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LTC West is not to be Intimidated nor Under Estimated by Anyone. Especially the Mooks from CAIR.
He has seen the Elephant and is not Fooled!

I really like Alan West! He was in a very bad area in Iraq and did what everyone wanted to do. He is a true leader who is respected by his troops and despised by REMFs. If you do not know what that means, oh well! I hope he encourages others of his caliber to run for public office.

Randy, as You know, Troopers are not fooled. They will not Follow Cowards or Fools.
LTC West is neither. He has earned My trust and respect. A lot of the Folks in Congress
have earned neither from Me.

I can’t think of a better man in politics today than Allen West.


My hearing is not very good, the sound is grainy. Could someone please let me know what was sais? I really want to know?
Please, thank you!

We have been over run in Washington by REMFs; West is a template for the leaders of tomorrow.

Obama likes to act tough like a Chicago Street thug or punk. West will carry gasoline through Hell for his men. He’s ten times the man that Christie is and he could drop kick Obama through the goal post of life.

Well said.

I had the hardest time understanding Hamze (due to the bad sound quality), however, I was absolutely sure he was trying to say that he could not find any command to commit violence in the Koran. When we see the clerics, on recorded live video, call for violence and death, citing scriptural authority, it doesn’t matter what HAMZE can find or not find. What matters is what those who matter FIND and what they DO.

The entire world is witness to the endless violence everywhere Muslims hold political power, to know that Islam, be it on direct order from the Koran or not, is a violent or violence provoking ideology.

Well said.
Hamze needs to take his show on the road and go ”correctly teach Islam” to those Muslims in other lands who keep doing it wrong.
/sarcasm off.
Socialism and Sharia are two systems of governance and control that have each been tried a hundred times in a hundred places.
Yet, according to American socialists and American Muslims, never have they been done right, yet.

It is BS.
All the speakers want is to be ”lead dog.”
THEN it is done right.
They don’t see the obvious flaw in their thinking.

One of at least three people (not counting BHO) who should have been the first black president.

I loved his retort about having been to Muslim countries fighting for Muslims freedom. Hopefully these propagandists like CAIR will be exposed for what they really are, which is an arm of the Islamofacists that want to overthrow governments from within. But with men like West, they do not stand a chance!

During my doctoral studies, I read The Web of Life by physicist Fritjof Capra. Capra wrote that all biological systems given time correct themselves. My first inclination was to identify examples of this by looking at plant and animal systems. The west is full of these examples. Look at the old mining claims in Colorado that are slowly being reclaimed by the climax forest species. Watch how quickly a bare patch in your lawn is overcome by naturally occurring weeds instead of the bluegrass species. There are more complex examples if you look for them.
I then looked at human systems to include countries and government. When I went into Iraq in 2003, Capra’s words were always in my mind. I watched the Shia in the South who suffered greatly under Saddam support our efforts. Later when I met the Kurdish people, I saw purpose in their effort to rebuild their country (or make their own country).

To believe the writings of a noted physicist like Capra is to believe there is an ultimate or right place for all biological systems. That would mean there is a higher power than found in any systems. It also means that all biological systems are trying to correct themselves and reach that corrected state.

My first thoughts of Islam were that a people who believed in something beyond themselves was not a bad thing. As I saw atrocities committed in the name of religion on people practicing that religion, I looked much further. Women were abused. There was no trust between families/tribes. The system caused people to prey on each other for personal gain. It was not a free market where innovation and hard work created success, but a continual system that degraded most of the population. While some of this may have been due to the influence of Saddam, it seemed to be more than that. It seemed like the religion these people believed in was going down a path for which there was no return.

While it may seem a little simplistic, I think the unrest in the Middle East is a result of a biological system trying to correct itself. If you look around the world, you will see Europe trying to abandon multiculturalism in favor of a more homogenous culture. Even China is drastically changing despite their form of government. Maybe the Tea Party and the resolve of legislators in Wisconsin is another example of a biological system correcting itself.
Adam West is an unconventional man who has experienced much in his life. He had the opportunity to be a victim as a result of being born black. He chose to be a man who loved his country and demonstrates it with his every breathing moment. Is Adam West and others like him another example of a biological system trying to right itself?

