Boots on the ground in Libya [Reader Post]


You are an idiot to believe anything Barack Obama says.

Over and over we have been told

We are not putting any ground forces into Libya.

Last night we learn

The Central Intelligence Agency has inserted clandestine operatives into Libya to gather intelligence for military airstrikes and to contact and vet the beleaguered rebels battling Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces, according to American officials.

There are American boots on the ground in Libya. Read this carefully:

While President Obama has insisted that no American military ground troops participate in the Libyan campaign, small groups of C.I.A. operatives have been working in Libya for several weeks as part of a shadow force of Westerners that the Obama administration hopes can help bleed Colonel Qaddafi’s military, the officials said.

Which means Obama has been lying through his teeth to America all this time.

Despite the assurance

Broadening military mission in Libya to include regime change would be a mistake, U.S. President Barack Obama said in a nationally televised speech at the National Defense University.

“If we tried to overthrow Qaddafi by force, our coalition would splinter. We would likely have to put U.S. troops on the ground to accomplish that mission, or risk killing many civilians from the air,” Obama argued.

Barack Obama seeks regime change in Libya.

Obama Signed Secret Libya Order Authorizing Support For Rebels

President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday.

Now we have American operatives working side by side with Al Qaida to overthrow a government.

Nothing Obama says can be trusted or believed.


You are an idiot to believe anything Barack Obama says.

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What’s worse is that it is apparent he did not bother to inform anyone on the Legislative side as required until well after the time limit was exceeded to do so! Not a word from the MSM though! Now can someone please tell me why the moron in the White house is aiding what is almost assuredly a pack of jackels who were and are part of a faction that believes in the eradication of Israel and was responsible for the loss of over 3,000 American citizens? Anyone who believes that the so called rebels (I’ll grant the getting rid of the tyrant slant) there are not radical in nature are not just blind. They are ignorant to the point of idiocy. and that includes our so called leader!

Poor Obama, he is now a cornered rat fighting to survive just like Qaddafi. I’m guessing he never thought that the UN would squeeze out it’s resolution as quickly as it did. Another 48 hours and it would all have been over but he found himself facing a pending massacre after he had already spoken out against Qaddafi’s ruthlessness and also after saying Qaddafi had to go. He had no excuses left not to “do something”. Well, he did do something and now, no matter how ludicrously he and his spokesflacks twist and squirm rhetorically he’s on the hook. In it up to his neck.

Sort of like Reagan with Beirut and Bush 41 with Somalia, Obama has allowed himself to get sucked into a “humanitarian crisis” and wound up embracing a Tar Baby. He now has his very own war and must do whatever it takes to win it. Or else.

In good conscience, I cannot fault him for stating that we are not putting ground forces in Libya, while we put forward observers from the CIA in on the ground. That is essential action by the military when conducting modern bombing campaigns.

However, the point is well taken, especially when you consider the moronic host of Obama followers who have no idea how the military works. And those are the people he is speaking to. He should have clarified himself and stated “no occupying forces”, but he did not, so we are left with does he believe NO ground forces whatsoever are being used, or does he know of the forward observer types and is simply glossing over it because it is, in fact, inconsequential.

This doesn’t bother me near as much as his hypocrisies, in explaining the need for U.S. intervention in Libya, and the complete 180 he had to accomplish to do so, in light of the comments he made previously on Iraq. That isn’t a simple failing, as RW would have you believe. That is a severe lack of principles, and the ability to stand on them.


Your right, we can believe nothing that comes out of his mouth. Even if it’s teleprompter driven.

Sinanju, what is winning? Al Qaeada in the past had to depend on handouts; now, they will have vast amount of “sweet crude” to finance their Jihad and terrorism, along with their own country, courtesy of our president.

We have those among us who say the rebels are just yesterday’s students, but if we examine the photos we see uniforms of similar style and color, we see theAK 47, an inexpensive but excellent rifle: people who live in poverty don’t just go out and spend a year’s income for a uniform and a rifle. These rebels are well supplied and backed by al Qaeeda, but they need heavier weapons to stand up against the loyalist troops. Fifty calibers are nice, M 60s are nice, rocket launchers are nice, they need those weapons and Mr Obama is probably already passing them out and instructing the rebels on how to use them at this very moment. By the time al Qaeda becomes competent with our weapons, they will be using them against Americans. Is that victory?

