick out men and leave with them.
Much later all those men’s bodies are found in mass graves.

Yeah, Janet, the border is fine.

Do real ostraches put their heads in the sand?
I ask because that’s how I picture this ignorant, propagandizing woman.

How is her comment about the border any different to what she said when the passengers on that plane beat the panty-bomber into submission– “the system worked”. Yeah toots, but my carry of choice, a 1927 vintage .38 special Colt Police Positive works even better and with it, we wouldn’t have the media circus and huge expense of a trial to see whether liberals or sanity prevail.
Here’s a link to the CNN News segment video for any of you who never saw her call US citizens stupid this time

Buffalo Bore. com. Te company makes a nice .38 special with low flash for short-barreled revolvers. Why do they call her ‘big sis”. FUS she is..I doubt if she has ever traveled some of those back roads in Az?Even duirng the day the people that you meet are not nice. The hills in Az. along the border have a society of scarry individuals that live off the land, your car, your money, your clothing..Well you should get the idea by now..Boarder Az. is not a nice place even at 80 mph.

@Nan G #14:

Can you imagine simply being on a bus going back to the States when armed men board while it sits in line at a border crossing.
They pick out men and leave with them.

You’re right about that, Nan. That scenario is all but unimaginable to most Americans but travel in Mexico is always scary, even when its only because of the law- unless it has changed since I was there in the 80s but I am sure that is now even worse. I lived in Az and took some visiting East Coast family down to Guymas (on the east side of the Gulf of California) for a few days just for innocent fun. Its a different culture but we had a good time with no real weird stuff till on the way back when we hit a road block manned by a dozen or so menacing men in PLAIN black jump suits armed with M16s. They had NO identifying insignia or marks on their clothing (not uniforms either) and the sign (ALTO! blah, blah, blah) was in spanish with no discernable mention of official status (I read or puzzle out from context way more than I speak). After I stopped, an english speaking member came over and THEN flashed his badge (quickly) before jocularly grilling me about where we had been. I use the word jocular, but this man’s eyes were not smiling. After a few minutes, he sent us on our way with the women in shock and one even crying. No more fun the rest of that trip

I remember the same thing happening several times when taking a bus through the jungle from Subic Bay down to Manila back in the late 60s. These guys though were anything but jocular and one time they did take someone off the bus, in a very ungentle way.

The point is that this is a normal part of travel in many parts of the world even when it is the government stopping the bus. Ask your cousin/brother/neighbor who just returned from Iraq how much fun public transportation is in Baghdad. The reason the law does it is to prevent the bad guys from doing it and Mexico is now in the crap part of the cycle where the bad guys do it to select homicide victims. Does anyone wonder why there are so many trying to get over here?
How far are we removed from this happening here? When will those fools like napolitano wake up to the fact that those same bastards will be killing Americans, in America, unless we bear down on the border. When will most Americans wake up to that scenario and stop dreaming “it can’t happen here”. There sure was a fuss over the possibility of some TSA swine getting a dirty little thrill from those new machines at your expense though, wasn’t it?


No, “the system” didn’t work.” The system” let the underwear bomber on the plane. “The system” is a massive fail. Having Napolitano in charge of homeland security is worse than handing it over to the Keystone Cops or Barney Fife. She is just a political appointment who is so incompetent, she doesn’t even realize that her politicization of the department is putting us in danger.

Bush gave us FEMA Director Michael Brown.
Obama gave us Napolitano.

We need competent people running these offices, without having noggins up the arse.

Dink Newcomb, where are you? missing on some goodies here,
SR get back in line, we need you’re input