Likely News Headlines For 2011….And Some Not So Likely

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Some pretty good, pretty funny, and pretty sad predictions for the new year in this Washington Times editorial:

Death panel unplugs Grandma

Bin Laden found working as TSA screener, Napolitano says his skills ‘useful for the job’

President: balanced budget proposal “irresponsible”

Media Matters declares fatwah on ‘right-wing’ NYT

Haiti offers aid after U.S. bond collapse

China forecloses on United States, Vacate order to take effect in 2 weeks

Mayor Emanuel to Cubs: Win pennant or else

Pelosi reads Obamacare bill: ‘Shocking what’s in there’

Steele quits RNC, doesn’t blame racism

WikiLeaks releases Clinton White House 976 calls

Gay barracks wins interior design award

Gore shifts focus, denounces flat Earth

IRS worker dies in 1099 avalanche

Judge rules Constitution unconstitutional

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That the FA community is just gonna LOVE your new design! 😉

that 2011 will be exciting. this time we will see our elected at work
together as one voice only.

I’d love to see the Cubs get that far!

Record cold snap for Global Climate Summit in South Africa. Global warming sunbathers hardest hit. Nude demonstraters protest climate change.

Obama proven to be an illegal. He will be placed in the same cell that Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was in, only Obama will be in it longer. The prison is also declared a non-smoking prison.

Grandma unplugs death panel.

Before you go grandma, you and your family- vote.


Obama’s 2010: By the Numbers

WASHINGTON – No numbers in the year just ending are more consequential for President Obama than the results of the midterm elections. His party lost seats in the Senate and its majority in the House. The full impact of those numbers will only start to be felt when the 112th Congress convenes next Wednesday.

But other numbers from 2010 add shading and perspective to other aspects of the second year of the Obama presidency:

Speeches, statements and remarks: 491

-Since taking office: 883

News conferences and press availabilities: 27

-Formal, solo White House Press Conferences: 6

-Since taking office: 69 total, 11 WH.

Town hall meetings: 17

-Since taking office: 40

-Backyard chats: 7

Domestic trips: 65 spanning 104 days

-Since taking office: 111 spanning 176 days

States visited for the first time: 9

-Since taking office: 38

Vacation trips: 6 (all or part of 32 days)

-Since taking office: 10 spanning 58 days

Foreign trips: 6 trips to 8 countries spanning 22 days.

-Since taking office: 16 trips to 25 countries spanning 70 days.

Flights on Air Force One: 172

-Since taking office: 328

Flights on Marine One: 196

-Since taking office: 386

Unemployment Rates:

-January 8 2010: 10 percent.

-December 3, 2010: 9.8 percent.

National Debt in 2010: Up $1.56-trillion

-January 1, 2010: $12.311-trillion

-December 28, 2010: $13.871-trillion

Bills signed in 2010: 203.

-Since taking office: 329.

Cabinet meetings: 6

-Since taking office: 12

Visits to Camp David:

-In 2010: 4 visits, 8 days.

-Since taking office: 15 visits: 35 days.


-Golf: 29 rounds in 2010

-Since taking office: 57 rounds.

-Basketball: 20 basketball outings.

-Since taking office: 28

Interviews: 107 in 2010

-Since taking office: 254

Meetings with foreign leaders: In 2010, President Obama had face-to-face meetings with 61 foreign leaders, 30 for the first time.

Days of no appearances: 24

-Since taking office: 45

Presidential pardons: 9

-President Obama granted the first and only pardons of his presidency on Dec 3, 2010.

Eric Cantor Lays Groundwork for Repeal Amendment

Incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., is among the proposal’s most significant supporters, which means it will receive serious attention during the 112th Congress convening this week. Whatever one’s view of the propriety of amending the U.S. Constitution in the manner proposed by Barnett — and for the record, we think the Repeal Amendment is a dandy way to restore the proper balance to our federal system — the professor’s idea could not be more appropriately timed. For the last decade, presidents and Congresses representing both major political parties have caused federal spending, regulation, and debt to explode as never before, with a result that the central government is in truly dire financial shape even as its power to control the most minute details of American daily life has never been greater. This fact is central to understanding why the vast majority of Americans — 64 percent, according to Rasmussen Reports’ Dec. 29 survey — think the country is headed in the wrong direction.

DC Examiner Endorses Repeal Amendment

The Repeal Amendment would require that both Houses in 2/3 of our state legislatures vote to repeal offensive laws enacted by Congress. A debate on this idea possibly may start shortly, hopefully(imo) I would love to sort through all the pros and cons.