Congresswoman Shot – Journalism Died

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If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” – Candidate Obama, Philadelphia 2008

Yesterday, a horrific act of violence occurred. A disturbed man opened fire on a Congressional Representative, her staff and innocent bystanders, claiming 6 lives; among them a young child.

Early reports from NPR and CNN claiming the death of Congresswoman Giffords were inaccurate; as well as the age of the dead child. Later in the day, reports of the congresswoman’s condition proved false.  As the information disseminated, the truth, up to this point, revealed inaccuracies of the current information.

What we do know of the alleged shooter based on the evidence, so far:

In my own opinion:  The shooter was exhibiting signs of mental instability, noticed by peers and others, yet no help seemed to be offered or available. Some studies suggest a link between mental illness and pot smoking. The alleged shooter harbored an animosity towards Congresswoman Giffords independent of political dogma, describing her  to a friend as ‘stupid and unintelligent’.  He was a time bomb waiting to detonate. Sadly, his life is now over and the survivors are left to clean up his mess.

Let me be the first to call this – CSI or another television crime series will air an episode based on yesterday’s events and re-imagine the shooter as a veteran suffering PTSD.

Of all the misleading and false information that flew around the internet, the connection between the shooter and Sarah Palin is the most egregious. Without a shred of evidence, news outlets claim a direct correlation between Sarah Palin and the actions of this alleged shooter.

Blaming the deaths on inflammatory rhetoric of Sarah Palin instead of the actions of the alleged shooter – Jared Lee Loughner is the new normal for liberals. Case in point – there is a Democrat group using the shooting to raise funds for political campaigns. Trying to score political points and dollars of the dead is despicable.

Where is our vaunted media? Where is all the fact finding occurring? Apparently the MSM is failing to do its job by focusing on a destructive meme instead of  old fashioned fact finding. Truth and good journalism died yesterday, leaving behind damage that will take decades to fix.

Speaking of inflammatory rhetoric, I’ve included some comments spoken by leading liberals, that taken literally would kill people, yet has been ignored by the media in this story. Imagine what how these statements would destabilize an already unstable individual. If the media and liberals want to go down this road, they will have to acknowledge their own blood soaked hands.  However, doing so takes maturity and courage, traits lacking in those quoted.

My thoughts on this – stay with the evidence and condemn the rhetoric.

“Punish our enemies.” Barack Obama

@markos “break the conservative movement’s backs” “decimate their ranks” – Marko Moulitsas Zúñiga

Democrat Leadership Conference ‘Target’ map:



Daily Kos Target List of Democrats. Congresswoman Giffords name is in bold print – for extra emphasis:


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I am at a loss for words.

Totally agree. I thought immediately that this man sounded mentally ill. Dr. Sanity thinks he’s a paranoid schitzphrenic. And the media explodes in a self-serving frenzy of speculation and finger pointing. Are they so ignorant that it never even occurs to them that the shooter might not be a Republican/Democrat extremist taking his cue from Palin/Tea Party/Obama/et al? Or do they only consider investigating what they want to report, and not what might actually be true? thanks for being another voice of sanity. I’m really repulsed by the coverage of this horrible event.

Journalism died ages ago. If has been left-wing government propaganda since Roosevelt. The difference is that cable TV / internet enables freedom of speech and the left-wing retaliated with hate in the media.

MSNBC, CNN, DailyKos, etc are just hate sites. The Soviets under Stalin would be proud! The Party agenda is “The Truth.”

America needs to read the history of the USSR under Stalin. Obama is just a more hateful Stalin. Even Stalin could smile like Obama.

Skye, for the most part, I agree with your entry. But on one thing I have to disagree; journalism, real journalism, died in the 1930’s when those who did not promote the social agenda of FDR were locked out of any and all access to the Capitol and the White House. Journalism took its last dying breath when Walter Cronkite reported that Americans had lost the Tet Offensive, althought history has proven we won Tet.

