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Sarah, The Public’s Aphrodite, Creates A Schism Among The Left

Sarah Has Become The Epitome Of Femininity

The Birth Of Aphrodite, William Bouguereau- 1879

Among Leftists, this has become a problem, for decades they have promoted Hedonism, a rejection of traditional family values, and a recreation of the feminine psyche.

Women and men watch the former governor of Alaska, as she helps her handsome hunk of a husband work their fishing boat, hunt the bull moose of Alaska, raise a brood of kids, fly around in her husband’s float plane, dress smartly, look beautiful, and appear on countless news shows; suddenly, the pop culture icons going in and out of rehab or promoting vindictive diatribes of witless hatred on news shows no longer appear attractive.

No not at all, people are thinking I’d rather lead a life like Sarah: she is beautiful, her opinions count, she helps her husband, people respect her and compared to the crones who promote the Leftist Ideology, she is a breath of fresh air.

The Left has promoted the amorality of pop icons as the model of femininity to be emulated, but Sarah has added a new dimension to the concept that is causing women and men to reconsider the role of women in today’s society.

Sarah Is Causing Americans To Reevaluate Their Concepts Of Femininity And The Role Of Women

At the most basic level a woman’s first biologic priority is to conceive, bear children, and run a household. This premise has been challenged by feminism; however, legislating against biological patterns that have become encrypted within our DNA appears to be self-defeating. Women and their role has been considered an important part of culture since the Neolithic: presumably these ancient carvings represent homage paid to the fertile woman who was an important part of the early home.

For the last 25,000 years, there has been an effort to define beauty. The concept of beauty has evolved with culture, especially with the feminine form.

This is the Leftist Socialists’ of Spain enticement for getting the young to vote Socialist. Consider the message of hedonism and debasement of self to be a part of the Socialist movement, then compare the wholesome message of self-worth and morality offered by Sarah. Is it no wonder that many women and men are having the second thoughts about compromising the image of women and morality to advance the cause of Socialism?

The international Socialists have long campaigned against traditional family values and promoted the self-fulfilling advantages of hedonism: the philosophy of, “if it fells good, do it” first introduced in the 60’s, was readily accepted among the teenagers of pop culture. Now there is an alternative role model that is very tempting.

The Left’s idea of Feminine role models are between Pelosi and Lohan, is it no wonder that people are beginning to look at other alternatives. On one hand we have the erudite speaker of the House who uses the Air Force as her own airline, complete with meal service and a well stocked bar for her staff and family and makes announcements that we must pass a bill to find out what is in it: on the other hand we have a pathetic drunken pop culture icon that is in and out of jail and rehab, is it far fetched to think the public is beginning to question the amorality promoted by the Left?

Not that the Left promotes Lohan as a role model, she is merely a result of indulging the hedonism and amorality that the Left offers American womanhood.

These are some of the beauties of antiquity. They are preserved for the rest of time because they exemplified the ultimate form of feminine beauty, an image that is always evolving.

Yes our Socialists hate the challenge that Sarah offers to their destruction of feminine and family values; Socialism is much easier to implement upon a society without values or morals.

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