Sarah, The Public’s Aphrodite, Creates A Schism Among The Left

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Sarah Has Become The Epitome Of Femininity

The Birth Of Aphrodite, William Bouguereau- 1879

Among Leftists, this has become a problem, for decades they have promoted Hedonism, a rejection of traditional family values, and a recreation of the feminine psyche.

Women and men watch the former governor of Alaska, as she helps her handsome hunk of a husband work their fishing boat, hunt the bull moose of Alaska, raise a brood of kids, fly around in her husband’s float plane, dress smartly, look beautiful, and appear on countless news shows; suddenly, the pop culture icons going in and out of rehab or promoting vindictive diatribes of witless hatred on news shows no longer appear attractive.

No not at all, people are thinking I’d rather lead a life like Sarah: she is beautiful, her opinions count, she helps her husband, people respect her and compared to the crones who promote the Leftist Ideology, she is a breath of fresh air.

The Left has promoted the amorality of pop icons as the model of femininity to be emulated, but Sarah has added a new dimension to the concept that is causing women and men to reconsider the role of women in today’s society.

Sarah Is Causing Americans To Reevaluate Their Concepts Of Femininity And The Role Of Women

At the most basic level a woman’s first biologic priority is to conceive, bear children, and run a household. This premise has been challenged by feminism; however, legislating against biological patterns that have become encrypted within our DNA appears to be self-defeating. Women and their role has been considered an important part of culture since the Neolithic: presumably these ancient carvings represent homage paid to the fertile woman who was an important part of the early home.

For the last 25,000 years, there has been an effort to define beauty. The concept of beauty has evolved with culture, especially with the feminine form.

This is the Leftist Socialists’ of Spain enticement for getting the young to vote Socialist. Consider the message of hedonism and debasement of self to be a part of the Socialist movement, then compare the wholesome message of self-worth and morality offered by Sarah. Is it no wonder that many women and men are having the second thoughts about compromising the image of women and morality to advance the cause of Socialism?

The international Socialists have long campaigned against traditional family values and promoted the self-fulfilling advantages of hedonism: the philosophy of, “if it fells good, do it” first introduced in the 60’s, was readily accepted among the teenagers of pop culture. Now there is an alternative role model that is very tempting.

The Left’s idea of Feminine role models are between Pelosi and Lohan, is it no wonder that people are beginning to look at other alternatives. On one hand we have the erudite speaker of the House who uses the Air Force as her own airline, complete with meal service and a well stocked bar for her staff and family and makes announcements that we must pass a bill to find out what is in it: on the other hand we have a pathetic drunken pop culture icon that is in and out of jail and rehab, is it far fetched to think the public is beginning to question the amorality promoted by the Left?

Not that the Left promotes Lohan as a role model, she is merely a result of indulging the hedonism and amorality that the Left offers American womanhood.

These are some of the beauties of antiquity. They are preserved for the rest of time because they exemplified the ultimate form of feminine beauty, an image that is always evolving.

Yes our Socialists hate the challenge that Sarah offers to their destruction of feminine and family values; Socialism is much easier to implement upon a society without values or morals.

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Sarah is the anti-baby boomer. As a boomer myself, I ask, “In all of history, has there been a more destructive generation than baby boomers?” I wonder if as the last on of us finally passes on, will the world rise up in celebration? Of our many sins, I think you touched on the biggest. In self centered selfishness, we made ourselves larger than humanity. It was, If it doesn’t hurt anybody, do it. Maybe one couldn’t point to an individual hurt by certain behaviors, but society is so much worse off for it. Abortion, pedaphilia, divorce, and so much more are the fruits of of this breakdown. And those who propagated all this can’t accept blame or refuse to see the cause and effect, and strike out at anyone who would dare live an old fashioned moral life. So the derogatory fly over country,real religion, and the Sarah Palins of the world must be crushed. The reality based community would die if the really ever had to face real reality.

Don’t forget to watch Sarah Palin’s Alaska – Part 4 coming up in less than 2 hours.

Oh and Jim, speak for yourself regarding the baby boomers. We aren’t all like you.

Skookum, another great article. Wherever to you find those awesome pictures??


