Obama’s Department of Injustice [Reader Post]

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PhotobucketIn the Weekly Standard Jennifer Rubin describes an interview of Michael Mukasey in which Mukasey speaks of Eric Holder’s behavior at the Justice Department as “amazing” but not as in “good” amazing.

He means the bad kind of amazing.

Holder throws legitimacy to the winds as he pursues a very selective and peculiar enforcement of the law.

In August 2009, Holder authorized the reinvestigation of CIA operatives who had employed enhanced interrogation techniques on terrorist detainees. It had the feel of a witch hunt: Career prosecutors who investigated the interrogators under the previous administration had concluded there was no basis for a criminal prosecution.

Holder seems to be acting with a seat of the pants philosophy- applying the law as it suits him. Holder reportedly avoids reading documents relative to findings before acting.

Barack Obama added fuel to the fire of chaos at Justice with the recess appointment of James Cole, who believes terrorists are to be treated like any other petty thieves and not as though national security was relevant.

Mukasey notes that Holder is more occupied with pursuing Americans than he is seeking justice for terrorists.

But while pursuing investigation of CIA operatives, Yoo, and Bybee, Holder’s department has yet to get around to devising a legal framework suitable for the prosecution of Islamic terrorists in American custody.

The 800 pound gorilla in the room is the Black Panther voter intimidation case.

With regard to the New Black Panther party controversy, incoming House Judiciary chairman Lamar Smith has dispatched a letter to Holder demanding answers to questions and documents relating to political appointee Julie Fernandes’s instructions to civil rights attorneys not to pursue voter-intimidation cases or enforce provisions of federal law designed to prevent fraud against black defendants. Mukasey is flabbergasted that the attorney general would declare in a New York Times interview that in effect “there is nothing to see.” Mukasey says, “I can’t see how he would bring himself to say such a thing. There are investigations pending”—by the Justice Department’s inspector general and Office of Professional Responsibility. The case against the New Black Panthers for intimidating voters at a Philadelphia precinct in 2008 was already won when Holder’s team ordered the charges dropped; famed civil rights attorney Bartle Bull deemed it “the most blatant form of voter intimidation I’ve ever seen.” Says Mukasey, with a measure of indignation, “It seems to me you don’t whitewash such a thing.”

It also appears that Holder is intent on providing Islam a strong foothold in America. Holder’s Justice Department has taken up the case against Berkeley School District 87, which refused three weeks unpaid leave to a Muslim teacher who wanted to perform hajj less than a year after being employed by the school district.

Hajj is considered a religious duty that able-bodied and financially-capable Muslims must fulfill at least once.

A cynical person might ask why the teacher did not wait until she had earned the consideration by working for several years prior to making the demand. The same cynical person might opine that this is part of a plan to force the special accommodation of Islam.

Nineteen US Senators voted to confirm Holder.

What on Earth were they thinking?

Rubin concludes by recalling an Obama promise:

It is ironic, in retrospect, that the Obama administration two years ago entered office vowing to respect the work of career attorneys at the DOJ, to avoid politicization, and to oversee the impartial administration of justice.

Then again, All Barack Obama Statements Come With an Expiration Date. All Of Them.

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Mackazy could learn how to do some real investigative work. There is an investigative report
on: “..THE DAILY PEN..”, a Hawai’ian paper that really shows how real investigative work is
done. It is superb! The title of the article is:
Anyone who reads it will get a really firm grip on how OBAMA fooled the whole country
and became our president. ( to our dismay!)

I wonder if Holder would have done anything had it been a federal, rather than a state crime in Washington state?
Remember the 16-year old boy, Shane McClellan, who was out late at night?
He claimed a black man and an Asian man called to him on the street, asked for a light from their porch area of an apartment building.
He went to help them only to be beaten senseless.
He claimed they were berating him for being a ”white boy.”

The public was skeptical.

Well, the DNA came back and two arrests were made.
And guess what?
It was a hate crime!
A Muslim black and a Muslim Filipino beat him up.
Ahmed Mohamed and Jonathan Baquiring
And the 16-year old’s crime?
Being an ”infidel,” a “kufir.”
Not a fellow Muslim!

Now reverse the roles.
Imagine if the attackers and the victim’s religion were reversed in this horrible violent attack.
Imagine how the media would be blasting us, blaming us, beating us with this disgusting story.
Crying, screaming, wringing their hands about “rising islamophobia,” despite statistics that point to the very opposite trend.
I bet we’d hear from Holder then.

How bad do you think the Department of Injustice will botch the Jared Loughner case in Arizona? It is starting to smell bad already. If the people of Arizona want justice, they had better take this away from the Feds and prosecute him in the state courts. It is said that sunlight disinfects, well Eric Holder does not have to worry, sunlight will never get through the rock he dwells under.

be at the polls in 2012 and vote out obama and his illegal ilk. nasty anti-american people in our white house. GOD is not happy with the USA. we need to get this horrible administration out.

I am still waiting for a huge terrorist attack to come about due to the lax regualtions on profiling muslims. It just happened in Russia and I can see that starting here.

@Aleric, I really hope you aren’t right, but I am afraid that you may be correct.