Manipulated By Progressive Socialists Until Patriotism Is A Dirty Word

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From the “Evening Public Ledger”, Philadelphia, Friday, December 13, 1935.

3 Pupils Ousted In N.J. Flag Row

Woodbine, N. J., Dec. 13.- Three school pupils have been suspended from attending classes for refusing to salute the flag. It was announced today by James Foley, supervising principal of the Woodbine schools. The pupils are Jennie and Helen Stanle, 12 and 13 resectively, and Teddy Horin 14. Jennie is in the sixth grade while the other two are in the seventh.

The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Horin and Mr. and Mrs. George Stanle, are members of the cult called “Jehova’s Witnesses.”

The Woodbine School Board will act further on the matter on Monday.

This is the generation of kids that fought so valiantly during WW II: obviously the Jehova Witnesses didn’t fight in the war, but the other kids understood a sense of loyalty and patriotism toward America. Today it is considered offensive to respect our country ad show loyalty to our flag and talk of patriotism; this is the great reverse of culture that has been perpetrated by the Progressive Socialists in our schools and in our media.

We need to give credit where credit is due; their efforts have been so successful that some who read these pages will be outraged at the patriotism that was demanded of school children and for those of you who can see their point of argument have not been immune to the indoctrination process.

Here is how the Indians view their flag or at least how they would like their children to respect their flag.

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The way I see it, anyone who doesn’t want to salute the flag doesn’t have to, but they are saying they don’t want to be under the rules the flag represents, so they shouldn’t get any government assistance of any kind, including an education paid for by us.

What would be great is if some veterans in their area could sit down with these kids and explain why they live in a country that has no punishment for not honoring the flag or government officials, and how much it cost to be able to live that way. Freedom isn’t free. I emailed the Woodbine American Legion and suggested they ask for permission to speak to the school.

I’m going to have to disagree with you. This is simply a case of religious freedom granted under the first amendment that the veterans fought and died to protect. 40 years ago, Jehovah’s Witnesses (we had two in our Catholic school) refused to salute the flag or recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It wasn’t a big deal then. It shouldn’t be a big deal now.


Smorg, Skookum is quoting a 1935 article, he’s showing how differently the issue of our flag is being handled from the past.

When I was in grade school the children of JW faith remained seated during the pledge and stayed home on religious holidays/parties/concerts(parents decision). Today, administrations across the country are eliminating all we hold dear because of the few.

Skookum, look at this:

I disagree, the leftists hide behind the word “patriotism” all the time, the word they have been working to vilify for some time is, “nationalism, ” of course, there can be no true patriotism without nationalism, so they have their cake but can still claim they won’t eat it. These people are international statists, in a word, Marxists, pure and simple. They will use the patriotism of the people they have under their thumb when it suites them ie the Soviet’s referral to WWW2 as the “Great Patriotic War,” but in the end the only thing they want is power, and they don’t give a tinker’s damn about what country it’s in.

@Missy: I always try to look at things from the other person’s point of view. How would I feel if I were Black and heard or read the “N” word? How would I feel if I were a Native American and saw Cleveland Indians fans do the tomahawk chop with their tomahawks, or heard the name Washington Red Skins? By the way, I would be proud if I had Native American blood in me.

If I owned the rights to Tom Sawyer I would have the offensive words removed too.


I guess that works. While we are at it lets remove any words that ANYONE finds offensive in…….

The Constitution.
The Star Spangled Banner
The writings of Shakespere
The Bible.

Need I continue?

I’ve also seen the left claim they were the true patriots when they were trying to undermine the war in Iraq all so they would have a defeat to hang on Bush.
My brother who is a barking moonbat, thinks he is a true patriot despite the fact he wants to destroy the Constitution by imposing hardcore socialism upon America.

Patriotism is more than worshiping this country and its flag–although the Christian Fundamentalism rampant in this country often conflates the difference. If someone refuses to say the Pledge, or the Prayer, they should have the right to do so. After all, this is not Nazi Germany–or is it?

I like the new site!

I think there are two separate things being conflated here:
1) Voluntary expression of patriotism / nationalism / flat out pride in the US of A.
2) Coerced expression of patriotism / nationalism / flat out pride in the US of A.

I love, engage in, and encourage the former; I despise, oppose, and discourage the latter… is that unpatriotic of me?

@liberal1 (objectivity): Ok. Freedom of and From Religion is Guaranteed in the Bill of Rights….Your Next Point?