Journalists lined up against the wall, depending on their own personal political agendas. And with the advent of the “Cronkite” technique, adding opinion to the simple reporting of facts, became the norm, not the exception. After my ten years with The Wall Street Journal, one thing became clear; financial reporters were conservative, all others, even at the Journal, were left wing radicals who had come out of journalism schools like Missouri University, that were some of the most liberal (or progressive, if you perfer) schools in the nation. They were taught that not only could they report the news, they could mold public opinion, i.e. Cronkite style.

Now with 24 hour news cycles, and lots of hours and print columns to fill, what onced served as opinion only, now becomes journalism. Talking heads, who have to fill a segment, and knowing that sensationalism brings viewers and readers, they have totally jumped the shark. How dead is journalism? Its soul descended into hell during the campaign season of 2008, when a little known, first term senator from Illinois with a history of associating with shady characters, was given a pass because he was the dream of all those liberal journalism students coming to fruition.

But Americans are not stupid people. And eventually, as the truth comes out, they begin to ask why they are not being told the truth in the first place. And they resent the Fifth column of the Fourth branch of government (the press) lying to them and they will rebel. Hence, the 2010 elections. Now, those elites, who thought they could not just report news but mold opinion, understand the gig is up. MSNBC, the NYTimes, LATimes, CNN, all watching their ratings swirl down the toilet. Enter the psychotic frenzy stage; make obscene, liabelous, false statements that are sensationalist in nature. If people are talking about you they will read/watch your frenzy. RATINGS.

I have known what has been happening for years, but yesterday, and today, my simple political policy disagreements with the left has turned into stomach wrenching contempt, and the only way to quelch those who use the “Cronkite” technique is to make damn sure no one is reading or watching what they are spewing. You see, one constant remains; revenue. If the NYSlimes is not selling papers, or MSNBC has no viewers, and no advertisers, they will change what they do. In the end, it is left up to us, the little people, to make sure that journalism returns to the voice of the people that Benjamin Franklin, et al, believed it was.

What is most insane to me is, the very people who are accusing every conservative in sight for this heinous act, are simultaneously telling us conservatives that we need to tone down our rhetoric.

The reason there was no help for this guy is that mental instability is normal behavior for the left. If you don’t believe it, just look at the wild ranting of the main stream media and all the Democrats in congress that got on TV. The truth fell victum again to the ideology of the keepers of socialism.

Savage24, Gabby Gifford is a blue dog, compared to the “yellow” dogs like Nancy Pelosi. Gifford was one of the few blue dogs that survived the November elections. But we have entered a world where we want instant answers to “Why did he do it? What was his motive? Who encouraged him?” The problem with that mindset is that there are just some people who are truely evil.

But it is en vogue to deny evil exists. Everything must have a reason for what happens. (And not to fall into an old trap) even Hitler is now being portrayed as an abused child whose father was cruel. We just have to accept that evil, like some of the goodness that we saw yesterday with those who tried to help the wounded, exists and stop making excuses for it.

The left is trying to do all they can to delegitimize the opposition that just destroyed them in a tsunami in November. So many have dreams of making this an “Oklahoma City moment” where Clinton was able to use that bombing to demonize his talk radio opponents. As to “tone down the rhetoric,” that’s left wing speak for don’t say anything critical of their legislation or goals. It is just a variant on the race card, similarly used to cut off debate.

It’s time to push back against the leftist attack machine. We have a wealth of evidence of THEIR hateful, vitriolic and violent rhetoric and it’s time to blog it, facebook it, email it,print it out and mail it, post it on billboards and send it to every tv station, newspaper, magazine elected official and corporate advertisers of leftist media outlets who have engaged in the deceitful and shameful baseless attacks on the right this weekend. There are more of US than there are of THEM but sadly, most Americans still get their information from TV so until some of US get together and buy a network, this is how we do it. be relentless in demanding honest coverage and apologies & resignations of all who have spewed vicious and fictitious accusations against people who had NOTHING to do with this, or any other, atrocity.

