“He’s Not A Bad Man, Just A Funny Bugger,” She Said

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Lovesick Emails of Julian Assange Reveal A Horny Creep At The Very least

The Lascivious Lecher At Work

In April of 2004, Elizabeth ( a fictitious name) a 19 year old female approached Julian Assange in a Melbourne bar. Assange was a 33 year old student studying mathematics and physics at the university.

“I started talking to him and he just seemed kind of quiet and nerdy. I didn’t think he was sexy or anything. Just strangely alluring for a 19-year-old girl.”

Assange flirted with her by flexing his mathematics skills and kidding her about being ignorant of mathematics and science. This is typical procedure for lecherous types who want to impress and establish superiority over their prey or victims.

They talked until closing time and Assange walked Elizabeth home to a small village in the country. Along the way he kissed her, she was not impressed with his behavior, but neither was she turned off.

“It was like, fine, whatever,” Elizabeth said. “He wasn’t creepy about it, and he didn’t try anything weird.”

Before saying goodnight, they exchanged emails and Assange gave her his card with the image of a lighthouse and he rode the train back to town. No doubt he envisages himself as a guiding light for the rest of the world.

She soon received this email requesting a date:

She doesn’t remember how she replied but she didn’t encourage him:

“I wasn’t into him,” she said.

However, she was shocked when she received a phone call from him at her parents’ house; since, she had not given him her phone number.

The call was understandably strained when he refused to explain how he had obtained her phone number.

“I was really cold because he somehow found out information about me and I didn’t know how and it scared me,” she said.

Undaunted in his quest for conquest, Assange promptly sent an email to chastise her for her phone etiquette; however, the real purpose is to discipline her as a parent would an adolescent and to establish a position of dominance and control.

She says she replied with a coldness to his entreaties; yet his technique is a continual assault of stages and progression, he has already instilled an element of self-doubt and the question of worthiness within his victim, a process that she will never admit to herself.

Assange tried another approach by recalling the romantic aspects of the night they met.

Assange called again and Elizabeth, who was becoming wary of Assange’s persistence, countered by pretending to be someone else, a gambit that Assange assumed to be flirtation and an opportunity.

Assange formulated a puzzle to get his phone number to Elizabeth, so she could call him with the satisfaction of having figured out a simple math problem and redeem herself of the ignoble distinction of being a lesser creature who is deficient in math skills. To accomplish this he gave her an equation with her license plate number as part of the known factors. Thankfully, she didn’t fall for his cheap and obvious gambit that was designed to establish Assange’s dominance and omnipotence as well as his willingness to excuse her poor math skills. Elizabeth said she couldn’t call him, so he sent an email asking the best time to call her.

She was left with the cold and bewildering question of how and why did he obtain her license plate number.

At this point, Elizabeth told Assange to quit calling her. And with the dogged persistence that is characteristic of the predator, he told her she might get lucky and be able to contact him through his web site.

Assange finally gave up, but tried to humiliate her with a series of emails meant to hurt her self-image.

Assange’s relationships with women haven’t improved much in the six years since his creepy attempt at wooing Elizabeth. His online dating profile and blogging reveal an insufferable self-styled Don Juan, and he currently stands accused of raping and sexual molesting two Swedish women.

For the record, Elizabeth says she never felt threatened by Assange’s behavior; she viewed it as misguided attempts at courtship by a socially awkward nerd.

“I don’t think he’s a bad person,” she said. “He’s just a funny bugger.”

Although Elizabeth resisted the predatory seduction of Assange, her comment, “I don’t think he’s a bad person, he’s just a funny bugger”, indicates she was susceptible to his miserable game and is still under his spell to a degree; because she still doesn’t recognize the deception and evil inherent in this deviant behavior. Although Assange’s pathetic attempts at romantic writing only mean his poetic license should be revoked, his hacking into another person’s private life is despicable. He definitely has a problem with women and will probably be in more trouble with women if he doesn’t end up in prison. Assange maintains that his hacking is for purely altruistic motives, he also employs his hacking skills to be a sexual predator.

Epilogue: The author has no training in psychology or deviant sexual behavior, but in the horse business, 90% of your customers are women and after listening to tens of thousands of women talk about life and their experiences while I worked on their horses, I have a vast anecdotal background on the nature of these incidents. Thus I have a fairly good idea how these incidents transpire and of the psyche of the predator.

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Very creepy on many levels. Do people actually court via E-mail these days?

In the pictures of him leaving the court house who is the good looking blonde lady with him. Is it a sister or ….?

Tit for tat. Wonder how he feels about having his secrets(?) exposed. Hmmm! Seems like poetic justice to me.

In a few more days, more women will be coming forward with additional examples of his creepy behavior.