Sorry friend, I just can’t go there. You see, contrary to your post, abortion, pedophilia and divorce, all existed before the baby boom generation and are not results of the libertarian principle of being free to do things that don’t hurt others. By the way, abortion and pedophilia don’t belong in any list of “things that don’t hurt others”. And plenty of people who don’t do religion also don’t do abortion or pedophilia.

Generations aren’t “better” or “worse” each is the result of the world they mature in, and, as such, are the best prepared to inhabit the world they inherit. I like the world today less than the one I grew up in, and that is normal. I’d be willing to wager that every generation has collectively thought the world was going to hell in a hand basket. Generational guilt is as misguided as the class guilt the leftists embrace.

Just my opinion, of course.

John and JustAl,

Did I paint myself into a corner? John, I’m glad you are not like me, and JustAl, I agree my first post was to hasty, and I used to broad a brush. However, here comes the big but… The boomer Generation has much to be proud of. In the late sixties, as a newby in the Army, I remember the off limits establishments due to discrimination. Police abusing their authority in ways they can’t today. Celebrities famous for acts that were hateful to minorities and women. Boomers risked, and some lost their lives to right these wrongs. (When I was a naive youngster, I thought my generation was going to end discrimination for all time.)

And yes, all those societal ills existed since the dawn of man. Yet, at one time there was a sense of shame attached to them. Now, if not totally mainstream, there are those pushing to make it so. Morality is now an individual pick and choose. And the culture declines.

When I was five, my younger brother and I walked several blocks along Alki Beach in Seattle, to a little store to spend our allowance. We were out riding our bikes, playing in the local woods, at the school playgrounds, all day without adult supervision. Later, in my midteens, living in Mass. friends from 12-16 would be dropped off at the train station, we would ride into Boston. We would catch the subway to downtown, go to museums, Boston Commons, see a movie, and return home, again, on our own. Can your kids do that today?

Now the govt wants to intrude in all our decisions, don’t eat that, can’t do this, do that, ect. Look at todays playgrounds, do you remember the ones we had? When was the last time you saw a diving board? My kids didn’t have the same opportunities I had growing up, my grandkids are more restricted.

As I see it, so many demanded freedom without responsibility or accountability to anyone or anything, and all of us are paying a price for it.

Just my opinion, of course.


I’m glad you’re taking a shot at the promotion of “moral” decay we’re all witnessing, and one that is so heavily pushed by the Hollywood machine.

Instead of the media (all media) presenting positive, uplifting, ethical behaviour, we are continually bombarded by the most odious content, visuals, and concepts. Whether it’s the latest diffused perversions on rap videos bruising kids’ minds, or the narcissistic whining moans delivered by the Wives of DC or LA through garishly inflated lips, Hollywood remains relentless.

And just in case we didn’t notice the overwhelming examples in degradation of personal standards, the MSM emphasizes it through such crap as yesterday’s CNN Fareed Zakaria interview with Bill Maher. After Zakaria effusive introduction of the Hugh Hefner wannabe, Zakaria sits looking dumber than a rock as Maher repeatedly spits out his “tea bagger” invectives.

. . . Much needs to be fixed – not just the economy.

Just saw the Sarah Palin’s Alaska show where she went Carabo hunting.

First off, I like Sarah, so lets just be clear about that.

However, I was a bit let down to see her needing/allowing her father to chamber rounds for her to fire the rifle. I had thought she might be a bit more like my mother who can fire a bolt action just about as fast as you can fire a semi auto and hit every damn thing that is in range. In fact, mom taught me to shoot and I could hit targets with iron sights as well as anyone else with a 7x scope. And she could still shoot better than me. Mom also taught me to four wheel drift a car and how to throw a knife. I was faster on a motorcycle but only because I started when I was 5.

I had imagined Sarah to be more like mom.
Oh well. What can you do.

i love sarah palin and will vote for her if she runs in 2012. i, like most middle american women can identify with her. the liberal women of the USA stand alone. their day has come and gone and a lot of women have decided that they don’t want to be superwoman.

we must remember, that sarah has a deep believe in GOD and that is a lot of power behind you.

i pray for devine intervention in this horrible administration every day and thank GOD for letting us have people like sarah, who loves her GOD and country, in our political mix.

