How do you define “importance”? Here’s how General Petraeus explains it:
“This was about 20 years ago when I was the aide to the Army Chief of Staff in the Pentagon and Colin Powell was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
“One of my fellow aides overheard the joint chiefs killing time before they were waiting for the arrival of a foreign dignitary. And the topic of conversation turned to examples of true importance. And what it really meant to be truly important.
“And after a bit of banter, one of the chiefs offered what seemed to be quite a good opinion on this.
“In my view, he said, true importance is a meeting with the President of the United States in the Oval Office, during which the President asks all of the other attendees to leave so that he can do a ‘one on one’ just with you.
“All the chiefs nodded at that.
“But then another chief chimed in. ‘Actually chiefs, he asserted, ‘true importance is a ‘one on one’ meeting with the President in the Oval Office during which the President is so intent on what you are saying that he doesn’t even answer the hotline when it rings’.
“Well that had all the heads nodding in agreement. Until General Powell , a man who had, of course, as the National Security Advisor, spent quite a bit of time in the Oval Office, settled the question once and for all.
“Chiefs,” he said authoritatively, “true importance is a personal meeting with the President in the Oval Office, during which when the hotline rings, the President answers the phone, holds it out and says — Here Colin, it’s for you”.
Hat tip: Thomas Ricks
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Well, at least it wasn’t bashing Obama for the millionth time.
I’d give it a C+
For more humour:
The picture clearly evidences the implementation of “A NO FLY ZONE” strategy. . . . Well, OK, sort of. Perhaps it’s just an “ooops.”
Where’s the consistency or clarity of objective and strategy?
I wonder how he would answer the question of “what is a kinetic military action” , I guess is Doh. I really think that Obama had another ” kinetic bowel action”. Generals that think that political correctness is more important then their oath should be drummed out of the service!
wonder where all the medals came from? numerous ones for “kissing butt”. You may not want to ask him his position on gays in the military.
@mos 8541: Maybe you should research them. Ask the soldiers who worked for him. Ask the young soldier who accidently shot him in the chest. Petraeus is extremely intelligent and personable. He is courageous. I am not sure what you consider kissing butt, you do not get medals for that. Ask H R McMaster what he thinks. If you do not know who these people are, then maybe you lack the knowledge to comment here on the medals Petraeus earned!
@Randy: Do you think Gen Petraeus should receive the very rare fifth star like McAurthur had? Or will that never happen again?
@mos 8541: I’m not sure what comments he made in favor of gays. I have only read the comments where he says otherwise in a diplomatic fashion. I am wrong about the General?
@Zac: I do not think anyone will ever get the 5th star. I think he would make a very good president. I watched him transform Iraq in weeks without the surge. The biggest blockade to reconstruction in Iraq was the State department and USAID. Petraeus got them all together so they were at least not working at cross purposes like they were from 2003-2006. He has the education, experience and intelligence that we have not had in a president in my lifetime. (Past 63 years) He also has political savy. His down fall could be he has personal values.
LOL. Great post WS.
I am not military but have heard several stories about the general from those who have worked closely with him. He is an amazing gentleman with the kind of servant-leadership qualities few men and women achieve. He manifests the best and brightest this country has to offer and would likely get along famously with the founding fathers — as opposed to the current WH occupants, who would more likely slink to the back of the class. We desparately need politicians like General Petraeus. We, ourselves, should strive to earn those attributes. mos8541, perhaps you should think a little before slamming the integrity of one of our nation’s best, brightest and bravest.
@artofmine: welcome to FA Miss K! Now write a few posts that represent your indepth thoughts.
When the time’s right, my friend. I’m not sure those thoughts are quite ready for prime time. 😉
Welcome! If you are anything like Randy, your thoughts certainly would be welcomed and appreciated. Will keep an eye out and look forward to your posts.
Ever in the service? Promotions are generated on “military motivation” and moments of opportunity. When you get past a 1 star you have to work really hard to become a 2 star and so on. Also, no mater what your opinion as a gerneral must support the ” president’s wishes”.