You simply melt right in,
It doesn’t matter what your skin.
It doesn’t matter where you’re from,
Or your religion, you jump right in
To the great American melting pot.
The great American melting pot.
Ooh, what a stew, red, white, and blue.
–Schoolhouse Rock’s “Great American Melting Pot.”
I think the arguably most poisonous phrase in the contemporary lexicon is the phrase “celebrate diversity.” It represents the antithesis of that for which this country stands. The phrase on our the Great Seal of the United States is “E pluribus unum” meaning “one from many.” Al Gore, however, has his own version.
“We can build a collective civic space large enough for all our separate identities, that we can be e pluribus unum — out of one, many.”
Ironically and unwittingly, Gore had exposed the liberal philosophy.
To celebrate diversity is to focus on and emphasize that which makes us different. It’s Balkanization. Liberals are enamored of this corrosive philosophy. They resist all efforts to make English a National language. What they do constantly is pull at the loose threads of the fabric of America in order to cause it to come apart entirely.
America is supposed to be a melting pot, a place for disparate societal groups to come together and form a new and common culture. To “Celebrate diversity” is to prevent that from happening and maintain distrust and enmity between dissimilar segments of society. There are parts of the country in which no one speaks English. My grandparents came to this country with little. They expected nothing other than opportunity. My grandfather was a coal miner, hospital janitor, and assembly line worker among other endeavors. He learned English (it was more than a bit on the rough side) and never looked for a handout. He also immigrated legally. On the street we lived on when I was little we had Italians, Jews, Czechs, white families, a black family and a Hispanic family. The yards were very small so mostly we played in the street and we got along better than many do today. Pacific Street was a heterogeneous homogeneity. My older sister dated a young Hispanic man for a while. He was a Latino but we turned him into Jew. His name was Cepero but everyone called him Shapiro because it was easier to pronounce. He remains a friend today.
Sometimes epiphanies take courage.
In October Angela Merkel made a startling and courageous statement. It was the official recognition of something pretty much everyone on Earth outside of self-absorbed liberals understands.
Multiculturalism is an “utter failure” in Germany.
She said the onus was “on immigrants to do more to integrate into German society” and not try to re-establish their own country in a different venue.
Gutsy. And absolutely correct.
Then last Saturday David Cameron had his epiphany.
Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream. All this leaves some young Muslims feeling rootless, and the search for something to belong to and believe in can lead them to this extremist ideology. The response should be a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and much more active liberalism. A passively tolerant society says to its citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone. It stands neutral between different values. A genuinely liberal country does much more. It believes in certain values and actively promotes them. If we are to defeat this threat, I believe it’s time to turn the page on the failed policies of the past … When a white person holds objectionable views – racism, for example – we rightly condemn them. But when equally unacceptable views or practices have come from someone who isn’t white, we’ve been too cautious, frankly even fearful, to stand up to them.”
Yesterday the Trifecta was completed when French President Nikolas Sarkozy added his agreement.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy declared Thursday that multiculturalism had failed, joining a growing number of world leaders or ex-leaders who have condemned it.
“My answer is clearly yes, it is a failure,” he said in a television interview when asked about the policy which advocates that host societies welcome and foster distinct cultural and religious immigrant groups.
But Sarkozy hit one out of the parc:
“If you come to France, you accept to melt into a single community, which is the national community, and if you do not want to accept that, you cannot be welcome in France.”
An Iranian who emigrated to England writes of the failure of multiculturalism:
Although the rights are in place, the notion of multiculturalism has started to challenge my idealistic perspectives about the future of diversity in Britain. I am beginning to feel the notion of multiculturalism in Britain is like a mirage in a desert. For a desperately thirsty man, a mirage is a glimpse of hope for water, but the more he runs toward it, the thirstier he becomes, despite the moving image of water existing only as an illusion. Similarly, the mirage of multiculturalism promises cohesion and harmony, while in practice it has created social factionalism and exclusion.
The handwriting is on the wall. But when something is shown to be an absolute failure (see Al Gore, global warming) one can expect liberals to stiffen in their efforts to defend it. Multiculturalism is a failure. It is wrong. No country can survive for long when factions maintain their separateness and resist efforts to meld together for the common good. It is poison for a society for immigrants to come here and demand conditions of the countries they left while demanding the privileges of this country.
One of the best examples of how badly multiculturalism can affect a society can be found in Minnesota and its Somali invasion.
Minnesota Somalis have already begun lobbying to legitimate Islamic law. Somali taxi drivers created a media firestorm in 2007 when they refused to transport people with dogs or alcohol in their cabs. While the this effort was beaten back, the Somali campaign for “Islamic mortgages” was successful. Under Islamic law, charging interest is illegal, so Islamic activists at the African Development Center pressured the state of Minnesota to implement a program that would purchase homes and sell them to Muslims for a higher price, but with interest-free loans. This pandering will likely harm Minnesota’s economy, as peoples of third-world origin are likely to default on mortgage payments.
