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Who the hell cares what that racist demagogue has-been thinks or says?

Now this guy is worth listening to: Jets over Libya as H. Clinton Assumes Presidency

Only Barack Obama could make Nicolas Sarkozy look good.

Why did it take our president so long to act in Libya with the international community fairly begging us to do something? Is it because there is a weird similarity between Muammar Gaddafi and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright — both men jawing on publicly with radical rhetoric while privately enriching themselves to the maximum degree possible in their individual instances? (Easy to imagine Wright as a Third World despot.)

Or is it just Obama’s natural predilection to do nothing that we first saw writ large when he failed to support the democracy demonstrators in the streets of Teheran in ’09? This man is clearly no neocon. He’s not even much of a lover of democracy and freedom, as far as anyone can tell.

What is clear is that it was only pressure from his secretary of State that propelled him to act before more bodies were splattered across Libya and Gaddafi stood triumphant over the country, mocking the world like the Batman Joker he is while soaking up more billions in petrodollars.

This division in our leadership could not have been more evident today watching Obama speak from Brazil followed by Clinton’s Paris conference. Obama was a blip, his vaunted verbal facility from the ’08 presidential election now seeming a distant memory from a particularly bland and pompous advertising campaign. Meanwhile, Clinton handled her press conference like a true statesman, fielding questions exactly with ready answers. She had thought things through and it showed. The woman had not been off playing golf or taking samba lessons in Corcovado. She obviously skipped the March Madness, as well, for more significant matters.

WOW… I was wondering if listening to this would qualify as 9:27 of my life being wasted; but, I must say it was at least had amusement value. Where to begin here:
First, I think our CIA only wishes it were as powerful and effective as it is in Farrakhan’s feverish imaginings. If it really were everywhere, able to freely influence the rise and fall of governments, the U.S. wouldn’t have near the number of foreign affairs problems on its plate that it does. The CIA isn’t some all-knowing, all-seeing, great octopus with its tentacles in everything, and an unlimited budget backing it up. It’s an intelligence agency, doing the best it can to be the eyes and ears of our nations, operating on a limited budget, that has been pared down by the current administration.
Second, this Farrakhan clearly has pretty much zero understanding of military operations and capabilities. Calling the precision strikes of the IDF with smart munitions on terrorist targets as “indescriminant bombing of innocent women and children” is truly a journey into fantasy land. Any innocent casualties that may have resulted from those actions rest solely on the heads of Palestinian terrorists who specifically hide their bomb factories and rocket/mortar bases inside civilian population centers, so they can later inflate casualty figures after the Israelies justifiably counter-strike.
Finally, it just wouldn’t be a Louis Farrakhan rant without bringing out the old relaiable “race card” to wave around. While lauding Obama as one of his “saviours” at some earlier event; now Obama has been reduced to “who the hell do you think you are” to ask for Khaddafi to step down? But, of course, back here at home, our concern for the Libyan citizens is simply counterfeit in his view, and “white militias” are plotting the overthrow of the Obama administration. Granted, I don’t think anybody is going to step up to defend the mad “minister,” but it is amazing to see just hope deep the delusions of some people are…

I saw this video over at the Pesky Emotional Republican and commented there what I shall say here:

Well what do you know? Farrakhan comes down on the side of Qaddafi. Gee, you don’t suppose it is because he has been funding Farrakhan for years now, maybe?

Or maybe it was that $5 million, interest free loan that Farrakhan got from Qaddafi in the ’80s….

What a crock of sh*t. Farrakhan speaks about Qaddafi as if he is the next Mother Teresa, saying he builds apartments, he brings water to the desert, etc…

What Qaddafi is bringing to the desert is bloodshed of innocent civilians when he orders his Air Force to bomb them as they protest.