Last week the fewest jobless claims in 2 ½ years were reported. President Obama and Democrats will likely begin crowing that at long last their policies are beginning to kick in and turn the jobs market around. I’m not so sure. Let’s see how things look in six months as even a blind squirrel trips over a nut every now and then. At the end of the day Democrats are simply ignorant of what it takes to actually create jobs other than those financed by government money, i.e. by taking money away from productive citizens to inefficiently distribute it to others.
The funny thing about jobs is that you don’t find them sitting on a shelf or stuck in a closet. They are not items like tires or boxes or cars. They are not assets you can put into a vault and count and protect and take out whenever you want to use them. No, jobs are dynamic things that exist only in their exercise. Fundamentally jobs are nothing more than energy expended in the pursuit of accomplishing something.
As such, there are private sector jobs and there are public sector jobs. The difference is (besides the fact that public sector jobs pay twice what private sector jobs do…) that jobs in the private sector are typically created when some entrepreneur or investor decides that he or she wants to put their capital at risk for the purpose of growing it, and the vehicle they are choosing for that effort is starting a business. Whether they begin with a great idea they’ve patented, a process they feel they can improve upon or a service they decide customers might be willing to pay for, invariably they look at what it will take to make that business a success.
At a minimum they want to be able to sustain that endeavor and eventually turn a profit. Because of that, most businesses start out small, with owners putting their own time and money into the business. Assuming things go well, at some point the entrepreneur decides they would like to grow, to become bigger and to ideally make more money. A big part of growing most businesses is adding people, particularly at the beginning. This is where President Obama and the Democrats simply loose all connection with reality.
They suggest that government regulation does nothing but protect consumers, make businessmen more honest and generally make society a better place and has no detrimental effect on business decisions. This view is as absurd as their view on taxes. They look at the world of taxes as a static environment. They say that if a 25% tax rate on X raised $4 billion this year, then by raising the rate to 50% next year the government will take in $8 billion. For them taxes operate in a vacuum. They never seem to appreciate the fact that taxpayers have choices and that they respond to incentives. Like Maryland, New York and New Jersey discovered over the last few years, raise taxes and tax payers decide to take their marbles and go play somewhere else.
Obama and the Democrats look at regulation the same way. They assume that jobs too exist in a vacuum and that regardless of what regulations they impose, jobs will eventually return.
The reason for that is simply that in the universe Democrats exist in there is no correlation between profits and jobs. Who votes for Democrats? Union members. Lawyers. Academics, students and intellectuals. Government employees. People on the receiving end of government redistribution programs. Most of those people are beneficiaries of government largesse in one form or another. If it’s not an actual government check it’s government “protections” that allow unions to blackmail businesses, court systems that encourage legal lotteries or loans or grants that sustain the nation’s ivory towers. At the end of the day none of these people has a vested interest in the success of business in America, other than the size of the bank account it creates so it can be looted via the tax code or a class action lawsuit.
Private sector jobs are the backbone of the United States and they always have been. The reason unemployment today stands near 10% is because the people who are responsible for creating private sector jobs are increasingly unsure about the future. Why? Uncertainty about costs.
The cost of a job is not just the paycheck the employee cashes. It includes things like employee recruitment and training, wages, unemployment insurance, employer social security payments, benefits programs and various other employee specific expenses. And those are just the employee specific benefits! Fundamentally an employer needs to assess whether or not an employee will bring more value to the business than it will cost the boss to write all those checks.
As regulation and taxes increase, it raises the bar in terms of what value an employee must bring to the job for a private sector company to hire them. Imagine the direct cost of an employee is $35,000 per year. If regulation and taxes cost the employer an additional $2,000 for that employee, then the employee must generate at a minimum of $37,000 worth of value to that business in order to make that job sustainable. If however regulation and taxes cost the employer $4,000 per employee, then that same employee must generate $39,000 worth of value to sustain that job.
Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of the private sector would recognize that at some point employers, entrepreneurs, investors and other job creators will decide that there is simply no opportunity to make money by creating or sustaining jobs in the United States. They will seek to get more work out of existing employees, they will look for technology to replace employees and when the cost of running a business itself finally becomes prohibitive, they may close up shop altogether and ship their investments and jobs overseas.
A year ago President Obama said “You would be hard pressed to identify a single piece of legislation that we have proposed out there that, net, is not good for business”. Unfortunately for most Americans, they don’t breathe the rarified air Democrats do that allows them to exist in such a fantasy world. Instead they are left to twist in the wind as Democratic regulatory pixie dust chokes the life out of the real American economy.
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liberals think everything is a zero sum game … if you make more I must have made less …
they can’t even begin to understand a growing (or shrinking) economy.
Cal State Sacramento had a study published last year about the cost to the average small business and to the employee of government regulation.
The governor’s office, itself, released the report calculating the financial damage regulations have on small businesses.
The average cost for a California small business to comply with state regulations is $134,122 a year.
That’s $134,122 for each business.
The average cost for California employees to comply with state regulations is an employment loss of 3.8 million jobs a year.
One source:
Obama has more egregious plans to strangle business than CA ever had.
On C-SPAN this AM a Republican who is going to start in the US Congress tomorrow.
He promised that Republicans would be inviting business owners in to discuss which federal regulations are holding them back the most.
That’s a good idea.
So, naturally, the Democrats are against it.
I wonder if they noticed that Obama, himself, has been inviting CEO’s in to the White House to discuss the same things?