Minnesota’s denial is palpable. The formation of Somali criminal gangs in Minnesota is called “trying to find identity.”
Minnesota is being transformed into a cold Somalia, complete with the lawlessness that pervades Somalia today. Somalis in Minnesota have become a source of jihadi radicals.
What undoubtedly has American officials concerned is not only that young Somalis are being radicalized and sent to fight in East Africa, but that those left behind are becoming ever more violent. Somali youth often grow up in poverty and broken homes. Since December 2007, at least eight young Somalis are known to have died in gang violence that often mirrors the clan feuds back in Somalia. Somalis are estimated to comprise only one percent of the known gang members in Minnesota, but authorities in Minneapolis take this trend seriously enough to have created a position for a Somali liaison officer. Since Somalis are reluctant to cooperate with police due to their bad experiences in their homeland, that tactic may be rendered ineffective.
Muslim taxi drivers in Minnesota have refused to carry passengers who possess alcohol. They have refused to pick up blind passengers with seeing eye dogs. And of course, making them abide by the rules that apply to all taxi cab drivers would deny them their religious freedom. It’s not as though they didn’t know what the job responsibilities were prior to taking the job and that’s what irritates me. If you don’t want to accept the responsibilities of the job, don’t take the job. Muslims, on the other hand, demand that rules be rewritten for them.
The clueless people of Minnesota are the proverbial frogs being boiled slowly. They are the canaries in the mine.
If you come to this country, you adapt to it. If you want to come to this country to change it to suit you, leave. Better yet, don’t come here in the first place.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The Muslims in Brooklyn were turned down when they wanted to begin building a Mosque without any money a few months back.
What did they do?
They simply put up a tall fence and began building it anyway!
No permits, no standards no nothing.
The people of the area politic’ed to stop the building.
But in multicultural NYCity they were ignored for a long time.
Finally they began picketing in front of the property, filming the illegal goings on and taking their proofs to the paper, tv, radio and internet.
That actually worked.
The city building Department stopped the work.
But it was sad that elderly people had to stand with picket signs in the snow and also had to endure THREATS as they filmed the illegal activities over the fence before anything was done.
So, we need to end multiculturalism all over the USA, not just in Michigan.
Hmmmm,,,,,,,well this should prove to be interesting??? Somebody notify Joe ‘Bullet-Train’ Biden. Apparently this is the result of him calling out Iran to be an Egypt.
Disagree with Liberal policy and you are a racist, a bigot, and your grandmother wore combat boots. They have their game plan down and they have written the rules: it is time to call them for this trickery and chicanery and now is the opportune time, they are at their weakest point since Carter. We must continue with our attacks in plain reasoned English and defeat Socialism or be prepared to live under tyranny.
Even socialist Teddy Roosevelt got it right on this:
You point to a significant concern for the future, and thanks for quoting Sarkozy’s no-nonsence words, “If you come to France, you accept to melt into a single community, which is the national community, and if you do not want to accept that, you cannot be welcome in France.” Sarkozy’s not an idiot, and he has seen what multiculturalism has done to his country.
The Immigration to both the U.S.A. (and to Canada) through the past 25 years has been a very different force than the immigration wave of the previous 40 years – that period post WWII during which immigrants came to build a country. I mention Canada because it currently has the highest immigration levels per capita of any country on earth, a result of ill-advised government policy. Requirements for learning English, for example, have evaporated. The burden placed on the welfare system and on Canada’s Medicare system are bankrupting the structure just as the baby boomers are moving into retirement, looking for the healthcare they paid into all their lives, but won’t receive.
If you wish to view the near future impact of “multiculturalism” on America, just look North of the 49th parallel. There are endless, large, communities in cities like Toronto and Vancouver, through which you can drive around and not see a single English sign (particularly obvious in many large shopping plazas) – Asians only welcome is prevalent in too many areas. Always Politically Correct Canada bends continually to requests of new immigrant communities, cultural, language and religious, which are rapidly obliterating what has been the Canadian cultural landscape.
Last week one school in the Mid West (Winnipeg) found itself being dictated to as follows: “A dozen Muslim families who recently arrived in Canada have told Winnipeg’s Louis Riel School Division that they want their children excused from compulsory elementary school music and coed physical education programs for religious and cultural reasons.” The very liberal, politically correct and sanctimonious apathy of the majority is allowing itself to get tromped on, but it doesn’t see it that way.
Your example of Minnesota seems to have taken hold from Victoria to Halifax already, and the result is disastrous and will get worse. No one cares. America needs to be more diligent in the protection and preservation of its social contract which can be morphed too easily into an unrecognizable and malfunctioning eukaryote.