And explain to me what kind of MOron PUBLISHES a secret presidential finding. Does anyone believe that leaked without the White House OK? He just had to show how tough he was being.

And everyone knows if he was serious about taking down Ghadaffi he would have sent SEIU and OFA goons, not the Navy.

The Vanity War

Foreign Policy to this president is to be directed by domestic political advantage; he realizes he has been seen as a wimp at home and abroad, to change public opinion he felt it was necessary to conduct a sterile humanitarian war and be proclaimed an historical statesman. Unfortunately, the sly Gadaffy has proven himself to be a survivor once again; consequently, Obama has fallen down the outhouse hole and it looks and smells bad down there. He is willing to try anything and everything to save face and convince everyone that he smells like a rose when he crawls out, but hype and BS doesn’t float like like it did two years ago.

Wartime presidents are usually assured of reelection, but when they start stupid little vanity wars they can’t win and they smell like they just climbed out of the outhouse hole, election victory will be more difficult.

I’m surprised at the MSM’s shortsightedness here. Their lack of critical response now certainly will be used come 2012 as proof of their allegiance to the left, so in order to be seen as even passingly impartial during the presidential race they should at least be tossing out some token “hard-ball” critique. Where’s Code Pink (and every other anti-military intervention group) to cry out “No Blood For Oil!” at Obama and HIS war hawks? I guess principles don’t matter…


The Fraud in the Oval Office continues his confusion: “U.S. officials revealed the CIA was on the ground in Libya. . . . . Although the administration has pledged that no U.S. ground troops will be deployed to Libya.”

Isn’t this putting the Wagon before the Horse? . . . Evidently not in this White House.

So NOW Obama is going to find out who the military is supporting.

Here’s a prediction: A new comic book series will be launched, based on the Obama Administration.

Hey Skookum if the terrorists get fifty calibers , M 60s and rocket launchers it would wind up like the gun running operation to mexico. Where the bad guys use our guns to kill our people. poorly thought out government intervention; I’m starting to see a pattern of behavior.

Did anybody really think he was telling the truth?….

Zac, Selling weapons to the drug runners has two purposes: the drug runners can operate with impunity across the border (not many border agents want to take on the AK and fifty calibers with bean bags) and the Obama administration will have reasons to promote gun control, because of the violence these weapons are creating. Our new alliance with al Qaeda will be much more deadly for our soldiers. The drug runners and people smiugglers just want to make money without government intervention, in that way they are said to be conservative, but the al Qaeda group that Obama wants to help only wants to kill our troops, the Israelis, us and everyone else in the world that doesn’t wipe their butt with rocks.

I think the biggest crime “O” makes is thinking we are all ignorant people who live in “fly over country”. Any one who reads any novel, or Field Manual understands there is always a need to have “boots on the ground”. At a minimum, SF/Rangers (SO) need to be on the ground to designate targets and to gather INTEL. The incompetence of this administration is incredable!

Joint Chief Mullen says the WEATHER is why the people we are not siding with are losing in Misrata to the leader we are not trying to overthrow.
See, we haven’t been able to do as many air strikes.
Well ………that makes sense…..not.

Hardright, AM i over imagining now, tell me:
COULD IT BE a plot, carefully ingeneerd to allowed AL QAIDA TO ENTER into thoses countrys,
victoriously, putting their men there, to grow a monster once they acquire all those countrys, then all together form a giant army to get EUROPE WHERE THEY HAVE some of their guys already.
BY THE WAY I recall the FRENCH PRESIDENT to be the first to accept the new leadership,of the revolutionair, and note how many MUSLIMS are inFRANCE too, and HE SAID we should not be afraid of those revolutionarys,from the beginning of the invasion. SO this monster army would not stop,
while they are creating violence in EUROPE, WE HERE WOULD START TO FEEL THE MOVEMENT OF THEIR FOLLOWERS HERE, OH WAIT are we already starting to smell the monster tentacules?

