Some pretty good, pretty funny, and pretty sad predictions for the new year in this Washington Times editorial:
Death panel unplugs Grandma
Bin Laden found working as TSA screener, Napolitano says his skills ‘useful for the job’
President: balanced budget proposal “irresponsible”
Media Matters declares fatwah on ‘right-wing’ NYT
Haiti offers aid after U.S. bond collapse
China forecloses on United States, Vacate order to take effect in 2 weeks
Mayor Emanuel to Cubs: Win pennant or elsePelosi reads Obamacare bill: ‘Shocking what’s in there’
Steele quits RNC, doesn’t blame racism
WikiLeaks releases Clinton White House 976 calls
Gay barracks wins interior design award
Gore shifts focus, denounces flat Earth
IRS worker dies in 1099 avalanche
Judge rules Constitution unconstitutional
What are your predictions?

See author page
That the FA community is just gonna LOVE your new design! 😉
I hope so….won’t be changed over at exactly midnight, sometime tomorrow. Gonna be kinda busy tonight ringing in the New Year
that 2011 will be exciting. this time we will see our elected at work
together as one voice only.
I’d love to see the Cubs get that far!
Record cold snap for Global Climate Summit in South Africa. Global warming sunbathers hardest hit. Nude demonstraters protest climate change.
Obama proven to be an illegal. He will be placed in the same cell that Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was in, only Obama will be in it longer. The prison is also declared a non-smoking prison.
Grandma unplugs death panel.
Before you go grandma, you and your family- vote.
Obama’s 2010: By the Numbers
Eric Cantor Lays Groundwork for Repeal Amendment
The Repeal Amendment would require that both Houses in 2/3 of our state legislatures vote to repeal offensive laws enacted by Congress. A debate on this idea possibly may start shortly, hopefully(imo) I would love to sort through all the pros and cons.