Obama stabs England in the back [Reader Post]

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And continues the capitulation of the US to Russia.

In 2009 Barack Obama scrapped plans for a missile defense of Eastern Europe, including the installation of the radar system. It was seen as a victory for Russia

The shift is a triumph for the Kremlin, which has long and vehemently argued that the shield is aimed at neutralising its intercontinental missiles; Moscow had warned of a return to a cold war arms race, and threatened to deploy nuclear missiles in its Kaliningrad exclave, surrounded by EU states.

and a betrayal by Eastern European allies

But some in Poland and the Czech Republic will view it as a betrayal of efforts over the years to accommodate US requests in the face of domestic opposition. Former Czech prime minister Mirek Topolanek, whose government signed the original deal, described Obama’s decision as bad news. “This has two dimensions. The first is a certain softer position of the US in negotiating with Russia. And the second, that is bad news, they used the opportunity when this country is unstable, when it is behaving in a very untraditional and unstable way, and ended co-operation on a matter that the Obama administration considered unacceptable,” he said.

Obama, who promised to unilaterally emasculate the US defense capability, continues the US on the road to serfdom. It was disclosed by Wikileaks that Obama has sold out Britain as a bargaining chip for the START Treaty.

Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.

Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.

The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called “special relationship”, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website.

This is information England did not want made public:

While the US and Russia have long permitted inspections of each other’s nuclear weapons, Britain has sought to maintain some secrecy to compensate for the relatively small size of its arsenal.

This newest betrayal follows a number of other embarrassments:

• America spied on Foreign Office ministers by gathering gossip on their private lives and professional relationships.

• Intelligence-sharing arrangements with the US became strained after the controversy over Binyam Mohamed, the former Guantánamo Bay detainee who sued the Government over his alleged torture.

• David Miliband disowned the Duchess of York by saying she could not “be controlled” after she made an undercover TV documentary.

• Tens of millions of pounds of overseas aid was stolen and spent on plasma televisions and luxury goods by corrupt regimes.

The Obama administration has been instructing its diplomats to spy on the Britain Foreign Office for some time.

Perhaps this should not be a surprise since Barack Obama declared France as the United States’ strongest ally, supplanting Britain. Maybe Obama could smooth this over by sending David Cameron the same exciting set of DVD’s that he sent to Gordon Brown.

In NTSC, of course.

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What else could you expect, we STILL know very little about him. Anything and everything about him was sealed. The PRESS never asked or tried to get the ansewers to just who the hell he is, where were they. They prosituted their profession for him and now we are finding out more about him everyday. Is he even American? He doesnt act like one. He embraces the people who have sworn oaths to our distruction. He has no great wealth of experince only his own distorted ego he thinks will cash checks our economy can’t.

People need not wonder why Obama hates the British……

Although raised by white grandparents, although his mom was dumped by his dad, although he only met his dad briefly, Obama wrote an entire book about his version of ”Dreams from my father.”

In it Obama romanticized his dad and his dad’s family.
Especially did he do so after he decided to think of himself as black rather than mixed.
So, what did he know about his father’s family that led him to despise the UK?

Obama’s paternal grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama, was arrested in 1949 by Kenya’s British colonialists.
The family claims he was subjected to torture for two years behind bars.
Obama’s paternal grandmother says that learning of the torture meted out to his grandfather turned her grandson, the U.S. President, against Britain during his 1988 visit to Kenya.
She goes on to add:

‘Generally, my grandson [BHObama] has never believed the British do anything for a common good, rather than their selfish interests.’

Were the stories even true?
Even grandmother called them ”family folklore.”
Her husband had died in 1975.
She also contradicts Obama in ”Dreams…” where Obama implies his grandfather was innocent.
She says:

‘His job as cook to a British officer made him a useful informer for the secret “oathing” movement which would later form the Mau Mau rebellion.’


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Words fail me!
This must have been the reason that refused to allow the GOP to read the negogiating notes; the GOP went ahead and approved his START Treaty anyway. I fault them for being such wimps; they should know by now that he can not be trusted.
We all know he want’s to destrut from within; what will it take for the GOP to understand, and react accordingly?

am I the only one to think that he may has done some more ‘un-american’ things beneath the surface we don’t know about?
The should result into a ivestigation, the START Treaty re-opened, and refused to ratify.

What can we do to get the GOP to open their eyes?

If this is proven top be true, the U.S. is done as a perceived world leader! If this President has in fact done what is charged in the leaked cables, he must be impeached immediately! Were the people in the Senate notified as required of this action? If so, why did the Senate vote to allow this to happen? Or is it possible this is another “we didn’t read the entire thing” moment? If in fact the leaders of the Senate did in fact have knowledge of this action then they to should be brought up on charges!

Again, this is alleged but something I feel is in line with the actions of this Marxist we now have in the White House. Very scary!

