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WaPo op-ed combats progressive challenge to Obama with affirmative action pleas

For a real eye opener on how lib/prog pundits think, one can find yourself shocked and stunned by Colbert I. King’s WaPo editorial today, “Memo to the left: Hands off Obama” What is even more stunning is that this is in reponse to Michael Lerner’s WaPo op-ed, pleading with progressives to save Obama’s presidency by putting up a real left loon, thereby making Obama look positively moderate….

But King’s editorial steps over the bounds, and into the racial affirmative action waters. The full pleading brief in defense of Obama comes down to the simplicity of this. Throw the first black American president overboard, and you’ll damage the party for a very long time.

Sabotage the nation’s first black president and the Democratic Party might as well bid farewell to its most loyal base of supporters: African Americans.

In 2008, the turnout of young black eligible voters was higher than that of young eligible voters of any other racial or ethnic group, according to the Pew Research Center. Consider them gone in future congressional and presidential elections if the left dooms Obama in 2012.

The 2 million more blacks who voted in 2008 than in 2004 because of Barack Obama? Say bye-bye to them, too. As for African American women, the group with the highest voter turnout rate in the 2008 presidential election? Don’t even ask.

And why should they stay with a Democratic Party that turns tail on a president who’s trying to lead a fractious country through one of the roughest patches in its history?

King follows up his plea for Obama’s unchallenged status with a laundry list of legislation he says the conservatives would never hand the black community… from health insurance to the damaging, expensive and fruitless meddling by Congress and Obama in the housing market with tax credits.

What King fails to see is his own folly…. blatant affirmative action by promoting a presidential candidate, not on the merits of his performance, but solely on the color of his skin.

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