I finally got around to seeing True Grit. Since Flopping Aces is a conservative blog with a western theme, I find it fitting to do a movie review on a genre that Hollywood has all but forgotten about in recent years.
I haven’t seen the John Wayne classic since I was a kid. I’ve heard a couple of reviewers claim that this reincarnation of the movie (more a “redoing” than a “remake”) is better and more true to the novel (which I never read). That may be true; but I also think both versions can be appreciated on their own terms.
The acting was superb (at first, I had some difficulty understanding what the hell Jeff Bridges was saying, until I got used to his gravel voice and vernacular).
John Wayne will always be “the Duke”, whose stature as a cinematic American iconic hero is neither threatened nor diminished by Jeff Bridges’ reinventing of the U.S. marshal, “Rooster” Cogburn. But Bridges makes the role his own, as well he should (imitation is pale in comparison to the original, so why would any actor waste his time mimicking the Duke?).
Matt Damon did such a great job in his role that for almost 2 hours I forgot that I got absorbed in his on-screen character, forgetting that in real life he is an idiot Howard Zinn-liberal actor.
Hailee Steinfeld is a rising star who plays her role beautifully.
I loved the score and the look. The violence was fitting. It reminded me in some ways of “Unforgiven”.
What are readers’ impressions?
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
I’ve been debating whether to go see it in the theaters or wait for the DVD, think I’ll drag myself to a theater after reading you’re post. Looks like an awesome movie, even with Maaat Daaaamon in it.
The John Wayne version was onCable just before Christmas and we went to see the New movie Christmas Eve. I think the producers were concerned about making this movie so they made up that “being truer to the novel” stuff. The script was very close to the original, Most of the lines were idenical to the original. The big difference is how they got out of the snake pit and the ending. There were a few additional characters who added some to the show.
It wasn’t John Wayne, but was a good movie worth seeing again.
I watched it last week and thought it was great. The score was puzzling throughout the movie. I knew it. I knew it. I just could not really remember where I knew it from. Then at the end:
What a fellowship!
What a joy divine!
Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Absolutely brilliant. Slow that hymn down to a discernible but unrecognizable score all the way through the entire movie. Loved it.
Matt Damon: Watched the ridiculous Green Zone before I watched True Grit. Too bad he is an idiot in reality. He should remain in celluloid True Grit form forever.
A remake of True Grit??!!!??? Only in brain-dead Hollywood would that even be considered, never mind actually done. When will the new Casablanca be out. Maybe Pauly Shore as Rick, huh! And Lindsay Lohan would be the perfect Ilsa.
I know it sounds sacrilegious. But it’s not a remake of the Wayne classic so much as another interpretation of the novel. I abhor remakes; and no Casablanca cannot be improved upon- leave it alone!
But keep an open mind. This movie is quite good in its own right.
Since it’s the Coen brothers, I would at least give them the benefit of the doubt before assuming it’s some typical hack Hollywood mistake. These guys make a movie when they feel they have something to say.
I have never read the book However The Movie was excellent. I had some concern about Rooster but Jeff Bridges Pulled it off. This Movie was Darker in tone than the John Wayne Movie But I thought they both stood up in their own Right…
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