Jim Jab 2010 Year in Review Posted on December 20, 2010December 19, 2010 by Aye ( 3 comments already! ) Spread the love 0 0 votes Article Rating Ayewww.whatisyourproblem.co.uk/
That’s the worst Jib Jab
I’ve ever seen. But then, this is the worst administration I’ve ever seen.
Here’s a riddle for you – what do Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Poland’s late President Lech Kaczynski have in common?
I agree, it sucks. Jib Jab dropped the ball. Their work is usually a lot more professionally done and just plain looks better.
The song is good, but the animation they are famous for is lacking.
I’ve figured out why that one sucked. Every scene had Obama in it.