In what has to be one of the most stunning turnarounds of all political time, Barack Obama struck a deal with Republicans to extend the Bush era tax cuts (until the next election). In so doing, he has alienated much of his base:
For the first time since his party’s drubbing in last month’s election, and arguably for the first time on a major domestic policy since he took office, Mr. Obama forged a deal with the Republican opposition, swallowing hard to give up a central campaign promise while maneuvering to win enough other priorities to declare partial victory.
In that deal come the first clues to how he plans to govern for the next two years with a divided Congress, an anemic economy and his own re-election looming on the horizon. He made clear he was willing to alienate his liberal base in the interest of compromise, more interested in crafting measures that can pass to the benefit of the middle class than waging battle to the end over principle. And in the process, he is gambling he can convince the American people that he is the bridge-builder they thought he was.
Obama has never had any interest in compromise with Republicans. So this is truly curious behavior.
Peggy Noonan writes:
We have not in our lifetimes seen a president in this position. He spent his first year losing the center, which elected him, and his second losing his base, which is supposed to provide his troops. There isn’t much left to lose! Which may explain Tuesday’s press conference.
And this is key:
Instead Mr. Obama said, essentially, that he hates the deal he just agreed to, hates the people he made the deal with, and hates even more the people who’ll criticize it. His statement was startling in the breadth of its animosity. Republicans are “hostage takers” who worship a “holy grail” of “tax cuts for the wealthy.” “That seems to be their central economic doctrine.”
I have no doubt that he hates most of us. But why does a true zealot abandon his core Marxist values?
Bizarre doesn’t end there.
Obama held a press conference yesterday and departed right in the middle of it, leaving former President Bill Clinton to field the rest of the questions while Obama went to a Christmas party. Apparently Obama had reached out to Clinton for advice.
Many were incredulous at Obama’s dereliction. Some observations are quite funny.
Obama Names Bill Clinton to Presidential Post
WASHINGTON DC – Ending weeks of speculation and rumors, President-Elect Barack Obama today named Bill Clinton to join his incoming administration as President of the United States, where he will head the federal government’s executive branch.
“I am pleased that Bill Clinton has agreed to come out of retirement to head up this crucial post in my administration,” said Obama. “He brings a lifetime of previous executive experience as Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States, and has worked closely with most of the members of my Cabinet.”
Clinton said he was “excited and honored” by the appointment, and would work “day and night” to defeat all the key policy objectives proposed by Mr. Obama during the campaign.
Allah at Hotair:
Great news: Bill Clinton apparently now president again
I can’t do justice to what you’re about to see. The spectacle of the president bugging out of his own press conference to go to a Christmas party is weird enough, but having Clinton back at the White House podium fielding questions on the hottest domestic issue of the day shoots past deja vu and lands firmly in “am I hallucinating?” territory.
Did Obama just quit?
I guess Obama abandoning his post is some sort of brilliant strategy. Or maybe he just doesn’t want the job anymore. Maybe he’s finally realizing that the more he talks, the worse things get for him.
Say what you want about Sarah Palin quitting her job, but at least she finished her own press conference.
Some were simply astonished. Jon Bershad at Mediaite:
“I’ve never seen anything like that,” said MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur after cutting back following a press conference on the tax plan. It had begun with a surprise appearance by President Obama who then brought in a further surprise, none other than Bill Clinton, to help him explain the deal. However, after introducing Clinton and letting him begin to talk, Obama suddenly announced that he was leaving for a Christmas party and vanished, letting Clinton talk for 25 more minutes as if it was 1996! I guess it could have been worse. Obama could have left to go play hoops.
Seriously, what was the thinking here? This has to be one of the worst PR moves in the entirety of the administration. Obviously, Clinton is probably a more popular Democratic figure right now, but they had to imagine this would hurt Obama. I mean, letting a former president explain your tax bill while you head to a Christmas party? A Christmas party?
Drew over at Ace:
Obama has just announced what we’ve all known…he’s simply not up to the job.
What the heck is going on amongst our self-styled betters in the Beltway Ruling Class?
And it is a great question. It’s reasonable to think WTF? Why the hell is the President of the United States ditching a press conference for a party?
I think Obama told us himself:
“I’ve been keeping the First Lady waiting for about half an hour…so I’m gonna take off.”
Michelle. It’s about Michelle Obama. The real boss in the White House. Michelle Obama has gotten used to a very fine style of living. She is no longer content to strut around in J. Crew. I never did buy into that “commoner” thing from her. It’s clear that lavish is now spelled with a capital “L.” This video is evidence of Michelle’s current style of living.
And Michelle gets what Michelle wants.