. . . . Very worthwhile post for all kinds of reasons. Young women should read it repeatedly to understand the essential underlying characteristics of a predator, and how those can be recognized in their words. Elizabeth should re-read her emails and learn.

. . . . indicates she was susceptible to his miserable game and is still under his spell to a degree; because she still doesn’t recognize the deception and evil inherent in this deviant behavior.

. . . quite agree. She hasn’t learned from her own interaction with this deviant.

Christine Assange will likely remain in denial all of her life. Such is the difficult nature of being a mother.

As for the rest of the supporters rallying around this control freak, they obviously know little of the object of their adoration. This is about an insecure ego, wreaking havoc for selfish reasons, . . . consequences be damned.

Assange isn’t the first, and won’t be the last.

From the creepiness of a 33 year old going after a 19 year old, to the extremely manipulative way he preyed on his target, this entire exchange nauseates me.

I’d bet real money there are more women out there with similar stories about Assange. And I’m not surprised his mama thinks he’s oh so wonderful. She’s the one who shaped him. There’s undoubtedly a psychological case study in their relationship too.

“I told him how people all over the world in all sorts of countries were standing up with placards and squealing out for his freedom and justice,” she said.

I denounce myself. It’s just that, it was kind of a strange way for her to put it.

Skook, #8

. . . Pleased to hear it. Similarly, while I thought I’d seen and experienced much in my travels, I have been astounded to discover directly the percentage of women who have been abused. I’m reticent to put a statistic on it, but I’d say it is well over 50%. Actually, I should call it what it is – rape – . . . over half, half, for crying out loud. I hope that’s not a national average. Another consistency, . . . the majority of victims understandably cannot discuss it, nor do they go public with it, in fact none who have ever told me, ever complained to authorities. Who knows what the real stats are.

Sometimes there are things that cross your consciousness with such a force that you wonder about know you need to do something, anything, even a little. So, all the best in exposing more on this subject which evidently continues to remain in the shadows.

Interesting how the Professional Left defends Julian Assange and his Privacy. They love to defend rapists like Roman Polansky ET AL. Womens rights?? off the table when a “hero” like Assange is rightly apprehended. Where the hell were they when then VP candidate Sarah Palin had her E-mail hacked and released to the general public. Maybe Julian can talk to Bill Ayers (B.H. Obama ghost writer) and get the real Dope on Obama “authoring” “Dreams of my Father” ROFLMFAO!

Skookum, you dawg! Good work, m’man!

Froggy went a-courtin’, he did ride.
Sword and buckler by his side …

Skook, she is definitely in denial about his character and I’d say you nailed what he was doing and why to a “T”.

For years a lot of my lady friends would come to me for relationship advice and to understand men better. Through that I have heard exactly those things you posted about. Assange is a predator. He has studied the type of woman to approach and how to break them down. He guessed somewhat wrong with this choice, but not entirely.
Too many women are naive when it comes to predatory men. They usually attribute what they are doing to some motive other than the obvious one. That’s where they get in trouble. Of course it’s not their fault if something happens, but predators count on that way of thinking.

No doubt if I were reading this as an investigator I would put a detail on the girl until I could figure out if he was dangerous or not.

That said, let’s not confuse the issue with the facts. The issue here is that this guy is doing his thing for a long time until he crosses swords with the liberal left by exposing them. Suddenly, two women (and you should really read the background of the contacts) sleep with him almost immediately after meeting him (groupies of the intellectual left?) and their complaint is based on the fact that he had sex with them without a condom. He then refused to take an HIV test. In Sweden that is somehow a crime, as the nanny state controls apparently almost every aspect of your life. The “victims” both had sex with him willingly and in at least one case may have become bitter when they realized he was just having sex with them and nothing more. In addition, they repeatedly tried to find a way to complain, using the somewhat draconian laws of Sweden, and finally stumbled upon this one.

Is he a creep and some kind of super smart nutty “World of Warcraft” loving nutjob? Absolutely. But that isn’t by itself a crime. There is no doubt in my mind the world governments are working overtime to find a way to shut down his release of documents. It was all good when the doc dump was hurting Bush or the military or the war in Afghanistan, but when they started vindicating what many of us secretly thought was true-the Libyan oil for bomber deal for example- suddenly everybody on the left is looking to hang him.

It is a leftist soap opera and I think we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg on the revelations about how corrupted the world’s leftist are. That is what they really fear, not some emailing stalker.

Skookum, can this be an Ask Skookum column? Perhaps you can help solve this mystery. My husband has a deep friendship with two brothers. One has never married, the other is divorced with three children, got custody of his children because the ex-wife was violent, eventually attacked the oldest daughter, police were called, the wife was removed from the home. He has been a wonderful father, has the kids in sports, helps with the homework, etc. has no interest in dating, the kids are his life.

