Democrats prove Lincoln correct again [Reader Post]

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Abraham Lincoln is attributed with the following:

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

Clearly he had Democrats in mind.

Obama knows he can fool Democrats and the press all of the time. Sometimes they even fool themselves.

Obama knows well he got hammered in the recent election. Consequently, he sought to change his image and enlisted the assistance of a number of people. He has sought help on his “reinvention” from CEO’s, Ken Duberstein and David Gergen and Reagan biographer Lou Cannon. and has been reading the biography of Ronald Reagan.

You’ve got to hand it to Obama. He knew that as soon as he consulted with Reagan’s biographer, read Reagan’s biography and consulted with people who knew Reagan that the useful idiots in the press would fall over themselves comparing Obama to Reagan.

Time’s Mark Halperin has hailed Obama as “magnetic,” “distinguished” and “inspiring” — in one story. ABC’s Christiane Amanpour saw “Reaganesque” optimism and “Kennedyesque” encouragement — all in one speech. Howard Fineman, the former Newsweek columnist who now writes for The Huffington Post, said conductor Obama was now leading a “love train” through D.C.

The press has always been a lapdog for Obama, from Brian Williams’ bowing to the not-so-subtle homo-eroticism of Chrissie Matthews and David Brooks.

Andrea Mitchell castigated Republicans for even suggesting Reagan was a Republican.

“I mean, he said, ‘This is – -the sound you hear around my feet is the concrete breaking around my feet,’ whatever the exact words were,” she said. “People are trying – Republicans in particular, obviously trying to appropriate Ronald Reagan for their own political purposes now.”

Asserting that Reagan was a Republican and a Conservative takes……takes…….audacity.

Now with the press competing with each other in the Over the top Obama Obsequiousness Contest Obama himself can relax and deny that he is changing. He can deny trying to get to the center while the idiots convince America that he is.

Obama said something to the Chamber of Commerce that would have made Ronald Reagan shudder.

“If we’re fighting to reform the tax code and increase exports, the benefits cannot just translate into greater profits and bonuses for those at the top. They have to be shared by American workers, who need to know that opening markets will lift their standard of living as well as your bottom line.”

Obama right. Press wrong.

Time magazine, in its ongoing Obama rapture, offered this ridiculous cover


Donald Douglas knows what Reagan would really feel

Time Magazine Reagan Obama Pictures, Images and Photos

And Big Fur Hat gives a glimpse behind the scenes


Michelle Malkin has a number of quotation contrasts, but I have a contrast of my own.

Obama believes that “only government” can solve the country’s ills.

Reagan believed something different.

“Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

You really can fool Democrats and the press all of the time.

And nothing captures the contrast between Reagan and Obama better than this


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We must never forget that Reagan was a New Deal Democrat; until, he read the memoirs of the former Soviet Spy, Whitaker Chambers, in his book “Witness” Chambers described the duplicity of the Roosevelt Administration and how FDR had Soviet spies advising him on how to deal with Stalin. Reagan credits Chambers and his book for his conversion to Conservatism. Reagan realized the treachery employed by Leftists like we have in Washington and would have eviscerated fools like Obama. Today we lack patriots in Washington with the wit and courage to call the Leftists out for being anti-American. It is the cheapest and most profane type of propaganda to compare Obama and Reagan for anything but an antithesis of each other. It is articles like this that must be used to hammer the public until they realize the absurdity of the comparison and of how the Obama Regime is playing them for dolts, under their supposition that the public will believe anything these harpie bastards from the MSM want to feed as propaganda pablum for the pathetic cretins who are dumb enough to swallow the swill.

Nice punch Doc, now when you are in the ring and you stun your opponent with a hard right, you must follow up with a combination to finish him. This propaganda is beyond the Pale (A region of Wales that was considered too dangerous for even the military to travel): we must expose it as being so outrageous that it is an obvious example of the corruption and lack of integrity that permeates this regime. Don’t hold back on my account!

