Obama’s Puppet Can Dance And Sing

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Mao Says Hi To The Silly People

Zhou Enlai And Lin Biao Hold Up Their Pocket Editions Of Mao’s Little Red Book

Mao’s Teachings:

We are confronted with two types of social contradictions — those between ourselves and the enemy and those among the people themselves. The two are totally different in their nature.

On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People (February 27, 1957),

To understand these two different types of contradictions correctly, we must first be clear on what is meant by “the people” and what is meant by “the enemy”. . . . At the present stage, the period of building socialism, the classes, strata and social groups which favour, support and work for the cause of socialist construction all come within the category of the people, while the social forces and groups which resist the socialist revolution and are hostile to or sabotage socialist construction are all enemies of the people.

From, “Give Me Tomorrow”, by Patrick O’Donnell, describing the resolute stand of George Company at the Chosin Reservoir.

Further down the line, Powers brought ammo to Fred Hems and Red Nash’s machine gun as they blazed away at oncoming Chinese. Taking heavy casualties, the Chinese attack halted and retreated toward the ditch. Olmstead recalled an unusual situation. There was firing from the Chinese toward their own men who were fleeing through the gully. We weren’t firing on them.”

The Marines also took 20 or 30 prisoners. “Several of them had feet that were elephantine and deformed since they had been exposed to the frost. They looked like blocks of ice.” Recalled Olmstead. “We were poorly equipped, but they were a lot worse.”

Mao had a policy of using his former adversaries as cannon fodder and eliminating them. In keeping with that policy, many of the officers captured claimed to have fought in Chiang Kai-shek’s army. They considered themselves allies of America during WWII. The officers were willing to fight with the Marines again, if they were given food and weapons./blockquote>

(The Chinese troops were wearing light tennis shoes in the -40 to -60 degree weather during the fighting of the Chosin Reservoir)

Obama Has An Epiphany

After the 2010, midterm elections, President Obama has come to the realization that the relative health of the economy is an important element in reelection campaigns: it is imperative that presidents seeking reelection appear to be at least mildly interested in trying to build a stronger economy rather than destroying an economy.

To counter the image of a president who is disinterested or clueless in business and job creation, as well as the Conservative view that the president is anti-business, to the point of purposely destroying the US economy in order to initiate a new Socialist model for the country, the president has selected General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt to chair a new Council, it will be called the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. In the hype surrounding the formation of the new council, the administration is signaling that the president now believes the economy has entered a more productive stage and the president will need consultaton on job creation policies and long-term growth strategies to ‘capitalize’ on this positive direction.

The new council’s creation coincides with the dissolution of PERAB, the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, in February. PERAB was formed to fix the financial markets and to restore the economy. The president believes they have accomplished their mission and it is time for dissolution. The administration has announced the resignation of Paul Volcker, the former chair of PERAB. Immelt was a member of the 17 person board of PERAB, the Executive Order establishing PERAB expires on Feb. 6, 11

“Because we still have a long way to go to get Americans back to work and strengthen our economy,” the White House announced in a 12:30 am EST statement, “the council will focus on finding new ways to promote growth by investing in American business to encourage hiring, to educate and train our workers to compete globally, and to attract the best jobs and businesses to the United States.”

“Over the past two years, my Economic Recovery Advisory Board has provided this administration with support and expertise as we worked to bring our economy back from the brink and start recovering from an economic crisis that cost millions of American jobs,” Obama is quoted as saying in the statement. “We still have a long way to go, and my number one priority is to ensure we are doing everything we can to get the American people back to work. As we enter a new phase in our recovery, I have asked the new Council to focus its work on finding new ways to encourage the private sector to hire and invest in American competitiveness.”

It is curious that the president selected a man who needed stimulus funds to keep his company afloat, and a man whose company was a major contributor to the president’s election, a company that has been a major backer of the president’s programs i.e. Obama Care, the same CEO that has ridden his company’s stock from $41/share in Sept. 01 to $18.59 on Wednesday.