Hi Jim,
I hear where you are coming from, and have long lamented that my grandkids will never know the freedom I knew. When I was a young teen, I still remember strapping on my high standard and riding my bike into town. I’d stop at the store, buy some ammo and a Dr. Pepper and ride on down to the river to shoot cotton mouths all day. Imagine a teenager wearing a sidearm into a convenience store today LOL.

I think there is more crime today simply because there are more people. . . and more laws. All of the crime stats based on per capita numbers are actually less than they used to be. But, we are a more mobile (read less knowing and caring of our neighbors), and less homogeneous (read some cultures gaining prominence today are more crime ridden than others) nation. Add to that the perpetual 24/7 news cycle and every imperfection gets magnified. The result is that the kids today aren’t in a cocoon of neighbors and townsfolk who all know them and their families, and their parents are beset with stories almost daily of abuses (which also serve, no doubt to inspire criminals as well).

Rather than a generation, I blame certain “examples” of the generation, like Ted Kennedy and his ilk who thew open the gates to usher in foreigners with cultures more in tune with socialism as a way to foster political change.

But it isn’t all bad. Go to a TEA rally or meeting, buy a cup of joe for a young soldier or marine and chat for a few. I think there’s plenty of good left. . . and our generation had just a little to do with that as well.

Have a great day!

All we watch is news, sports, animal programs(the dog training shows aren’t working) 🙄 , and programming for my great-grandchildren, even their programming gets propaganda snuck into it.

Don’t think we’ve missed anything not seeing a single episode of Desperate Housewives, etc. Only regret is that it messes me up while doing crossword puzzles, don’t know who starred in what or their names, just have to work around those questions.

Sarah Palin has gotten a bad rap starting just hours after McCain put her on his team. Documented in the Journolist’s leaked e-mail, they immediately started plotting to take her down.

She’s someone I admire and agree with the way she runs over the media by using that Facebook page.

She’s all things Skookum points out, beautiful, feminine and tough. Go Sarah!

Good thread Skook! 😉

JustAl — I good friend of mine just passed away at age 90. He said the same thing to me: “John, you’ll never know what true freedom was like.” He related that when he was in grade school, he and all of his buddies would carry their .22 rifles to school and stack them (loaded, of course) in the corner. Nobody thought anything about it. The kids were all expected to shoot some small game for supper on the way home.

Skookum– What I really love about Sarah’s “Alaska” is that she’s a female John Galt – a “woman without guilt or fear”. I can just imagine liberal heads exploding all over America when they see her shoot a Carribou and then proclaim, “It’s organic, wholesome, food for my family.” I’m really starting to like the woman.

Another thing I like about Sarah is that she doesn’t waste a lot of time criticizing her enemies. Just the fact that she exists puts the lie to all their misguided beliefs.

Oh, her new book America by Heart has an entire chapter on women and femininity. I really like the book.

Skookum #7,

You are 100% on about the educational system. I went back to school under the Post 9/11 GI Bill and am amazed at what goes on. Kids aren’t being educated so much as they are being indoctrinated. There is a leftist slant toward everything. Disagree and you get cut off. One of the professors actually posted a deficit chart showing deficits decreasing during the Obama years with projected surpluses in ’11 and ’12. They frequently present opinion as fact when it’s plain and simply not true. Once our youth is brainwashed into believing this line of crap, we are in big trouble.

Another vet, we who attended college decades ago need a description of the Socialist Education being offered today in our universities. It is important, not to put you on the spot or anything, but it is time to step forward once again, my friend. You wont need any war gear, just use deadly accuracy and leave the rest to us.


I’m not quite that young. Put it to you this way, I retired out of the Reserves last year with 30 years of service. Given the success of the Stimulus Program and “recovery summer”, I probably should have stayed in and did another tour overseas. Hindsight is 20-20.

As for the slant in the classrooms, it’s the usual crap. Torture, lied our way into Iraq, Bush was a draft dodger, Kerry was a war hero, Vietnam this and Vietnam that, the people the North fought in the Civil War are the same ones who shut down the government in the ’90’s etc, etc. so some of it is blatant, most is subtle. One of the professors, to his credit, went out of his way to acknowledge the Vets in class, almost to the point of overkill. Another tried to keep his personal biases out of the lecture and did a decent job until near the end. Given the age of the students in the classes, hopefully most can seperate fact from fiction and see through the bias and the professors seem to temper their biases somewhat probably because of the older crowd who have been around longer. The obvious concern is what are they teaching the younger students who don’t know any better and will believe everything they hear. What an older student will write off as bullshit, a younger student will take to heart.