Obama jobs death toll: Killing the drilling industry
By Michelle Malkin • January 3, 2011 10:31 AM
You already knew that the election-season “lifting” of President Obama’s deepwater drilling moratorium was a sham announcement. Loathsome cowboy Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and radical eco-czar Carol Browner have lied through their teeth from day one about the rationale and impact of their job-killing policies not only on deepwater drilling, but shallow drilling, tourism, and the entire Gulf Coast economy.
Here’s more evidence of their destruction via the WSJ:
More than two months after the Obama administration lifted its ban on drilling in the deep-water Gulf of Mexico, oil companies are still waiting for approval to drill the first new oil well there. Experts now expect the wait to continue until the second half of 2011, and perhaps into 2012.
…the delay is hurting big oil companies such as Chevron Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell PLC, which have billions of dollars in investments tied up in Gulf projects that are on hold and are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars a day for rigs that aren’t allowed to drill. Smaller operators such as ATP Oil & Gas Corp., which have less flexibility to focus on projects in other regions, have been even harder hit.
The impact of the delays goes beyond the oil industry. The Gulf coast economy has been hit hard by the slowdown in drilling activity, especially because the oil spill also hurt the region’s fishing and tourism industries. The Obama administration in September estimated that 8,000 to 12,000 workers could lose their jobs temporarily as a result of the moratorium; some independent estimates have been much higher.
The slowdown also has long-term implications for U.S. oil production…
This is unconscionable.
As they return to Washington this week, House Republicans should be putting Salazar/Browner and the White House War on Jobs on the hot seat every chance they get.”
Now if you are gullible enough to think that these Jobs are coming back, guess again.
Once an Industry and it’s Support Base Industries take a hit like this, of this magnitude,
the deal is done for that Industry, those workers and that Region. Killing Jobs is Team Obama’s Forte.
Their Success is America’s Demise Economically. The most Economically Illiterate Regime ever has left it’s mark again, much to my dismay. Those that have never held a Private Sector Job, made any product for a profit or contributed anything useful have no concept of the damage that results from Over Reach, Over Regulation and the exercise of their abysmal ignorance in matters that they do not understand with no consideration of the impact of Governance by Fiat.
* As a footnote, if You can imagine $5.00 a gallon gasoline by Memorial Day, you are right in the ballpark.
Gasoline was $1.86 a gallon back home at the time of Obama’s Coronation as I recall…
I’m a CA small business owner. I used to have a single employee until complying with all the b.s. simply made it not cost effective to maintain. That was *before* the crash!
Now without a steady diet of good-sized jobs I can’t afford to hire any employee…but without an employee or two I can’t even attempt to get the jobs away from the big crew companies.
So many small businesses struggling…but the idiots at the top don’t understand that it is small business that is the employment multiplier in the country…it offsets the scalar efficiencies that exist for the mid and large size business employment.
The most important fact missing from the “fewest jobless claims” meme is that many, if not the majority, of unemployed workers, lost their jobs between Nov 2008 and Mar 2009. So those workers are no longer eligible for unemployment and aren’t filing jobless claims. What they are doing is they are facing pending homelessness in the middle of one of our worst winters in decades. They are about to become very aggressive in their survival tactics. So between now and the end of March, expect to see accelerating declines in the numbers of Jobless Claims. But I will not be popping open the champagne. Instead I will be watching for skyrocketing crime and the appearance of families on the streets, break ins to abandoned buildings and bodies being found dead from exposure and/or hunger.
Cheery this new year, aren’t I?
Great points, TSgt Ciz.
Continuing claims were expected to drop to 4.060 million, but instead went up to 4.128 million, a jump of 68,000.
And even though a report last Friday said there were ”only” 388,000 new applications for Unemployment Insurance, most media ”forgot” to mention that those numbers were based on a 4-day work week.
The agency was only open to accept claims four days, Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs.
We opened our church last month as temperatures dropped.
Homeless folks can spend the night on cots inside with the heat on.
Every night more folks are finding there way in.
All our local churches do this.
And this is southern CA where temps are nothing compared to the rest of the nation.
I think most people agree that the best way that government can create jobs is just to stay out of the way. They should only be around to make sure things are done legally and safely.
The democrats no longer want to create jobs. According to their votes in congress they want the USA to fall apart and then they can rush in and make it a socialist, dictatorship, or Islamic State. Maybe they would even split it up, each group getting their part.
IIRC there was a study not long ago where it was determined liberals tend to have a poor understanding of economics. If you doubt those results try talking economics with them. It will change your mind.
RE: Lower jobless claims
This is good news, and it’s just the beginning.
Businesses — especially small business — is more confident. There are more job opportunities opening up, and it’s not Spring yet. Consumers are more confident, too. Consider the successful holiday shopping figures. Even the price of gold took a big step down.
Why is there all of this confidence? Because the Democrats lost the November election! Businesses can plan, again, knowing that the Democrats Reign of Terror is over. At the very least, GOP control of the House will derail any further Socialist experiments. Divided government beats control by Democrats every time.
Happy days are here again. The skies above are clear again. …
The real trick here is getting Small Businesses confident, luring Industries back into production and hiring and getting Banks to start loaning money again. So far no sign of all of that happening. The Economy did not sink in a month or so, it was a gradual tightening of the belts. It will not pick up again until some more Business Favorable things occur.
From what I see that may be a ways off.