The possibility of conflicts of interests between Immelt and Obama are too numerous to ignore, the billions of bailout money that GE received is the first dubious gorilla in the nursery. The dubious nature of China advancing their military capabilities with GE proprietary technology might also be a point of contention and now as a result of Hu’s visit to the US, GE is supposedly going to reap new contracts with China. GE has just received the go ahead from the FCC to merge NBC with Comcast although with many stipulations, some as tough as requiring that Comcast must make more of its programming available on line. This appears to be a frightening aspect of government regulation, until you realize the Obma has just created his own corporate puppet with a share in over the air TV, cable TV, and the internet: the fools who say Liberal Fascism doesn’t work have never analyzed Obama’s approach to totalitarianism. How many presidents choose to reward poor performance with a White House VIP position complete with direct and favorite access to the Chinese market, all controled by Obama of course.

Hu was scheduled to tour GE’s headquarters in Schenectady, New York, on Friday and then fly to Chicago to visit with another totalitarian Socialist, Mayor Daly.

Perhaps the over all purpose of the visit, despite all the early tough talk about China’s currency-manipulation, intellectual- property-theft, and industry-subsidizing policies, was to convey to Hu, that Socialist Fascism is alive and thriving in the US. Of course Hu denied that China engages in these activities and that they would take steps to correct the problems in due time. Good enough! Obama declared the Hu was going to buy a few jets from Boeing, while we are left wondering how many American companies like Evergreen Solar, who received $43 million in state subsides to open and provide 800 jobs, to produce solar panels three years ago, will now be relocating to China: it is too expensive to produce them here, labor costs are so much less in China and the red tape of government regulations just doesn’t exist. It is so nice to know that our negotiations with China will be creating jobs, well maybe they are in China, but Obama’s concept of international Socialism has Open Borders and wealth redistribution on a global scale.

IMPERIALISM AND ALL REACTIONARIES ARE PAPER TIGERS” From an interview of Mao by the American Correspondent Anna Louise Strong”
(August 1946),

All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality they are not so powerful. From a long-term point of view, it is not the reactionaries but the people who are really powerful.

Quotes from Mao’s speeches

Just as there is not a single thing in the world without a dual nature (this is the law of the unity of opposites), so imperialism and all reactionaries have a dual nature — they are real tigers and paper tigers at the same time. In past history, before they won state power and for some time afterwards, the slave-owning class, the feudal landlord class and the bourgeoisie were vigorous, revolutionary and progressive; they were real tigers. But with the lapse of time, because their opposites — the slave class, the peasant class and the proletariat — grew in strength step by step, struggled against them and became more and more formidable, these ruling classes changed step by step into the reverse, changed into reactionaries, changed into backward people, changed into paper tigers. And eventually they were overthrown, or will be overthrown, by the people. The reactionary, backward, decaying classes retained this dual nature even in their last life-and-death struggles against the people. On the one hand, they were real tigers; they ate people, ate people by the millions and tens of millions. The cause of the people’s struggle went through a period of difficulties and hardships, and along the path there were many twists and turns. To destroy the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism in China took the Chinese people more than a hundred years and cost them tens of millions of lives before the victory in 1949. Look! Were these not living tigers, iron tigers, real tigers? But in the end they changed into paper tigers, dead tigers, bean-curd tigers. These are historical facts. Have people not seen or heard about these facts? There have indeed been thousands and tens of thousands of them! Thousands and tens of thousands! Hence, imperialism and all reactionaries, looked at in essence, from a long-term point of view, from a strategic point of view, must be seen for what they are — paper tigers. On this we should build our strategic thinking. On the other hand, they are also living tigers, iron tigers, real tigers which can eat people. On this we should build our tactical thinking.

Speech at the Wuchang Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
(December 1, 1958), quoted in the explanatory note to “Talk with the American Correspondent Anna Louise Strong”
(August 1946),

“Lifting a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet” is a Chinese folk saying to describe the behaviour of certain fools. The reactionaries in all countries are fools of this kind. In the final analysis, their persecution of the revolutionary people only serves to accelerate the people’s revolutions on a broader and more intense scale. Did not the persecution of the revolutionary people by the tsar of Russia and by Chiang Kai-shek perform this function in the great Russian and Chinese revolutions?

“Speech at the Meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. in
Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution”
(November 6, 1957).

