Jared Loughner is the Bill Ayers of today. To make my point, I show the following common threads of behavior by both.
Attacks U.S. judges with intent to Kill. Check.
Burns and or desecrates the flag of The United States of America.(Jared burns, Bill stands on the U.S. flag) Check.
Calls America a terrorist nation. Check.
Hates domestic law enforcement personnel such as policemen. Check.
Anti-Semitic tendencies. Check.
Favorite book is the Communist manifesto. Check.
Belief that the U.S. government is illegitimate. Check.
Wanted to maim and Kill as many as possible Americans with indiscriminate attacks. Check.
Both are not registered Democrats or Republicans. Check.
Hated George W. Bush, Check.
There is one difference. One got away with murder and the other will not. Jared Loughner is a hard core far-left , America hating, Despicable piece of human garbage. Bill Ayers is the Darling of the left within the Democrat Party. As for the main stream media/left wing spin machine which also includes many major national Democrats, you OWN Jared Loughner. With all of those anti-U.S. Screeds over the years attacking George Bush and U.S.policy in general you bred and inculcated Jared Loughner with hate for the United States of America. This means You Keith Olbermann, YOU OWN Jared Loughner! Rachel Maddow, YOU OWN Jared Loughner! Michael Moore, You OWN Jared Loughner! ABC, CBS, MSNBC, The Nation Magazine, Democracy Now, The New York Times,and let’s not forget Bill Ayers, YOU OWN Jared Loughner. He is just your kind of guy!
Great analogy. Sending the link to my liberal friends. They’ll probably all have a stroke. LOL.
I would also float the theory out there that by not listening to the people the Democrats may have caused this. The people spoke out against the health care and other things but the Democrats didn’t listen, The voices got louder during the town hall meetings last summer but the Democrats still didn’t listen. The people spoke very loudly on election day but the Democrats just carried on like normal during the lame duck forcing through unpopular legislation. What can you do to get their attention if they won’t listen? An unstable person might conclude that the only way left was to do something drastic.
American government and society should work harder to get rid of both of them and the like. Sometimes democracy turns into a anarchy because of such people. They’re destroying American values from inside and that’s one of the major crimes actually!
Ayers is worse and more dangerous than Laughner. Laughner is just a psycho. Ayers is sane, evil , has a plan and the ear of our Marxist POTUS.
Wonder how truth is there in this? http://tcotblog.ning.com/profiles/blogs/bill-ayers-provided-arizona Original report is WND.
AZ Shooter is Leftist-terrorist Bill Ayers’ disciple
“Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama…”
I eagerly await the MSM’s strong denunciation of Obama’s Weatherman discipleship network.
Own him, Leftists. He’s all yours.
If Bill Ayers curriculum even turns out one Jared a year, we are all in trouble.
It is kind of like how Islamists say that their hatefilled, inciting calls to violence from their Friday ”prayers” only really draws 1% of Muslims to act.
Well, gee whiz!
I guess it is all all right then.
Hey, Anna, how’s Uni?
@Anna Puma:
While many defenders of Weather Underground co-founder William Ayers have sought to minimize his bomb attacks on the U.S. Capitol and other landmarks because they purportedly did not target people, a former FBI informant who penetrated the group claimed he witnessed a meeting in which members discussed a future communist takeover of America in which some 25 million “diehard capitalists” would need to be killed.
Larry Grathwohl recalled his experience in the 1982 documentary “No Place to Hide,” noted the weblog Confederate Yankee.
In a session with members of the radical group, founded in 1969, Grathwohl said discussion centered on a future in which the communist nations of Cuba, North Korea, China and the Soviet Union would occupy various parts of the U.S., with “re-education centers” established in the Southwest to prevent counterrevolution.
“I asked, ‘Well what is going to happen to those people we can’t reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?’ And the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated.”
If what I’ve read about Bill Ayers hand in forming the curriculum of some of America’s schools is true, it seems this story needs to have its legs checked:
Former D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee, who writes in a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed that the opportunity to ditch tenure and other bulwarks of the present education system represents a “bright side” of crippling state budget deficits in 2011.
“Public support is building for a frontal attack on the educational status quo,” she writes. “And policy makers are rising to the challenge, not only because their budgets are tighter than ever, but also because they see an opportunity to reverse the current trend of discouraging academic results for our children.”
Rhee singles out teacher tenure for elimination.
In most states, tenure guarantees teachers extra job security after they are rated satisfactory for a probationary period of two to seven years. After that point, administrators cannot fire a teacher unless they can prove in a hearing that he or she is incompetent or has committed a specific fireable offense, which varies by state.
Teachers’ unions and their supporters say without tenure, teachers would be fired for arbitrary and sometimes political reasons. They also warn that any “frontal attack” on the practice would not go unnoticed by the National Education Association’s 3.2 million members.
“I think … if teachers felt like politicians were doing harm to them, they would rise up and let them know that,” John Wilson, executive director of the largest teachers’ union, told The Lookout.
Would educators call a national strike if states across the nation tried to eliminate teacher tenure?
“I would not take that off the table,” Wilson said. “I also know that a strike is never the first choice of any strategy. I would hope that the voices of our members would be influential to policy makers.”
But many state politicians appear to be siding with Rhee, and they agree that now is the time to make big changes.
John Wilson added:
“Here’s the dilemma: No one ever thought that these procedures would protect bad teachers.”. Teachers are open to fixing the system, he added, but not to tossing it out entirely.
Well, those teachers better get cracking!
Show us you mean business.
Get rid of your dead wood and now.
When Ayers’ attempt at violent revolution failed, daddy’s money and influence in the Chicago Machine allowed him and his dreadful wife to reenter society and continue their covert plans to undermine America through the public education system; to further their goals, they arranged to launch the political career of Barack Hussein Obama in their living room with a private fund raiser. Obama is part of the William Ayers Legacy of Anti-Americanism and his advancement of International Marxism.
Laughner and Ayers are truly birds of a feather; unfortunately, Ayers escaped prison, because of a supposed technicality and a huge family fortune. Laughner is a paranoid schizophrenic homicidal maniac: Ayers was just planning to be a homicidal maniac. Ayers was thinking in grand terms and didn’t get the opportunity to act on his big plans, he was only responsible for a few deaths, given time he planned to be a Pol Pot, Mao, or Stalin. Now he must be satisfied with teaching your children and grandchildren the beauty of sedition and of the beauty of Marxism, as he himself wrote, “Guilty as Hell, but free as a bird.” And as Michelle Obama was quoted, the author of, “Dreams of My Father”.
Thanks for the link Anna Puma. I hadn’t read this but it is no surprise.
@Mad Capn Bob:
Uni is doing fine. Buaku was thinking of putting in paperwork to get some that stimulus cash but found way too many strings attached to unions. So we had to give that idea up. Since that Russian spy chick got a talk show, we have been thinking of that.
@Blogforce One:
You are welcome. Google up ‘expand your moral imagination’ and find out human beings are intrinsically moral and there is no need for the external Western moral structure. Obama used that phrase in his Nobel speech and last night at the memorial.