The chaos in Egypt as presented by the MSM is one of an oppressed population fed up with years of totalitarian rule using the Internet to spontaneously cry for their freedom. The MSM from the beginning has been characterizing President Barack Obama as the one calling for peace, reason and restraint from the demonstrators and the Egyptian government. The MSM for it’s part is playing the Egyptian government’s efforts to protect itself and calm civil unrest as the efforts of an oppressive government attempting to crush the people’s aspiration for freedom.
As usual, the MSM doesn’t tell the facts that aren’t convenient to the narrative. Chris Matthews curiously began dissembling for the Obama Administration by claiming that this unrest was all George W Bush’s fault. Now why would Chris Matthews claim it’s Bush’s fault when he’s been out of office for two full years? Why indeed? Could it be that he knows full well that the Obama Administration since taking office has worked with opponents of Egypt’s lawful government and instead instigated this uprising?
By making the ridiculous charge that it was George W Bush’s fault, Chris Matthews is attempting to create the moral equivalence of absurdity to cover for Barack Obama when it is finally exposed that he was the one who helped destabilize the government of Egypt. That’s right, the Obama Administration has been interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign country that is our ally.
On December 30, 2008 the American Ambassador to Egypt sent a secret dispatch to the State Department detailing the plans of the Muslim Brotherhood under the guise of an umbrella group to overthrow the government. We can thank Wikileaks for that information. (Barack Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009. While technically received during the final days of the Bush Administration, no action was taken until Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State.) This dispatch was sent to the US Secretary of State and held for review by Hillary Clinton. So both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were fully informed of the overthrow plot of a US ally and not only did nothing but in fact took every effort to hide the identity of the plotters from the Egyptian government.
Furthermore, they helped the plotters attend meetings outside of Egypt in New York at the expense of the State Department! Does anyone really believe that the Secretary of State wouldn’t inform or forget to inform the President of the US of a serious plot to overthrow one of its allies? Now you didn’t hear that from the MSM did you? It’s one thing to encourage a dictator to liberalize their political workings, it’s quite another to forment an overthrow of that government, a US ally. Apparently, some form of the Journolist is still functioning and the daily calls between the White House and select MSM “journalists” are still taking place to manage the news flow or narrative.
The AP headline, “Egyptian reform leader calls for Mubarak to resign”, is typical of the MSM dissembling being foisted upon an unwary public. If you don’t know whom Nobel Peace laureate Mohamed ElBaradei is then you would think this is a yearning for freedom and individual rights, and you would be wrong. Nobel Peace laureate indeed…ElBaradei is backed by the Muslim Brotherhood. Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? It is a radical Sunni Islamist organization bent on creating a Sunni Islamic Republic, a theocratically run government much like that in Iran. The Muslim Brotherhood has a long history of murder and assassination in Egypt. It was the Muslim Brotherhood who assassinated Anwar Sadat for making peace with Israel. They also were responsible for numerous murders of tourists in an attempt to collapse Egypt’s economy. Not only are they not a friend of Israel neither are they a friend of the US. The State Department designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization in 2005. Yet, here we see the State Department under the Obama Administration consorting and giving aid to a terrorist group plotting to overthrow the government of Egypt. You didn’t see that in the MSM reporting, did you?
In 2009 President Barack Obama met secretly in Washington DC with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood. What did they talk about? The weather? Global Warming? We can only assume it was about their plans to overthrow the government of Egypt. What in the world was the President of the United States thinking in meeting with a terrorist organization??? What, the MSM didn’t report that little tidbit? This was the same time period Obama went on his apology tour of the world saying the US was wrong in meddling in the internal affairs of other countries and what do we see here? Barack Obama meddling in the internal affairs of Egypt.