John Galt #3 Ididn’t suggest BHO being against Iraq intervention and for Libyan interventio(obviously on a different military scale) was a “simple failing.”
I ask again. How many here are for Both interventions. If not, are you automatically hypocrites? I think not.

Another Gulf of Tonkin pack of lies to justify intervention. I wonder how Andrea Mitchell, Chris tingles Mathews, and Jake Tapper are going to spin this. All three are huge kool aid carriers for the lieing loser. Gonna check the website ” Fire Andrea Mitchell”.

SKOOKUM, on your 12, when I think about our troops on the ground, they wont be able to turn their back either side, how can you walk like this, I guess it will be a challenge


You never know Bees. All the turmoil is giving Al-Q and other terrorist groups the opportunity to slide into power now, or in the near future.
I know they would LOVE to achieve the same type of uprising in Saudi Arabia and have been trying to stir up dissent there.

@Randy, #13:

The incompetence of this administration is incredible!

Actually the administration has dealt successfully with some of the most serious challenges the nation has faced since the Great Depression. At the end of 2008 unemployement was rising out of control, the bottom had dropped out of the investment markets, and we were on the brink of a total collapse of the national financial system. From that we’ve gone on to a slow but steady economic recovery. The Obama administration has successfully navigated through a sh-t storm of epic proportions, with nothing but resistance from an opposition that’s been totally focused on blocking him at every opportunity, regardless of the consequences.

Now they’re attacking him for a military intervention they would have instantly supported had it been undertaken by a republican president, trying to impose an ideologically-driven assortment of budget cuts that it’s predicted will cost the national economy 700,000 jobs by the end of next year, and are promoting more corporate and high-end tax cuts despite their supposed dedication to fiscal responsibilty, while simultaneously launching multi-pronged attacks on social programs keeping the poor afloat and against middle and working class Americans across the board.

I could sum up my attitude toward all that with two short words, the first being a verb of Anglo-Saxon derivation. As I generally favor politeness and courteous discourse I’ll leave it to the imagination.

Our overseas contingency plan is to rename this man made disaster as kinetic military action.

Thank God. And here I thought 10,5% (Admitted) unemployment, a double-dip housing collapse. 13% of American homes standing vacant and gas doubling in price were problems.

@richard mcenroe, #23:

Those things are problems, but they don’t come close to the scale of the all-encompassing calamity that was averted. “I’m still feeling a little sick” is generally considered preferable to being dead.

More of those “alternative universe” truths, eh Greg?

Take the neon hand for tarot readings out of your window, and keep your day job.

“You are an idiot to believe anything Barack Obama says.”

I must take exception to that statement, I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed.

But, I wholeheartedly believe that he actually does want to spread Joe the plumber’s money around. . . now, as for anything else the POS says. . .

@MataHarley: Whenever someone says how much better off the country is with Obama in office, just remember back to something Ricardo Montablan used to say accent and all, “Welcome to Fantasy Island”. It’s very therapeutic and it’ll put a smile on your face.

After seeing your post Greg, all that can be said is:
Drugs are bad, mkay?

@JustAl, I have to agree. There are many things Obama says that I believe are true…. Such as that he wants single payer healthcare. That he wants gas to be high to force behavioral change. That he will force climate change legislation thru the EPA. Three that come to mind instantly.

But I pretty much get the gist of drj’s notion that he does “lie” alot. I might put it differently… that he redefines things – usually after approval polls are in – to reflect the same, but in a way he finds easier to debate as “did I say that???”, and more palatable for the o’faithful to swallow.

another vet…. LOL Da no fly plane! da no fly plane!

Dr J,

Are you of the opinion President Obama should have announced that CIA operatives were on the ground in Libya? Would it have been helpful of him to send maps of their locations to Libyan loyalists?

Tom: Are you of the opinion President Obama should have announced that CIA operatives were on the ground in Libya?

Gee, Tom… when was the CIA inducted into the US military? I musta missed that….

“boots on the ground”…. can you say military, occupying force, not intel?

duh. Is “anal” and word parsing a particularly liberal trait? Seems to be.

… the crisis that was averted.

