There is a point at which we, as a nation, need to have a national strategy with regards to Muslims. Most people are completely uneducated about Muslim ideology and believe that the problem with Muslims is a handful of crazies who give the rest of Muslims a bad name. People who think like this are unable to process much of reality: e.g., millions of Muslims rioting and killing people over a silly cartoon; or the fact that millions of Muslims celebrated 9/11 by dancing in the streets.
First of all, we need to recognize that Islam is a worldwide problem. And it is a human problem (just as communism is a human problem), it is not simply a religion. We do not have concerns about Buddhism, Judaism, Jehovah Witnesses, etc. There is no reason to. When there is a man-caused disaster somewhere, we do not suddenly think, maybe it is those pesky Mormons down the street. When such a bombing or shooting takes place, almost all Americans, apart from those who work for the media or for homeland security, think, Muslims.
Worldwide, there have been approximately 17,000 Muslim attacks since 9/11 and every year, about 10,000 people are killed by Muslim attacks. They know we are in a war; many of us do not.
The best place for you to initially educate yourself is at Islam: The Religion of Peace. There, you can see that Muslims attacks occur daily, all over the world, primarily targeting innocents. Even if you want to delude yourself and say, “Well, that is only 1% of Muslims that do that.” That is 1 million people, which is a pretty formidable army.
Within the United States, we need to have 2 approaches: we need to revamp our sedition laws and make them very specific, so that they clearly define traitorous behavior by Muslim-Americans, but cannot be used to silence either political party or political dissent. Then the FBI needs to be involved in surveillance and sting operations throughout the United States, concentrating on mosques. When sedition is encouraged in the mosque, then that mosque needs to be shut down. I am fully aware that is going to be troublesome for some, and it may even result in some violence by Muslims. However, Islam is not simply a religion; it is an all-encompassing political movement which seeks to circumvent and eventually supplant whatever governmental system is in place where they live. This is why Muslim communities within a non-Muslim government will first attempt to establish sharia law within their communities, and then, as their population grows, continue to expand the boundaries of sharia law.
The second approach is immigration control. Personally, I am for completely stopping the influx of nearly all Muslims from other countries. However, I doubt that will happen. However, the key is Muslim population concentration. At 1-2%, Muslims tend to live peacefully, side-by-side with those of their host country. Once this percentage is exceeded, then Muslims begin to act more and more crazy.
One of the best educational videos on this is:
There are several excellent videos on Muslims throughout the world, and these are routinely removed from YouTube “by the user.”
Our foreign policy should encourage the Muslim countries with whom we do business to be more moderate, and not to broadcast anti-American programs on their airwaves (by anti-American, I refer to programs where young children at age 2 or 3 are taught by cartoons to want to kill infidels in the west). If you are not aware of this, you need to get “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West;” or at least view some of its trailers here.
When we are militarily involved in Muslim countries, we need to (1) establish bases within those countries and (2) encourage freedom of religion (as a part of a bill of rights) within that country. When we establish a democracy or help to encourage a democracy, this needs to include a bill of rights. This is our great failure in Iraq and Afghanistan, where Christians are still routinely persecuted and the proclamation of the gospel is illegal.
Finally-and this will be very difficult for Americans to stomach-we have to prepared to go to war with any Muslim country, and to be willing to destroy much of its population, if necessary. Don’t misunderstand me; I am not recommending that we go to war against any Muslim nation; however, if such a war becomes necessary, then we need to go into it full force, nothing held back. Muslims do understand strength and the willingness to fight. Will we still be the Big Satan? Of course will. But if we are provoked into a war, we must make certain that, the end result is, they will not desire another war for a very long time. This involves national resolve, and I don’t know if this exists in the United States.
Wars between nations and Muslims have been going on for centuries. This is not a new thing. This is where we are heading, and to think otherwise is simply burying your head in the sand. How is this different from Communism? Most Communist leaders do not want to die; they arewilling to sacrifice millions of their own men in war, but they themselves do not want to die. They enjoy their power and riches and partaking in a western-style prosperity. In a nuclear world against any communist nation, there is a reasonable chance that America will go to cut off the head of a Communist foe (i.e., attempt to kill the leaders). That real threat keeps the peace between us and them.
Muslims, on the other hand, see Jihad as their pathway to heaven, and many even desire the chance to die in a war with infidels. Not all Muslim leaders are this willing to die, but it appears as though some might be. It is at that point, a Muslim nation becomes more dangerous than anything we have ever faced as a free nation.
Part of our remaining a free and prosperous nation is having a clear domestic and foreign policy with regard to Islam. We need the ability to recognize evil and, if necessary, willingness to confront it head-on.
We should start here, Isl;am and America are orthogonal concepts.