Now the Muslim Brotherhood is seeking to form a new government in Egypt under the guise of a Unity Government. They were also involved in the demonstrations. The demonstrations were not spontaneous, they were planned by the Muslim Brotherhood. The events in Tunisia were the perfect segway for them to co-opt the idea of freedom from repression to cause rioting and instability in Egypt. If the events in Tunisia didn’t happen, they would have had to create an event on their own, it was their plan all along and Barack Obama was privy to that plan via the State Department headed by Hillary Clinton.
Now that I have filled in a few facts that the MSM’s narrative has neglected to inform the world, let’s connect the dots and the implications. Carter the second strikes again. Just as the arguably most incompetent President in the history of the US, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama has made the EXACT same mistakes in the Middle East. He has undermined a key US ally in the Middle East who was pivotal in triangulating against Iran and keeping the peace with Israel. Barack Obama like the typical liberal he is sowed the seeds of this human disaster when he met secretly with the Muslim Brotherhood to encourage them in their plans to overthrow Mubarak. Barack Obama by meeting with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood gave the Imprimatur of US consent in the overthrow of an ally. Then Obama has the nerve to tell the Egyptian government to use restraint against an insurrection instigated by radical Muslims? In other words in typical lib speak, you should let yourself be defenseless and be defeated because it suits our secret desire to see you fail.
For context, let’s compare this to what happens in the US during civil disturbances like Watts or the LA riots. The National Guard is called out and then depending on the level of violence they shoot to kill. But Liberals would have you believe governments who defend themselves against civil unrest by calling out the military are evil oppressive regimes. So is the US an evil repressive regime because they use the National Guard to suppress civil unrest? You be the judge here because the MSM is engaging in a full court press of propaganda vilifying the Egyptian government to rationalize why the Muslim Brotherhood would be better at running the country than Mubarak.
If you will remember and for those not around in the 1970s, it was Jimmy Carter who undermined the Shah of Iran, a staunch US ally in the Middle East. Carter’s efforts encouraged Ayatollah Khomeni to return to Iran, which gave us our current aggressive expansionist regime and enemy in the Middle East. Now Obama, not wanting to be topped has set the stage for Egypt to fall into chaos and be taken over by yet another radical regime using the US and Israel as their convenient punching bag for endless vilification. You know, when you play with fire you run the risk of getting burned. Barack Obama has literally set the Middle East on fire by his incompetent handling of the situation.
A horrific set of events will come into play if the Muslim Brotherhood is successful in setting up a Sunni theocratic state, mass bloodletting between it and Shiite Iran. For over a thousand years Sunnis and Shiites have been literally slaughtering each other over accusations of heresy against each other. Few in the West can even conceive of the blood letting that these two groups are capable of doing to each other. The news reports during the Iraq terrorism campaign by al Qaeda did not give a complete picture thanks to the MSM attempting to hide the sectarian reason for the violence from, a Sunni terrorist group engaged in mass murder of Shiites in the market place, schools and public places. Given the imperialistic aims of Iran to spread the dominance of their Shiite version of Islam, a Sunni theocratic state in Egypt would be obligated to counter this dominance by supporting an increasing use of terrorism everywhere in the Middle East in a bloody version of the cold war. Saudi Arabia, the home of Mecca would become a focal point of their struggle. Both Shiites and Sunnis hold Mecca as their holy city and as such Iran covets the hold of Sunnis and especially Saudi Arabia. Nothing good can possibly come of a Sunni theocratic state in Egypt, we need only look at Iran for the results. Barack Obama’s meddling just set the stage for Iran to become even more aggressive in their expansionist (Imperialist) aims on the Middle East.
If I were in the Saudi ruling family, right now I would be looking over my shoulder wondering what has Barack
Obama done behind my back? Even Hugo Chavez was taken aback by Obama’s double dealing with Mubarak. That says something. Take note Saudi Arabia, when a Democrat is in office, watch your back. In fact, if you are a US ally anywhere in the world you now know any expectation of support from a feckless US government is merely delusional wishful thinking. And you wonder why so many countries of the world would rather have China or Russia as a friend? Do they stab their allies in the back like Obama has done to Egypt?