Another vet, please excuse me for mistaking you for a young whipper snapper. Thank you for your service. I am always looking for a new perspective, hence the encouragement to submit reader posts. None the less, you probably have a unique view or experience to share with us.

Thirty years, congratulations!

That business of somebody else chambering a rifle round for Ms. Palin – that can’t possibly because she doesn’t want to do it herself, and it’s trivially easy to do. There must be some particular reason for doing it that way.


No biggie. I would have drawn the same conclusion. Given the way a lot of young folks are nowadays, a lot of us older folks are “younger” than the young folks. It’s been good reading others’ input based on their unique experiences as well. It’s also been good posting here since most everyone sems to be on the same sheet of music with a few exceptions but every now and then even the ones who aren’t bring up some good points. Overall, a good patriotic group who want what’s best for the country.


Long day at work, but I wanted to add one more thought to our discussion. I agree there are more people and way more laws. Did I break any today (besides maybe going a little over the speed limit)? Who knows, I don’t. But that isn’t the whole answer. Case in point. Drunk driving is down. Why? My uneducated guess is that back in our day, unless someone died, it was no big deal. Thanks to MADD, now there is a real stigma to driving drunk. It isn’t eliminated, of course, but people who might have done it in the past use better sense, and all of us are better off for it. Also, take smoking, not an illegal activity. Why has it decreased. In spite of all the barriers, I don’t think it would have, except society really frowns upon it. Don’t site health concerns or all the rest, by that logic, drug use would also decrease. We as a society decide what we will tolerate, and the loosening of intolerance for many of the behaviors that cause us to limit the freedoms of our children, that we enjoyed as kids, began in the sixties. Again, that is one of many factors causing problems of today. Maybe not even a major one. I think it is, but it is an opinion.

By rhe way, I am late into shooting. I am a little envious of your childhood experiences in that regard. I hope ypur family is carrying on the tradition, even in these different times.

The constant, nauseating love-fest for Palin is really beyond the pale here at FA.

Aside from being attractive and the fact she didn’t kill Trig in her womb, what is it EXACTLY that makes you people so bat-shit crazy for her?

Her strong stand opposing illegal-immigration/allowing illegals to stay and become citizens? Right.

Her disdain/support for the bailouts??

Her abysmal record in supporting Senatorial candidates in this last election?

Her inability to complete even one-term as governor of Alaska?

Her campaigning with the likes of fantastic people like that dumb woman from “John and Kate make eight?”.

Her need for a teleprompter or scribbling on her hand?

She also has a horribly bad speaking voice.

Maybe it’s because she pisses off people like you. Your kind so loses it over her that you resort to repeating distortions, smears, outright lies, and just plain nitpicking while rabidly spewing your hate towards her.

Crazy Ivan, if the “Palin love” here so bothers you, feel free to leave.

@HR said,

Maybe it’s because she pisses off people like you. Your kind so loses it over her that you resort to repeating distortions, smears, outright lies, and just plain nitpicking while rabidly spewing your hate towards her.

Dream on. She doesn’t, as you so eloquently put it, “piss me off.”

She’s a flash-in the pan, a political light-weight if I ever saw one. She couldn’t handle the simpleton pressure of Alaskan bloggers so she ditched the plane in mid-air. Great leader you have there.

She’s nothing more than a celebrity whore doing her best to cash-in on the good-nature of millions of Americans who are hurting horribly. CHA-CHING!!!

Go take a look, if you dare, at her interviews with Couric in ’08. It was laughable in the extreme. She even admitted so in her own book. But no, the cult must disregard any dissension and demand the silence of the voice of reason.

Go on lemmings, the cliff is calling you.

And, HR, what “outright lies” have I stated?

Her support/opposition to illegal immigration? Shall we go there? Are you man enough to take on her OBFUSCATIONS on the issue?

Or are you just some shill who can’t sack it up?

Ivan, I usually don’t engage the purveyors of hate and bile; however I doubt that you read the article with objectivity. Palin was showcased as a positive female role model for young people and those who are disillusioned with the corruption, lies, and hatred that is being expressed by people whose lives are miserable and desperately want everyone to join them in their misery. Like the guy who has fallen down the outhouse hole, who doesn’t really want out, but tries to pull the person, who offers to help him, down in the mire rather than accepting a helping hand of kindness.