Like I said, West for president!

@Randy: Adam West was Batman. Allen West is a man I’d follow any where, any time.

I like your thesis on self-correcting systems within nature.

@cubiclecommando: I am fighting one of those nasty colds. I cannot even hear my phone ring. I also am not sleeping. I guess my subconscious made Alan West a Super Hero. Thanks for the correction!

The man-crush continues. Damn I love this guy!

@ Randy, after the Turkish Gummint refused to allow the 4th ID (Heavy) to dock at their ports and enter Iraq from the North, If I was POTUS, I would have put the Kurds in charge, supplied them with all of the captured weapons, ammunition and food that they required and just stood back and “let Er Buck”.

The Kurdish North was the first to get their infrastructure together, run their own Governments on a Provincial scale and offered US the least amount of guff on the transition to Self Rule. Insurgents never stood a chance of operating successfully there. When the 173rd Jumped into Iraq there, the Troopers were welcomed as Liberators, given “actionable” intelligence and accurate locations for Saddam’s Forces.

But then You all must understand that the Turks would have been screaming on the floor of the UN while the Pesh Merga would have been establishing Order and running Islamic Militants from outside the Country back to their points of Origin or holding public hangings in Village Market Squares. Enough of the Sunni/Shia nonsense. Enough of the Al Q in Iraq violence. The Kurds would have capped that in short order.

Allen West has the attributes of Courage, Leadership and a working knowledge of the Founding Father’s Principles. Can You say the same for the rest of the Parliament of Whores that can’t figure out how to balance the Nations Checking Account or Confront the “Clear and Present Danger Enemies of the Republic” that We allowed to Build nests here? ( And I cite CAIR as just one of a Few of those)

I know it is too early in his political career, but I gotta say, West would get my vote for President in 2012!!

@ anticsrocks, Isn’t it about Time that We put people with Success in the Real World into Leadership and NOT Career Politicians, Community Organizers or Academic Types that never put in an honest days Work?

Just saying that We can see where putting those without genuine Leadership Skills or Abilities have gotten Us. Those that have amassed Fortune and Power while spending OPM (Other Peoples Money) and piling up huge debt have failed the Nation. Herman Cain is another Guy that I would vote for with no qualms or a second thought.

@Old Trooper2: I agree with you, OT. Look at the vast experience that Reagan had. Compare that and the job he did with the experience Carter had and the job he did.

Let’s not even begin this line of thought with regards to Obama…

Allen West is a true leader….I’m with you Antics, put the man on the 2012 ballot and he has my vote….

Allen West is telling it like it is. Islam is the enemy of freedom loving people worldwide. We are in trouble if that so called religion gets a foothold in this country. CAIR is an enemy of this Republic.

@ minuteman26, One of Many. Allen West is capable of confronting both Foreign and Domestic Enemies with equal vigor and not losing a step.

@Bobachek: I hear ya! Can you imagine a debate between West and Obama? LOL He would eat Obie for lunch AND pick up the check!

Antics: he’d pay the bill with Chump Change.

I was thinking the same thing.
Add to that the critics of either side could NOT be labeled as ”racists!”

OT2 – As a retired O5 from the Vietnam era, have to give West his props. NanG – Muslims aren’t a race to begin with. Just a bunch of pissants that believe in the Koran and who also want to kill people that don’t. If your anti-muslim therefore you can’t be racist. Right Mata?

Alan West for President! This man is not easily fooled by the liars in the Mosque! I agree with Col. West Don’t even attempt to blow sunshine up my butt! MUSLIMS FLEW PLANES INTO THE WORLD TRADE CENTER! THE PENTAGON and CAUSED THE DOWNING OF THE PLANE IN PA! “ALLA AKBAR” IS THE CRY OF THESE MONSTERS as they murder innocents in the name of Allah!

Hey Skookum, by the way some of our “representatives” are acting up on the hill, Allen West is a template for them now! Forget about tomorrow, all they have to do is pay attention, learn and emulate.