Yes, connecting the dots reveals that Obama deliberately destabilized Egypt in the naive belief that appeasing radicals will take us off their target list. Appeasement never works, it only ensures the day of reckoning. The only acceptable position here is to believe that Barack Obama is incompetent. Because no one can possibly believe anyone could be so evil as to sacrifice the lives of thousands (a hundred and counting so far), lose a dependable US ally and make the situation in the Middle East worse, thus foolish or naive is the only believable motivation. It’s called Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”
Egypt was NOT an enemy of the US but in fact a supporter of our interests in the Middle East. Is it unlawful to instigate regime change in a country that is NOT our enemy? If so confirmed that Obama condoned and advanced this plot to destabilize Egypt he must be impeached otherwise the US will have zero credibility in the world. Furthermore, who in Congress was consulted with regarding this regime change operation? Was the
Foreign Intelligence Committee notified of this action? What Congressional oversight committee was informed of Barack Obama’s plan to overthrow the government of Egypt?
- Egypt protests: America’s secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising
- Egyptian reform leader calls for Mubarak to resign
- Editorial: Will Obama Lose Egypt?
- Mohamed ElBaredei Steps Out Of His Sheep’s Clothing
- Background on the Muslim Brotherhood
- Muslim Brotherhood murderous rampage killing tourists
- Muslim Brotherhood seeking to form new government
- Muslim Brotherhood involved in Demonstrations
- Update on the proxy war with Iran
- U.S. role in Egypt crisis “shameful” – Chavez
Well done, well done indeed. I have wanted to pursue this story, but I haven’t had the time. I am anxious to read your sources, but it is time for work. Thank you, for your contribution.
I am afraid America will soon go through a period of nation building; although, our work won’t be done overseas, it will be one here at home in a period of reconstruction after the Obama fiasco is finally flushed away through the sewers of history. This era will be known as one of America’s darkest moments; at least to those who write non-revisionist history. The Socialist propaganda bureaus will be churning out lies and deceptions to paint Obama as the omnipotent and benevolent leader of the Free World as he slowly works to weaken and dismantle the most powerful nation in the world.
This is a very well written essay and I appreciate the links to sources and references.
Question: This essay brings to light the fact that The Obama Administration was playing a hand in stirring this revolt. Why has no “Media” organization questioned “THE CIVILITY” of the protesters?
Violent uprising is good for thee, but not for me?
I digress.
Great Post…Of course the LSM is misleading as to who the Muslim Brotherhood are….
like the new header too…
THANK you dscott, very well written and very credible, I’am not surprise to hear those accusations, after many bits of readable exerpts from all walk of AMERICA where I happen to run into, even that I was not looking for some infos at times IT came around so the people could find it easyer,
now what is to be done by the people with this, to get the world to acknowledge that it’s not the people of AMERICA who did that , but the leader of this country who by himelf decide to act against an important ally of the UNITED STATES,
Not just secretly, but openly, Obama said, a ”moment of transformation” had arrived in Egypt and that ”the status quo is not sustainable,” and that a new government must begin to form ”now.”
All my italic’ed words emphasize Obama’s push for President Mubarak not to wait until September but to accommodate new people into the government NOW.
I forget where I read it, but Obama also made it quite clear that non-secular (in other words RELIGIOUS) segments of Egypt must be accommodated inside this new government that must form NOW.*
By that Obama means the Muslim Brotherhood.
See their website banner?
On the ENGLISH site it is a cute little girl in a tight scarf and one word: FREEDOM.
On the Arabic site a green circle replaces the girl, inside that circle are two crossed swords and the one word, translated into English is PREPARE!
See for yourself:
Obama is going to have blood on his hands over this stand.
Really he already does.
Three have died after he said NOW.
One of them a military man.
But that’s just the start.
*Edited to add:
Found it!
It was Obama’s spokesman Robert Gibbs.
“It is clear that the increase in democratic representation has to include a whole host of important non-secular actors that give Egypt a strong chance to continue to be the stable and reliable partner,” spokesman Robert Gibbs said.