Skye – you forgot to add that Fox News also confirmed incorrectly that Congresswoman Gifford died. In a world of 24 hours news – there are going to be such mistakes. You say that trying to score political points and dollars of the dead is despicable and yet your post then goes on to try and score political points purely against liberals.

Palin isn’t responsible for the actions that caused a lone crazy person that is Jared Loughner to try and assassinate Gifford and murder others including the 9 year old girl. Targeting and such language is common place and we can’t cotton wool society to ensure that all the lone unstable nuts out are unable to take every political metaphor literally or interpret any meaning in their own warped way. However I think it would healthier if political discourse and rhetoric on both the left and right could be toned down somewhat. That won’t stops the lone nuts but at least the more sane people won’t get whipped up into such an exaggerated frenzy. Wouldn’t be good for once that those on the left and right condemned all those who use violence and actual incitement of violence against our elected officials – without the point-scoring?

Skye wrote:
My thoughts on this – stay with the evidence and condemn the rhetoric.

If that were the rule we would lose almost all of the pMSNBC hosts,
Anyone who used to be on Air America would be gone, too.
Thankfully, Fox News would lost Shep Smith and Geraldo, maybe Huck and Sean, too.
I was reading the Radio Equalizer, Brian Maloney last month.
Take a gander at what passes for talk radio on syndicated left wing talk host Mike Malloy’s show:
Do Low Ratings Excuse Dangerous Outbursts?

I double dog dare the liberals to pass a law and open a snitch line on speach that condones hate or violence.

We’d shut every one of their favorite meme sources down before the ink dried on the bill.

@GaffaUK: @GaffaUK:

NPR and CNN were the first sources I consulted and both reported her dead. After posting on this incorrect information on MidnightBlue, several followers on Twitter point out the inaccuracy. By the time I sorted it, Fox News had corrected their story.

Blog lesson – Go to Fox first.

Making bogus allegations based on zero evidence – Palin and her map – is the definition of scoring cheap political points. I simply sourced other instances of very dangerous rhetoric, I did not blame them for the AZ shooting spree.


My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.


True words indeed.


Upon reading the responses regarding the death of journalism, perhaps I should clarify my point on the state of journalism.

It is more personal than I expressed on this post. Yesterday was the nail in the coffin, whatever hope I help for a resurgence in true journalism was extinguished.

“Wouldn’t be good for once that those on the left and right condemned all those who use violence and actual incitement of violence against our elected officials – without the point-scoring?”

I’m sorry Mr. Gaffa, I really don’t believe the vast majority of the right or left supports yesterday’s actions.

@savage24: You nailed it. Shrinks have been saying that Liberals have a mental disease, this just proves it further.

Paul Krugmann’s website at the New York Slimes has been shut down. The hate was pouring in and that idiot was harvesting what he had planted. An award winning piece of crap from a failing newspaper. Was it a Peace Prize?

Six people shot and a policeman dies outside a nightclub in the liberal mecca of Baltimore. Sister Sarah sure has been busy this weekend.


Every week, I record some of the crazy things that liberals say in my “Say What?” column:

You are welcome to copy and paste these columns and send them to everyone you know.

I post many of these columns on Flopping Aces:

Say What 12/22/2010 Edition [Reader Post]

is an example.

Skye, Skye, Skye… such exaggeration. The only public figures and media outfits suggesting a Tea Party or Conservative connection to this shooting are those long recognized by any mildly engaged, thinking individual as propagandists of the extreme left. Tsk-tsk. No sane, responsible person would ever even imply such an idea. Only the lowest form of filth would attempt to secure political advantage through such reprehensible methods.

The Obituary for the dinosaur media (newspapers, magazines, TV) has been written.
It died on the day the Throbbing Memo destroyed Dan Rather’s planned October Surprise.
See the 5th memo on this page:
But the fact that the dinosaur media is dead does not stop it from continuing to try to define the moment.
That’s what happened before any facts were out in this instance in AZ.
John Nolte over at Big Journalism destroys the already dead dinosaur media.
It is worth reading the whole thing.

@Skye: amen.