Coerced Redistribution of Wealth is NOT.

Over Regulation and Taxation were what Caused the Fore Fathers, Authors & Framers of the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Constitution to go to War for our Freedom with the Largest Military Power on the Planet to secure Your Rights. Got a problem with that?

We are currently Over Regulated and Over Taxed by the Current Regime. I have a Problem with that. Private Sector Industry and Small Business are being Strangled right now by the Current Regime due to Over Regulation, Taxation and intrusive Policies that are not Powers Granted by the Constitution. Got That?

Thus concludes your US History Class for the Day, Mr Lib/Progressive Clown. No one questioned your Patriotism here. I question your Logic and Common Sense.


I used to be an artist and through school one thing that was so frustrating were just a few art instructors that tried to impose their ideas, shape your thought andor talent to their idea of what it should be.

The classics are the classics, they are part of our history and as offensive as that word is today, I don’t believe someone should take another’s work and reshape it in any form. So, we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

One Brookline, Massachusetts school is requiring parents sign a permission slip before their child is allowed to recite that old school standby, The Pledge of Allegiance!

So, maybe you could say, the Jehovah’s Witnesses won!

I can remember the lone Jehovah’s Witness in one of my grammar school years.
She stood respectfully during the Pledge but did not put her hand over her heart or repeat the words with the rest of us.
We were mystified until she used one of our ”show and tell” times to compare reciting the Pledge with the Roman demand to place a pinch of incense in the bowl in front of the bust of the Roman ruler in the early Christian times.

According to her…..
Most of the Christians we think of as facing the lions in the arenas were there for refusing to perform that symbolic act of worship to the ”created” as opposed to ONLY the “one who created all.”
So, their fight to refrain from saluting a flag is based on a long history of SOME Christians refusal to pledge allegiance to anything less than their God.

(See? She left a strong impression that stayed with me over decades!)

As We already know…Skookum is an Artist. His postings here are read by many, especially Deployed Folks that look forward to his “Tells” here at FA as a touch, taste and texture of what they know is worth Defending. They, by Policy, do not post here but lurk, read and savor his postings like a Letter from Home.

I received about eight Emails today already from his admirers that are in the Stans and Iraq, Qatar and other places.

Thanks, Skookum! Great Posting as per Usual. I have the next 3 days Duty Free so I may be getting a Reader Post built for submission. I have visited Antwerp and Amsterdam, spent the Holidays away from the House but Skookum’s “Tells” always exceed expectations and have my Daughters endorsement as ‘Must Reads” from her Pals at the US Air Force Academy.

@Missy: You reminded me of a fish tank I bought many years ago. The instructions went into a lot of detail about how to put things in the tank. I bought another book for more info and it said that it was my tank and I should set it up any way I like. There are always people who want to tell others what to do. Unfortunately, those are the ones who become politicians?


You think it’s a good idea to alter a piece of classic literature to fit contemporary mores? Seriously? The Ministry of Truth has a job opening just for you.

Missy was spot on. To take your awkward fish tank analogy a bit further, fine, create your OWN fish tank. Do not be taking someone else’s completed fish tank and ripping it apart to suit your tastes. In other words, write your own novel, don’t be editing Twain’s work because you think eliminating the language that is now socially unacceptable would make it better.

I’m appalled that anyone, regardless of their political beliefs, could agree with sanitizing established literature. Where does it end?

Christian fundamentalism rampant in this country?

Did we not take our meds today?

As for patriotism, a leftist like yourself hasn’t a clue as to what that word really means.
This is a listing of the highest marginal tax rate by year. As you can see the “greatest generation” was paying tax rates about twice as high as what we pay now. As late as 1969 the richest Americans were paying a tax rate of 77%. I cannot recall at that time anyone complaining that this was a bad thing.

Maybe that “greatest generation” were all SOCIALISTS bent on redistribution of wealth.

@John ryan: Drive by Johnny dumps his Daily ration of Tripe.
I expected that.

@John ryan:

I keep seeing you repeatedly bringing up these high marginal rate figures…yet you’re not mentioning the very small sliver of people who actually fell into those categories. Of course, the 77% number you cite was the marginal rate, not the effective rate. There’s a huge difference between the two.