Today, ABC News has a story saying that both the US and British govts. deny the allegations of Wikileaks and the Daily Telegraph regarding the START treaty revelations. Read the full story here: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2011/02/us-uk-governments-dispute-report-that-us-sold-uk-out-during-start-negotiations.html


U.S.-Russia nuclear arms treaty takes effect. Britain joins Grandma, Jeremiah Wright, Mubarak, Jim Johnson, Tom Vilsack, Mazen Asbahi, Israel, The United States etc.etc. under The Bus.

10. (S) Orlov asked about the U.S. practice of transferring Trident II missiles to the United Kingdom (UK) in reference to the Russian-proposed agreed statement on the subject. Trout pointed out that most of the provisions contained in the proposed agreed statement were already covered by other sections of the treaty. He noted that notifications existed for the transfer and return of missiles to and from a third party. Additionally, he pointed out, the Russian Federation will receive unique identifiers for each of the missiles transferred to the UK, which was more information than was disclosed under START. Trout acknowledged that the proposal to send a notification of a UK flight test was not covered under START nor had it been included as part of this treaty but argued that this was the flight test of a missile owned by a third country. He said the United States had no legal responsibility for such a notification. Trout said he assumed the UK would send a notice to mariners and airmen prior to any flight test.

OK. Who are You gonna believe?

Thanks for posting on this one, Drj. Most of the media is just now waking up to the great colonial sellout of the old motherland.

I’m with @cali up there. The vote had only 26 GOP Senators willing to stand firm on this and vote no.

Three of them pulled an Obama “present”: Bond (R-MO), Brownback (R-KS), and Bunning (R-KY)

Among the 12 voting with the Dems were some of the predictable… Olympia Snow, Lugar, and Lisa Murkowski. Some of the surprises were pretend tea partier, Scott Brown (R-MA) (well, a surprise to some, but not me..), and Judd Gregg (R-NH).

I think Arnold Ahlert’s article in Jewish World Review today says it best for me:

Aside from the assemblage of administration thugs willing to sell our most reliable ally down the river, who knew what, and when did they know it? How many Senate Democrats were aware, as the Telegraph explained, that “the US agreed to hand over (to Russia) the serial numbers of Trident missiles it transfers to Britain?” How many Republicans? The second question is far more important. The Democrats are a party seamlessly allied to progressive causes, no matter how detrimental they are to America’s well-being. The Republicans, on the other hand, are supposed to be the antidote to that alliance, an antidote for which the American electorate unambiguously expressed its preference last November.

If Democrat Senators were privy to this information and decided to approve the START treaty regardless, such behavior is tragic, but predictable. If Republicans were aware, and still provided the necessary votes to put this treaty over the top, that is a stain on their collective souls. It is a stain so egregious that those Americans who still believe this nation is exceptional should seriously consider the formation of a third political party.

This vote took place in the lame duck session, three days before Christmas and about a month and a half after a historic voter statement of disapproval of the direction this admin and Congress have been tacking. With that, 15 GOP members still stood on the wrong side of this issue… three of them so despicable as to not even bother to vote.

The lame duck session has made me extremely nervous about what “inroads” conservatives have supposedly made in the midterms. While I realize that’s only the first step in halting such decisions that are dangerous not only to this nation, but to our allies, I’m not confident this is much of an improvement. The GOP has a long way to go before they earn my support and trust. And thus far, they’ve done more to cast a wary eye at them, along with their progressive Dem peers, than to gain my trust and confidence.

OT, were Gordon Brown not kicked to the curb by the Brits, it doesn’t appear he would have been too too very upset about disclosure of their Tridents, since he planned to reduce Britain’s nuke subs as a show of support for Obama , and the proposed New START treaty restructuring back in Sept 2009. Even at that, the Telegraph states that Washington lobbied the UK for permission to provide this info in 2009. That blessing was not extended by Brown to my knowledge.

Apparently, Obama and minions felt the need for permission to offer up information about a nation not involved, nor was to be affected by, the treaty was no longer needed. Nor was this extent of “monitoring” or “verification” present in the expired treaty or prior treaty versions. According to an article about the treaty in 2006 on armscontrol dot org,, the US did far more inspections of Russian facilities than they did of ours (likely because we had the budget to do so). But that article also noted there were ways for US subs to avoid inspections by parking them at sites that were not inspectable… i.e. facilities that are not ballistic missile submarine bases; facilities for production, repair, storage, or loading of SLBMs; or facilities for training of SLBM crews.

Britain will not have that luxury of treaty language game playing, because we’ve turned them in… info provided for the cost of playing the game with Russia.

PM David Cameron and crew head to Germany for the Munich Security Conference this week. I’d say that Hillary and pals better not take up stations with their backs to the wall or any corners. There will be some pointed questions asked… as well there should be.

In the meantime, those who have programs we should be far more worried about… NK, Iran, etc… still operate under the radar, and with the apparent aid of the IAEA.