The Obama administration’s willingness to publicly welcome “non-secular” actors amounts to a significant shift.
The call to include Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood carried only a few conditions.
The Brotherhood, Mr. Gibbs said, like other parties, must show “an adherence to the law, adherence to non-violence and a willingness to be part of that democratic process.”
Mr. Mubarak’s naming of a new cabinet was bluntly deemed insufficient by the White House.
“This is not about appointments, this is about actions,” Mr. Gibbs said.
More here:
So, the Shia and Sunnis are going to kill each other by the bushel basket, explain the downside in this? Sure oil will go up, maybe then the people here will pull their collective head out and develop our own oil, gas, coal and nuclear. Let them do their best to annihilate each other, then finish off the winner.
The whole region, the whole death cult religion isn’t worth one of our soldier’s limbs. Turn Mecca to glass and be done with it.
Thank you all for the comments.
In response to JustAl, we should all be concerned as the blood letting is not going be confined to the Middle East, once they dispatch Israel to make their bones as it were, they then will be in an one upmanship game of terrorism throughout the world. Both radical elements of the Sunnis and Shiites will be vying with each other to impress their audience – the Muslim World in a contest for leadership. It will be a pissing contest and the West will be the targets. Even if you think of Israel as an annoyance, frustrating their plans concerning them will at the same time foil those future plans. But then intervening for Israel will also make everyone a target for a period of time until the fires of Islamic fanaticism are burned out as happened in Iraq with the Surge.
A Sunni theocratic state fits perfectly into the theology of war by the Iranian Shiites who believe in the 12th Imam, the Madi who is to appear at the end times engulfed in war. In a very perverse way, the Shiites need the Sunnis to complete their belief system.
Contrary to Glenn Beck’s Grand Conspiracy Theory of Everything, events in Egypt are largely beyond Barack Obama’s control.
The more muslims who kill each other the better. Less for the non-muslim world to worry about.
As the saying goes – the puzzel is now coming together. Wondered why our illustrious DHS Secretary was involved.
The date of linked article? ………. February 17, 2010 – by Richard Pollock
Substantiated by what?
I was looking at how Tunisia is turning out after the so-called “Jasmine Revolution.”
This is from http://www.ansamed.info/en/news/ME.XEF05488.html
Think about that statement for a second.
A group was attacked both by being verbally insulted and by being beaten……
You are an unbeliever, aren’t you?
According to Islam, you are.
That is how EVEN the victims here think you should be treated.
Take it to heart.
Islam is a closed ideological structure that automatically purges itself of all deviant elements.
This is one of the scariest posts I’ve ever read. Thanks for so many informative links.
Y’know, when I first saw BO on the TV, my first thought was ‘evil’. He’s never proven me wrong. His affinity for islam and everything radical will be our downfall. I still pray that it’s not too late.
The Muslim Brotherhood has now confirmed part of what I have been predicting IF they take over Egypt or even have partial involvement in a ruling coalition:
Muslim Brotherhood wants end to Egypt-Israeli peace deal
Egypt’s banned Muslim Brotherhood movement has unveiled its plans to scrap a peace treaty with Israel if it comes to power, a deputy leader said in an interview with NHK TV.
Rashad al-Bayoumi said the peace treaty with Israel will be abolished after a provisional government is formed by the movement and other Egypt’s opposition parties.
“After President Mubarak steps down and a provisional government is formed, there is a need to dissolve the peace treaty with Israel,” al-Bayoumi said.
Note this is a Russian news source reporting this so the credibility is very high. Unfortunately, given the bias of the US MSM foreign news sources have become far more credible. It’s a sad testament to the biased reporting in this country, at one time Pravda (Russia) and the Peoples Daily (China) were outright dismissed as propaganda outlets with US MSM as accurate and now the roles are reversed.
Good essay. I will be taking another look later today, and especially at your sources. I’ve been hard pressed to find some good, reliable material to back up the observations about the Muslim Brotherhood.
