Say What? January 18, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

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You will note how much liberals decided to tone down their rhetoric this week, after claiming that it causes violent attacks upon politicians.  Although a couple of these quotes are a week old, most are from the previous week:

NY Time columnist Paul Krugman: “We don’t have proof yet that this [shooting in Arizona] was political, but the odds are that it was. She’s been the target of violence before. And for those wondering why a Blue Dog Democrat, the kind Republicans might be able to work with, might be a target, the answer is that she’s a Democrat who survived what was otherwise a GOP sweep in Arizona, precisely because the Republicans nominated a Tea Party activist. (Her father says that “the whole Tea Party” was her enemy.) And yes, she was on Sarah Palin’s infamous “crosshairs” list. … You know that Republicans will yell about the evils of partisanship whenever anyone tries to make a connection between the rhetoric of Beck, Limbaugh, etc. and the violence I fear we’re going to see in the months and years ahead. But violent acts are what happen when you create a climate of hate. And it’s long past time for the GOP’s leaders to take a stand against the hate-mongers.”

Bernie Sanders, taking advantage of the shootings in Arizona, sent out the following message in a fund-raising letter: “This horrendous act of violence is not some kind of strange aberration for this area where, it appears, threats and acts of violence are part of the political climate.  Nobody can honestly express surprise that such a tragedy finally occurred…In light of all of this violence – both actual and threatened – is Arizona a state in which people who are not Republicans are able to participate freely and fully in the democratic process?  Have right-wing reactionaries, through threats and acts of violence, intimidated people with different points of view from expressing their political positions?  At this moment, Karl Rove and other Republican operatives are organizing big money interests to become financially involved in the next election in a way that will completely revolutionize campaign financing.  Republicans now believe that no matter what they do or say, they will be able to buy many seats in Congress because of their financial advantage.,,But, for my Republican colleagues, all of this is not enough.  They need to help the rich get more, more and more.  That is what their agenda is all about.”

Mike Malloy, liberal radio host: “Now, of course Republicans are so g***n stupid – so grossly stupid and ignorant – they think it’s a good thing! Oh, goody goody good, the government will be insolvent! YAY! This is what the Tea Baggers uh and – and the right wing Republicans and Libertarians have been pushing for for a long time. Well, you animals are going to get it, you really are, you’re going to get your wish! … Here are these late middle-aged cretins who are cutting their own throats because there’s a black man in the White House? Really? Is that all black folk had to do to pound the white race into oblivion – is get a black man in the White House and the white people will all stand up and commit suicide? Is that all it took?”

Ed Schultz, liberal radio host: “It’s all about taking down President Obama. They don’t want to create jobs. They’re not about that at all. And I’ll guarantee you, if you do see the numbers change, which I believe they will, you won’t hear Boehner or any of these new righties give one ounce of credit to the last Congress for fighting like hell for a jobs bill. This is an ideological war. I say it on camera tonight here on MSNBC. I will fight these bastards every night at 6 o’clock because I know what they’re up against. I know what they want to do. They want to take down American workers. They want to outsource jobs. They want to destroy the American dream. Concentrate the wealth to the top, and control minorities. That’s what they’re about.”

Bill Maher: “Now I want you tea-baggers out there to understand one thing, while you idolize the founding fathers, and dress up like them and smell like them, I think it’s pretty clear that the founding fathers would have hated your guts; and what’s more, you would have hated them—they were everything that you despise: they studied science, read Plato, hung out in Paris and thought the Bible was mostly bullsh*t.”  On a related topic, the founding fathers’ writings have been examined, and the most quoted book/source/individual is the Bible, which was quoted 34% of the time.  Among the other things quoted, anything and anyone else was quoted less than 10% of the time.

Bill Maher: “The founders disagree amongst themselves about that [slavery] and most issues, but the one thing that they never argued about was that, political power must stay in the hands of the smartest people and out of the hands of the dumbest loudmouths slowing down the checkout lines at Home Depot.  And yet, Sarah Palin once said of Obama, ‘We need a commander-in-chief, not a professor of law standing at a lectern.’  [pretending to continue Palin’s quote:] How gay is that?”

Bill Maher: “Ben Frnakling studied scientific phenomenon of his day, including lightening and the aurora borealis, and if he were alive today, he could probably explain to Bill O’Reilly why the tides go in and out.”

Chris Matthews: “How can she [Sarah Palin] be a pundit? She doesn’t know anything.”

Chris Matthews: “I jut wonder with what must be her self-recognized lack of information about terms like ‘blood-libel’ would even to her occur as important as reasons not to run for president—not knowing things she ought to know.”

Chris Matthews: “…Monday night, Sarah Palin at 9:00 is going on the home team…she’s going to Sean Hannity.  It’s sort of an informerical, it’ll be like Victoria Jackson selling make foundations to whoever…it’s not going to be a real interview because he’s not going to be tough on her.”  Then he spends about 1 minute on the phrase blood liberal.

Liberal on Chris Matthew’s program: “She’s speaking to a narrower and narrower and more paranoid group.  Sarah Palin’s the only person on earth who could put a target on 22 Congressional districts, including Gabby Giffords’, and then watch what happened last weekend, and then come on, pop up 3 days later, and claim to be the victim.”

Chris Matthews: “Why is she [Sarah Palin] sill popping off?”

Chris Matthews: “Isn’t she selling yahoo?  Like, ‘I don’t know anything’? … There’s a lot of well-educated conservatives in this country, obviously, maybe as many as there are liberals, but the fact is, she doesn’t want to be one of them.  Why doesn’t she want to be educated on the basics? … Why doesn’t she want to know what she’s talking about?”

