In case you missed it, on December 13th, “No Labels” – a new non-partisan political action group was launched in the mecca of non partisan-ness, the Roone Arledge Auditorium at Columbia University’s Alfred Lerner Hall in New York City. The fledgling group describe themselves as:
We are not labels – we are people.
We care deeply about our country.
We are frustrated and concerned about the tone of politics.
We are passionate about addressing America’s challenges.
We are Democrats, Republicans and Independents.
Most importantly, we are Americans.
Can ‘American’ be construed as a label in this context? Perhaps thought is best left for another discussion.
After reading this anthem, then checking out what the members are really saying via forum posts; I agree with Bryon York’s assessment that there is a distinctive left wing lean to this movement.
Perusing the forums on the website, I found a familiar mantra; Human beings are the sole problem of mankind, therefore reducing our population by oh say..half we can solve all the world’s problems. No, seriously, Benjamin really means it when asked what is his most pressing issue:

Of course no non-partisan, no-label, all-inclusive political action group would be complete without the bonding ritual of  Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful – Palin Bashing:

One wonders what Margot had to say when Jerry Brown labeled (am I allowed to use the term?) Meg Whitman a whore? Probably not much, I suspect, as the term ‘whore’ is just a label and that is not what this fledgling movement is all about.
Tania’s Law: Â A non partisan political action group cannot be legitimate without representation from the ‘progressive party’. It seems No Labels has certainly covered all the bases in its inaugural run:

What about that return to civility in politics? Sure! But not before taking a swipe at Rush, Beck and Fox News:

Civility in politics aside, the real problem facing America is the fact that stupid people vote; and sadly, they are too profoundly stupid to realize their own stupidity:

Oh, yes, I could go on with several more examples, but I believe I’ve made my point. This group is nothing more than attempt by disenfranchised O voters and moderate republicans to find some relevancy in the wake of last November’s election. With the Coffee Party’s inability to perk, No Labels is the latest life raft for these bitter clingers.
I raise my cup of tea and wish them luck 🙂
After being duped by obama they have to the nerve to call others stupid. Unreal. Skye, I think you nailed it as to what this is an attempt at.
I predict this group will fall apart in a year or be co-opted by the soros vermin.
Sounds like the Coffee Party and Tequilla Party trying to save the Senate and Precedency in 2012. Too many parties for my liking.” Round up the usual suspects.”
How many ACORN leaders will we find hiding in this far left outfit>
I’ve seen many arrogant, partisan liberal flame/bomb throwing Upper West Siders, …start to sing cumbaya and declare themselves politic neutral rather than try and face, explain, or even discuss whats going on today. Yes, in the face of massive failure or just plain old stupidity/failure of policy they wanted rammed down the throats of America…(ie., the “flyover states”), they suggest now that it all doesn’t matter. That we should let go our partisan differences (translation….don’t treat us how we treated you), and just let all this go, work together as “Americans”.
It’s not even subtle, that “We’re politically neutral!” veneer which doesn’t begin to cover their true leftist philosophy.
Thanks, Skye, for the revealing look at yet another disgruntled group of libs trying to figure out a way to rebrand themselves.
Just when you think the Liberals are starting to play nice they pull the other knife out and try and find a place to stab it into the heart of America.
Ever notice how so-called moderate Republicans are more than happy to cozy up with leftists? Yet they bash “extremists” like Sara Palin, Rush Limbaugh, or Glen Beck.
It seems that the pop media has shoved the window so far to the left in the last few decades that many of these folks really believe they’re in the center.
I am not surprised that this group was co-opted by the liberals. After all, the label liberal no longer has its WOODSTOCK Glory attached to it. It is being associated with socialists, communists and they can’t claim their former glory now. So they are screaming that labels are not fair. Most conservatives that I know proudly say they are conservative even though liberals have tried to paint them as neanderthals. So now, don’t call us names is their new strategy as they whine about how unfair life is. I think this is another movemenet that they are hoping to counter the TEA PARTY movement. I don’t see it is working.
Great post, Skye. George Fwill (Anybody old enough to get that reference?) wrote on this in his syndicated column, and your post is an excellent supplement
His last line sums up liberalism beautifully:
The label “conservative” conveys much useful information about people who adopt it. So does the label “liberal,” which is why most liberals have abandoned it, preferring “progressive,” until they discredit it, too.