Being an engineer, I never really understood the crucial role of culture in civilized society until I read Visions of Order by Richard M. Weaver. Here’s a short sample where Weaver discusses the impotence of pure reason:
One thing I know for sure: Barack Obama is not of my culture.
In these cases, these people are in the United States. Either get with our way or get the hell out! We didn’t invite your sorry asses here! We welcomed you as we do all people, but we sure as hell should not put up with the collective politically correct bulls…! of bending over and taking it up the rear all to allow you to dictate to us!
Like most, my forefathers came to this country looking for freedom. They followed the rules and accepted their new country, warts and all! They chose to become part of the greatest country ever! I for one am sick and tired of being told what to think and do by an MSM and out of touch political faction who all combined are not worthy to shine my grandfather’s shoes.
At the the particular schools Islamists insist on having there is frequently an interesting curriculum.
Muslim pupils learn to cut off hands of thieves
Sadly, DrJohn, we have also had undercover Mosque visitors find those same Saudi texts here in the USA.
See the PDF
I have to play devil’s advocate here; it is not “multiculturism” that has failed. It is that what is happening in the EU and US has been labeled “multiculturism” when it is not.
Cultures can blend. We have Italians that still celebrate their cultures (and oh, the food I am so hooked on), Irish who do the same. Japanese and Chinese, Columbians and Indians, Brits and Frence have all moved to nations that they were not born in and have done quite well, accepting the cultures of their adopted nations, while not forgetting their own. So let’s call a spade a spade here; it is Islam that has failed to assimilate and accept the cultures and norms of the nations they have migrated to. It is not the Chinese, Japanes, Columbians and others that are trying to blow people up in major EU and US cities.
Even in the EU press, Muslims are referred to as “Asians”. They can’t even call those who are trying to destroy the very nations that accepted them with open arms what they really are; Muslims. If you can’t call the enemy by its rightful name, why bother?
Great point, retire05.
Bruce Bauer is an American-born gay man who left the USA decades ago because he wanted to live under ”multiculturalism: that romantic place where everybody is assimilated while retaining their own cultures for foods and clothing.”
He has bounced around one norther European country after another as Islamists make life near impossible for an openly gay couple.
He finally had enough and started writing about it.
His essays are on his web site, but his book, While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within, explains exactly why the romantic ideal of multiculturalism did not work.
Islamists combined with ghettoization and a desire to separate ones’ selves from the ”filthy infidel” to ruin that dream so many European leaders romantically clung to.
But what Europe’s first clue should have been was that their extreme work-ethic was NOT shared by their Muslim immigrant populace.
Going and staying ”on the dole” was common.
Using a prison sentence as a rest time with a captive audience to call into Islam (dawa) also shocked the Europeans.
Their classic, liberal idea of jail-as-punishment was not shared by their criminal immigrant population!
But, hey! The food is wonderful! And those exotic costumes!
Germany and France do not View Multi Culturism as something that has value. Both Heads of State see it is
a real problem. Great Britain has a different take on it entirely. The next 4 or 5 Years will settle it out.
The Years of being a Hyphenated American should come to a close. You cannot be Special unless Everyone is Special. A Nation Divided over that is a Nation with unresolved issues. The Hyphenation is Divisive in itself. We can be diverse but not Divisive. But you Are American or not. You cannot owe Allegiance to anything but Your Nation if You want that Nation to succeed. That’s my take on it. If Your Culture or Religion conflicts with our Laws perhaps You should leave. You picked the wrong place.
I don’t know. When visiting Saint Remy a few years back, I really missed having a few gangbangers with their colors and all just cruising down the narrow streets. Seriously, who needs all that civility, great food, tradition and such? Really.
@ Tom in CA, Hey Pardner, Civility, Great Food and Your Personal Safety on the Streets is highly Over rated! In Rural Montana folks with Concealed Weapons Permits are suspect for all manner of mischief . Folks there want to see what You are packing so they can trust you.
I lived in Ca briefly. I was stationed at what was Fort Ord. I liked Monterrey but the rest held no charm for me. That was many moons ago.
Western Democracy is defined as one culture. that is who we are, and we are now under attack from the savages of the EAST. So much for multi- culturism. It sucks. Look at what the dumb libs did to Australia. They now have Asian gangs. Good on ya mates! It’s the beginning of the end for Aussies.
When 1% of the population tells the rest of the 99% what to do and people actually do it then the problem seems to be on our end as well as those making the demands.
I had to get on an older gentleman last night as he proceeded to cuss and complain to my waiter as well as his, since I was sitting in the table beside his, how bad the service was. It all boiled down to him not being seated fast enough so to him that was enough to ruin his evening. Twice I told him to lower his voice and stop being rude. It never occurred to him that myself and my dinner companion didn’t want to hear him cuss and b*tch for 5 minutes about how he wasn’t happy. But that seems to be the problem with today’s society, it doesn’t matter who else is affected as long as the person doing the complaining is placated.
