Wikileaks Wages Cyber Warfare Against The United States & Our Government Does Nothing

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While the tax cut issue is taking center stage this story is too important to allow to it to stay on the smaller stage:

In a disclosure of some of the most sensitive information revealed yet by WikiLeaks, the website has released a secret cable listing sites worldwide that the U.S. considers critical to its national security.

The locations cited in the diplomatic cable from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton range from undersea communications lines to suppliers of food, medicine and manufacturing materials.

In the message, marked “secret,” Clinton asked U.S. diplomatic posts to help update a list of sites around the world “which, if destroyed, disrupted or exploited, would likely have an immediate and deleterious effect on the United States.”

The list was considered so confidential, the posts were advised to come up with it on their own: “Posts are not/not being asked to consult with host governments in respect to this request,” Clinton wrote.

Attached to Clinton’s message was a rundown of sites included in the 2008 “Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative” list. Some of the sites, such as border crossings, hydroelectric dams and shipping lanes, could hardly be considered secret.

But other locations, such as mines, manufacturers of components used in weapons systems, and vaccine and antivenom factories, likely were not widely known. The Associated Press has decided against publishing their names due to the sensitive nature of the information.

This is information warfare. Plain and simple. His goal? To hobble the United States and make the free-flow of information between agencies almost impossible.


The irony is that WikiLeaks’ use of technology to post confidential U.S. government documents will certainly result in a less free flow of information. The outrage is that this is Mr. Assange’s express intention.


Mr. Assange is misunderstood in the media and among digirati as an advocate of transparency. Instead, this battening down of the information hatches by the U.S. is precisely his goal. The reason he launched WikiLeaks is not that he’s a whistleblower—there’s no wrongdoing inherent in diplomatic cables—but because he hopes to hobble the U.S., which according to his underreported philosophy can best be done if officials lose access to a free flow of information.

In 2006, Mr. Assange wrote a pair of essays, “State and Terrorist Conspiracies” and “Conspiracy as Governance.” He sees the U.S. as an authoritarian conspiracy. “To radically shift regime behavior we must think clearly and boldly for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed,” he writes. “Conspiracies take information about the world in which they operate,” he writes, and “pass it around the conspirators and then act on the result.”

His central plan is that leaks will restrict the flow of information among officials—”conspirators” in his view—making government less effective. Or, as Mr. Assange puts it, “We can marginalize a conspiracy’s ability to act by decreasing total conspiratorial power until it is no longer able to understand, and hence respond effectively to its environment. . . . An authoritarian conspiracy that cannot think efficiently cannot act to preserve itself.”

Berkeley blogger Aaron Bady last week posted a useful translation of these essays. He explains Mr. Assange’s view this way: “While an organization structured by direct and open lines of communication will be much more vulnerable to outside penetration, the more opaque it becomes to itself (as a defense against the outside gaze), the less able it will be to ‘think’ as a system, to communicate with itself.” Mr. Assange’s idea is that with enough leaks, “the security state will then try to shrink its computational network in response, thereby making itself dumber and slower and smaller.”

Naivety in its extreme:

In fact, the only place where Assange’s theory could work is in a robust democratic society where people are already empowered to make changes based on new information. In other words, on a global scale Assange’s method of regime change will only affect those nation-states that need it least. And isn’t this always the problem with anarchy? It doesn’t serve justice–which requires structure and authority over the bad behavior of individuals–it benefits the strong and the ruthless who get along best without those hindrances.

So while those societies less free, less Democratic, are left to grow stronger our’s will become “dumber and slower and smaller.” Just what we need in a post-9/11 world eh? How long until this slower and dumber government is rendered incapable of stopping the next 9/11?

Wikileaks has made this Administration look naive, amateurish, and foolish in one fell swoop. They knew of this leak for 6-7 months or more and nothing has been done to stop it. Nothing.

I’m betting Hossein Vahedi and his family wish Wikileaks had been stopped. Or maybe the families of those 1,300 Kenyans massacred.

But hey, it’s only human lives right? They would of died someday anyways.

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Obama wants this to happen…

Nothing short of shutting down the entire internet can keep that information from going viral.

Two-edged sword.

Before Wikileaks and Jilian Assange we had Jamie Gorelick and ”The Wall.”
Looks like somebody wanted ”the wall” back up, even if he had to use fall-guys and front men to get it.
There is being a ton of speculation that Assange had someone else (over and above caught PFC Bradley Manning) who leaked the vast majority of stuff.

When I was a college student I met lots of Iranian college students.
For some time after, I was friends with a lot of Iranians.
Many who wouldn’t go back after 1979 live in fear of how the regime might treat their extended families if word got back to the regime about their anti-regime activities here.
Poor Dr. Hossein Vahedi.
I wonder if other Iranians here were outed by Assange’s leaks?
And I wonder how the old reign of terror is going in Iran right now?
The Ayatollahs and Mullahs are always looking for folks to torture, to kill.
All those tweets back during the fighting in the streets led to dead tweeters.