The “shellacking” that Obama took in the last election was cold water in the faces of Barack and Michelle. For probably the first time in her adult life she was struck by rejection through her husband. We have no word on whether she’s still proud of her country or not. But I have no doubt that Michelle told Barack Obama to strike a deal with Republicans in order to save his Presidency. The cold reality of 63 House seats changing hands was a powerful message to the woman who is most reluctant to give up her new title and residence.
How do we know Michelle is at the center of this? Let’s go back to 2008. The page I would like to direct you to is from Tim Graham at Newsbusters but the images are no longer at the link so I will direct you to Pat Dollard who still has the images up.
And they tell the whole story.
From Graham:
All this reminded me of an April 24 CBS Evening News story where Katie Couric spent some gummy-grinned giggle time inside the Obama campaign HQ. As she surveyed the press shop, a camera found this sheet of paper with a Barack declaration of policy: “Whatever Michelle Says Is The Message.”
“Whatever Michelle says is the message.”
Powerful stuff. And long swept under the rug.
I think Graham got it right back then:
So when Barack says “lay off my wife,” is he following the wife’s message orders?
The answer then was yes, and I believe it is the answer to today’s events as well. Barack Obama is a true believer. I don’t think that he’d veer off course on his own. I think he’d go down with the USSR Karl Marx.
But not Michelle. She sees the White House slipping through her fingers and the Queen is not pleased. This is not so much about alienating a base as it is about gaining another.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Obama’s bizarre behavior of late has caused me to re-read Amendment XXV:
It may come to this.
God help us if Joe Biden becomes the president! Although any step away from Barry Soetoro is a good one.
Good post, Dr. J.
President Obama is loathsome of those who he now represents. As President, he doesn’t just represent the far left, but the entire country. But, he doesn’t see it that way. He is a self-indulgent and self-centered. He has never truly had to work at anything. And while there have been Presidents that have skated through their presidencies or didn’t put in the effort.
However, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen this level of incompetence. While Jimmy Carter, the peanut farmer, was ineffectual and served out one term, he turned into a better person until his recent foray back into politics. Former Presidents should be seen and not heard, much less criticize the sitting President. This has shown a lack of class.
To get to a president who has been as ineffectual as Obama, we have to look back a long way. Warren Harding, James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce all come to mind.
The problem with President Obama is simple. He has no true leadership capabilities. Regardless of how you feel about Presidents Clinton or George W. Bush, they had instinctual leadership capabilities. President Clinton owned the podium during his joint press conference with President Obama. Just as he has been throughout his entire presidency, he is willing to let other take the lead and do the heavy lifting.
President Truman knew this. His “The buck stops here” sign was a hallmark of his presidency. 57 years later, his is still known for that sign.
What’s President Obama going to be remembered for? Will it be his compromises, like President Clinton? President Clinton would have been in far worse shape had he continued to have a Democrat controlled Congress. Instead, by working with Republicans, he was able to shape the country for the better, even though he fought much of it. He was able to work with others for compromise and improved the economy.
President Obama doesn’t have those capabilities. When he compromises, he hates himself and others for it. While President Clinton did well on domestic policy, he suffered at his foreign policy and emboldened our enemies. President Obama can’t even maintain his cult-like following in the United States and even our allies have come out against “The World’s President”. President Obama pushed an agenda, but never led it.
And here’s the problem. Look at our recent presidents. W was a leader. Clinton, a compromiser. HW Bush, ineffectual. Reagan was a leader. Carter, not even close.
Where does President Obama fit within that spectrum? A lot closer to President Carter than Reagan.
And so, looking at the world through President Obama’s perspective, he is loathsome. He hates the fact that his soaring rhetoric doesn’t work on those who aren’t predisposed to agree with him. He hates that his presidency has been marked with opposition. And he believes he deserves a lot of credit for being the president.
However, in the end, Michelle will get what Michelle wants, even if President Obama disapproves.
Oh dear. God help us if Biden were to ever become POTUS. People made fun of W’s made up words. But, at least his political gaffes were minimal.
Biden would accidentally cause even the French to declare war on us.
Note that the Iowahawk piece is dated November 24, 2008. Weirdly prescient. Or should I say, astutely prescient.
While Pat Nixon was not WOPOTUS she dressed nicely but reasonably.
Cloth coats, simple jewelry, simple shoes.
Once Nixon was elected her wardrobe changed into one of a lady of state.
I have been to the Nixon Presidential Library in Whittier, CA.
All her most dressy clothes and jewelry were there.
She kept none of it.
There is not room in the Library to display all of it at once so the staff rotates it out, seasonally.
(That gives one good reason for more than one visit, btw.)
Now, to Nancy Reagan.
I saw her in the media before Ron was President.
Always tasteful, even if not my style.
Always modest.
Always flattering.
After he was elected President she, too, wore really fancy clothes.
