Our Constitution Is Under Assault

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I, CJ Grisham, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

With those words, I became a Soldier in the United States Army.  I joined the Army with long, purple hair. Because my head still had a slightly purple tint after my first shaving, I got my first Army nickname – Barney.  I would later earn the nickname “Chcknhawk” for beating the crap out of the biggest guy in the platoon during pugil sticks (I’m all of 5’5″ tall).

This was taken at my second reenlistment ceremony at Ft. Stewart, GA

Needless to say, I understand the oath I was about to take before I took it.  When I vocalized each of those words, they meant something to me.  “I will support and defend THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,” the document that is now under attack in this country by the very people responsible for upholding it.

Since this administration (and even during its campaign), the first amendment has been under fire.  Liberals have been trying to get talk radio legislated into oblivion.  Opposition to homosexual behavior is beginning to gain protection under so-call “hate speech” provisions.  You can’t even joke with police officers or TSA agents about just about anything anymore without getting detained on some nebulous terrorism charge.

While the second amendment has always been under attack by the left in this country, the recent Tucson shootings, during which a psychopath almost killed Democratic representative Giffords, have provided a spring board to creating more gun control while the emotional impact is still fresh in everyone’s minds.  The Obama administration is seeking to reinstate so-called “assault weapons” bans that would ignorantly and foolishly ban magazines or clips that hold more than 10 rounds.

President Obama has nominated one of the most anti-gun former FBI agents I’ve ever heard of, Andrew Traver, to head up the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE).  I’ll ignore the obvious question of how someone like that even became a special agent in charge of a major field office – oh wait, it was in Chicago!  Never mind.  He doesn’t think Americans should be allowed to even own “assault weapons” because “they’re dangerous.”

In November 2009, NBC interviewed Traver and reported: “Traver says the power and randomness of the heavy caliber, military-style weapons make them so dangerous not only to people, but to police. They’re so powerful, body armor can’t withstand a hit, and they’re so difficult to control, their bullets often get sprayed beyond the intended targets, striking innocent victims even when they’re in their own homes.”

So, “heavy caliber, military-style weapons” are “dangerous” and uncontrollable? I happen to be a second amendment loving, gun toting, bible thumping, rightwing extremist combat vet, so I put his theory to the test.  It should be noted that prior to making this video, I leaned the guns up against the trunk of my pointed directly at me as I sat in a chair behind the car.  After about 10 minutes of have three very different “assault rifles” aimed at my head, I rightly concluded that these guns weren’t dangerous just sitting there.  They didn’t seem very out of control just sitting there.  There is no such thing as a dangerous weapon, just dangerous men!  Maybe what Traver meant was that in the hands of a person, they are difficult to control.  Let’s see:


The TSA and just about every federal, state and local law enforcement agency is stomping on our 4th Amendment rights.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Yet, every time you want to exercise your right to travel by plane, you are subjected to the possibility of an intrusive search.  Aaron Tobey had both his 1st and 4th amendment rights violated when recently trying to fly to a funeral.  I hope he wins his lawsuit, but the TSA doesn’t care about the rulings of judges, which adds the 5th amendment to the list of constitutional demolition.  I refuse to provide ID at “DWI/DUI Checkpoints” as well.  When I get pulled over, I don’t let law enforcement search my vehicle if the stop was a result of a traffic violation.  I have nothing to hide.  I don’t even drink, smoke, or do drugs (except the Vicodin prescribed for my back injury from combat).  I’m Mormon!  I’ll go to outer darkness for doing those things.  😉

I could write an entire post on 10th amendment violation that have been going on for decades by BOTH major parties.  State sovereignty is under attack as much as the Constitution is.  Since the states pretty much sit back and let the feds run their business, the feds think it’s okay.  Now, they’re trying to pass a federal law that would limit the minimum age for driving to 16 before a LEARNER’S PERMIT would be issued.  Drivers would have to wait until age 18 before they received an unrestricted license.  And, if during that time they get a ticket for speeding or driving under the influence, it could be later!  If states don’t comply, the feds will withhold money from the states that the states sent to the feds to begin with!  I say to the states: just stop sending them 10% of what you send and make up the difference!

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also violates the 10th amendment sovereignty of individuals by mandating that they purchase some form of health insurance or face huge fines.

The 14th amendment is violated every time an amnesty bill is passed into law and illegals are suddenly given free reign on our social programs.  The IRS is seizing property without proper judicial due process.  Liberals continue to push for reparations for all sorts of minorities, another violation of the 14th amendment, despite the fact that not one American citizen alive today was a slave.

By refusing to prosecute the Black Panthers, the administration is allowing segments of our society to violate the 15th amendment, which liberals apparently think only applies to blacks!

It sickens me as a patriotic American to see the Constitution that I swore an oath to treated like toilet paper.  Our leaders in Washington passing these “laws” take a similar oath, but aren’t required or penalized for ignoring it.  I didn’t swear an allegiance, oath, or true faith to any public official.  I swore to obey lawful orders and I will do that till the day I die.  It’s the reason why I think these idiots refusing to deploy should be thrown in solitary confinement until their legs turn to jelly and they forget how to breath.

I love this country more than I can intelligently state here.  In spite of efforts in Washington to the contrary, this is the greatest country on earth!  Even though our debt is the largest in the world, our economy is now in third place, and we have resorted to bowing to leaders of country that produce the same people trying to kill us, I will never feel differently.  And I will never WILLINGLY surrender ANY of my rights so long as there is a breath to take!

What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? – Thomas Jefferson

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Different times I have said that when I heard Obama say that he wanted a civilian security force as strong as the military and equally funded, I knew his main objective is to turn the USA into some other type of government than the republic that it is (it is not a democracy).

Why would he want a civilian security force equal to the military? What did Hitler call his civilian security force? What was their purpose?

The president can’t activate the National Guard. The governor of each state has to do that. The governor of Louisiana didn’t want Bush to get any credit for helping before Katrina, so she wouldn’t activate the NG ahead of time. Bush’s fault!

Keeping our King-in-Chief’s “security force” in mind, all that he is doing and has done makes since. Bloggers keep being surprised at stuff Obama does. When you keep in mind that he wants a civilian security for as strong as the military under his DIRECT control, it all makes sense.

The only good thing is that he won’t be running in 2012. Too many states are writing their own laws saying a candidate will have to prove to them that they are a legal citizen of the USA. That will end our first illegal alien president’s rein.

CJ, wow you are a person of action, and that is good for AMERICA, to let the defactor of this beautifull UNITED STATES of AMERICA, that they are watch and every wrong doing is noted for the day of judgment’s coming at them, no way can a person get away with hurting the AMERICAN PRIDE
for they will be dealt with in the right time, thank you


Good job CJ. You presented the views of many Vets!

My son-in-law has just gone back to Afghanistan after a 2 week leave. While home, he expressed almost the exact sentiments! He also told me how bad the troops feel about what they perceive as a feeling of deep disdain that seems to come from our leaders for them. As you state above, it is completely apparent this President wants to force this country into a Soviet style Marxist state of mind as evidenced by his words and actions. For those with their heads in the sand, that term means a hard core dictatorship. as C.J. says, “And I will never WILLINGLY surrender ANY of my rights so long as there is a breath to take!” My son-in-law, my father and 3 step fathers who fought in WWII and all who gave so much C.J and all who swear that oath now, my heartfelt thanks. We as bloggers must continue to do our part and get the word out as to the Anti-American leanings of this administration and also continue our support for C.J. and our fighting men and women. I and all of us are blessed to be able to reap the benefits of what they fought and died for and I’ll be damned if I’m going to be silent about it!!

Come on, guys, get with the program.
Alfred H. Zero has written a new Constitution. It is that one (the one in his flappy-eared head) which he is loyal to. The one on paper is meaningless.
We are a nation ruled by unelected, unsupervised, unaccountable Czars, like Elizabeth Warren. All of our daily lives are mandated by reams of bureaucratic pettifoggery. The “bills” enacted by the Congress are so long, and so convoluted, that those elected representatives who voted for them have no idea what is in them. The bills are publicly posted; just try to read one and make sense of it; I double-dog dare ya.
You can’t have a light bulb.
You can’t have a working toilet.
You can’t have a working washing machine.
You can’t require proof of ability to repay to get a mortgage.
You can’t have fun stuff in a playground. You can’t even play tag anymore.
The list of things that you can’t do gets ever longer; meanwhile, illegal aliens who flout our laws are not punished in any way [we might lose Hispanic votes].
And if you belong to a Labor Union, you may freely practice extortion in support of your confiscation of the assets of your non-Union neighbors.
And while Libya burns, President Empty Set makes his NCAA picks and flies to Rio.




It’s good to know there is another added to the list of authors and contributors here, who like myself, will point out the violation of the Constitution by the government.

I took my oath, the same oath, back in April of 1989. I left the service in 1999. I STILL believe in it, and do my part, to the best of my ability now, to uphold and defend the Constitution, and I will continue to do so until I no longer draw breath here on this earth.

A Wisconsin judge has just halted the Wisconsin budget.
Will her ruling stand?

Nan G, hi, I’m incline to beleive that the GOVERNER is above the JUDGE in rank, and
would be the one to know what is best for HIS STATE as a RESPONSABLE GOVERNER,
therefor dimiss the judge ruling, and move on.

@Nan, I don’t think it will stand.

@ILOVEBEESWARZONE I have to disagree. If the governor did that, he would be no better than Obama with the Florida ruling on Obamacare. He should obviously appeal the ruling. If the judge, however, DOESN’T rule the law unconstitutional, then full steam ahead. There are legal proceedings that legally suspend the law and to my knowledge, that is NOT what the judge did. The governor only needs to wait ten days max before implementation.

Another option I’d use if the judge wants to play games is actually begin layoffs. We can play their game and I guarantee when people start losing their jobs, they will get with te program. Of course that requires the Governor to competently illustrate that te layoffs are not his fault, but the fault of the unions and judge.


Another option I’d use if the judge wants to play games is actually begin layoffs.

I would say that Gov. Walker needs to start there, particularly with those teachers that felt it necessary to lie about being sick and showed up in Madison to protest. Let them see what their greed hath wrought.

Then, push the legislation through again, crossing all T’s and dotting all I’s, regardless of whether the dems travel back to Illinois or not. Stand tall, and with conviction, even in the face of violent opposition.

While that sounds great on paper, the teachers union makes it ”last hired, first fired.”
So, Wisconsin’s teacher of the year’s job is on the chopping block because that teacher is new.
Other teachers, those who faked sick notes, took days and days off, led students in anti-Walker chants on school time, and have tenure are all ”safe.”

The doctors who gave out the notes for Sick Out protestors are being examined for fraud, so yeah… this is a fun little ballroom brawl.

And I agree with you John, while the current law is being restrained in Court, there’s nothing preventing the Republicans from reintroducing the legislation on the Senate and Assembly.

And while that is true Nan G, under the current situations of Teachers using sick notes to avoid work there may be a legal work around from the “last hired, first fired” policy of the Union Contracts. They used fake notes to avoid work they were ordered to go back to, they can be fired first before the less senior members get touched. Saw this happen to IAM 776 when workers did a wild cat strike on the 2007 contract when the Union failed to pass a vote to Strike (granted only about 4 people attempted to organize such an action but they were still fired.)

Exactly what state has passed a law requiring a candidate for President of the United States provide a copy of their birth certificate? Obama will be hard to beat. He has many tricks up his sleeve. Why he might even bomb Iran.

10 States are in the process of finalizing one form of Bill or another, bub. That’s a grand total of 107 Ellectoral Votes that could be legally denied to Obama.


@Mr. Irons:
If and when those chips are ever down Obama most likely can and will produce a birth certificate.
I really believe all of his coyness with regards it have been part of his obfuscation game, a simple, yet expensive diversion.

The oath you cite is for the military, the oath the President take is not that stringent. I believe the the President’s ( Commander in Chief ) oath should be the same as we that served in the military take. If those in the military fail to live up to the oath they took they are court martialed, if the President does not live up to the oath he takes it is overlooked. Do you see something wrong here? If not you are either a Democrat or a politician.

L. E. Liesner, The PRESIDENT job is so big that any errors or dismisal of a responsability,
affect the whole COUNTRY, therefor HE should be fit to be elected and all the way required to follow a set of questions to check his mind and soul according to this CONSTITUTION, not being elected in
the way he was, and many warnings came from the knowledgeble minds of this NATION ,
which where overlook by MEDIAS across the COUNTRY,OUT TO GET HIM THE JOB.
THE day will come for them to pay the price of treason to this NATION,

@Nan G: Nan, I think the main reason if there is a birth certificate is it says Moslem under religion. Since that was the religion of his father I would expect it to be there. Also, his school registration in also listed his religion as Moslem!