You may now take time to read the article and then offer up one of your Socialist feminist paragons of virtue, family values, work ethics, and intelligence as an alternative role model. It will be interesting for us to see who your idea of a role model for young people might be. If you can’t stay on topic, there are many Lib sites that thrive on manure throwing, stupidity, and hatred. You will be appreciated and revered on those sites that specialize in witless and inane commentary. I realize their commentary is of the lowest cerebral denominator, but unless you have something to offer, you will be much more effective there.

Skookum said:
Ivan, I usually don’t engage the purveyors of hate and bile; however I doubt that you read the article with objectivity.

And from the article:

Women and men watch the former governor of Alaska, as she helps her handsome hunk of a husband work their fishing boat, hunt the bull moose of Alaska, raise a brood of kids, fly around in her husband’s float plane, dress smartly, look beautiful, and appear on countless news shows;

sycophant, look up the definition of the word because it fits many of you to a tee.

Look, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, not that you’ll care to hear it, I like the woman, she’s better than Obama (that’s not saying much), but she’s not a leader. She caved under little or no pressure from the media in Alaska.

We need real leadership, not just a pretty face and some off-putting voice.

Your erudition has us amazed; now, your alternative role model, Ivan?

The Won did not serve his full term in the Senate. After voting present a few times he more or less quit as a senator and went politicking for the precedency. He still got paid as a senator even though he visited 57 states.

Phyllis Schlafly.

A TRUE American Icon, not a faux icon.

Oil Guy from Alberta:

The water-walker got a promotion, that is why he didn’t serve more than two years. Palin was chased from the governorship.

Can you understand the difference?

Ivan We both know where you’ve lied. I have no doubt you’ve been around the web ranting and raving against Sara and those interested in the facts have pointed it out.
You call yourself a Conservative. I’ve met people like you. You’re a nutjob, not a Conservative. For the record, I can barely stand spoon feeding half-wits like B-rob the info they should already know. I won’t waste my time on a POS like you.

Skook, one of his heros is Pat Buchanan. You know, the flaming anti-semite and Nazi sympathiser. Tells you what kind of person Ivan is. He’s the type William F. Buckley wanted to insure would be unable to claim any affiliation with the GOP because he knew what they were.
Ivan, go goose step to some PB vids. The sane people are busy.

Hard Right:

Did you just make up that name, because it really doesn’t fit you. It should be “hard centrist”.

Yes, Patrick Buchanan is a hero, not just of me, but of the working man. He’s no stooge of Goldman Sachs, Citi, BofA, etc., he advocates for the common man.

And your slur, typical of a neo-con who doesn’t have his feces together is typical of the desperate mind.

How could Pat be “anti-Semitic” if it was a RABBI who was his campaign manager for New York City in ’96?????

And using Buckley, a noted drug addict, as some source only hurts your credibility.


Yes, Patrick Buchanan is a hero, not just of me, but of the working man.

Pat Buchanan a hero?


Here is a sampling of Buchanan’s views:

On African-Americans

After Sen. Carol Moseley Braun blocked a federal patent for a Confederate flag insignia, Buchanan wrote that she was “putting on an act” by associating the Confederacy with slavery: “The War Between the States was about independence, about self-determination, about the right of a people to break free of a government to which they could no longer give allegiance,” Buchanan asserted. “How long is this endless groveling before every cry of ‘racism’ going to continue before the whole country collectively throws up?” (syndicated column, 7/28/93)

On race relations in the late 1940s and early 1950s: “There were no politics to polarize us then, to magnify every slight. The ‘Negroes’ of Washington had their public schools, restaurants, bars, movie houses, playgrounds and churches; and we had ours.” (Right from the Beginning, Buchanan’s 1988 autobiography, p. 131)

Buchanan, who opposed virtually every civil rights law and court decision of the last 30 years, published FBI smears of Martin Luther King Jr. as his own editorials in the St. Louis Globe Democrat in the mid-1960s. “We were among Hoover’s conduits to the American people,” he boasted (Right from the Beginning, p. 283).

