To Golf or Not to Gulf [Reader Post]


I recently had a conversation with a liberal lady who voted for Obama. We were comparing the performances of Obama and Bush as it related to a soldier. I told her that when President Bush quit golfing while troops he sent to war in the Gulf were fighting for this country it meant much to me. It wasn’t the respect he showed us, it was the symbolism.

President Bush showed us that he really cared about the people he sent to war. I doubt that any of us who were in Iraq or Afghanistan would have ever even considered the President playing golf as not supporting the troops. Just the fact that President Bush publically thought about us and the mission we were performing meant something to me. It told me that he was not only the man who sent us to war, but he was really one of us. We felt that President Bush took his job and responsibilities seriously. He showed us that he respected us and the mission we were performing.

On the other hand, nothing seems to prevent President Obama from playing golf while situations continue to escalate all over the world. At least some of them may require military action where soldiers, sailors and airmen will risk and in some cases lose their lives. His actions tell us that his main concern is him and not the people he sent to war.

While golfing is an insignificant activity and may be a needed relief from a grueling schedule, what President Bush did was symbolic of his personal values. Maybe playing golf while “Rome” burns is symbolic, too. Needless to say, the liberal lady didn’t understand.

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She wouldn’t. She doesn’t see what our soldiers do as a sacrifice. They signed up for not only a job but a way of life. Some did it out of patriotism. Some for a way up. And others for a way out. And while there are some in uniform who should have never signed up (conscientious objectors), most honored their commitments. In Bush’s way, he honored them by sacrificing something that he cared about, much like Catholics do for Lent.

Obama surrounds himself by those who worship at his altar. The only sacrifice to be made is by others. And by others, it doesn’t mean the ones around him but the proletariats. For he and the ruling class truly know what’s best for us.

Barry and bullying. Has anyone noticed if Barry has been back to play basketball since he got his lib cut?

As far as the troops, I would guess by now that they know Barry does not like them or have their back. Not sure why they feel this way. Guess they are all homophobic and do not appreciate getting active and openly gay shower partners. barry knows how they feel about him and so I doubt he gives a rats butt what they think of him playing golf. When he is out there, we have 4 hours or so where he is not screwing something else up…

Yee Gawd … let the man play golf!! He can do far less harm on the links than in the West Wing.

The issue is not to play or not to play, but connecting to the troops. The President is the commander in chief. We will do what he orders. When the “boss” shows support for your mission, you tend to reach a little further inside to find additional personal resources to accomplish the mission.

I saw a comparison on FOX news concerning military action in Lybia. It was very similar to President Bush’s speech before he sent us into the Middle -East. I doubt it will create the same reaction from the troops!

G. W. cared about the troops. They knew it. We knew it. It showed in their faces when he made surprise trips to see them.

Obama cares about HIS troops: Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod, and all the other hangers on that he has surrounded himself with. Our military, not so much.

Some say let him play golf since he does no damage when he is hitting the links. Sorry, it makes no difference. He is not in charge to begin with. Pinnochio has no say in who pulls the strings, he is simply the puppet you see on stage. The decisions are being made behind the scenes, not in front of them. Experience matters and nothing is hitting home more than rational thinking people realizing now that Obama is too inexperienced to do the job the lemming population hired him to do. He has never run so much as a lemonade stand, and it shows. Being an expert in Rules for Radicals doesn’t teach you the Rules of War.

We are still considered the world’s super power. Too bad we don’t have a POTUS that believes that, or even thinks that we should be. Instead, we let European nations step up to the plate to end the slaughter in Libya, all so Obama can say “Well, it wasn’t me. I went along with the EU because, after all, we ARE one world.” But you can bet that any decision Obama makes will turn out badly; i.e. Honduras.

So now London papers are asking “Is Obama the Worst President Ever” and the Brazilians are burning him in effigy, stomping on the American flag, and carrying signs telling him to “stay home”. Somehow, I am not feeling all that foreign love that Obama was so famous for.

We have 22 months before we can rid ourselfs of this plague named Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. I hope we make it. Rome was burned in just a few days.

He would’nt make a wart on gw;s butt.

@Randy: That’s an excellent point but we need real leadership. The democRat party of today is bereft of real men and real leadership. Now, if we could let The Fraudulent One play golf while a true conservative patriot ran the office of the Presidency, it’d be a win-win.

@Jarhead68: You are so right. Maybe H.R. McMaster or Petraeus. McMaster is a scholar and a leader. He proved that in Tal Afar, Iraq. His book “Dereliction of Duty” shows a very good understanding of politics of the military as well as the civilian side. We would be much better off if someone just ran down to the Washington D.C. Spencer’s and purchased the magic 8 Ball. At least, we would have some decisions made!

There is NO comparison between W and O as to who was the better CiC. Bush did more to enhance pay and benefits for the troops than just about any other President we ever had and he was genuinely concerned about those who were serving. The troops seem to be inconsequential to this administration especially when compared to their concern for terrorists’ rights, benefits and rights for illegal aliens, permanent welfare recipients, and everyone else who contribute little or nothing to the betterment of the country.

Well Randy I’ve only ever played golf once, I took a girl on a date to play at a theme park; it wasn’t real golf but it was like golf on an obstacle course.. After an embarrassing defeat I realized that golf was not my forte. That was it.

I believe on a daily basis everyone should try to make decisions of what is and isn’t honorable behavior while Allied troops are in harms way. While I’m here in a different country than most FA readers I’m getting a US citizenship so I can go join those solders I think that’s my sacrifice, for most I think honorable behavior starts with the words coming out of their mouth. A president should be willing to sacrifice all personal pleasure for 4 to 8 years and live a life above reproach; that supports the troops and Many solders overseas have sacrificed personal pleasure for longer than that and have way less responsibility than POTUS.


A president should be willing to sacrifice all personal pleasure for 4 to 8 years and live a life above reproach;

Zac, a leftist president, and even a so-called “moderate” president, will never do so because the belief that they have “earned” their rewards by making it into the WH prevails in their minds. It’s all about them, and what they can get, or take, from life, all the while lecturing to us, the people, that we need to sacrifice for them. We, the people, do, so that they, the “elite”, can have. Simple as that.

It only stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there’s service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.
Ayn Rand

Not hard to see who wants to be the master, is it?

@retire05: @retire05:
Hooah!! Retire05 couldn’t agree with you more!!
and John Galt..who is John Galt haha absolutely Love Ayn Rand…have you read the Fountainhead as well? AWESOME!