Over a long period we have developed this concept for the struggle against the enemy: strategically we should despise all our enemies, but tactically we should take them all seriously. This also means that we must despise the enemy with respect to the whole, but that we must take him seriously with respect to each and every concrete question. If we do not despise the enemy with respect to the whole, we shall be committing the error of opportunism. Marx and Engels were only two individuals, and yet in those early days they already declared that capitalism would be overthrown throughout the world. But in dealing with concrete problems and particular enemies we shall be committing the error of adventurism unless we take them seriously. In war, battles can only be fought one by one and the enemy forces can only be destroyed one by one. Factories can only be built one by one. The peasants can only plough the land plot by plot. The same is even true of eating a meal. Strategically, we take the eating of a meal lightly—we know we can finish it. But actually we eat it mouthful by mouthful. It is impossible to swallow an entire banquet in one gulp. This is known as a piecemeal solution. In military parlance, it is called wiping out the enemy forces one by one.

Speech at the Moscow Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
(November 18, 1957).

It is my opinion that the international situation has now reached a new turning point. There are two winds in the world today, the East Wind and the West Wind. There is a Chinese saying, “Either the East Wind prevails over the West Wind or the West Wind prevails over the East Wind.” I believe it is characteristic of the situation today that the East Wind is prevailing over the West Wind. That is to say, the forces of socialism have become overwhelmingly superior to the forces of imperialism.

Ibid. Kopieret fra The Maoist Documentation Project

Til toppen af siden

Our present day Communist Chinese leaders have been educated by the former students of Mao, the East wind is prevailing over the West wind and to assume these leaders wont manipulate their advantage and the corruption and Socialist sympathies of our leadership is a game of Russian Roulette we are being asked to play, but it is not a game we asked for.

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I mention the below in another post somewhere. You are right on with everything you point out. As always, great writing my friend!

You know, I was just thinking of that great Sinatra movie, The Manchurian Candidate. Doesn’t it seem like this bozo in the white house is acting exactly like what the Chinese were trying to implement in that movie? Seriously, it truly seems this President is hell bent to deliver us to the Red Chinese and the rest of the Marxist Socialists. Watch the movie and you’ll see what I mean.

between that and the 1984 Orwellian NEWSPEAK now being ordered by our want to be dictator, these are indeed dangerous times for our country.

BTW: did you see William Croll, Jimmy Croll’s son died. I’m pretty sure they were both up chicago way back in our day.

Bob Ellis! I remember him along with Cowboy Jack Fieselman as we called him back then.

While I agree with your assessment of Sinatra (LOL!) on one hand, this is one movie I would suggest you see if you get a chance, not the newer remake.

and yes my friend, we have indeed both beaten the odds as to race trackers!

Bob Jones (rushed thinking of Ellis park when I wrote earlier. Man, you are so right. I don’t remember the last time I saw irons out that long!

It was Nixon that made the first overture to China.

Large corporations have turned to rent-seeking behavior under this government. They will always attempt to do so, but a quasi-socialist adminstration such as this one causes such behavior to become rampant. Every pointless addition to the regulatory burden favors large companies over small ones. And if you try very hard, or are very lucky, you get to push policy such as GE is doing, such as Big Pharma did during the lead-up to the Healthcare vote. And if your company is failing, if it is large enough it has a shot a being “too big to fail” and thus having a line to financial rescue from the government.

Read tons and watched many docs about the UN “police action” in Korea.Skookum, do you know that after the Chinese crossed the Yalu, winter came and over 100,000 Chinese regulars froze to death? It was the equivalent of 9 rifle divisions. Hypothermia, frostbite, gangrene, influenza,starvation, typhus,and dysentery were the main factors. Not much has been said about it, but the North Koreans had to clean up the mess after the cease fire. Many of their water sources were contaminated and many civilians died because of this. It was a total commitment from the communists and the UN commitment was haphazard as per usual.


Good (if depressing) article. When pondering what Obama (and to be fair, every president since Reagan) has done to sell out the U.S. economy to China, another socialist maxim comes to mind: “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs” – attributed to both Lenin and Robespierre

From where I sit, depressing is the optimistic side of the spectrum. Suffice to say Jack should have kept a tighter hold of the reigns. This isn’t going to be pretty.