Everyone needs an “Allen West For President 2012” bumper sticker on thier vehicle. Print your own, put posters on trees, bring his name up in conversations, do something!
But what about experience, you say? Look what we have now, how experienced was he?

At least Allen West studied Military history. He has more foreign policy ideas in his little finger than Mr. Obama ever will have as far as I’m concerned.
Start campaigning now and by 2012 everyone will know who Allen West is, and what he stands for….Freedom!
I just hope we make it that far.

John S, I agree whole heartedly. Some of our Repubs are a little weak when it comes to back bone and I doubt if they are worth salvage prices, but we are in a bit of an emergency.

One of the most interesting and humorous parts of the West dynamic is it blows the Proressive/Socialist argument that we Conservatives are racist for criticizing Obama clear out the Frigging water.

He is a mirror or reverse image of our present CiC: he loves our country, he is a leader, he’s got more cojones than the rest of Capitol Hill put together, he can speak without a teleprompter, he doesn’t need someone else telling him what to say, he doesn’t have the George Soros Open Society Ideology, he wasn’t raised and mentored by Marxists, the Muslim world doesn’t view him as a push over, he doesn’t trifle with incompetent boobs and doesn’t need to surround himself with Yes Men. If someone can find fault with that description, I’d like to hear about it, Oh yea! he doesn’t treat terrorists like pregnant runaway teenage girls who need a fresh start.

Maybe you can tell, I like the man. We have too many wimps that will be trying to ride the anti-Obama sentiment, the Conservative in Name Only types, they will only dilute the message and be unable to get the ship of state away from the dock and we will have more of the “my o my what shall we do”, rhetoric for four more years. Give me a damn leader who isn’t looking to turn America into a Marxist dystopia and set himself up as some Elite dictator of the oppressed. Give me a man who believes in America; Give me LtC West for president!

nobody left me anything to add, you all said it, and you said it all!!!

Allen West: America needs a strong leader that believes in the essence of being an American

During a town hall meeting in Jupiter last night, Rep. Allen West was asked about spending levels and 2012.

On spending, West says it’s about time the Obama administration and Harry Reid get serious about the debt in this country. The people who should worry about a government shut down, he says, are democrats.

Via the Palm Beach Post:

“We’re not trying to shut down the federal government. … But the number one problem in Washington, D.C. is a spending problem, it’s not a revenue problem,” West said.

“That’s why (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid has to do the right thing. He has to recognize that he has to cut spending. The president has to do the right thing. He has to cut spending,” West said.

When it came to 2012, West refused to endorse anyone, but said America is in need of a strong candidate that will scare these brutal dictators around the world and a person who gets serious about the economic issues this country is facing.

One night after dismissing a suggestion he run for president in 2012, freshman U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, said America needs a leader who will “scare the bejesus” out of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadenijad…

When asked about 2012 presidential candidates, West said, “Can I plead the Fifth?” He then added: “America has got to get a strong leader that really believes in the essence of what it means to be an American.”

Common Sense talk here.

That kind of speech will be hard to match,

I wish he would run…

There is a definite difference between rehearsed words and non-rehearsed words. Also I would like point out what should be obvious to anyone with a double digit IQ: The old saying; actions speak louder than words. This man has a credible history in the military and can be a man who leads by example, whereas Obamas military experience, and other experience is lacking to say the least. It seems to me that military and\or business experience are the only two things that qualify great leaders-NOT past political ventures! Career politicians are often the worst leaders. Look over the presidents resume before he gets into the office! don’t just listen to a speech somebody wrote for him! Herman Cain also has experience in the field our economy is built on; capitalism! Two men I would be happy to see on a ticket(assuming I can vote by then).

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welcome take a while, there is many good POSTS TO SEE, YOU SURELY
best to you

FEBRUARY 23 2011
I hope you come back to vote. we haven’t forget you, you might be in afghanistan in that danger zone
watch your back and pass the word, don’t trust any afghan soldier or police or citizens, they all hate AMERICANS, THEY SHOOT IN THE BACK , they are the cowards not deserving

good to read you again,
where are you,?
there was many words said, yes I remember it well
take care