Years ago near to where I live my family and I frequented a Chinese restaurant whose food was excellent. With amusement we noted that many of the meals were described as
“Our chef’s most favored dish.”
So when I read an article about the climate and it contains the phrase
“the world’s most respected climate scientists”
I cannot stop thinking about the restaurant and begin laughing out loud. It holds the same meaning to me as does the menu.
NPR provided a good example not long ago.
The year 2010 tied 2005 with the warmest year on record. That makes 34 consecutive years where the global temperature is higher than the average temperature in the 20th century. Last year was also the wettest.
The article quotes John Christy of the University of Alabama:
John Christy, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, sees the same general warming trend in his measurements of global temperature. Those are based on satellite measurements of the planet’s air from the surface up to 35,000 feet.
“The take-home lesson is that if you have an El Nino, you’re going to have a hot year,” he says. “But I just finished shoveling eight inches of global warming off my driveway this Monday here in Alabama. So whatever the globe is doing, your local weather can have a completely different picture, that’s for sure.”
(emphasis mine)
We’ll get back to that later. 2010 was the hottest year on record, even before 2010 was over.
Even as negotiators in Cancun struggled Friday to reach a modest climate accord at the U.N.-sponsored talks here, new temperature readings released by NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies show 2010 now ranks as the hottest climate year on record.
But hold on a minute. Maybe it wasn’t THE hottest- maybe it was only tied for the hottest:
According to climatologists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, 2010 was a very hot year. While anyone who witnessed the Vikings Metrodome collapse might not have seen this coming, NASA says that data from 1,000 climate stations shows 2010, as a whole, to be statistically tied for being the hottest year in recorded history.
NOAA gets in on the “tied” mantra.
According to NOAA scientists, 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest year of the global surface temperature record, beginning in 1880. This was the 34th consecutive year with global temperatures above the 20th century average. For the contiguous United States alone, the 2010 average annual temperature was above normal, resulting in the 23rd warmest year on record.
And NASA insisted that warming continues unabated.
Global warming has neither stopped nor slowed in the past decade, according to a draft analysis of temperature data by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Now take note of this from David Rose’s article the Daily Telegraph:
But buried amid the details of those two Met Office statements 12 months apart lies a remarkable climbdown that has huge implications – not just for the Met Office, but for debate over climate change as a whole.
Read carefully with other official data, they conceal a truth that for some, to paraphrase former US Vice President Al Gore, is really inconvenient: for the past 15 years, global warming has stopped.
Actually, with the exception of 1998 – a ‘blip’ year when temperatures spiked because of a strong ‘El Nino’ effect (the cyclical warming of the southern Pacific that affects weather around the world) – the data on the Met Office’s and CRU’s own websites show that global temperatures have been flat, not for ten, but for the past 15 years.
(emphasis mine)
Global warming has halted. And an El Nino can raise global temperatures. Hold that thought.
Over at Anthony Watts’ WUWT John Kehr expresses frustration with data coming out of CRU:
The longer I am involved in the global warming debate the more frustrated I am getting with the CRU temperature data. This is the one of the most commonly cited sources of global temperature data, but the numbers just don’t stay put. Each and every month the past monthly temperatures are revised. Since I enter the data into a spreadsheet each month I am constantly seeing the shift in the data. If it was the third significant digit it wouldn’t bother me (very much), but it is much more than that.
The data keeps changing. Downward.
Sep 10th, 2010: January 2010 anomaly was 0.707 °C
Jan 30th, 2011: January 2010 anomaly is now 0.675 °C
That is a 5% shift in the value for last January that has taken place in the past 4 months. All of the initial months of the year show a fairly significant shift in temperature.
Again at WUWT, Dr. David Whitehouse examines a number of databases and points out some really important details.
These five temperature databases I examine give the monthly temperature to thousandths of a degree which is superfluous. When rounded up to a more physically sensible 0.1 deg almost all of the differences between the years of the past decade go away, but that is another story, and not the subject of this post.
He notes that 2010 was an El Nino year. So was 1998, the “hottest year on record.”
He concludes:
Many press reports said that 2010 was a near-record breaking year despite the cooling influence of a La Nina later in the year. What was omitted however was mention of the fact that the reason why the year was marginally warmer than previous years was because of the warming El Nino.
Contrary to press reports the evidence is that 2010 was a year no different from all of the years 2001-2009 with the exception of a moderate to strong El Nino that elevated temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere’s Spring, and a cooling La Nina later in the year. The standstill seen in global temperatures since 2001 continues.
El Nino is described this way:
El Niño is defined by prolonged differences in Pacific Ocean surface temperatures when compared with the average value. The accepted definition is a warming or cooling of at least 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) averaged over the east-central tropical Pacific Ocean. Typically, this anomaly happens at irregular intervals of 2–7 years and lasts nine months to two years.[5] The average period length is 5 years. When this warming or cooling occurs for only seven to nine months, it is classified as El Niño/La Niña “conditions”; when it occurs for more than that period, it is classified as El Niño/La Niña “episodes”.[6]
Even NPR recognized that 2009-2010 was going to be a strong El Nino year. El Nino petered out in May and was replaced by a La Nina.
La Nina is associated with cooler Pacific temperatures.
And snowfall in the Northeast.
There is a very strong potential of heavier than normal snowfalls along the eastern seaboard of the United States at that time especially affecting the Southeastern, Mid-Atlantic, and Northeastern states with drought spreading from southern Texas along to the Gulf states and into parts of the central Midwest.
The picture comes into focus. An El Nino is associated with elevated global temperatures but even with the strongest El Nino on record 2010 was not the warmest year on record and record cold is blasting many parts of the globe.
And it’s a lot colder now than it was 1000 years ago.
We’re not warming. We may be entering a lengthy period of cooling.
From Miami to Maine, Savannah to Seattle, America is caught in an icy grip that one of the U.N.’s top global warming proponents says could mark the beginning of a mini ice age.
And that’s according to our most favored respected scientists.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
As a carpenter who has worked outside for the last forty years, i believe I know more than most of those “scientists” who prostitute themselves at the altar of “Climate Change”, just so they can get their thirty pieces of silver.
Does man have an effect on weather? Possibly, but probably not globally- I would suggest that the “urban heat islands” might be possible for more fluctuations in temp and rainfall, especially those near a large body of water.
But I would hold all conclusions in abeyance until more data comes in. It is possible that we harm our environment more by “clearcutting” the jungles just so we can grow corn for biofuels, as stupid a use of food as I have ever seen. (Not only that, but with the corn-to-ethanol distillation, you need massive amounts of water, another essential that will be in short supply soon,
Going with sugar cane or sugar beets would simplify things quite a bit, but that would sound like too much common sense to the parties involved, so it has been given short shrift.
When are you going to understand the differences between global warming, climate change, and the weather?
@Liberal1 (objectivity): It’s really quite simple. If the data fits the narrative, it’s climate change. If it does not, it’s weather.
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
Weather: Local conditions at any given time.
Climate Change: Happens every three months.
Global Warming: Replaced Global Cooling from the ’70’s. Currently envogue: Global Climate Chaos, which is any large scale weather pattern not predicted by the gods of climate modelling.
You beat me to the “Climate Chaos” model. That covers all their bases; no matter what the climate is doing (warming, cooling, whatever), they can say that the very fact that it is changing at all is due to Evil Mankind’. Buy your carbon credits now, before the earth
heatscools further!Off topic:
Oh lordy…DrJohn, that menu! Where it says “Pork,” that is NOT a pig! And I just scared my own cat by laughing so hard.
Blake, the problem is worse than that. As any homebrewer knows, fermentation produces…the dreaded carbon dioxide! So, if you are really a gung-ho greenie, how do you justify the use of ethanol, which has a lower energy content than gasoline, and which gives of CO2 during its production?
Here’s a brand new word, and I want to start seeing it here at FA.
Here’s an example of a greendoggle.
Green-energy plant sucks up subsidies, then goes bust
Turning wood chips into ethanol fuel, only never making a drop.
What did it cost us?
2007: a $76 million federal grant to Range Fuels of Treutlen County, Ga.
Then the taxpayers of Georgia piled on another $6 million.
2008: a loan for $80 million guaranteed by the U.S. taxpayers.
“The Saudi Arabia of Pine Trees” became an unofficial state motto among Peach State politicians, and Gov. Sonny Perdue declared, “I’m confident the bioenergy industry and sector is going to be a cornerstone of the new Georgia.”
Steven Chu, is now the secretary of energy, and his Energy Department has recently offered a loan guarantee of as much as $1 billion to a Texas company looking to squeeze fuel out of wood…..the same as what just failed in Georgia!
Range Fuels is a politically connected, mostly through its founder, venture capitalist Vinod Khosla. Khosla has given more the $350,000 to federal candidates and campaign committees in recent years, a vast majority going to Democrats. In his home state of California, Khosla has famously and openly bankrolled ballot measures to direct state funding to his own “green” ventures or use regulation to make his investments more valuable.
Just as Enron sucked up subsidies before collapsing, the wood-to-ethanol project in Georgia is yet another dog in Uncle Sam’s “investment” portfolio.
Here’s the rub in all of this. The robbery is over, done. The cash is gone. This is a case of “I’ve BEEN robbed.” not “I’m being robbed.” Billions upon billions have changed hands. We’ve suffered huge losses in economic opportunity. The regulations and controls have been put in place (watch Obama’s EPA ignore the new facts).
This is and has always been about money and control. Catching them now doesn’t matter. They’ve done the deed but will deny it until their dying breath. To equate this to my old job it would be like catching a serial killer standing over a headless corpse with one hand holding the head and the other a bloody knife and getting the reaction from him, “Who me? What body?”
How much money do you think the climatologist pocketed over the last thirty years vs. the amount they would have if they had told the truth? Millions in some cases. The only remaining shift that didn’t take place was Soro’s last move on the board where he was in position to “broker” carbon credits. I read that market (and several companies) shut down, creating billions in losses. So we get little giggle here and there.
Further, and to make the author’s point, I also read one of the reasons we SEE a colder year but the temperatures keep going up is because the people in charge of keeping temperatures are picking and choosing which gauges to read. For example, they were caught reading the gauge near a A/C unit on top of a building in a city, rather than the one they used several years earlier farther away from the “heat islands” of the cities. Worse, they have the ability to position their gauges where they want and apparently, they don’t want them out in the countryside because the readings are trending down.
What drives me crazy is that as much as we do need to be good shepherds of the earth, our leaders never choose things that can be better, instead opting for things like mercury filled lights. Again, it is about control. In a few years, you’ll have no choice (except on the black market) but to buy what the government allows. That is WAY TOO MUCH control over a person’s life.
@Nan G: “Greendoggle”
I like it.
I too like the word “Greendoggle”- it’s about as concise as is possible given the limitations of words, and, while Bullsh*t would cover the subject, it is too broad in it’s application here.
The facts are that climate IS- and anyone who feels that they have a handle on it is full of greendoggle.
I too, also like the menu-