White House adviser Buchanan urged President Nixon in an April 1969 memo not to visit “the Widow King” on the first anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination, warning that a visit would “outrage many, many people who believe Dr. King was a fraud and a demagogue and perhaps worse…. Others consider him the Devil incarnate. Dr. King is one of the most divisive men in contemporary history.” (New York Daily News, 10/1/90)

In a memo to President Nixon, Buchanan suggested that “integration of blacks and whites — but even more so, poor and well-to-do — is less likely to result in accommodation than it is in perpetual friction, as the incapable are placed consciously by government side by side with the capable.” (Washington Post, 1/5/92)

In another memo from Buchanan to Nixon: “There is a legitimate grievance in my view of white working-class people that every time, on every issue, that the black militants loud-mouth it, we come up with more money…. If we can give 50 Phantoms [jet fighters] to the Jews, and a multi-billion dollar welfare program for the blacks…why not help the Catholics save their collapsing school system.” (Boston Globe, 1/4/92)

Buchanan has repeatedly insisted that President Reagan did so much for African-Americans that civil rights groups have no reason to exist: “George Bush should have told the [NAACP convention] that black America has grown up; that the NAACP should close up shop, that its members should go home and reflect on JFK’s admonition: ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your country.’” (syndicated column, 7/26/88)

In a column sympathetic to ex-Klansman David Duke, Buchanan chided the Republican Party for overreacting to Duke and his Nazi “costume”: “Take a hard look at Duke’s portfolio of winning issues and expropriate those not in conflict with GOP principles, [such as] reverse discrimination against white folks.” (syndicated column, 2/25/89)

Trying to justify apartheid in South Africa, he denounced the notion that “white rule of a black majority is inherently wrong. Where did we get that idea? The Founding Fathers did not believe this.” (syndicated column, 2/7/90) He referred admiringly to the apartheid regime as the “Boer Republic”: “Why are Americans collaborating in a U.N. conspiracy to ruin her with sanctions?” (syndicated column, 9/17/89)

On Immigrants and People of Color

“There is nothing wrong with us sitting down and arguing that issue that we are a European country.” (Newsday, 11/15/92)

Buchanan on affirmative action: “How, then, can the feds justify favoring sons of Hispanics over sons of white Americans who fought in World War II or Vietnam?” (syndicated column, 1/23/95)

In a September 1993 speech to the Christian Coalition, Buchanan described multiculturalism as “an across-the-board assault on our Anglo-American heritage.”

“If we had to take a million immigrants in, say Zulus, next year, or Englishmen, and put them up in Virginia, what group would be easier to assimilate and would cause less problems for the people of Virginia?” (“This Week With David Brinkley,” 1/8/91)

On Jews

Buchanan referred to Capitol Hill as “Israeli-occupied territory.” (St. Louis Post Dispatch, 10/20/90)

During the Gulf crisis: “There are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the Middle East — the Israeli defense ministry and its ‘amen corner’ in the United States.” (McLaughlin Group, 8/26/90)

In a 1977 column, Buchanan said that despite Hitler’s anti-Semitic and genocidal tendencies, he was “an individual of great courage…. Hitler’s success was not based on his extraordinary gifts alone. His genius was an intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path.” (Guardian, 1/14/92)

Writing of “group fantasies of martyrdom,” Buchanan challenged the historical record that thousands of Jews were gassed to death by diesel exhaust at Treblinka: “Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody.” (New Republic, 10/22/90) Buchanan’s columns have run in the Liberty Lobby’s Spotlight, the German-American National PAC newsletter and other publications that claim Nazi death camps are a Zionist concoction.

Buchanan called for closing the U.S. Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations, which prosecuted Nazi war criminals, because it was “running down 70-year-old camp guards.” (New York Times, 4/21/87)

Buchanan was vehement in pushing President Reagan — despite protests — to visit Germany’s Bitburg cemetery, where Nazi SS troops were buried. At a White House meeting, Buchanan reportedly reminded Jewish leaders that they were “Americans first” — and repeatedly scrawled the phrase “Succumbing to the pressure of the Jews” in his notebook. Buchanan was credited with crafting Ronald Reagan’s line that the SS troops buried at Bitburg were “victims just as surely as the victims in the concentration camps.” (New York Times, 5/16/85; New Republic, 1/22/96)