My initial judgments about the riots have proven to be wrong – I thought we could game on the fact that perhaps the moderate, secular Egyptian would be able to seize political sway.
Then that pew research poll on the views of the average Egyptian came out, and it started to become clear that it’s likely a more extreme, religiously driven government could feasibly come into power and maintain a modicum of popular support.
It’s an ugly compromise – on the one hand we have a strong man dictator who we pass off shady jobs and inconvenient folks to, and on the other we have the beginnings of a true holy war in the middle east that could threaten to drag in the rest of us.
I’m tired of our foreign policy that centers around propping up dictators – it comes off as a contradiction to our ideals. But then, what do we do about Egypt? Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the others, when democracy in such a religiously charged area of the world remains dangerous?
I see your “references” and my questions still stand. In fact the only real “evidence” was Amb. Scobey’s (wikileaked) message to the Bush administration. He met with officials of the USG (Bush Administration) and members of congress.
you provided no proof to that statement. (the only proof is the Bush administration took every effort to hide the identity of the plotters and have them released from Egyptian custody) From the official cable: “(Note: On December 14, we pressed the MFA for the release of xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx, and on December 28 we asked the MFA for the GOE to release the additional three activists. End note.) “
I did not see any evidence provided.
Substantiated by what?
The cable, which is the only “real evidence” indicated that the student visitor indicated: “(C) xxxxxxxxxxxx claimed that several opposition forces — including the Wafd, Nasserite, Karama and Tagammu parties, and the Muslim Brotherhood, Kifaya, and Revolutionary Socialist movements — have agreed to support an unwritten plan for a transition to a parliamentary democracy, involving a weakened presidency and an empowered prime minister and parliament, before the scheduled 2011 presidential elections ”
Of course that was followed by the Ambassador’s assertion: “Comment: We have no information to corroborate that these parties and movements have agreed to the unrealistic plan xxxxxxxxxxxx has outlined”
Just to reiterate that final point “we have no information to corroborate….”
Here ya go:
Who are these demonstrators in Egypt?
ABC News Reporter Brian Hartman Threatened With Beheading
A Muslim cameraman from Lebanon was able to talk the crazed men out of the executions.
What did these demonstrators want?
They want Mubarak to step down NOW!
That means they are NOT pro-Mubarak protesters.
Also Greg Palkot and his producer Olaf Wiig suffered “severe injuries” while covering the protests in Cairo.
Both are in the hospital and the extent of their injuries is unclear, though Palkot is described as “badly beaten.”
Does the name Olaf Wiig sound familiar?
It should.
When Hamas first took over Gaza they kidnapped Fox reporter Steve Centani and his camera man Olaf Wiig.
Both men were forcibly converted to Islam before they were allowed to leave.
“We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint,” Centanni later tells FOX.
@Nan G:
Both Greg Palkot and Olaf Wiig have been released, I don’t know if they should have been released so soon or if they wanted to get out of Egypt. After being released a police officer threatened to behead them.
A day earlier Greg Palkot mentioned that someone in the military helped them find a secure spot but told them he would not be able to help them tomorrow.
Keeping in mind that “things” are rarely if ever as they seem, it is entirely possible that the uprisings were initiated from within the Egyptian military, looking to replace Mubarak, or more specifically preventing his son Gamal Mubarak from taking the “throne.” If that is the case, they aren’t likely to allow the “Muslim Brotherhood” much influence where it counts.
Additionally, and the more positive element of such a scenario, the military is very much tied to the U.S. military for support and equipment. The Egyptian military also enjoys the largesse of the American taxpayer, which is probably not about to be replaced by any other foreign “benefactor.”
The danger, is that if this is the case, the Egyptian military may have ignited something which it could lose control of. ALL revolutions, turn out differently than intended.
I am hearing tweets and informal notes from individual Egyptians (grain of salt handy) to the effect that had the opposing side all been Mubarak’s own police they would NOT have gone head-to-head with rocks like we saw before all the cameras went down.
