Original credit and caption:
Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Barack Obama looks through a kaleidoscope at a gift shop in Rapid City, South Dakota May 31, 2008. Reuters Rick Wilking
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
I can see Russia from my back porch.
“Where’s the button to take the picture?”
We had one of these back in Keny…uh, Hawaii when i was just a child. The whole trib..uh, neighborhood played with it and looked through it to see Mecc…uh, the pretty colors.
You can see much clearer with a distorted world.
Resistance is futile . . . you will be assimilated!
“That has got to be………………..Wait…………..Oh no, not again! George Bush if I have black ink around my eye again I’m gonna blame you for something else.”
After the midterms is when I developed my drinking problem.
Ooooh, pretty colors!
“For the thirty sixth time, I will not rest until all, . . . . . oooh, wait a minute, who’s that?”
“I can see my second term from here!!!”
– or –
“Nudey pictures of Hillary!”
Which end do I look through again….?
“This was so much more fun with some blow……”
If you look through the small end Moo shell’s butt looks tiny.
All the pretty colors . . . almost as good as taking them sugar cubes in the frat house . . .
X-ray you say . . . Hum . . . I can see your junk!!!
I see the taxpayers have lots more money for me to spend.
I still can’t see the bottom of the hole I’ve dug the country into.
If you really look hard and concentrate……… you can see my character…………
Mr Soros told me to keep looking into this for a few weeks. By then he will have lined up Eygpt crisis to make billions to fund 2012.
I was gonna give them an iPod with my SOTU speech on it, but this’d make a nice wedding gift for Prince William and Kate.
I think I see a shovel ready job!
* * * or * * *
I can see all 57 states from here!
OOPS someone spot me looking while he pee
Looking at his Long Form Birth Certificate that was just discovered using a miniaturized Microfiche viewer.
Oh My God I Shot My Eye Out!
A little humor. The Current Regime is Shooting with the same Ineptitude and misses the Target Daily.
It would be truly funny if this was Somebody Else’s Country this was happening to and Not Mine.
Yeah, All 57 States…will regret Electing this “Pig in a Poke” to Office…
The end of my Presidential term looks much closer in this mirror.