I hereby nominate Greg as Head Lifeguard of Sendai Baywatch.


Gee, Tom… when was the CIA inducted into the US military? I musta missed that….

“boots on the ground”…. can you say military, occupying force, not intel?

Exactly my point. “Boots on the ground” is an obvious reference to US Military personnel, who are not, to my knowledge, in Libya. Thank you for helping to clarify.

Tom, in that aspect, I don’t disagree one iota. Technically, I don’t consider our intel forces as “boots on the ground”. But I will also say that I don’t know know what the US military has on the ground. So frankly, I don’t know that Obama is being honest, or dishonest. And, in this case, I don’t consider myself.. .or the media… in a need to know basis for political points. We may, indeed, have US military there that we do not know of in order to facilitate the no fly “not a war” operation. In which case, the CiC is not being truthful.

Then again, to protect any member of the US military there for that purpose, I don’t want to know. And I especially don’t want any media to know. In that case, I would forgive a CiC’s less than honest answer.

Can’t comment to drj’s perspectives. He’s more than capable of speaking for himself. On one hand, it’s a perceived as a mistruth if we assume there is no American operative in sight to facilite the mission. On the other hand, if you want to consider whether they are “military”, it’s incorrect.

The more accurate question would be, how does the US population at large consider that statement, “no boots on the ground”?


Interesting post. To the question of what the general population thinks, my guess is they consider “no boots” to mean “no deployments” for US military personnel. I personally don’t think that CIA intelligence qualifies, and to my knowledge the President doesn’t keep us informed of their specific whereabouts on an ongoing basis anyway. This isn’t to imply I am theoretically okay with the President lying to the American people, nor do I think we’re close to that in this particular case. This isn’t, to my view, just a case of slippery semantics. American military forces being openly deployed is completely different, and has a vastly different set of implications and potential commitments, to the deployment of several dozen professional spooks. If we end up openly deploying the US military, I will be just like anyone else, expecting an explanation from President Obama.


Please explain why you think I’m parsing.

SF, Seals, AF Combat Controllers or a Marine force smaller then a Battalion doesn’t count – never has…

another danger also is that the UN start to involve AMERICA in multiple MUSLIM COUNTRYS WARS,
which we can’t afford to begin with, and secondly let it drag like AFGHANISTAN’S WAR,
costing many lives of our own, now that the door is open, and leaving the USA weaken dangerously and open season forTHE WORLD ORGANISATION PARTY TO MOVE IN BEING WELCOME BY THEIR PEOPLE
THIS is not to be underestimate at all, as a matter of fact, it might even have been orchestrate
from the very beginning of this war, that would be helping their 1/3rd to win the MUSLIM COUNTRYS ,
I suspect this because the arabs country uprising began allmost together in a unified force, some kind of togetherness, creating a power that grew very fast in unison, that surely had a head over to organise it,
so I thought, what if, what we look at , which is those countrys revolutions, are to hide the real agenda to ousted our own CONSTITUTION by replacing it with their own global CONSTITUTION, which is their goal , with the help of their people already in GOVERNMENT SRATEGIC POSITION OF POWER, ON EVERY STEPS OF THE LADDER, AND RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES, BEFORE THE 2012 ELECTION. THAT WOULD BECOME ALSO NULLIFIED, a scenario well prepare and swiftly DANGEROUSLY POSSIBLE.

@Greg: You said:

Those things are problems, but they don’t come close to the scale of the all-encompassing calamity that was averted. “I’m still feeling a little sick” is generally considered preferable to being dead.

“It could have been worse, I tell you!!!!” – liberal talking point

Yeah, we might have 10% unemployment and near $4 a gallon gasoline..uh, nvm.

So you have gone from, “Its Bush’s fault!” to its the world’s/Republicans/Tea Party’s fault.

Interesting. Is Obama truly made of Teflon?

I mean you hold him accountable for nothing, Greggie.

@rich wheeler:

I ask again. How many here are for Both interventions. If not, are you automatically hypocrites? I think not.

Well, truth be told, RW, we here have been waiting patiently for you to acknowledge that Obama is either a hypocrite, or a liar, about Libya. His past words have been quoted here quite frequently, along with his speeches about Libya. Hypocrite, or liar, which is it?