Tucson shooting victim, J. Eric Fuller: “It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target…Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled – senseless hatred leading to murder, lunatic fringe anarchism, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all – even 9-year-old girls.”  Fuller was arrested this week for threatening a TEA party member.

Bill Maher, who knows what the Tucson shootings was all about: “Because we don’t have government healthcare, that’s one reason why a crazy person gets a gun, because you know what, it’s hard for a crazy person to get a job. So therefore it’s hard for them to get healthcare in a country that doesn’t have government.”

In the Middle:

Zach Osler on high school friend Jared Loughner: “He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn’t listen to political radio. He didn’t take sides. He wasn’t on the left. He wasn’t on the right.”


Ex-Rep. Paul Kanjorski in a recent NY Times op ed:  “We all lose an element of freedom when security considerations distance public officials from the people.  Therefore, it is incumbent on all Americans to create an atmosphere of civility and respect in which political discourse can flow freely, without fear of violent confrontation.”

Paul Kanjorski in October: “That Scott down there that’s running for governor of Florida.  Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him.  Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he’s running for governor of Florida. He’s a millionaire and a billionaire. He’s no hero. He’s a damn crook. It’s just we don’t prosecute big crooks.”
Todd Harris (so-called Republican strategist): “I think she’s missed a huge opportunity this past week; but, at the same time, I think it’s absurd for anyone to point a finger at her and say…that she was somehow culpable or responsible—“

Chris Matthews: “Nobody said that; who said that?”

Some liberal on Matthew’s show: “She is the only person it is saying that people are saying that…and she went on and she did the blood-libel thing—no one else did that to her.  She’s the person claiming to be the4 victim here.  People were shot and killed and Sarah Palin is claiming to be the victim here.”

Todd Harris: “She handled it terribly.”

Chris Matthews: “My problem with Sarah Palin about this, constantly mentioning bullets and guns and ammo and bulls eyes and reload and all that language this country, and I don’t think it’s helpful; I don’t think it’s good thing…Why is she still doing it?”

Todd Harris: “Well, I don’t know…”

Chris Matthews (with a smile): “She’s not the only one sticking to her guns.”

Cohen: “I don’t think for a moment that Sarah Palin knew what blood-libel mean—I just don’t—there is nothing in her background that would suggest it, and if she did, I don’t think she usee it all that inappropriately.  I mean, it refers to a false accusation for which a community is blamed, then she was right.”

Fareed Zakaria: “Sarah Palin is stupid enough not to know what the blood-libel is?”

Cohen: “How much time do we have left to talk about how stupid Sarah Palin is?”


Rush Limbaugh: “Obama’s naturally assumed to be smart.  Name one smart thing he’s done.  Outside of political craftiness and scheming, name one smart policy hat Obama has given us to help revive a sour economy.”

Rep. Doug Lamborn, who wrote a bill to defund NPR: “We’re running annual deficits of over a trillion dollars.  With 500 cable TV channels, Internet on people’s cell phones, satellite radio, we have so many sources of media that we don’t need a government-subsidized source of media.”

Rush Limbaugh: “How good are Obama’s speeches?  How much do they really matter?  Obama gave hundreds of speeches advocating Obamacare, but that didn’t change a damn thing.  Voters overwhelmingly want to see the law changed.”

Conservatives not making sense:

Rudy Giuliani: “Moments afterwards, there was a rush to judgment on both sides.  The left wingers trying to blame it on right wing, TEA party, Sarah Palin; the right wingers trying to right back and defend themselves against what was really an outrageous charge; but the reality is, that settled pretty quickly when we learned the history, and I thought the President’s speech put it on a different tone.”


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And last night I heard a liberal claiming that AZ law would strip Rep. Giffords of her seat simply because she might be unable to discharge her duties for 3 months.
No AZ official says that.
Just liberals, lefty media and people who would use the homosexual-suffocation term to describe their political opponents.

While that is an old and obscure law here in AZ, the odds of it being implemented are about the same as the rabid left apologizing for their behavior over the Tucson shooting.
Even IF she was unable to recover by that time, I cannot see anyone here pushing for her replacement.

I would be remiss if did not bring this to your attention. Chris Mathews, who just a few days ago stated that old white men have a problem with black people. Well yesterday while interviewing Michale Steele said, why is it that when I see blacks at a democratic convention they are all bunched together but when I see them at a Republican convention they are mixed within the crowd?
I’m beginning to think Chris may be next in line for a Eric J. Fuller type evaluation.

I’m a pretty smart person (or so I believe), but I didn’t know what “blood libel” means. I wonder if Chris Matthews, et al knew what it meant until their staff looked it up.
Now, they can pretend to be smarter than the rest of us because they have a staff that can google the term.

Maher may be a major league idiot, but he was right about O’Rielly.. When Bill told his atheist guest that the tides were one of those inexplicable things that needed religion to explain, I was amazed. Good thing for kids that O’Rielly gave up his teaching gig. 😉 In Maher’s case, well even a broken clock is right twice a day…

wow, the speechs of the left is so HATEFULL , that you can spot them and their SIDE,
just getting the first few words, that is an IMPORTANT CLUE for AMERICANS to check who
they want to vote for, between the hate propagandist idiots who spend their time on racist card and hate litterature, or choose the tolerant conservatives with the AGENDA of correcting the AMERICA that is the real one for all people, not just a choosen crowd to get their votes.

Mayor Koch mentions and explans “blood libel” in the column he wrote about Sarah Palin yesterday, he is not a supporter but gives her due respect:

Palin Holds High Ground Over Harsh and Unfair Critics
By Ed Koch

Now I see the pathetic Mike Malloy has doubled down on his vicious, hateful rhetoric, so vile and ugly I don’t want to repeat it. The white coats need to pick him up, soon!