CbR… great avatar! New? Or have I just not been paying attention???

Mata … When the avatar blossomed forth into the blogs a couple of years ago I used an actual picture of myself. Within a month or two I ran across this cartoon and its closeness to my pix became the character I have used since.

A very good way. Keep working. Thank you

Hmm, I wonder if Comcast will drop FOX. Obama will finally be rid of it in millions of homes.

East wind, may be a breeze. The Chinese born pianist asked to play at the WH State dinner was quite the fox, or maybe foxy tiger:

Mr. Lang was invited to perform along with a number of U.S. jazz musicians. After bilingual comments to the assembled VIPs in which Mr. Lang said it was a “great honor” to be playing, he proceeded to perform a solo piece, which he introduced as a “Chinese song called ‘My Motherland.’”

As Chinese netizens have pointed out, “My Motherland” is the theme song for a famous anti-U.S. movie about the Korean War from 1956, titled “Battle on Shangganling Mountain.”

The performance has set the Chinese web abuzz—and more than a few people are convinced it wasn’t an accident.

Both the Sina and Sohu news portals reposted an article that they attributed to the Beijing Evening News, with the headline: “Lang Lang Played ‘My Motherland’ at White House, Flaunting National Power.”

“Those American folks very much enjoyed it and were totally infatuated with the melody!!! The U.S. is truly stupid!!” wrote a user named You’re In My Memory on Sina’s micro-blogging site.


Oh, dear.

Lucianne.com posted this in today’s line-up, I got a kick out of the caption they used and thought to share:

With a bomb in his heart? Dinner guest artist plays violent,
America hating song while clueless White House staff
blinks like iguanas in the sun. Over to you MSM.

One thing, Missy @ #18.
Nothing a Chinese person does at a Chinese function is planned by himself.
Someone told Mr. Lang what to play and he played it.
Yes, the Obama’s were made to look as naive as they are by their mute acceptance of the piece.

Stephen Yates, an expert on Chinese-American relations who served in President George W. Bush’s administration, said, “It would appear that no one on the [National Security Council] or at State either cared to vet the music or cared that it was pro-Communist Korean war propaganda.”

Indeed not.
My dad fought in Korea.
Battle on Shagganling Mountain was put out in 1956.
He would have been livid had he still been alive to see this.

I am just guessing that Obama is a strong believer in revisionist history, commonly called Marxist revisionist history after it’s first practitioners.
Obama might think he can pretend parts of the past never happened but it doesn’t change anything.
It is just pretend.

@Nan G:

I read at another site the White House was aware of what he intended to play but that blog did not source that, so I will continue to watch for confirmation as I come across new articles.

I apologize for being flip about the Lucianne caption, it was another “there they go again” things with this bunch and lacked consideration that any of ours being in that battle. My apologies again.

Whether the WH staff and Obamas were naive, or nonchalant, about the choice of music, it can still be said that none of the options are desirable.

Nor is it suprising. Their foreign affairs advisors have been a comedy of errors since his occupancy of the people’s house. So again, the rest of the int’l community gets a laugh and good poking at the idiocy of this “leader of the free world”.

Well… so be it. However I always rest comfortable that this tenant is a temporary occupant, unlike many of those doing the laughing and poking. And I shall be delighted to see this POTUS leave. Sooner better than later suits me just fine.

Missy, I’m a huge fan of the Lucianne captions, especially their photos of the day. Talented humorist they have there, and I always welcome a grin spin on the news of the day. I may be disgruntled with all that goes on, but I’m sure not going to lose my sense of humor. So I’m not sure what you’re apologizing for, girl

I second that, about Lucianne.
One of the reasons I got a computer was Matt Drudge’s breaking of the Lewinsky story.
And Lucianne Goldberg played a pivotal role in Monica keeping that dress.
Hers was one of my first finds on the web.
I still visit it a few times a day.

Nan– IIRC, Lucianne was “Trixie” on FreeRepublic back in those days. She and Jim Robinson had some sort of breakup so she started her own forum.

Skookum– Did you catch the Investor’s Business Daily editorial questioning why the U.S. is still giving $60 million per year in foreign aid to China? It’s a good question, no?