And all of it was at the Reagan Presidential Library YEARS ago, while she is still alive.
She had no reason to wear any of it again, so it is on display.
Somehow I don’t see this happening in Michelle’s case.
I haven’t seen her clothing and jewelry change that much since Obama became President.
So, maybe a few of the things she got flack for, like the ”boob-pit” blue dress might be put on a manikin in a Presidential Library someday.
As to her strength as a wife of a President, they all are.
Pat Nixon was.
Nancy Reagan was.
Hillary Clinton was.
Why shouldn’t she be?
Obama can only blame his leaving the podium to himself.
He chose to blame his wife, but that’s his pattern: he always blames someone else for his own failings.
NanG: Those were interesting observations. I think you should add Jackie Kennedy to the list as well.
Too funny about the “boob-pit”. If they put that one on display, surely they’ll also grace us with the Orange Snake.
Thanks, John Cooper.
I was going by the ones I had personal experiences with.
Both the Nixons and the Reagans were local and state figures in my life.
I’ve been to each Library a number of times.
I did read where the JFK Library has some paper reconstructions of some of Jackie’s dresses!
So, she’s passed on, years ago.
Did the originals get donated to the Library after that?
I’m sure someone on the East Coast can answer that question.
That ”Orange Snake” is awful!
She must have been going for that 7th grade look girls go through when they’ll wear ANYTHING.
Most of us grow out of it.
I did see a manikin at a department store sporting a belt just under the bust, a la Michelle, this season.
Not being catty, although I am sure it will come out that way, but Michelle started that look- belt under the bust- because she has a thick waist and could not wear regular belts and look good.
@ Chipset.. good observations.
@ John Cooper, your Biden mind-experiment is so intriguing but equally distasteful.
Good comments though. We’re living history that is clearly loaded with potential to be a train-wreck to a revolution to a police-state.
All the uncertainties. The economy will probably not recover until all of these overarching political daggers are withdrawn. Makes me think about the great depression. Have to read Amity Shales book, because though I have it, I’ve not got to it yet.
I wonder if we’re in for 10 or 15 years of slog and financial pain. If that was the worst of it, that would be one thing, but I am thinking the real threat of a war somewhere will be increased greatly. Too much tension building around the globe. A weak America invites trouble.
drj, you asked in the post, “But why does a true zealot abandon his core Marxist values?”
What makes you think he did? Was, or was there not, increased spending and redistribution of wealth in the Obama/Dem demands for extension support? Did, or did not, the lame duck Dem Congress spend time further porking it up when it got to them?
“Abandonment” of values is what the political theatre is spinning for effect, and for diversion. The true abandonment of values came from the GOP.
As for Michelle… what Nan G said. 😆 Not only have all presidential wives wielded powerful influence – either overt, or in bedroom whispers – Obama does always find someone else to blame for his actions and performance.
@ Mata
Obama has compromised nothing in the past and I don’t think he’d do so without some prodding. It’s not in his nature to compromise.
This is probably a temporary illness.
drj, LOL! Well, I guess some may label the action of “I’ll give you your tax rate extension, and raise you x amount more in spending – PLUS the UI bennies for 13 months so I can smear you next Christmas” as “compromise”. Me? I see it as the same ol’, same ol’. Much as he “compromised” on O’healthcare by banking on the future public option he has stated he desires not being in the original version. Obama/Pelosi/Reid are those that, to paraphrase an old saying, will gladly let you pay for the hamburger tomorrow if you give it to them today.
Problem is, the illness isn’t temporary and it is not related to compromise.
hmmmmm, i have to disagree with you nan. michelle changed her style from shabby to expensive shabby. i am well aware of how jackie kennedy dressed and know that she often wore inexpensive jewelry along with valuable ones. most of the beautiful ones were given to her by her husband. michelle is tacky and in my view has an image of herself as 25 and very thin. she tries to dress like the “kool” kids and ends up looking like an overweight fat ass idiot.
Little heads up on unemployment extension.
Short version: No more UI for 99 week’ers.
It’s more than obivous (at least to some of us), that Obama didn’t “switch gears” in the least. How you can’t see that DJ is an enigma. Let’s see, a “temporary” fake out tax ‘compromise’ in exchange for another stimulus and porker.
I didn’t think it was possible, but now I’m more pissed at the Repbulicans than Obama. Why in the world did they cave when in a few short weeks, they can call the shots? The county isn’t going to fall apart by waiting until Jan 2011.
I hope the whole thing blows up.
Nan G, the Nixon Library is in Yorba Linda, California, not Whittier.
All I can say is I am anxiously waiting the newest rendition of the “Prez Limo” . . . should be really jive with it’s “superfly” look!!!
I think it will look more like the 1972 version!!! LOL