The oldest daughter is a really sweet girl, has been in college for two years, eventually wants to become a lawyer. She moved in with a party animal when she was 19, was with him for a year and left, he and the buddy’s partying interfered with her studying. He came from a wealthy family and her family lives in a little shack. She had also had a terrible auto accident when she was 16, her arms and legs are terribly scarred, she is beautiful but is still very uncomfortable about the scars.

She recently developed an online friendship with a man in New York. She went out to meet him, her dad begged her not to go, had the uncle and my husband talk to her because she’s always been close to them, she wouldn’t listen. Thankfully, she returned and just said she would never do it again. No one knows what happened, she won’t discuss it and no one knows who paid for the trip, my guess would be him.

I kind of think she’s looking for someone to lift her out of poverty, she works, goes to school, has earned a few scholarships and is wracking up student loans, not to bad yet though. Her mother was always a things person, her credit card debt was bad. After about five years the daughter reconciled with the mother and stays at her home because it cuts 20 miles off her back and forth drive to school, she stays with her father on the weekends.

Hopefully, she won’t ever do that again, the first guy was a loser but had a monied family, the internet guy? only she knows. How can you approach her? She needs to believe she can make it on her own, she’s beautiful inside and out, not all mothers are violent, that beating she took was not her fault and weird men prey on weakness.

The two brothers also had five other brothers, no sisters, that family lived in the wilderness, hunted, fished and gardened for food, very outdoorsy, women have always been foreign to them. I know he had no clue of what kind of a woman he was marrying. They are decent, kind men, very strong when it comes to family ties and friendship, just a bit backwards at times. Heh, the dad just sent me four quarts of pears he canned.

What can they do for her? I’m not in the picture, she likes me but we have never been close enough to talk through something like this. She’s got a lot going for her and she needs to learn what men to stay away from.

This post is excellent, hope you have some man to man insight I could pass on to her dad.

Missy, you can ask me anything anytime; although, there are no guarantees the answers will be worth more than the cyber paper they are written on.

It is obvious the girl needs a female mentor. A mentor that is someone that she can look up to; we are talking about glamor (dubious in terms of a 19 YO), intelligence, experience, at least a few years older, education, and success. I realize this is a tall order, but she needs someone like this immediately. She is reaching out for guidance and has fallen back into an old role. Sounds like she has a great dad, but she needs to know how to be a woman. The role models that are portrayed in magazine print and on TV are destructive for these young women and she is reaching out in desperation.

Obviously, I don’t know the dynamics, but you can try to offer intellectual stimulation at the very least with your computer and research skills if you can tap into an area of her interest. The mentor may even be a group, rather than a super heroine. I advise you to consider time as being imperative, there may be help at her university; with the internet you can tap into activities and guidance. She has already made several poor choices and survived, she may not be so lucky in the future.

I need to go see eight or nine horses, but I will give this issue some consideration in conference with the horses, they often supply answers for me. I hope to have some helpful information by this evening.

Archer, the claim that the charges are from having sex with women without a condom is a lie. He did something FAR worse than that according to what I have read. Also, the Sex by Surpise claim is bogus as there is no such law (2nd link). Folks, let’s not fall prey to a media trying to protect it’s hero.



Olbermann Refuses To Correct Treatment Of Assange Rape Allegations On Twitter – Update

It is creepy and yet interesting to read Assange’s emails to that girl.
I dated a high school senior when I was a freshman.
He ”lettered” in three sports and joined the military right on graduation, knowing the Vietnam conflict was ramping up (1965).
We planned to marry.
But two years in Vietnam changed him into someone I didn’t recognize.
Into someone who used his strength to ”win” disagreements.
We broke up while he was home between his 1st and 2nd tour.

Then the weird letters started coming. War twists some men.
When he was badly injured he came home.
I went to see him at the hospital several times.
When everything was looking up (seemingly) he took his own life.
I imagine a lot of women can look back and see that someone they knew had a bit of Assange in them.
Jim had so much going for him but he had a body image of himself as an almost perfect man.
He couldn’t live with himself as a man who had a limp and visible scars from burns.

Skook, in my case it wasn’t just the truth and how ugly it was that bothered me. These were people that I cared about. I’m very loyal to and protective of the ones I care about. It took a lot of willpower not to go do something about it. These days I can distance myself from it for the most part, but there are still times it’s flat out painful and frustrating.

Scum like Assange operate using stealth. The more that know about him and his tactics, the better.

If you check the links I provided you’ll see the claim that it’s all about missing condoms is a lie. If the accusations are true, he is a rapist.