The informal belief is that American Leftists (Code Pink and Bill Ayers are there) and/or the Muslim Brotherhood in one incarnation or another (it has dozens of factions in Egypt) were the so-called other side.
One thing is sure…..
Egypt’s banned Muslim Brotherhood movement has unveiled its plans to scrap a peace treaty with Israel if/when it comes to power…..
The Muslim Brotherhood (and Obama) seem to both want the same thing:
Mubarak steps down…..now.
ElBaraday takes the reins ……temporarily.
Muslim Brotherhood takes reins.
Israel loses a peaceful neighbor.
Israel gains an aider/abettor of Hamas in Gaza.
This administration proves yet again they only support “the people” and “democracy” when masked in totalitarianism. They did not support the freedom of the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein. They did not support the freedom of the Iranian people from the despotic mullahs. Now they do not support the freedom of the Egyptian people from the Muslim Brotherhood and that snake El Baradei.
Where was the call for the Iranian mullahs to step down and allow the Iranian people to determine the course of their own lives? Oh, wait … they didn’t want to “meddle” in the internal affairs of Iran. Let the people be damned.
Why suddenly must Mubarak, a strong American ally who has kept the peace for 30 years, go immediately? Why is it okay to “meddle” in the internal affairs of Egypt? Why do they support a terrorist group and the former lying head of the IAEA over the Egyptian government?
When they said they wanted to change America’s image around the world they weren’t kidding. It’s change, all right. But it’s change that has nothing to do with American ideals of freedom and self-determination. It has more to do with betrayal and servitude.
Aye, that link is really scraping the bottom of the barrel… One publication (Haaretz) quoting something from an Egyptian newpaper (Almasry Alyoum) and somehow that proves a “secret meeting”.
Maybe we should just look directly to what the White House has said:
From the Washington Post – January 31, 2011
From documents from the Department of Homeland Security that detail a two-day meeting on January 27 and 28, 2010, between DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and Arab, Muslim, Sikh, and South Asian “community leaders.”
FOIA via Judicial Watch…….
The riots in Egypt organized by Obama, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood
Mohamed Mustafa ElBaradei the Iranian traitor , the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran want to rule Egypt.
They want Repression of women, prohibition of education, high unemployment, radical Islam as Iran, Somalia and Afghanistan under Taliban rule…
As James Earl Carter supported Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979, so does today Barack Hussein Obama II… SINCE 1979 USA HELP IRAN TO TAKE CONTROL IN Middle East !
What is the condition in Iran 1979 before the islamic Revolution and today in:
Human rights ?
oppression of women ?
freedom of expression ?
Today if woman Wearing Jeans or Without a head covering in Iran she will be Punished…!
All the Opposition parties in Egypt Agreed to the government’s changes and for new elections this year Except the Muslim Brotherhood !
After some months the Islamic extremists will take the POWER and people will be in worst situation then before…
Do the people in Iran, Somalia, Afghanistan want the Extremists to rule ?
@Obama is illuminati traitor:
As interesting as these connections to Iran and James Earl Carter (Jimmy Carter) may be, is there a link that might support what you claimed? My claim is that Obama “facilitated” the Muslim Brotherhood’s desire to overthrow the Egyptian government under Mubarak. So far we only have links supporting that Obama and the State Department knew of the Muslim Brotherhoods plans, met with their reps. in Washington DC and that the State Department facilitated them via hosting meetings in New York.
Organized and facilitated are on different levels of action. If you have any link that supports Obama’s direct involvement as to actual organization that would be a game changer.
A friend of Obama’s, Ali Abunimah, wrote this back in 2007 when Obama was a Senator:
Nan G, I believe what you are giving in info,because you always gave us the real thing before, and you have no reason to give wrong info now.
Thank you, ilovebeeswarzone.
I probably don’t mention it as often as I feel it, but I really, always appreciate your comments.