Hmmm… interesting video, however, it puts all the c0untries in the same bucket. For example, Bosnia might be 40% muslim but the genocide was applied TO THEM and not vice versa. Also, Albania might be 70% muslim but it’s one of the very few countries where that doesn’t mean much since there is a very good relationship between the muslims, christian catholic and christian orthodox populations. To top it off it’s among the few (perhaps the only) country where the jewish population grew during WWII because none of them were handed over to the germans. Oh, and BTW, one of them most pro-american countries in the world (a rare thing nowadays). So, interesting video but as when everything gets generalized, we lose the important details (just like our State Department does)
Here’s a pic from Egypt. It’s Christian citizens there locking hands to create a barrier for their fellow Muslim citizens to protect them while they pray.
I like that policy.
I’ll be happy if this administration comes up with a coherent policy on anything. No evidence yet spotted for such.
@John DiStefano:
You make some good points. However, do you remember Lebanon? This used to be touted as a wonderful place for Christians, Jews and Muslims. Wasn’t that just 20 or so years ago? Things tend to change when specific groups of Muslims decide to get involved.
Author makes excellent points. Much of what we ‘Here’ at Flopping Aces actually ‘understand’ and ‘agree with’ . The ‘Muslim problem’ is indeed multifaceted. Are all Muslims ‘radical’ – No. I have friends who are Muslim and I have talked extensively with them about their beliefs. Believe it or not, they are stumped as to how to handle the infiltrations of the Radicals. But, they do agree, it’s the Clerics who need scrutiny and the “High” Officials within a Muslim Mosque/Community.
Indeed America has many weaknesses in this area which can ultimately cause us problems:
Our President ‘Bowing’ to Oppressive Government Leaders. Big thumbs down.
American Policies and politicians (bend backwards for Muslim/Islamist)
America’s LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE/DEMOCRAT BASE – Love, Peace and Rainbows. ?????
Our Indoctrinated Liberal Youth 17 – 26 ++. Peace Love but hate Christians/Jews love Muslims.
California (Berkley) Liberal Idiots (Many who promote Anti American, Anti-Israel, Anti-War, Anti-Military, Anti-almost everything… See Website: Zombietime.com for picture proof of useful idiots.
America’s Political Leaders (Congress/State Gov’s & Mayors/Senate/ J Napolitano seem they are Complacent to the Islam and Muslim threats. As well as our Borders. These people do not live in the Reality a majority of Americans do.
Janet Napolitano who is book smart, but otherwise a stupid stupid woman. She should be “Fired”. Flaming Liberal!
America’s newly found ‘political correctness’. Which works as a Muslim/Islam Trojan Horse.
Muslims/Islamists who “use our Liberal Political Correctness” against us and will do so at any chance.
Judges like the one in Oklahoma who is allowing Sharia.
Judges in NJ who agrees with a Muslim Man raping your wife as a ‘culture’ thing.
Young Uneducated, Radical Muslim/Islamic Youth – Who are fed Anti-American Propaganda and Anti-West Propaganda. The Middle East keeps them that way so they cannot question or see the brighter side only a oppressive Muslim life? (No Fun allowed)
America needs to put more pressure on our Politicians this will become a huge problem within the next 10 years if it’s not already.
Faith7 – You make grea points. I would add that they can virtually all be grouped under the “war of ideas” that I address at the links below.
Fat Frog – As to being ” prepared to go to war with any Muslim country,” that is inevitable if we – and Islamic “radicalism” – remain on our current respective trajectories. I agree with all of your points but you dance around what I think is the key point. We are not engaging in the single most important part of the war against Islamic “radicalism,” the war of ideas, thus not only allowing the Wahhabization of Islam to metastasize unhindered, but also insuring that there is no reform to Islam. See here (explaining the contours of and the necessity for engaging in the war of ideas) and here (Jasser’s take on how and why we are losing the war of ideas).
your text is spot on.
the key in it, besides sedition deomestically, is to “destroy much of its population”. AMuslim country for that needs to found soon and though a lesson. Muslims never experienced catastrophic defeat and they need one like Japan or Germany so they can learn how to seek peace and not Alllah
Gambling is ”illegal” in part or in toto in all but 2 states in the USA.
In many states it is illegal to have your Weds night poker game or your office pool.
What do laws like that do?
Nothing, but sit there on the books.
If and when some political jerk wanted to, he could use such laws to get rid of many of his political enemies.
OK, so what does that have to do with the topic at hand, you might well ask.
Just this…..
In your original post you wrote:
That is clearly unconstitutional.
Various religious cases have risen all the way to the Supreme Court……
The right to have Sunday off and not be fired,
The right to knock on the door of private homes,
The right to have special diet even in prison and the military;
All of these show the courts understand that people cannot be targeted by the government based solely on their religion.