What has Obama and his Administration done?
And, more importantly, what COULD they have done had they really wanted to prevent all the damage to this country and the world?


Fox News lists these things here:

In mid-May, Army Private First Class (PFC) Bradley Manning, suspected to be the source of classified information for Wikileaks, was arrested.

– On July 26, Wikileaks began releasing the 91,000 stolen Afghanistan war-related documents it held, many of which were classified.

– On October 22, Wikileaks released nearly 400,000 stolen U.S. government documents related to the Iraq war.

– On November 28, Wikileaks began leaking the first of approximately 250,000 stolen State Department cables.

The day before, the Obama administration performed its one and only known direct act in trying to stop WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange from his political warfare against the United States: the State Department’s top lawyer sent a firm but respectful letter to Mr. Assange and his lawyer in London.


How would a White House that is more serious about national security have acted?

As soon as PFC Manning was under serious suspicion, and certainly after he was arrested,

a thorough investigation should have uncovered the scope of his alleged theft of government information.
In turn, the president and his senior national security advisors should have directed immediate action to limit the damage.

At a minimum, this should have involved investigators discerning whom Manning communicated with from any computers, phones and other property to which he had access.

From there, potential recipients of classified material should have been induced to surrender the material—ideally through voluntary action.

Those who did not cooperate, probably including Mr. Assange, could have been charged with espionage or targeted using any number of the tools that our Constitution and laws place at the disposal of our president to defend us.

This did not happen after PFC Manning’s arrest.

It also did not happen after the first mass release by WikiLeaks in July.
After the second mass release in October.
And still has not happened after the third mass release has begun.

Additional damage to our national security could be prevented if President Obama were to cease his dithering and take action. So far, WikiLeaks has published only about 1,000 of the 250,000 State Department cables it says it has. There is a significant rationale to act immediately, both to stop further damage and to set an example to other would-be political warfare organizations targeting America.

Furthermore, while Mr. Assange is currently being detained by British authorities on an unrelated matter, there is no certainty this will last beyond December 14—nor does it necessarily halt the work of the overall WikiLeaks organization.

Charging Mr. Assange with espionage involvement or designating him as an enemy combatant is long overdue, as are governmental actions against the organization’s employees, communications-providers, financial sources and other accomplices.

Much more at link.

This absolutely reeks.

Something is very wrong. They have known for some time about these leaks. I read one account that suggested Assange offered the doc’s to the Obama administration.

This is harmful and Obama does……………NOTHING.

I keep saying it. It does make you wonder whose side Obama really is on.

It’s not our side.

…I keep saying it. It does make you wonder whose side Obama really is on.

You wonder? Really???

He’s on Soros’ side, doncha know!

Here’s something we can all do, just to prepare ourselves.

Every day, once a day, unplug your network card or disable it in your OS.

Then, start your browser.

Get yourself acclimated to seeing that “404” page.

Didn’t Congress and the Prez, just recently, enact a law which gives the Prez the authority to effectively “cut the switch” on the internet? For reasons of National Security, naturally.

How incredibly convienient this saga is for those who are threatened by the ‘net. And who is more threatened by the net than our current derelict, thieving, corrupt govenment and their sycophants and fellators in the MSM and Hollywood?

Conspiracy theory? Sure. Believable and probable? Sure.

Some 16-year-old was just arrested for hacking one of the sites that quit helping or openly opposed Assange.

He either hacked MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, Amazon or Sarah Palin’s site.

Haven’t got details.

So Taqiyyotomist,
That “seems” to be good info, but what does it mean?

So, according to all of you, the wikileaks stuff should have remained a secret for national security reasons. Wether or not the government told the truth about ________ (fill in the blank)?

So, in other words I should be denied my right to know what the government does in the name of every American citizen including my own. Also, I am denied my rights, freedom, and equality as a human being to know if my government policies, foreign and domestic, are harmful and/or imoral.

I’m no Constitutional Scholar but to deny someones rights, freedom, and equality is un-constitutional……just a thought….. 😕

Nope, Air Head.. you are no Constitutional scholar. But I would like to see you bump up into the ranks of at least one with a basic understanding of rights.

No, you do not have the right to know military strategy, classified information that can endanger the nation, or it’s representatives, here or on foreign soil. And I haven’t a clue why you think you do. Maybe we can help you if you tell us just where you believe those “rights” are found in the Constitution and/or any Amendment.

For those of you who think we have some right to see all secrete or sensitive information generated by our Government, on our behalf; whether that is true or not I am pretty sure it is not cool to post this info for EVERYONE to see, Especially non American citizens and those that would consider themselves to be our enemy 👿