You’ve also failed to mention the tax atmosphere of that era which featured:

unlimited charitable contribution deductions for gifts including appreciated stock and other property, prepaid interest deductions, installment method of accounting, myriad deductions, oil and gas drilling tax incentives, 25 percent capital gains, an absence of the Alternative Minimum Tax, and numerous other “incentives” that reduced the effective rate to one lower than today’s for any high-income earner who chose to avail themselves of sophisticated planning.

Is JR trying to argue that paying excessive levels of tax is patriotic?

@John ryan:

Shockingly enough it was Hollywood that led the charge against higher taxes. There were complaints by the nouveau riche about the raising of the tax rates…and these complaints found their ways into film. I myself recall a scene from the original “My Man Godfrey” where the father complains about paying 60% taxes, and he was a sympathetic character not portrayed as an upper class heel.

However your overall comment is misguided…only the richest 3% of Americans paid *ANY* income taxes between 1926 and 1940. . . so looking for *income tax* complaints from the remainder 97% of Americans is, shall we say, disingenuous?

The truth of the matter is that those who were being taxed, the businesses and that wealthy 3% were severely pissed off by the Revenue Act of 1935…of course the majority of people who either did not pay income taxes or did not understand that the business taxes were going to be passed onto them supported the populist measure — an act which only served to further retard the economic recovery.

@jim: If any of them had the “N” word, “Indian giver,” or any other racially oriented words I would be in favor of further printings of the documents being edited so they were not in there.

@Random Thoughts: All I am saying is that I don’t have a problem with racially oriented words being edited out of documents if the owner of the literature chooses to, and I don’t have a problem with them being edited out of government documents. I don’t think private documents should be forced to be change. I would like it to be done on their own, but that is just how I feel.

I would feel very uncomfortable watching a movie, TV show, or play with ANY racial slang in it, especially if I were sitting with a black or other race that it applied to. I guess I just want to live in as perfect a world as I can where everyone treats everyone else the way they themselves want to be treated. I know I will never live long enough to see it, but I can try to do my part in my area.

I remember when there was a racial word for whites. It had been so long since I have heard it I had forgotten it existed. I hope to forget about all racial words some day. I know I am living in a dream world here, but let me have a few good dreams. As Morgan Freeman said, the way to end racism is “Don’t talk about it.”

@John ryan: We are getting way off topic here, but I had to respond to your comment.

The democrats were the ones that wanted the higher tax rates for the rich. The republicans didn’t. It was a compromise situation.

Have you noticed that all of the sports and entertainment people making a lot of money have some charitable organization they have started? It ain’t because they are generous with their money. They do it to keep from going into the highest tax bracket and the government getting over 70% of the money they earn. Would you want to pay a 70% income tax rate?

Your ancestors will. If the tax code isn’t changed, and inflation keeps raising wages, eventually the wage earners will be in that 70% tax rate when they start their first job. That is why the politicians don’t want the tax code changed. Look at all of the jobs created by the present tax code: The IRS, tax preparers, extra employees needed to do the paperwork and figure out how to pay the lowest taxes, printing companies printing the forms, buildings the forms are stored in (many of them are leased from the private sector), etc.

You must be a young critter if you haven’t heard anybody complaining about paying 77% of their earnings to the government. I have been hearing it all of my life. Think how simple paying taxes would be if the Fair Tax or the Flat Tax were used. With the Fair Tax (which should be called a Federal sales tax) there wouldn’t be ANY paperwork to do, and with the Flat Tax all you would do is take the amount you earned, multiply it by the tax rate, and that is how much you owe. Simple.

@Tony: Jehovah Witness do NOT disrespect the flag because of anti-americanism; it simply does not salute anything other then Jehovah himself, due to their belief it’s paganism.
“Thou shall not have other gods besides me”!, it’s the teaching, and while they will stand for the flag, they just don’t salute it!

@Smorgasbord: OK. I’m in favor of Johnny being taxed at 90% for the next 6 months since his Hero Joe Biden announced that paying more Taxes is Patriotic.

@Old Trooper 2: 90% ain’t enough for the liberals. What they want to do is set it up like one of my Tea Party signs says:

Your employer sends your paycheck to the Income Redistribution Service, they send it to congress, they spend it on themselves and their political friends, you keep Obama’s CHANGE.

Spread the wealth copy

I used to watch MTV.
Saw Dire Straits, Money For Nothing, on it all the time.
But guess what?
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has officially banned the 1985 tune from being played on Canadian radio.
And why?
You tell me.

Times have REALLY changed!