“Things sweet to taste prove in digestion sour.”

Richard II. I:3

Obama is grasping at straws now, unfortunately the MSM is lapping it up.

@Skook I did not know that about Regan. Thanks.

I read that it would take 10 billion to build and secure the fence on the Mexican border. Seems too generalized for me. Worse is the generalized amount of 120 billion spent on illegals using your welfare system. Compassion has a limit, as do the taxpayers. Yes, I pay huge US taxes.


Skookum: he read the memoirs of the former Soviet Spy, Whitaker Chambers, in his book “Witness” Chambers described the duplicity of the Roosevelt Administration and how FDR had Soviet spies advising him on how to deal with Stalin. Reagan credits Chambers and his book for his conversion to Conservatism.

Wonder if this was mentioned in the Reagan biography Obama carried around under his arm; signaling the press to start the phony Obama transformation.

I don’t know if it was in the bio and suspect that Obama doesn’t either.

Wrong. Lincoln actually had the modern day conservatives in mind. Lincoln’s Republican Party was actually pretty progressive.

Sorry Liberal #2, Lincoln was a Republican and his values aligned with ours, not yours. Keep trying with the revisionist attempts, they are amusing.

@liberal1: Wrong. Lincoln wanted people free. Progressives want them all dependent on the state. They want everyone to be a slave of the state.

How progressive was Abraham Lincoln? Here is a quote from him on personal freedoms and socialism:

We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word many mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name – liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names – liberty and tyranny. – Abraham Lincoln from a speech at Sanitary Fair, Baltimore, Maryland (April 18, 1864)


Can we guess which meaning the Liberal/ Progressives use to ply their propaganda? Should be easy right?


Dr John, so you agree with Lincoln’s interpretations of executive power and Federal Government power vs. State’s rights? You consider those interpretations to be Conservative?

@Faith7 – Yup, they even co-opted the term liberal. A Classic Liberal used to be someone who had the views that Conservatives now have.

@Tom: You asked of drjohn:

Dr John, so you agree with Lincoln’s interpretations of executive power and Federal Government power vs. State’s rights? You consider those interpretations to be Conservative?

I apologize for jumping in on this one since it was not directed at me. But I am just offering my two cents worth on this one.

No, the steps Lincoln took were not always necessarily Constitutional. What he did, he did in order to preserve the union – a house divided will fall. That is why Lincoln was so haunted; he was forced to do things he did not agree with in order to protect and preserve America as a whole, and not divided into two countries.

Would you have had him do anything different, Tom?


No, the steps Lincoln took were not always necessarily Constitutional.

Would you have had him do anything different, Tom?

No, but I don’t fetishize the infallibility of the constitution in its original form, nor whine about the Federal Government and its alleged abuses of power on the internet every day, so naturally I find it interesting when those who do cozy up to the one president who clearly represents the Federal Government end of the spectrum most definitively. You’re making an exception, I understand. Your political philosophy apparently has exceptions. So how does one determine which exceptions are exceptional enough to flip one’s political philosophy on its head?

@Tom: You asked:

So how does one determine which exceptions are exceptional enough to flip one’s political philosophy on its head?

Um gee, I dunno. Maybe the preservation of the nation rather than letting it become two weakened countries? I think that is probably one helluva good reason.

Speaking of Presidents ignoring the Constitution (capital C on that, I noticed you don’t think it deserves a capital letter), what do you think of Obama being in contempt of court by proceeding with instituting Obamacare when it has been found un-Consitutional? I am not really anticipating you giving an honest answer on this one because of two reasons:

1. You think anything the anointed one does is A-Okay with you.


2. By your own words, you don’t really think much of the Constitution:

No, but I don’t fetishize the infallibility of the constitution in its original form…

But he was careful to capitalize “Federal Government”, anticsrocks…. TWICE! No typo there. Oh what a surprise :0)

Good catch Mata! LOL Says a lot, doesn’t it?