I remember when Reagan called on the 6th Fleet to do the retaliatory bombing raid on the Godaffy compound. One of Godaffy’s little daughters died that night and the now humbled Godaffy got religion. One errant bomb nailed a chicken coop(Libyans love chickens roaming around the yard,even in Godaffy’s palace) and the chicken tender was screaming that Reagan was a chicken killer. One Reagan loving midwesterner bought a few dozen chicken crates and had them delivered to the palace proving that Reagan loved chickens and was not a chicken killer.

@anticsrocks, #43:

I mean you hold him accountable for nothing, Greggie.

That would probably seem to be the case to those who irrationally blame him for everything and credit him with nothing. It’s his opponents who seem to have the weird fixation.


and are promoting more corporate and high-end tax cuts despite their supposed dedication to fiscal responsibilty,

Tax and spend. That is the limit of your knowledge of fiscal responsibility. Explain to us again how increasing federal spending by a TRILLION dollars a year, and crying about a few measely Billion in spending cuts is being fiscally responsible.

Remember the other day I noted that the SomaliLand Press was claiming that Libyan rebels were going door-to-door and murdering all the blacks they could find.
Most blacks in Libya are laborers.
SOME blacks in Libya serve Gaddafi as inner guard.
So, how would Obama deal with this?

Obama is talking about bombing the rebels too.
This is what happens when you give an aircraft carrier to a community organizer.
This is one way to guarantee that no matter which side wins, we lose.

Obama Admin quotes at NYTimes, but you can see them for free here:

@johngalt: May as well be pissing in the wind, john. Little dickie doesn’t have the cajones to answer direct questions about Obama, just look here and here.

Hypocrite, or liar, which is it?

You left out the possibility of “Both”

@johngalt, #47:

Tax and spend. That is the limit of your knowledge of fiscal responsibility.

The only workable way to balance the federal budget is to adjust both the money coming in and the money going out. Spending has to be reined in and more taxes must be collected. The approach to balancing the budget must also be balanced.

If nothing is done, there will be hell to pay. Most likely that would come in the form of accelerating monetization of debt followed by terminal hyperinflation. Monetary wealth would be wiped out as dollars become worthless. The economy as we know it would collapse, as it simply can’t function without a reliable medium of exchange. Doing nothing is not an option.

If you focused only on spending cuts, the poor, the working class, and the middle class would all see their standard of living and long-term security progressively erroded. The social safety net would become a thing of the past. Public education would become a joke and higher education would be affordable only for a very few. The long-ignored national infrastructure would continue its decline to the point where it could no longer meet the demands of an industrial society. At some point social unrest would set in and anger would likely be directed at those who seemed to have profited the most from the dysfunction. The turbulence that would follow wouldn’t likely resolve into changes that those who have done well would benefit from.

I presume I don’t need to explain to anyone why focusing on only raising taxes while ignoring out of control spending isn’t desirable.

So, everybody has to give something up. Nobody is going to get it all the way they want it. Those who imagine they can are a big part of the problem.

GREG , IT IS NOT ‘WOULD’ IT IS HAPPENING , it has happened,
and now It’s just not if or would,but when the dollard will loose his value,
and it’s been predicted before, and mentionned now as a CERTAINTY,
this by highly knowledgeble people,
and to make it clear about uprising by the poor, don’t think it would be accepted easy
by the more able to cope with it, you have to also mention that they are equipt to defend their own
family, and would do it, so let it be clear that the ones who would want to steal the RICHS,
WOULD BE KILLED ON SITE WITH GOOD REASON; the RICHS are people too, and help the poors more than it’s been told by those in power, they DEMONISE THE RICHS WHILE FILLING THEIR OWN POCKETS

@rich wheeler: Libya is a CIVIL WAR that we have NO vested interest in, except as a distraction, which is what Obama wants.
Imagine if England and France had been actively aiding the South in the War For State’s Rights- after all, Lincoln WAS actively killing our own rebels, the southerners. Hmmmm- perhaps history might have turned out different, do ya think?