After Cardinal O’Connor criticized anti-Semitism during the controversy over construction of a convent near Auschwitz, Buchanan wrote: “If U.S. Jewry takes the clucking appeasement of the Catholic cardinalate as indicative of our submission, it is mistaken. When Cardinal O’Connor of New York seeks to soothe the always irate Elie Wiesel by reassuring him ‘there are many Catholics who are anti-Semitic’…he speaks for himself. Be not afraid, Your Eminence; just step aside, there are bishops and priests ready to assume the role of defender of the faith.” (New Republic, 10/22/90)

The Buchanan ‘96 campaign’s World Wide Web site included an article blaming the death of White House aide Vincent Foster on the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad — and alleging that Foster and Hillary Clinton were Mossad spies. (The campaign removed the article after its existence was reported by a Jewish on-line news service; Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 2/21/96.)

In his September 1993 speech to the Christian Coalition, Buchanan declared: “Our culture is superior. Our culture is superior because our religion is Christianity and that is the truth that makes men free.” (ADL Report, 1994)

On Gays

In a 1972 memo to Richard Nixon, Buchanan referred to one of George McGovern’s leading financial contributors as a “screaming fairy.” (Newsday, 2/8/89) Buchanan has repeatedly used the term “sodomites,” and has referred to gays as “the pederast proletariat.” (Washington Post, 2/9/92)

“Homosexuality involves sexual acts most men consider not only immoral, but filthy. The reason public men rarely say aloud what most say privately is they are fearful of being branded ‘bigots’ by an intolerant liberal orthodoxy that holds, against all evidence and experience, that homosexuality is a normal, healthy lifestyle.” (syndicated column, 9/3/89)

In a 1977 column urging a “thrashing” of gay groups, Buchanan wrote: “Homosexuality is not a civil right. Its rise almost always is accompanied, as in the Weimar Republic, with a decay of society and a collapse of its basic cinder block, the family.” (New Republic, 3/30/92)

“Gay rights activists seek to substitute, for laws rooted in Judeo-Christian morality, laws rooted in the secular humanist belief that all consensual sexual acts are morally equal. That belief is anti-biblical and amoral; to codify it into law is to codify a lie.” (Buchanan column in Wall Street Journal, 1/21/93)

On AIDS, Buchanan wrote in 1983: “The poor homosexuals — they have declared war upon nature, and now nature is extracting an awful retribution (AIDS).” (Los Angeles Times, 11/28/86) Later that year, he demanded that New York City Ed Koch and New York Gov. Mario Cuomo cancel the Gay Pride Parade or else “be held personally responsible for the spread of the AIDS plague.” “With 80,000 dead of AIDS, our promiscuous homosexuals appear literally hell-bent on Satanism and suicide,” Buchanan wrote in 1990 (syndicated column, 10/17/90). In the 1992 campaign, he declared: “AIDS is nature’s retribution for violating the laws of nature.” (Seattle Times, 7/31/93)

On Women

“Rail as they will about ‘discrimination,’ women are simply not endowed by nature with the same measures of single-minded ambition and the will to succeed in the fiercely competitive world of Western capitalism.” (syndicated column, 11/22/83)

“The real liberators of American women were not the feminist noise-makers, they were the automobile, the supermarket, the shopping center, the dishwasher, the washer-dryer, the freezer.” (Right from the Beginning, p. 149)

“If a woman has come to believe that divorce is the answer to every difficult marriage, that career comes before children … no democratic government can impose another set of values upon her.” (Right from the Beginning, p. 341)

On Democracy

Attacking what he considers the “democratist temptation, the worship of democracy as a form of governance,” Buchanan commented: “Like all idolatries, democratism substitutes a false god for the real, a love of process for a love of country.” (Patrick J. Buchanan: From the Right, newsletter, Spring/90)

In a January, 1991 column, Buchanan suggested that “quasi-dictatorial rule” might be the solution to the problems of big municipalities and the federal fiscal crisis: “If the people are corrupt, the more democracy, the worse the government.” (Washington Times, 1/9/91) He has written disparagingly of the “one man, one vote Earl Warren system.”

In Right from the Beginning, Buchanan refers to Spanish dictator Francisco Franco as a “Catholic savior.” He called Franco, along with Chile’s Gen. Pinochet, “soldier-patriots.” (syndicated column 9/17/89) Both men overthrew democracy in their countries.

Buchanan devotes a chapter of his autobiography — “As We Remember Joe” — to defending Senator Joe McCarthy. He advocated that Nixon “burn the tapes” during Watergate, and he criticized Reagan for failing to pardon Oliver North over Iran-Contra.

Buchanan, shortly before he announced he was running for president in 1995: “You just wait until 1996, then you’ll see a real right-wing tyrant.” (The Nation, 6/26/95)

Ivan —

You have done what I never thought could be done: you elicited an opinion from Hard Right and Aye to which I 100% agree — Pat Buchanan is a very proud racist and anti-Semitic pig. His statements, his writings, even his demeanor when discussing minorities and Jews tell you very clearly where he is coming from. He is the guy who lights the burning cross, the dude who buys the paint for the swastika graffiti, they guy who raises the idea of going out gay bashing. Simply a miserable bigot and poor excuse for a Christian.

Loons are so easy to trip up. I knew if I went after “puke cannon” Ivan would out himself as needing psychiatric treatment. Like I said, Buckley had Ivan’s kind pegged.


Pat Buchanan


Simply a miserable bigot and poor excuse for a Christian.

That’s why progressives on TV made him their go-to guy for the conservative point of view for a while. But, no actual conservatives can stand the guy.

Wm T Sherman said:

That’s why progressives on TV made him their go-to guy for the conservative point of view for a while. But, no actual conservatives can stand the guy.

Real conservatives love Pat and his pro-American, anti-internationalist stand.

There is a wing of the Republican Party, the Globalist/Internationalist wing, which despises Pat for his outspoken criticism of the establishment. You and many other globalists on FA fall into that catagory.

I, like Pat and the other true Americans, are not in that catagory.

But we’re way off-topic.

Let’s stick to Palin, shall we? 😈

HR said:

Loons are so easy to trip up. I knew if I went after “puke cannon” Ivan would out himself as needing psychiatric treatment. Like I said, Buckley had Ivan’s kind pegged.

Trip up? The only one sitting there eating humble pie here on FA is you for your quoting of Buckley, the drug-addict.

Way to go Hard Center, you look up to a drug-addcit for your political guidance.

Discover the Networks, hey Ivan?

You realize of course, that if you incorporate a nonentity like me into your conspiracy theories so easily, it makes it even harder to take you seriously.

Waiter – where’s my Bilderberg salad?

Uh oh – let that slip.


Let’s stick to Palin, shall we?

Thought you might want to print and frame:

Nat Henthoff catches Krugman slipping up on the much denied and lied about death panels on Nov. 14th This Week.

In case you are wondering what that has to do with Sarah Palin, Mr. Henthoff thinks Krugman owes her an apology, so do I. Doubtful she gives a care as to whether an apology from Paul Krugman will ever happen. We all know he isn’t made that way.

Krugman “Some years down the pike,” he said, “we’re going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.” That would mean the U.S. Debt Reduction Commission “should have endorsed the panel that was part of the (Obama) health-care reform.”

Sarah Palin was one of the first, and the most resounding, to warn us of the coming of government panels to decide which of us — especially, but not exclusively, toward the end of life — would cost too much to survive.

She was mocked, scorned from sea to shining sea, including by the eminent Paul Krugman for being, he said, among those spreading “the death penalty lie” as part of “the lunatic fringe.” (Summarized in “Krugman Wants ‘Death Panels'” Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights (Nov. 15).
Fess up, Krugman, you owe Sarah Palin an apology for so often scandal-mongering her. Also, professor, aside from the abortion wars, don’t most Americans agree that the most fundamental of all our rights is the right to life? Not the government’s right to our lives.

@Skookum: Brief objection to buying in to the leftie terminology: “Alaska” is not a “reality show”. It’s a kind of documentary. A “reality show” is an elimination bout between posturing and lying characters, voting each other out etc. till one remains. Mostly scripted, kind of a nasty soap opera sense to it throughout. No resemblance whatsoever to what SP is doing.

I think Ivan is a Troll-Bot written by a Media Matters operative. The stereotypes he/it embodies are stamped with the weirdness of their ideas about knee-jerk conservatism. And some of the simple ignorance.