Retire05, there you are again, telling it as it is straight like an iron rod,
exactly what it is, and wont diminish with the open border, where clandestines sneaking into this BEAUTIFULL AMERICA which need a cleansing before long,
AMERICA is yelling at HER people, to listen and correct what is hurting now,
Timely that you posted this today.
Sunday we ate out and our order was misplaced!
We sat and had our 1st drinks as others were seated, ordered and got their meals!
Finally my husband asked our waiter whether our order was coming soon or not.
The waiter found the problem and made good.
The owner came out and brought us a large combination appetizer tray on the house.
Also our 2nd drinks were on the house.
When we finally got our meals we were almost full!
So, we took a lot home, which our waiter packed up for us.
When we opened our ”doggie bags” we found two free desserts included.
So, being nice reaps benefits.
John Cooper, hi, I must admit that I did not understand some words in your comment, but I did pick up the whole meaning, and what came to me, was the story of the BABEL TOWER, and they had to separate in different place each to his own language, and I wonder how not applied today by those trying to emigrate but not share the soul of this country,where it’s impossible for them to succeed as a whole citizen, and those who allowed them in the COUNTRY , knowing the conflict which their own citizen try to warn them for a future disaster should read of theses lessons of humans in ancient time and what was and still is the same solution unequivocally
@ O T 2,
“The Years of being a Hyphenated American should come to a close.” . . . Hear, hear.
Sanctimonious political correctness rooted in fear, has made Hyphenation prevalent across North America.
Even Europe hasn’t stooped this low. When was the last time you heard of an Italian Frenchman/woman? Or a Sweedish Englishman? Or an African Sweed?
This broad-based self righteousness is blindly nurturing the cracks in a Nation in need of healing. . . . And that’s before you add the purposeful use of racial division by a twisted Administration.
If one has such overpowering need to be identified through a hyphenation, why is that person here? Go to where you are more comfortable, and where you won’t need a hyphenation – your destination very probably has NO limits on immigration.
anticsroscks, hi, I like what TEDDY ROOSEVELT WROTE and ending is very important too!!!
but one sole loyalty, that is loyalty to THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, !!!
HE did not say to a PRESIDENT
James Raider, yes absolutly that, I wonder why the provinces are so in a hurry to claim their need in a desperate way to get immigrants any one to come, why not be choosy, because when they are here you cant throw them out, they bring not only their familys but their suppose family, and those Immigration agents should be scrutinyse with a magnifyed glass, they reap a lot of money when they get some foreign
immigrants in so the more for them isthe merryer and the richer on the back of the citizen
@ ilovebeeswarzone #22,
Unfortunately Canada has little going for it economically besides selling energy, hydro, gas, and oil, to the U.S. and some Raw natural resources. It has come to depend on the very temporary gain from immigration. (It fuels the housing industry when new immigrants arrive, . . . then what?)
It’s one of those “Industries” that can only work over the long term IF the Immigration Spigot is continually increased. The moment immigration tapers off, the host country is screwed, particularly when the country’s socialized breadbasket is structured like Canada’s – with free healthcare as soon as the immigrant has been in the country for 3 months. How brilliant is that strategy?
The poor saps who’ve paid into Medicare all their lives (the Boomers) are now getting a dose of reality for their lifelong apathy – for example, waiting for a year for an operation – that’s not the exception but the norm.
The Canadian government has, this week, announced that it would Increase immigration quotas, Again it needs it NOW for economic reasons, . . . but will not say so.
YES, I hope they choose well who our neighbords will be
not depending on their smile alone, they should know by now with what is going on in the world
to be carefull, for the people’s sake,
James Raider writes:
I’m not sure that’s quite correct. Do you ever watch “How It’s Made”? Almost every manufacturing facility featured on that show is located in Canada.
@John Cooper: Indeed
How It’s Made
A television program produced in Quebec, Canada by Productions MAJ Inc.. The show walks through the processes by which diverse everyday products such as snowboards, ice skates, and bubblegum are manufactured.
drjohn, yes I use to watch this show, very interesting and educative, I find
James Raider , hi, again,YOU know I was thinking also, when I woke up, that before those masses of peoples arrive, we where living quite well, I talking forQUEBEC PROVINCE now,
WHY NOT NOW,We in CANADA and USA are very creatives, many made fortunes and spend it home,
the work was aboundant, at any level, to be on welfare was a shame, so there was ways to learn and work, even for less money and more hours, but people liked their jobs and took interest at working for the boss wealth,That was well understood,that before the number of immigrants is what it is today,
like you mentioned, the immigrants where not the same either, they where assimilating with exceptions of course but no extra demands from them was noted, and they where smarts opening small busyness for
CANADIANS not for foreingn countrys.