BUT criminal behavior is different from religion.
Illegal behavior can be targeted.
So sorry, if you think it might hurt members on one political party more than the other….then they shouldn’t be criminally violent!
Political dissent need not be violent to succeed.
Look at the revolution caused by the TEA party movement….yet not one arrest.
When I was a youngster we had laws against ”vagrancy.”
Vagrancy defines a state of being rather than a behavior.
Funny how these laws were only used when the police didn’t like you.
After a few years all vagrancy laws were replaced by laws against specific actions.
Disorderly conduct, drinking in public, urinating in public and so one.
Laws like the ones you proposed could sit on the books for years and then be used by some activist politician to round innocent people up.
What does that gain?
A coherent policy for muslims in the United States should be; that if you believe in the teachings espoused by the Koran your out of here. Our govt is stupid to allow our enemies to live within our borders. But then we have a POTUS who is a blend of Marxism and Islam.
Over the course of history, some people have believed they recognized evil in Jews; some recognized it in Protestants; others recognized it in Catholics, and others in Mormons. Truth is, it’s often most recognizable in what follows after such thinking takes hold and overrides both reason and conscience. We seem to rationalize our own thoughts and actions so easily.
To beseech God to “deliver us from evil” is not only to ask for protection against some external threat.
Lets start by creating a Federal Tax on small rugs, or ban them completely.
Good article & video.
The #1 weapon to use against islam is the truth. It cannot survive as long as people become aware of its’ history.
Expose islam & win.
To Greg,
Obviously, some people cannot recognize evil. Such people would call Jews or Mormons evil. However, the current Muslim movement (if you checked the links in the article) kill thousands of people every year all over the world. That, I would classify as evil. Jews did not do this and Mormons did not do this. Furthermore, this massive killing is a coordinated, worldwide strategy of Islam.
Quite obviously, we cannot make laws against Muslims, although we can limit their influx into our country. However, it is reasonable for a country to have laws against those who would conspire to do violence, and it is reasonable for us to have FBI agents monitoring places where this might occur (mosques, and the like). Such laws need to be clearly written, strongly enforced, with the results (which should include executions in some cases) made public.
@Nan G: I don’t think I was proposing sedition laws involving urinating in public. Sorry if I gave you that impression.
I made a mathematical error, which no one called me on. If there are 1 billion Muslims and 1% of them are radicalized, that is an army of 10 million, not 1 million.
I’m going to guess that pretty much everyone who supported this post is Christian?
#8, Jamie; sorry, but Islam has faced a humiliating defeat. At the gates of Vienna in 1683, on September 11th of that year. Remember that for it is an important fact. 318 years later Osama bin Laden restarted that war on the newest “Great Satan.” In 1683, the great satan was Europe. In 2001, it was us.
@FatFrog, #14:
How many Muslims have Christians killed over the past 10 years?
I hope you were being facetious.
My point is that behavior alone must be the basis of law.
Never status.
And I went on to point up that the TEA party led to a large change in America without one person being arrested.
So, if you are afraid that your ”political action” will be mistaken for Islamist terrorism, then there is something wrong with your ”political action,” namely it is illegal.
Here’s an example you might get;
In France it is illegal to clog the streets unless you get a permit for a certain place and time.
Anyone can apply to demonstrate for literally any matter.
But in France the Muslims drive to city centers and begin laying out their prayer rugs, clogging up streets in one city after another, Friday after Friday all the time.
Why do they do it?
Because the French police are too scared of them to arrest them and stop them.
Nice, France is on the Riviera.
It is normally a wonderful place.
But woe to the tourist who is there when Muslims pick Nice for their shows of power.
And shame on the French authorities for not enforcing their own laws on the books.
Not nearly as many as Muslims have. The greatest killers of Muslims are other Muslims.
Such a scholarly sociological study.
(not really)
@Nan G: I htought it was a pretty funny joke, too.
Certainly, you cannot arrest someone for their status or beliefs. I nowhere implied that.
Fat FROG, HI, your post is EXCELLENT, and you are right and brave to expose the dangers they are bringing in the AMERICAS, some are infiltrating in from the open borders unseen and kept in MOSKEE
for untill they can blend with the people, but they have the hate of AMERICA enough but they wait for the call and that is what AMERICANS have floating over their heads, even more now that they have allies in higher places with power of executive order to protect them, so hopefully the right person will get in that power position soon to implement strick measure to have our FBI departement strong enough to
control their ascendance to become the power of this BEAUTIFULL AMERICA, thank you SR
From the Vancouver Sun, February 1, 2011:
First Paragraphs: