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Democrats prove Lincoln correct again [Reader Post]

Abraham Lincoln is attributed with the following:

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

Clearly he had Democrats in mind.

Obama knows he can fool Democrats and the press all of the time. Sometimes they even fool themselves.

Obama knows well he got hammered in the recent election. Consequently, he sought to change his image and enlisted the assistance of a number of people. He has sought help on his “reinvention” from CEO’s, Ken Duberstein and David Gergen and Reagan biographer Lou Cannon. and has been reading the biography of Ronald Reagan.

You’ve got to hand it to Obama. He knew that as soon as he consulted with Reagan’s biographer, read Reagan’s biography and consulted with people who knew Reagan that the useful idiots in the press would fall over themselves comparing Obama to Reagan.

Time’s Mark Halperin has hailed Obama as “magnetic,” “distinguished” and “inspiring” — in one story. ABC’s Christiane Amanpour saw “Reaganesque” optimism and “Kennedyesque” encouragement — all in one speech. Howard Fineman, the former Newsweek columnist who now writes for The Huffington Post, said conductor Obama was now leading a “love train” through D.C.

The press has always been a lapdog for Obama, from Brian Williams’ bowing to the not-so-subtle homo-eroticism of Chrissie Matthews and David Brooks.

Andrea Mitchell castigated Republicans for even suggesting Reagan was a Republican.

“I mean, he said, ‘This is – -the sound you hear around my feet is the concrete breaking around my feet,’ whatever the exact words were,” she said. “People are trying – Republicans in particular, obviously trying to appropriate Ronald Reagan for their own political purposes now.”

Asserting that Reagan was a Republican and a Conservative takes……takes…….audacity.

Now with the press competing with each other in the Over the top Obama Obsequiousness Contest Obama himself can relax and deny that he is changing. He can deny trying to get to the center while the idiots convince America that he is.

Obama said something to the Chamber of Commerce that would have made Ronald Reagan shudder.

“If we’re fighting to reform the tax code and increase exports, the benefits cannot just translate into greater profits and bonuses for those at the top. They have to be shared by American workers, who need to know that opening markets will lift their standard of living as well as your bottom line.”

Obama right. Press wrong.

Time magazine, in its ongoing Obama rapture, offered this ridiculous cover

Donald Douglas knows what Reagan would really feel

And Big Fur Hat gives a glimpse behind the scenes

Michelle Malkin has a number of quotation contrasts, but I have a contrast of my own.

Obama believes that “only government” can solve the country’s ills.

Reagan believed something different.

“Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

You really can fool Democrats and the press all of the time.

And nothing captures the contrast between Reagan and Obama better than this

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