Hard Right, yes, there is clues to pick up in the beginning of a get together,
but, other factors are bluring the vulnerable ones and the others too,
we have to pass the phase of the other charming game, which is the most beautifull time exciting
for the other one, and if one give in before this game is over , you are or in paredise or in hell awayking to one realty, that will follow for a long time, as long as the couple is together,
so to meet someone is waiting for after the charms game is over and then the clarity of the person is right before your eyes like a shining light that will be always bright,
or a darkness to make you loose your soul in it.

Oh the irony…

LAWYERS for Julian Assange have expressed anger about an alleged smear campaign against the Australian WikiLeaks founder. Incriminating police files were published in the British newspaper that has used him as its source for hundreds of leaked US embassy cables.
In a move that surprised many of Mr Assange’s closest supporters on Saturday, The Guardian newspaper published previously unseen police documents that accused Mr Assange in graphic detail of sexually assaulting two Swedish women. One witness is said to have stated: “Not only had it been the world’s worst screw, it had also been violent.”

Bjorn Hurtig, Mr Assange’s Swedish lawyer, said he would lodge a formal complaint to the authorities and ask them to investigate how such sensitive police material leaked into the public domain. “It is with great concern that I hear about this because it puts Julian and his defence in a bad position,” he told a colleague. – Source

Evidently what is good for the goose, is NOT good for the gander.

Nan G: I know two couples who went through the same post-Vietnam scenario you mentioned. One of the ex-soldiers took his own life, the other eventually straightened himself out and re-married.

One witness is said to have stated: “Not only had it been the world’s worst screw, it had also been violent.”

Narcissists tend to be lousy lovers. It seems Assange enjoys inflicting pain to boot.

Hard Right: Excellent work on the links.

Because of the irresponsible reporting of AOL News, the truth has been muddied and even lost; even worse, women who may be rape victims have been lied about, smeared and trashed the world over.

This is the most tragic sentence that describes the LSM’s duplicity.

Missy, young women and young men need a positive role model of the same sex to emulate. A mother who beat her daughter is a terrible situation. If at all possible, you should consider learning about the girl’s school in an indirect manner, don’t hone in on her directly, but ask her if she is going to the homecoming game or if she follows the sports teams, find out what she likes and then learn about the issue. Do not befreind her on facebook or twitter that is too direct and will be viewed as spying. Learn something and ask her about the situation, until you find a common ground.

I suggest that young people consider the military. The Marines used to have a good Mustang program for enlisted to achieve a commission. The GI Bill is excellent for achieving academic goals and there are opportunities to achieve an education with no expense while serving. There are also many excellent role models available.

Men who grow up in the wilderness are often backward, shy, or even afraid of women. They usually only have one partner or no partners. That is standard among these guys. Your husband’s brother sounds like an excellent dad, but kids need the two mentors exposure, one from each sex; otherwise, aberrant behavior is often the result.

Good Luck Missy, never hesitate if you think I can be of help. Skook

Missy, #18

“. . . she likes me but we have never been close enough to talk through something like this.”

Some additional possibilities – If I may suggest, some answers may lie right there in that statement, so, . . . break that silence, initiate a call or letter if that’s not possible, ask a few open ended questions, then listen.

Listening is usually the most powerful tool for enabling a turn-around. She is no doubt intelligent enough to discover the answers to her own conundrums herself, since she knows herself better than anyone else does, but someone needs to open a window. You can do that for her because you care and you wish her well. That has more value for her than anything which a psychiatrist can bring to her table.

The longer your “discussion” with her, the more the answers will surface for herself, . . . so if you can keep it going, you’ll figure out how to lead her to face her fears and enable her to Draw her own solutions forward.

You will help her reach inside and listen herself to what I would call her Intuitive Knower.

Eventually you’ll see her perceptions evolve positively. All the best with your dialogue.

Very nice Bees. I have my lady after years of mistakes and am quite happy.

We as Conservatives need to remember that while some lefties are furious at Assange for embarrassing Captain Teleprompter, others have swooned over him big time.
We cannot trust the leftist dominated media.

Thank you Skookum and James. We will be going to Missouri for a few days, I think I will invite them for dinner and have her help me. 😉 The guys will be down in the barn until the food is on the table, will give us time to break the ice and see how far I can get with her, maybe we’ll do cookies too. 😉


even worse, women who may be rape victims have been lied about, smeared and trashed the world over.

I doubt these women were world wide publicity seekers, but this is a pattern of the left, we’ve seen this before…… Clinton, Gore, Assange…trash and burn, ruin the women.

MISSY; HI, I know that you are the best to help her, and you always find the right words at the right time here at FA, SO for qualifications [I always wanted to use that word]
yes you are no 1 in my class. AND it will be a real CHRISTMAS present for her, to remember all the futures CHRISTMAS as a happy person, because of you.