Remember that you and all of us that think like you are “enemies” according to POTUS. He stated so himself. My dad, who is a Korean War Vet with two BSM’s, and who is an independent voter(he voted for GW Bush and Obama), has stated on more than occassion that the next war won’t be between us and China or Russia, it’ll be here amongst ourselves and it won’t be racial or sectional, it’ll just be Americans killing each other. Hopefully history will prove him wrong. This country has always been divided but the last time it appeared to be divided like it is now was in the years leading up to the Civil War.

I agree with you wholeheartedly CJ!First thing to do is disband the federal DOT,then the TSA,then all the other illegal/unconstitutional alphabet agencies!! BTW,are you back home yet?Last time I talked to you you were headed to Tx.via Ak.How is everything in Al?Send me a tweet if you get time.

Obama’s DOJ is up to its racism again.
This time about bullying.
Don’t bother complaining if you are the victim of bullies unless you are ”of color,” female, foreign-born, disabled OR of some other-than-Christian/Jewish religion…..or gay.

Here’s the facts:
DOJ’s website states:

The Civil Rights Division and the entire Justice Department are committed to ending bullying and harassment in schools, and the video highlights the Department’s authority to enforce federal laws that protect students from discrimination and harassment at school because of their race, national origin, disability, religion, and sex, including harassment based on nonconformity with gender stereotypes.

The statement later says:

The enforcement of the Equal Protection Clause, Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in school districts is a top priority of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Additional information is available at the Civil Rights Division’s Educational Opportunities Section website at http://www.justice.gov/crt/edo/.

Here is the catch. DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In essence, only discrimination against a victim’s race, sex, national origin, disability, or religion will be considered by DOJ. The overweight straight white male who is verbally and/or physically harassed because of his size can consider himself invisible to the Justice Department.

@Nan G: This kind of ties in with my earlier post. He is creating two countries. That’s part of what got us into the Civil War, War of Secession, War Between the States, or whatever else it has been called. He is either an extremely bad leader or is doing it on purpose.

another vet: Funny you should mention the Civil War. I’ve been thinking about The Reconstruction – where, after the war, democrat carpetbaggers from up north infested the South and got “their people” elected to office to “run things”. The current Obama administration has done pretty much the same thing – only to the entire Country. We still have lots of scallawags today, too.

@John Cooper: History repeating itself?

harp 1034, geez you where very close ,saying he might even bomb IRAN, just that he bomb LIBYA instead, probably because it was eazyer,

CJ you’re right on the money except for one thing…

What Traver and his fellow travelers are calling “assault weapons” are in fact as much assault weapons as my dad’s old Model 50 Winchester is an artillery piece despite some cannon using a floating chamber (Carbine Williams design) short recoil system. (and the Colt Ace .22/.45 conversion)

Words mean things… and buying into their word manipulation is NOT in our best interest… They are grouping anything that looks Hollywood Dangerous into that “Assault Weapon” term….

These are semi-auto clones of fully auto military designs… not “Military” weapons, “Machine Guns” or any of the other dangerous sounding titles used by the media and the antis to scare the ignorant into supporting their BS agenda…

These clones (and the real deal Assault Weapons) use rounds that are WEAKER than Main Battle Rifle cartridges… Something else the media and politicians don’t seem to either know themselves, or don’t want to share with the public…

We need to insist that when the term “Assault weapon” is use that they are talking about sub caliber, high capacity, fully automatic weapons designed to give the individual good firepower, ample ammunition supply, and a lighter load out with many more rounds than a “Main Battle Rifle” and full caliber loads…

They’re controlled (probably UN-Constitutionally) by the National Firearms Act BUT the average citizen doesn’t even realize the difference unless WE keep the politicians and media folks honest…

Thanks for your service CJ, but lets keep the anti’s feet to the fire on using real words that describe what they really mean… not these knee jerk terms that are intended to spread FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) about (and against) lawful gun owners and certain “ugly” guns that are easily (and falsely) pointed out as “dangerous”

TCHall, MSgt USAF, ret.