Now, How About Profiling? The Cutting Edge Of Bombing

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Radical Jihadis Plan To Surgically Implant Bombs

Can Dr al-Zawahiri Outsmart Obama And Napolitano?

Despite President Obama’s efforts not to antagonize our enemy by naming them, the Radical Fundamentalist Muslims now intend to surgically implant bombs in homicidal suicide maniacs. The gel or liquid bomb implanted within the body cavity is nearly impossible to detect. Women with breast implants are a perfect example of the technology required and it has been done for decades.

Recently a surgeon volunteered his services to surgically implant bombs on an Al Qaeda website forum:

“What is your opinion about surgeries through which I can implant the bomb …inside the operative’s body?”

He called on bombmakers and doctors to cook up the perfect solution to murder “larger numbers of unbelievers and apostates.”

“I am waiting for the interaction of the experienced brothers to connect the two sciences together and produce a new kind of terrorism, Allah willing,” he wrote, according to a translation by terror experts at the SITE Intelligence Group.

The scheming comes amid controversy over body scanners and pat-downs in airports that some Americans complain are too invasive. The ideas for a “surgically booby-trapped martyrdom seeker” were chillingly concise for the doctor of death monitored by SITE.

Stitching a bomb into the abdominal cavity made of plastic or liquid explosives – such as semtex or PETN – was judged the best method.

A terrorist offered the advice that the bomb must be near the surface because the human body is shock absorbing and if the bomb is implanted too deep it will lose effectiveness.

In the mean time, Napolitano has unleashed her gropers at T&A to check for a repeat performance of lingerie bomber want to be Farouk Abdulmutallab, while refusing to consider the proven method of profiling used by El Al, Napolitano is now concentrating on American genitals with the utmost dedication.

In November, John Pistole, Transportation Security Administration chief, in a characteristic declaration of brilliance, declared that his agency didn’t think it was necessary to do cavity checks because secondary screening procedures can find fuses and detonators, which are always outside the body.

“You have to have some external device to cause that initiation,” he said. “That’s what the advanced imaging technology machine will pick up: any anomaly outside of the body.”

Have they ever considered internal timers with internal detonation all embedded within the body.

Muslim Doctors have shown a willingness to participate in the murder and mayhem among the Muslim Terrorists. In 2010, a Jordanian doctor, Abu Dujana al-Khorsani, killed seven CIA officers in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan. Al Qeada’s #2 man is Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian born doctor. The same one who called President Obama the “House Negro”.

Cocaine smugglers have been using people, termed ‘mules’, to travel on airliners after ingesting condoms filled with contraband for decades: it is only a matter of time before America realizes it actually need professionals in charge of security and not political hacks.

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Take a heavyset, tall jihadist and you have a 7 to 10″, or more, rectum. Perhaps a stick of plastic explosive?

I think it’s time to start profiling. The whole idea of unconstitutional airport TSA searches without probable cause is literally wrecking our country and our constitution — and yes, our morale, not to mention our spirit of freedom.

For heavens sake people, let’s get serious about what it really takes to protect our people and our interests in America and abroad and cut this b.s. out — no pat-downs, no possibly damaging x-rays. Have a serious conversation, as do the Israelis, with all boarding passengers that fit a profile. Oh, did is say profile? Damn.

And, by the way: Let’s get Obama out now – he is a USURPER. His father, Obama, Sr. was NOT an American citizen, therefore Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. is NOT a natural born citizen and NOT qualified to be in the W.H. What, is EVERYONE lame?

Can you imagine a patdown of Mookulski from Maryland. Where to start?

Can you imagine the uproar from the lamestream media if Boosh had initiated the patdowns? Olbermann would still be crying over the invasion of his sacred body.

The US or/and Canada will get hit. Bet on it. Customs does profiling in Canada. Harper and Netanyahu look like bosom buddies. Bibi visits Canada aplenty and has many admirers countrywide. We’ve got a huge bullseye.

I sometimes read an Iraqi blog called Iraq the Model.
They went quiet for a while some time ago.
Their reason was that a relative had been kidnapped.
Sometimes the terrorists had planted bombs in the trunks of the kidnap victims’ cars and said the ransom was paid but they had to take a particular route home – or else.
Then, when the victim was in front of a police station or US checkpoint the bomb would be remotely detonated.

So, I have to ask: why wait for ”volunteers?”
There are radical enough Muslim doctors in the West to add a little something extra to an ”infidel’s” operation already.
We know this because there was a move afoot for female Muslim MDs to try to see infidel patients without washing their hands in between one another.
(Shades of the detractors in Ignaz Semmelweis’ day!)
They said it had something to do with both ”modesty” and abstaining from alcohol.

Too bad for them there are disposable surgical sleeves to put on over their filthy arms.
Now the law for any Muslim who refrains from total forearm washings.


Anyway how clearly can one think if he bashes his own head into the floor up to 70 times a day hard enough to leave a mark, like the one in the photo?
In English that mark is called a ”raisin.”

If you want to find a good wife in Egypt you really MUST have a good-sized knot on your forehead like his.

Attack of the butt pirates.

Heard this on CTV news. Wikileaks has divulged that terrorists have targeted electrical generation in Ontario and Quebec. Targets also include oil production and refining in Alberta. Right place,right time- many deaths. Ontario has many nuclear reactors and is ripe for dirty bombing. This is not hysteria!

With the Obama administration in charge this isn’t going to turn out well.

Funny how many Muslim physicians seem to be of the Mengele type.

I suppose the reason is that they cannot embrace the Hippocratic Oath, Hippocrates being an infidel and all that. 😛

One thing that bothers me a lot is that the government is telling all the stuff they are going to do or thinking about doing. I am guessing one reason Israel doesn’t have a problem with bombers on planes is that they don’t tell what they are doing.

Sending people to Israel to be trained in their procedures won’t work because we would tell the world what we have learned and what will will do different, thus telling the terrorist what the Israelis are doing.

Just imagine a Western dressed woman getting the enhanced TSA pat-down at an airport. Now contemplate the woman is a secret warrior for Allah who had a boob-bomb job. And all it takes is a TSA grope to set off her nipple contact detonator. Terror is achieved.

Dr al-Zawahiri has probably had a bomb implanted where his brain once was. That’s probably a push-button detonator in the center of his forehead.

Here’s a worthwhile analysis written by a college junior. He makes a lot more sense to me than anything else I’ve read: A nude awakening – TSA and privacy