The New, Improved, Flopping Aces Is Now Live!



Be patient with any bugs, they will be fixed. If you find any let me know in the comments. I apologize for the delay in getting this done, and all the downtime over this weekend, but it’s finally here and I want to thank the Flopping Aces community for all the support, and donations, to make the new site possible.

PS – Check out the “expand this post” button to read the whole post without having to click on the “continue reading” link. Pretty cool. Plus, the Most Wanted section is where I will be placing links to stories that might interest you.

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Drop over here:

Sign up and create your gravatar. Just remember for it to be seen here you have to assign/use the same email addy you used here at FA to your gravitar pic.

Of course if you are already signed up just login, create the email used here and assign a picture to it, clear your browser cache and WaLa after a bit it will show up with your comments.

The only down side, I had to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out my old gravatar/wordpress login 🙂 Looks nice Curt.

Looks good

me likey

2 thumbs up from me

Congratulations on a great new look, Curt! I’ll miss the Wild Wild West theme (I think I first suggested it 😉 ), but this is a refreshing change. All the hard work you and Axel have put into this really shows through.

Hmm…my old gravatar is no longer working…

*slaps forehead*

Oh, look….I typed too soon!

Hey Curt,

For lengthy debates, is the current reply format really the best option? On the old format, I liked how each reply was numbered and could be referenced, blockquoting who/what you’re addressing, with new comments found at the very bottom. With the reply appearing directly under the person you want to address, one could easily miss new comments, buried in mid-comment-stream.

Also, if it gets to be a lengthy back-and-forth reply, the reply box will get more narrow…and more narrow…and more narrow…won’t it?

Would it be possible to have a “quote” option, like on some message boards, that automatically blockquotes the entire text of the comment you’re replying to; and with your reply still appearing at the very bottom of all the previous comments?

For a debate format, it just seems less confusing to me if any new replies, regardless of who is specifically being addressed, appears stacked in the order in which they are first published, with most recent comments at the bottom.

With the current format, what does it look like should several commenters hit reply to the same single comment? What arrangement order happens then?

Hmm…odd. Are you and Axel tinkering around right now? I could have sworn I hit the reply button to your comment on my comment…but now the “reply” option has disappeared for any comments that are already replies. So no “replies to replies”? Just to the original comment? In which case the blocks don’t get any more narrow, looks like…

…unless you guys are tinkering right now and it’s all fluid and metamorphisizing by the second.

Actually, if this is the format, then maybe it will be less confusing. The one problem being, new comments will still get buried and possibly be missed by not appearing chronologically in order.

Congratulation on your new design! Not that there was anything wrong with the previous one; I love them both!

Curt, the new look is, in the words of Billy Crystal – Mahvelous!

Curt & Wordsmith,

“What does anyone else think?”

My vote would be for the “numbered” comment layout as you previously had it, given some of the extensive back and forth that often occurs on FA.

I also miss the numbered posts. Which would be especially helpful since we no longer have an automatic “reply to” link when responding to a comment specifically.

Also, Axel.. what’s up with the “expend this post” button? My visual doesn’t expand at all, and I did occasionally get a flash vision of the expansion before it collapsed again.

But it’s kinda fun, this debugging stuff… yeah, seriously. LOL

Added: Whoa! My avatar disappeared too!

CURT, hi, are you trying to give me a secret code, I got
test and test test, and test df df, they came in okay
they all self destroyed after I READ IT, BYE

That was meant for B-Rob, it just doesn’t make any sense to those of us without the “specal aluminim foil hat….”

cbr, hi, I did gravatar, and I dont see any image beside my name, bye

I think I just found a bug. When I use the “em” “/em” tags, the italicized word displays (in Firefox) in a smaller font, and at the right margin, not within the body of the text.

Mata, is this your missing avatar?

Ya mean that big “x” in the box that’s a photo, Missy? LOL Well, lately around here, that’s probably an accurate guess…. unless you want to change the “x” for a “0”.

Hmmm, I must have left my avatar in my other trousers. ..

It disappeared too, I clicked on it after I posted it and it worked, I’ll go get it for you:

And you can click it to enlarge for full effect. >wink<

OK, Missy…….

That put the Fear of God into me.

I will go forth, Sin no more and carry my avatar in my shoulder holster at all times!

And a small bag of Wolfbane around my neck too!

3:18 AM here in Brussels, 30F and Freezing Rain predicted for tomorrow. I may skip my morning run.

anyone can put a bee on my frame

Ok. Got avatar. Got a Cuban Cigar and an airline bottle of Grand Marnier.
Now I need an MRE and a cup of coffee without chickory in the blend.
Euro Coffee…Eyuch!

Ms Bees, you have to pick one!

OLD TROOPER 2, EASY FOR YOU TO SAY, I was there , how do you pick one,
when no images are showing there, I want a beeavatar nothing else

Curt, I sent her a suitable image. She is just going through the process now. I expect to see Ms Bees “Bee” any minute now. She has a new laptop that she is fighting as well. New Gear.

Excellent! Nothing but the best here at FA! Thanks!


Gravatar test…. altho I must say, the one Missy suggested was really cool!

ah ha… there it is!

@Old Trooper 2: … need more and bigger Grand Marnier, if you please. LOL


I picked up some Grand Marnier Centenaire. It’s fabulous.

Well, that worked.

CURT, hi, thank you for overestimating my ability on computer
as you are a WIZARD looking down on a bee,
I’m getting some help from gravatar own people,
they are super nice with people in trouble

I know that I am old, blind and pretty dumb, but can you add a “reply” to each message. Sometimes on the longer threads it can be difficult to find the right “reply” button? I think that I have replied to the wrong post a few times now….

@DrJohn: Yup Doc. It smooths out the bumps from a rough day and warms the bones from the inside at the end of a Winter Day.

Rob in K aty, hi, it’s okay you can use mine in the mean time,
best to you for 2011

If the ”gravitar” folks don’t like my name and demand a new one will that mean my name here will also change?
That is what is stopping me from trying to get a picture.

DrJohn, hi, too bad you couldn’t leave it for another century,
IT would have tasted better then, when AMERICA is healed
best to you, and don’t shake the bottle,
you’r not allowed to bring it on the plane either
have a good 2011

Wait, where those there a minute ago….no way?

Rob in Katy, don’t worry, it’s not your eyes but you must have celebrate the NEW YEAR
TOO MUCH, and this happen to all of us, just check the comments on this POST,


Nan G no , I had to give a name difrent for them to, after you gave your FA name,
so they keep the other one on your file and also this fa name is in another box,
IF this make sense, I had to figure that one, after a long time

I am really sorry, I didn’t see those “Reply” things there last night. I could have sworn that there was only the one on the main post? As many will attest, I am an idiot.

@Rob in Katy:

The tweaks are an ever-moving, ever-elusive sort of thing.

What was once over there ===>
is now over there <=== What was once missing....has now reappeared. It's sort of fun spotting the changes. I am so glad that we got the "Reply" button and post numbers back. I was seriously missing those things.

Also glad the nested replies have gone away as well.

FA is famous for epic thread conversations and all that indenting and tucked away responses was messing with my intellect.

arent we all humbled by the new FA?
now could it be that it was included in the project to test our brain power
like a mind probe, wittin the FA, WE’LL NEVER KNOW,
THAT IS A SECRET ,I became suspicious when I start to see the word “testing”

I am anxious to see if B-Rob, will call you little dog or brain salt

Aye…the New Fa is coming along keenly. I am impressed. No better place to hang my hat than here due to the generosity of Curt & expertise of Axel.

I am building a Reader Post today. I need to know how to post images and will willingly accept any Mentoring that can be provided.

I have no Duty for the next three days so my Beret is off and my Thinking Cap is on. My Stetson is waiting back home on my top shelf…

Wow! An OT reader post! I’m excited!

If you want some help, OT, just send off an email off forum.


@MataHarley: Can and will do.
Jana told me to do one. Since she had another “Home Alone Dammit, Duty Honor Country Christmas” without me, I owe it to her. Her actual quote by the way.

It may be time for me to see how high I can leave a mark on the FA wall with my awkward writing skills.
I am more impressive in Person but I am building a missive to do for a Reader Post. Cold and Freezing Drizzle out so I can put my Thinking Cap on.

Grand Marnier in quantity at the house. Not here. However Cuban cigars are available but no Cubano Sandwiches…

My Thanks to Curt and Axel.!

. . . Numbers, Dates, & “Reply” on comments, . . . wow, looks great. Well done.

I just wanted to thank you for that strip along the bottom.
To be able to either go to the top of the page or go to the home page after reading the most recent comment without first having to scroll up is a treat.
Might seem small to some, but I greatly appreciate it.